Multi-planet playfield?

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by SylenThunder, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Ok, so I have been wanting to add a PvP playfield into my server. The original idea was to just stick an empty playfield in a remote area of the system, and enable it for PvP.

    When looking for information on how to do this, I came across the following thread...

    So now I'm curious. Anyone know how I would go about sticking the first attempt with 9 planets into an existing playfield? I have a mostly empty system with nothing but a space station already that would work out perfectly. When I'm looking at this configuration though, it almost appears as if it's a full system.
  2. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    OK, so tried working it out for myself. I think I've got the basics of how to edit the data in sectors.yaml. I do notice that the format of the file is completely different. I imagine this is likely due to a change between versions.

    So far I think I'm taking this code...
    # Valis Vega Station
      - Coordinates: [-41, 0, 139]
        SectorMapType: Station
        Color: "0.7,0.5,0"
        Icon: Kite
        Allow: [Mergon Orbit, Cauldron Orbit, Sarojin Orbit]
        Deny: [Dail Orbit, Shyam Orbit, Kliasmo Orbit, Piese Orbit, Haresh Xi Station, Vanmali Orbit, Ardiffus Orbit, Jolana Orbit, Hypanos Orbit, Roaz Nu Station, Soloan Orbit, Vortor Orbit, Rontat Orbit, Attet Orbit, Beetlenox Orbit, Balavan Orbit, Effina Asteroid Field, Juniva Asteroid Field, Ekis Asteroid Field, Slek Asteroid Field, Graymet Orbit, Zolaes Orbit, Zikkat Orbit, Tathagat Orbit, Kesava Orbit, Rectezz Orbit, Yeudoi Orbit, Zhiat Orbit, Kaezi Zeta Station, Risstas Delta Station, Fiernas Orbit, Shoolin Orbit, Martek Orbit, Evenir Orbit]
          - ['0, 0, 0', Valis Vega Station, Valis Vega Station]
    And changing it to this....
    # Valis Vega PvP
      - Coordinates: [-41, 0, 139]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Color: "0.7,0.5,0"
        Icon: Pentagon
        Allow: [Sarojin Orbit]
        Deny: [Mergon Orbit, Cauldron Orbit, Dail Orbit, Shyam Orbit, Kliasmo Orbit, Piese Orbit, Haresh Xi Station, Vanmali Orbit, Ardiffus Orbit, Jolana Orbit, Hypanos Orbit, Roaz Nu Station, Soloan Orbit, Vortor Orbit, Rontat Orbit, Attet Orbit, Beetlenox Orbit, Balavan Orbit, Effina Asteroid Field, Juniva Asteroid Field, Ekis Asteroid Field, Slek Asteroid Field, Graymet Orbit, Zolaes Orbit, Zikkat Orbit, Tathagat Orbit, Kesava Orbit, Rectezz Orbit, Yeudoi Orbit, Zhiat Orbit, Kaezi Zeta Station, Risstas Delta Station, Fiernas Orbit, Shoolin Orbit, Martek Orbit, Evenir Orbit]
          - ['0, 0, 0', Andromeda Cluster, Andromeda Cluster]
          - ['0, 0, 0', CORE Home World, CORE Home World]
          - ['0, 0, 12000', CORE M227, CORE M227]
          - ['12000, 0, 0', CORE P455, CORE P455]
          - ['0, 0,-1200 0', CORE X577, CORE X577]
          - ['-12000, 0, 0', CORE V100, CORE V100]
          - ['8000, 0, 0', CORE C139, CORE C139]
          - ['0, 0, 8000', CORE S534, CORE S534]
          - ['-8000, 0, 0', CORE M231, CORE M231]
          - ['0, 0, -8000', CORE M333, CORE M333]
    And if that holds up, I'll simply need to figure out how to make the planet playfields for the current version.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Playfields are separate play areas of the game. Each moon, planet, and area of space is its own separate playfield and you cannot combine them in any way. You can only have 1 playfield per playfield. :D

    I think what you mean is you want to have a planet with multiple moons?
    If that is the case, it's best to just follow the example for an already-existing sector entry for a planet and moon.

    As an example, this is the sector entry for a starting planet that has 2 moons from one of my save games:

    # Julop
      - Coordinates: [81, -11, -46]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Color: "0.04,0.8,0.1"
        Icon: Circle
        Allow: [Breel Asteroid Field, Meratinu Zeta Station]
          - ['0, 0, 0', Julop, Julop, 'Human:1']
          - ['6423, -17089, 200', Julop I Moon, Julop I Moon]
          - ['-5992, -7978, -10182', Julop II Moon, Julop II Moon]
          - ['0, 0, 0', Julop Orbit, Julop Orbit]
    Note that the planet playfield comes first, then the moons (moons are basically planets, you can make them whatever size and type you want just like a planet), and then last is the orbit playfield.
  4. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Yes that's basically it, but instead of moons, each is it's own planet. In what I was attempting, we have a central planet with a surrounding asteroid field, and then a ring of planet-moons around it. I intended to have each planet type in the system.
  5. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Oh, and according to the Wiki, I should be able to use coords, name, biome for the planet info, and I believe it will auto-generate them based on that data. Have to test though. It also has the orbit listed first, and not last. I notice that in my current file it is last, so I'll need to move the orbit down.
  6. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Got it working.

    # Hades-PvP
      - Coordinates: [-41, 0, 139]
        SectorMapType: Planet
        Color: "0.7,0.5,0"
        Icon: Circle
        Allow: [Ardiffus Orbit, Vanmali Orbit]
        Deny: [Mergon Orbit, Cauldron Orbit, Dail Orbit, Shyam Orbit, Kliasmo Orbit, Piese Orbit, Haresh Xi Station, Vanmali Orbit, Sarojin Orbit, Jolana Orbit, Hypanos Orbit, Roaz Nu Station, Soloan Orbit, Vortor Orbit, Rontat Orbit, Attet Orbit, Beetlenox Orbit, Balavan Orbit, Effina Asteroid Field, Juniva Asteroid Field, Ekis Asteroid Field, Slek Asteroid Field, Graymet Orbit, Zolaes Orbit, Zikkat Orbit, Tathagat Orbit, Kesava Orbit, Rectezz Orbit, Yeudoi Orbit, Zhiat Orbit, Kaezi Zeta Station, Risstas Delta Station, Fiernas Orbit, