[TOOL] EAH | Empyrion Admin Helper v1.61.x

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Zar

    Zar Ensign

    Feb 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    I use public and admin channels.
    I can see messages from discord public channel ingame chat.
    I can see messages from Server in discord public channel.
    I can`t see messages from other players in discord public channel.
  2. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Try to give the bot in discord Administrator rights. Its a permission issue on your discord bot
  3. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Patch notes - (Alpha 10 only!)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    • Added: More Start Options: Master_ConfigPath, Sync_PW and Telnet_PW
    • Added: Save config after start
    • Added: StartBatch change timeout to ping
    • Added: New Items
    Zar and Taelyn like this.
  4. Zar

    Zar Ensign

    Feb 25, 2017
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    hmm, I`ve set to bot`s role all rights on public channel, is this enough?

    Also, why then bot can send messages from Server to discord, but not from other players in game chat?
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    It should, tho I've had issues in the past aswell with some of my bots so I just gave them full admin rights. Solved allot of issues
  6. mmaster

    mmaster Ensign

    Jun 9, 2019
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    Hey man i wanna ask a question im trying to use this.
    i have a dedicated server with the game running.
    i finally made this tool to work with the gameserver so on that dedicated server its all working.
    how can i remotely connect from the full version on my pc to the full version on the dedicated server to control it.?
    i could not find any clue how to use that in the documentation
  7. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

  8. mmaster

    mmaster Ensign

    Jun 9, 2019
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  9. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Open Config Master. Go to Master/Slave
    Do what it says

    Sync IP : IP of your server
    Port: Port you want to use
    Password : Password you want to give it

    Open Slave Fill in the EXACT same info


    The guide tells you that ;)
  10. mmaster

    mmaster Ensign

    Jun 9, 2019
    Likes Received:
    ok i just filled in
    Master config dir blanc (green)
    master set to master
    Password set to 12345678
    Sync ip to server ip where the master is running
    sync port is 12356
    starter service port blanc
    slave rights all

    i enter the same on the other one but it still doesnt work.
  11. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    You need to forward the port in on your server
  12. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Keep in mind to also put the server ip in the server "sync ip". So not
    And as mentioned make sure the firewall is et right.

    To test it maybe also leave the password blank. Just click on the Password and dont enter anything but just click ok. (both on Client and Server). then restart both tools.
    Taelyn likes this.
  13. mmaster

    mmaster Ensign

    Jun 9, 2019
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    sadly portforwarding did not help
  14. Inigo Montoya

    Inigo Montoya Ensign

    Oct 31, 2017
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    I've enabled the Chatbot which allows all the CB commands to work except for CB:Survival, it states: "Sorry, CB:Survival is disabled on this server." anytime someone tries to use it. Any idea how to fix the survival command?
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2019
  15. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    You either need to set the survival money in EAH or write the Survival.xml inventory template what people would get when they call it.

    Without setting one of those or both EAH disables CB:Survival
  16. Inigo Montoya

    Inigo Montoya Ensign

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Setting survival money fixed the issue thanks! Might want to consider a mouse over popup on the Survival Money text. "required for cb:survival" or something. I didn't even think about trying that. Thanks for the quick response!
  17. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

    • Moderator
    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    just a small update in between. Finally I had time to fix those nasty filter issues :). Also due to increasing Ghost ships I implemented a function to find them and also the possibility to delete the right one.


    Patch notes - (Alpha 10 only!)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time.
    Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    • Added: New Items
    • Added: Logs and Statistics\Duplicate ship finder --> finds ghost ships (same ID) created by a bug
    • Added: Structure log: Allows to delete a ship from the "Old Playfield". This is helpful in deleting the right ghost ship
    • Fixed: Some synchronisation issues
    • Fixed: Filter issues and implemented new filter functions
    [BB]Drifter and ravien_ff like this.
  18. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Did you push this to Steam so users doing a Validate will automatically get the updated files? Thx
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Its not on steam i believe till the next update
  20. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    OK, had this running just fine until I tried to set up the Discord hook.

    When I attempted to do that, EAH crashed. After bringing it back up, it appears to be receiving data from the server, but the icon background indicates that it is not connected.

    Until this morning, it was showing all green on the slave, but the master appeared as shown above. Today I cannot get the slave to sync to the master either.

    I have attempted wiping all Discord data in EAH.
    I have attempted to re-sync both with a password, and without. The slave just appears as below.

    Another oddity is that some players show twice in the list on the master, and chats are sometimes duplicated on the slave. Neither happens 100% of the time though.

    I've tried verifying the files, and have performed a manual download as well.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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