Well well well....what a day. Got home from work and started working on the base. Thought I would make a basement but it filled with water (or so I thought. Water was on tile deep). Got bored and figured I needed the T2 drill. But needed materials. So loaded up the hv and headed off to the Mine POI. Shotgun and light armour. Died a few times, learnt lot about sentry turrets and scorpions. Until I fell through the floor and ran out of ammo trying to find my way out. Eventually died and gave up trying to find my box. Went back to working on my base until a new player joined the server. He was being chased and killed by a drone so headed off to help him with my hv. He had to hide behind a tree until I got there. Decided to build his base close to mine for protection so he hopped in the hv and off we went. Or not as he wasnt in a passenger seat so was left behind. Solved that and headed home. He started building and he headed off to the mine, which he found easy as I had killed most things. Heard his bike returning then silence until his message popped up that he had fallen into a hole in the lake and broken his leg......oops maybe I should have told him about my basement....my bad. Spent the rest of the evening raiding the reactor.
Planning on making purple and red versions of this Crystalline moon with different POIs and resources. I'm thinking one with a lot of Pentaxid (purple), one with Promethium (blue), and one with Zascosium (red) with some difficult POIs you have to take on to get at the deposits.
How did you do those vertical rock formations? Edit: Kinda dazzled by them, should be; "How did you *make those vertical rock formations?"
It's a trap! They are really Zyrax bases disguised to look like rocks to prey on unsuspecting players looking for rocks to mine!
Ok the latest version of the Phantom-X Hover Racer is in stores! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777163921
4 More Descent 'critters' today And remodeled most of the original ships to give them internal cockpits. Only 2 left using external cockpits because they are too small to have an internal cockpit.
Spent 6 more hours to finalize the outer walls of the Base, placed some of those new wall/corridor Blocks and two more Turrets (Rocket). Still a lot of texturing to be done but I think you get the picture.
Survival today. It sucked. I found just how badly configured base attacks are when on two seperate occasions a couple of drones destroyed both of my bases. My old one as I was about to pack it up and my new one when I got back there. I discovered that turrets' damage has been nerfed so badly that coupled with their reaction time and the spawn distance of enemies in a base attack they're completely incapable of doing anything but getting blown up. It only takes 4 rockets to destroy a turret, so you can tell that one's doomed by the time those rockets hit it. In the end I stopped the invasion basically alone, with no help from any of my turrets using nothing more than a T2 assault rifle and a T2 shotgun. Though technically I didn't stop the invasion. I lost my core midway through and replaced it after taking out the ground troops (which spawned right outside the base btw, behind the range of the sentry guns). This screenshot is the last drone who left after the core was taken and came back when I replaced it. Not a good day.
I really like the coloring and textures on that last image. I have been feverishly searching for a base to convert to an abandoned something or other. I will badly mangle your beautiful creation, and add a dungeon like aspect to the underneath, but any chance you might be able to link that here? No promises of course, I keep picking up bases and then talking myself out of them. Offer is still on the table for anyone/everyone else; looking for more established BA's that are theme'd into "something" be it mines, or trader stations, or military bases.