Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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  2. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Probably internal space;)
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  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  5. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Yes, so when removing it to match into a 14x7 Hangar door, there wont be a hullbreach.

    Even with retracting the weapon/s, the ship would only fit visualy through it, but the not-expanded-turret blocks the path.
  6. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I see; I'd not realized that retractable turrets retained the expanded hitbox when retracted. Does that hold for weapons fire too (i.e. does shooting through the blocks above a retracted turret still damage it?)?

    One suggestion, then, would be to raise the landing gear and ramp up by one block, so that the turret could become retractable. Probably that would mess with the interior some, though; well, guess I'd better download it and find out!
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  7. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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  8. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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  9. CrazyZ

    CrazyZ Captain

    Mar 13, 2018
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  10. The ANUBIS CV

    Anubis 27 Space Front Left Red Alert Pilot Shutters Open.png

    Anubis 01Space Bridge Face FrontOrbitalPatrol.png Anubis 02Space Bridge Face Front Red AlertOrbitalPatrol.png Anubis 03 Space Seated Flying Red Alert Combat Orbital Patrol.png Anubis 06 Planet Boarding Ramp Corridor.png Anubis 16 Planet Engineering O2 Tanks RCSs.png Anubis 23 Space Back Skiptracer Flying Out.png Anubis 26 Space Front.png Anubis 35 Control Panel Statistics Fully Loaded.png

    This CV was designed to be practical with regards to combat and work. Its combat priorities are maneuverability, turret field of fire maximization, and intelligent armor defense. The Anubis flies 30 m/s in all 6 directions. If you point the Anubis' nose in the general direction of a target all 22 turrets will have line of sight, even at close range (100 meters), as the photo illustrates.

    Its work priorities are convenient access and location in addition to sufficient storage. The Anubis features 1728 kSUs of storage and 192 kSUs of Ammo storage. When carrying 104 kt of cargo (maxed out) the Anubis will still fly with 22 m/s in all directions.

    Full internal and CV harvest and production functionality, as well as internal, hangar, and external full medical service access at key points of entry are also work considerations that were taken into account.

    The hangar was designed to hold two Overture One (PystonWorks) size 5 SVs with one same size Repair Bay remaining open, so you can comfortably fit three size 5 SV/HVs inside the hangar. I used the 13x7 hangar door and the net clearance is 11 CV blocks horizontal by 4 CV blocks vertical. So any SV/HV that is less than 22 meters or 44 small blocks wide and 8 meters or 16 small blocks high will fit and two can be docked in the hangar with an open same size Repair Bay.

    I recommend using the Proxima Skiptracer by Pystonworks and the Diablo Gato Elite also by Pystonworks which you can find here (Original Proxima Skiptracer by Pystonworks) and here (Original Diablo Gato Elite by Pystonworks) in conjunction with my Anubis CV. They are not updated for Alpha 9.x, but you can find both of them updated for Alpha 9.x by me here (Proxima Skiptracer Updated for 9.x) and here (Diablo Gato Elite Updated for 9.x).

    They look great with my Anubis CV in the photo and they fit perfectly with full 3rd person vision inside the Anubis' hangar while driving them. Your 3rd person view will jump under the seat while these vehicles are near the hangar door or walls. Just move towards the center of the hangar and/or lower the height of the vehicle then pop out and back into 3rd person view to reset it. You will learn the good spots on your first try.

    The Anubis was also designed to be as immersive as possible. This CV features fully functional shutters on every window and a Red Alert function that over rides local shutter and hangar door control, except for the bridge, and switches ship wide lighting to flashing red lights.

    There is a Flight Lights lever with a sun symbol covering it on the bridge ceiling behind the pilot seat that will keep both the white and the red flashing bridge lights on while you are seated and flying. This allows you to activate Red Alert while flying and have the flashing red lights surround you while you fight enemy POIs, vessels, and ground troops in 1st person, as shown in the photo (a lot of fun with Space weapons enabled on Planets).

    There are lever controlled hangar door sensor overrides for when you are docked.

    The design features classic central corridor architecture with access to all the rooms.

    The Anubis includes a ship wide formidable sentry gun system that has one control lever on the bridge.

    You will also find a fully block textured engineering section with port, starboard, keel and upper decks filled with pipes linking every L Thruster to its own fuel tank.

    In addition the Anubis features a six block high cascaded boarding ramp that demonstrates how to make a long, high boarding ramp by cascading multiple boarding ramps together and applying some simple Signal Logic.

    The Signal Logic is advanced and if you study it until you understand the repeated OR, AND, and XOR combos you will be able to design all the signal logic functionality that is useful for CVs.

    The Signal Logic is written in the order of the CV rooms from front to back, port to starboard. For example the Red Alert functionality is a Bridge centered function so it is the first set of function Signal Logic gates that appear in the Signal Logic Tree in the Control Panel.

    Because each room has its own shutter door control lever and red lights that will be overridden and activated respectively by the Red Alert function, there will be additional Red Alert Signal Logic gate entries in the section of the Signal Logic Tree that relates to a particular room. This is so that Red Alert can override the desired local room devices such as lights, shutters, and hangar doors.

    To make Red Alert turn white lights off and turn red lights on I need to send the OFF of FALSE signal to the white lights and the ON or TRUE signal to the red lights. So I join the inverted Red Alert Signal Logic Handle with the room light sensor Signal Logic Handle via a AND gate to produce the white lights Signal Logic Handle for that room.

    While Red Alert is OFF, the AND gate is recieving an ON signal, so whenever the light sensor sends an ON, the AND gate will pass it through. Activating Red Alert will cut off the light sensor access through the AND gate to the white lights.

    Then I join the normal Red Alert Signal Logic Handle to the room light sensor signal via another AND gate to produce the red lights Signal Logic Handle. Now whenever I am in the room and I have Red Alert activated, the red flashing lights will be on.

    To make Red Alert override a local window shutter lever I need to send the OFF or FALSE signal in order to close the window shutters, and I want the Ship Shutters and local room shutter lever Signal Logic Handles to toggle shared control of the off signal. So I join the inverted Ship Shutters Signal Logic Hangle with the room shutter lever Signal Logic Handle via a XOR gate to produce the Ship Shutters/room lever equal access, toggleable room shutter Signal Logic Hangle.

    When Inverted Ship Shutters is OFF, its actually ON, keeping the shutters open. Turning Inverted Ship Shutters ON turns its signal OFF, which means both XOR inputs are truly OFF, sending a OFF signal to the room shutters, causing them to close. If the room lever is switched ON while Inverted Ship Shutters is OFF and therefore sending an ON signal to the XOR gate, the XOR receives two ON inputs, which results in an OFF signal which closes the shutters. Further flipping of either input will simply toggle back and forth, allowing either of them to close and open the shutters.

    Then I join that "XOR Cap Quarters Ship Shutters Lever" Signal Logic Handle with the old faithful Red Alert Inverted via the usual over ride AND gate to create the room shutters Signal Logic Handle that they will follow. Red Alert Inverted is ON when its actually OFF, allowing both Ship Shutters and the room lever to communicate with the room shutters through the AND gate. Turning Red Alert ON will turn Red Alert Inverted OFF, shutting down the AND gate and sending the OFF signal to the shutters which will close.

    Now activating Red Alert will activate the flashing red lights and close the shutters, and neither Ship Shutters nor the local room shutter lever will be able to open the room shutters when Red Alert is active.

    To further enhance the functionality of this light/shutter/Red Alert system, I want the sensor activated bridge lights to stay on while I am seated and flying so I join a Flight Lights lever Signal Logic Handle with the bridge light sensor Signal Logic Handle via a OR gate to produce the new bridge white and red light activating Signal Logic Handle.

    I then substitute this new bridge sensor OR Flight Lights lever Signal Logic Handle into the bridge light sensor position in the Inverted Red Alert AND gate that produces the bridge white lights Signal Logic Handle and the normal Red Alert AND gate that produces the bridge red lights Signal Logic Handle.

    Now I can flip the Flight Lights lever on and fly the ship into battle with all shutters closed except for the pilot and bridge shutters if desired and the bridge red lights flashing around me in 1st person, as depicted in the photo.

    When you check the Signal Logic Handles of the devices such as lights, shutters, and hangar doors, and cross reference them with the related Signal Logic gates in the Signal Logic Tree, and you read all the parts of the function you are tracing, such as the ship wide Red Alert and Captain's Quarters Blue Light functions, in all the different places where they appear within the Signal Logic Tree you will be able to visualize any possible solution for a device function that you want to logically script for a CV. POI design includes special blocks that allow for different types of logical functionality, such as trap blocks.

    When you are configuring Signal Logic gates in the Signal Logic Tree and you are searching the drop down list for a particular Signal Logic Handle, remember that the drop down list orders them by device/physical location and then Signal Logic Gate Outputs/order of appearance in the Signal Logic Tree. Devices go first, in the order of their physical location on the vehicle. Then Signal Logic Gate outputs are listed, by the order in which they are positioned in the Signal Logic Tree.

    Remembering this will make it easy to find a Signal Logic Handle when you have 100 or so entries in the drop down list if you configure your logic throughout your ship in practical order following an established front back left right up down system of procedure for order of production.

    If a function like Hangar doors is one of the last things you configured, and you did it all at once, then you can use the slider to go to the end of the device Signal Logic Handle section to find device signals and the end of the entire drop down list to find gate Signal Logic Handles that pertain to functions that occur in the hangar.

    All levers are tagged with the most intuitively corresponding symbol possible. If you can't figure out what a lever does, just check its name in Devices or its Signal Logic Handle in Signal Logic in the Control Panel, which will be identical.

    Turrets are added to their folders from front to back, port to starboard, and top to bottom, so if you want to sit and use a turret to zoom in on something from afar, you can easily find the turret that is located where it can have full view of what you want to see. The first laser turret in the Pulse Laser Turrets folder is the front, port, top turret on the CV. The last laser turret is the rear, starboard, bottom laser turret.

    Blueprint included.

    Attached Files:

    Atomino, Silwer, JA_ and 2 others like this.
  11. gamer1000k

    gamer1000k Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Has anyone made a vertically-oriented CV specifically designed around minimizing the contact patch with the ground?

    The problem I have with CVs is finding a large enough relatively level area near a POI or ore deposit that doesn't leave the CV tilted at weird angles, making it difficult to walk through doors or hovering just off the ground and burning fuel.

    So far the Polaris CV (or the tier 2 prefab that's based on the Polaris) has the best design in this regard with a relatively compact base with a HV hangar and most everything else in the wings and superstructure, but even that CV still has problems finding a relatively level landing spot on many planets.

    Thinking of hacking together a crude HV hauler based around this idea with enough cargo space to bring a HV miner or small hovertank if something like this doesn't already exist.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There are one or two on the Workshop which have been published not long ago, one is based on the Mothership from another lost somewhere in the dark space of my brain...played that ages ago:rolleyes:. The other one looks similar. both have minimal foot prints.
    lets see if i can find them...

    No. 1
    No. 2

    You may also take a look here
  13. When landing a CV or SV regardless of vessel design you can quickly land level and shut down thrusters by doing the following: find a space with no trees under the vessel footprint and once touching the ground press the down C key and the auto-level O key simultaneously until the vessel stops moving. If the vessel does not stop moving, you have a big rock under you, so move one vessel's length and try again. Then exit the Pilot Seat with the F key while still pressing the O auto-level key and turn off all thrusters. This works like a charm because Empyrion has very limited vessel physics. This is also a great way to find a spot where your landing gear are actually over land of equal height. But if you want to be able to play without breaking the immersion by spending ten minutes trying to land level because the landing gear has no hydraulic auto leveling function, just press C and O then stand and OFF the thrusters. It takes 2 seconds and most of the time your boarding ramp bottom will be within a meter or less of the ground.

