Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. CatmanDoes

    CatmanDoes Lieutenant

    Nov 16, 2017
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    I'd like to see a small sentry gun for SVs. Not looking to take anything away from HVs but I often find myself landed in my SV and under attack, would really like a small defensive turret on my SV to either provide some back up or help it protect itself from drones.

    Even if the turret only worked when the ship wasn't moving and you were very limited on how many you could place - that'd be a massive bonus.
    DerAralAal, Pear78 and TmikeS3 like this.
  2. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I actually, would not mind being abet to add one or 2 mini gun turrets. maybe something like a limited arc Turret maybe with something a little larger then the mini gun that would work as a tail gunner think the tail gunner on the B-17 and the B-29 and maybe some of the Early models of b-52.

    I also would like to have a sentry gun on a HV something for like a light scout hv with really only Anti personnel capabilities, and anti wild life primarily and only limited anti drone
    DerAralAal, CatmanDoes and Pear78 like this.
  3. CatmanDoes

    CatmanDoes Lieutenant

    Nov 16, 2017
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    I'd also like buff type blocks. These would buff the stats of turrets and shields depending on their type. For example:
    • Minigun Turret rotation speed +10%
    • Laser Turret ROF +10%
    • Minigun turret projectile speed +10%
    • Plasma Turret automatic fire
    • Laser turret range +10%
    • Shield hitpoints +1000
    • Shield recharge rate +10%
    These would naturally consume lots of additional power, let's say 5kPUh when switched on for each turret they're buffing. They would divide the buff for each turret so say you have a +10% ROF for plasma, you have 5 plasma turrets, each turret actually gets +2% ROF increase.

    I've been playing exp10.2 quite a lot and the shield system is great, I like the warm up and I'm thinking that would apply great to these "buff" type blocks too. As they'd consume a lot of power you wouldn't want them switched on all the time but switching them on meaning having to wait for them to come online.

    My thinking is that in order to make your CV/base/HVs quite deadly you practically have to deck it out with the max number of every turret. It'd be nice not to be untethered from that. With this you could have a CV with just one hyper buffed turret. Or you have a battleship fully loaded with with all the buffs but you power consumption is so through the roof you can only afford to have it fully powered up for a few minutes.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Different LCD sizes and shapes
    We need sloped LCDs in both left, right and vertically. (You cannot rotate LCDs, unless they add the ability to rotate an LCD's text)
    A mirrored version of the small left-aligned LCD. Because the world doesn't rely solely on left-sided doors.

    Most importantly, better LCD functions. Smaller text options and longer character-per-line limits. Even using cheaty codes in LCDs to forcibly change the size or style of the text doesn't work when the number of characters per line gets cut off after 10 characters with over a meter of space to fill once those codes are used.
    Track Driver, Morrigan and Pear78 like this.
  5. Morrigan

    Morrigan Lieutenant

    Jun 12, 2017
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    I think that all structures (Including vehicles) should have the option to mount "manned" weapon turrets counting separate from automated weapons and taking up no computer power from the core. As things stand in an HV a passenger can (inefficiently) take over from the AI turrets, and pretend they're helping in defense, but an SV passenger is completely helpless and at the mercy of the pilot. A door gunner position on an SV or an additional turret backing up automated defenses will allow passengers to a) feel like they're actually contributing and b) have a LITTLE control over their continued survival during a firefight.
    Pear78 likes this.
  6. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I wouldnt mind making bombers for more than 1 person
    for now you can have weapons pointing to the rear and if you add a passenger seat facing the rear, they can use those weapons.
    (unless this got changed, but it used to be possible)
    TmikeS3 likes this.
  7. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    Hey, @Pear78, I was looking for a suggestions thread to make mock ups for the equip or wished for equip, based on fans' wishes, and I saw this pic. Is it possible with POV set to 40, you take some screen shots of the blocks that are "missing" and I'll make mock ups for the block thread? Hummel is watching that thread now...
  8. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Im currently not building anything new.. I have so many builds that need posting on the workshop and a few that need the shields added/some work.. when I come across missing blocks I will surely do so.
  9. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Ever thought about working on a custom server?
    I'm totally with you about having a more complex combat system, but i'm afraid we might need to wait for the final steps of devellopement, when it comes to balancing. Actually most the things you mentioned are easily to realize with the config (except the splitted buffs). You can set custom values for rate of fire, etc. And also you can put all turrets into one group for example if you just want a total number of turrets and not just a certain amount of this and that.

    I would for example love to have some shield bypassing projectiles to give sv's a valuable place in combat and make it possible to reactivate cv weapons on planet, by just making base shields stronger.

    Antother thing you need to know is that minigun/cannon turret as well as miniguns and pulse laser are hit scanning weapons and just use tracers, wich actually are really slow and don't come with a high rendering distance. My testing showed that a good tracer speed would start at 2000m/s, even if its far beyond the speed of rl projectiles, but the tracers would hit the target, so you would at least see whats happening.
    Also ai contolled minigun turrets still can't use automatic fire, since they seem to be limited to the speed the sound loop can be started to play over and over.

    So the accuracy of those turrets is more about rotation speed and how much you turn your own ship.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  10. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Yeah, custom weapon groups would be a nice solution for that i can imagine. Also a turret mode for vessels would be nice. So all selected turrets aim for the crossair for example... Maybe as base mode untill a targeting computer gets installed and automates the turrets.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
    Warmonk likes this.
  11. DerAralAal

    DerAralAal Lieutenant

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Well. actually you can paste turrets on sv's. However, testing all that stuff showed that sv's don't have a turret ai. Means they won't fire unless a player uses them manually.
    This shouldn't be much work however, considering that turret ai still exists and basically just needs to be kinda pasted on sv's.
    And yeah, would love that too. Would open up so many possibilities for all kinds of custom balanced scenarios....
  12. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    k, I saved the comment(s) you made about the curving sweeps, I just wanted a starting side to ending side to make it less a guess from the pics you've already shown. Especially since I'd like more curvy things as a counterpoint to the aggressive hard edges.
    Pear78 likes this.
  13. Warmonk

    Warmonk Ensign

    Apr 29, 2019
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    With the upcoming volume and weight limits I was thinking an ore hopper might be cool. Especially if it could be towed behind your hv. It would make a lot of sense that big bulky objects would have to be transported on the ground.
    Second although somewhat related the the first would be rapid transport e.g. Monorail or vacuum tubes
  14. Warmonk

    Warmonk Ensign

    Apr 29, 2019
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    Also if wings could provide some lift when moving forward to save a bit of fuel
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Upcoming weight limits?
    Weight limits have been in for a few months now. Since A9 hit the public release. A10 is about to go into public now.
  16. Warmonk

    Warmonk Ensign

    Apr 29, 2019
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    Maybe I’m looking at volume? Why are my cargo boxes so far over capacity?
  17. You have to choose to turn it on or not. It's in the difficulty settings when starting or resuming a game.
    Jacoviz and Vermillion like this.
  18. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I would love for the new corridor blocks to come in "double wall" version too, with some corners, crossings, etc.
    with the new O2/airflow system this should be possible too now!
  19. zytukin

    zytukin Lieutenant

    Jun 20, 2019
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    Freeform block building. Set 4, 6, or 8 corners at 1/4, 1/2, and full block distances and game generates a block to fill the space. Less searching for the perfect shape, less hassle for the devs to try and add every possible shape (probably hundreds or thousands overall), easier and more flexible building for players. Keep and expand on the predefined shapes as well though, it would be annoying to have to freeform build every single cube. This would solve having to design around un-added blocks and block shapes that might never be added because their usage wouldn't be common enough to warrant them taking up space in the listing.

    Stacking blocks that don't take up a full block space. Like the ramp blocks and cube quarter/eighth blocks. Blocks that are small enough to put multiples in one cube space without overlapping. Or even better, let them overlap so players can combine them to create unique shapes to fit specific builds and layouts.
  20. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    there have been a lot of nice transition blocks added.. but Im still missing shapes. like sleeker slopes.. round shapes bigger than 1 block.. might be opening a whole new can of worms.. but I want more sleekness mainly ;)

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