    If you want to design a ship that has a better ability to match terrain for a real level landing, you want to focus on the following two priorities: a minimal number of landing gear, ideally 3, and placing the landing gear a block or two below the bottom of the vessel's keel, or bottom of the hull. No design will overcome a long incline. The most common obstacles are big rocks and trees. Most land consists of rolling low hills. What you want is a greater chance to have your landing gear match three spots of land at equal height. Every additional piece of landing gear decreases the probability that all your landing gear will touch matching height land.

    My Anubis CV has a long, wide flat profile and the keel is only one block above the ground, yet because I only have three landing gear I actually randomly touch down on spots that are almost level under my landing gear more than half the time. If I were to stick a block between the 3 landing gear and the keel I would not have to worry about big rocks any more, just big trees, but it would not look right. You have to incorporate giraffe style landing gear into a less conventional vessel design.

    Fitting a large CV between the large trees in a forest is actually quite easy, but you can't move around looking for landing gear matching level terrain. So just use the C and O key stand turn off thrusters method.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2019
    Kasero, jsivak and SGP Corp like this.
  14. gamer1000k

    gamer1000k Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I like that first one, the Homeworld mothership is a perfect example of what I was looking for. Will need to check it out.

    Thanks for the tips, I'll give that a try with the ships I have now, maybe modify my Polaris and see if I can get a better landing setup.
  15. Note my corrected mistake. I typed that you should use the Down S Key and Auto Level O Key. The Down key is the C key, not the S key. I corrected my post after doing the C O F key level landing method in my game. Its so instinctive I sometimes forget which key I am pushing when I put it into words. Don't forget to press the Down C key and the Auto-Level O key simultaneously, then once your vessel stops moving, release the Down C key and press the Stand F key while continuing to press the Auto-Level O key. This will get you out of the Pilot Seat with your vessel level and as low to the ground as possible.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2019
    jsivak likes this.
  16. gamer1000k

    gamer1000k Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    So another random CV building question.

    Is it possible to build a CV that lands in one orientation and flies in another? So for example, it looks like a normal long CV, but lands on its tail, and has appropriate elevators and such inside so players can get back to the bridge? Or are there too many blocks that are dependent on the original starter block orientation?

    Edit: Answered my own question with a bit of experimentation. It looks like this is entirely possible, including docking HVs/SVs on the walls/ceilings of hangars. Will need to modify some designs to use this to carry things more efficiently.
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. Assmann

    Assmann Ensign

    Apr 5, 2019
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  18. Assmann

    Assmann Ensign

    Apr 5, 2019
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    Another sneak peek ;) 20190527205416_1.jpg
    NOLOS, Sephrajin, ravien_ff and 2 others like this.
  19. Assmann

    Assmann Ensign

    Apr 5, 2019
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    Guys how can you finish the interieur in those big ships... i cant see an end
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Took me 4 months to complete the interior of this big boy.
    13 Chrono_2019-05-27_13-12-40.png
    That's next to the biggest prefab in the game.

    For one this big divide it up into sections, then those into decks. Each deck should be at least 2 large blocks tall. Then put in one or two main corridors down the middle of each deck to access individual rooms.
    If you can't think of what to put in all those decks, just think of what a real ship would need/have. Bedrooms, recreation areas (pool, gym, lounge, etc...), training areas (flight simulators, bridge crisis simulators), communications areas, meeting rooms, mess halls, hydroponics (farm), giant generators and turbines, laundry rooms, toilets, bathrooms (they are different), pilot briefing rooms, store rooms, oxygen purifiers, power distribution, heavy weapons arrays and heat sinks (necessary in a vacuum).
    jmtc, ravien_ff, Sephrajin and 9 others like this.
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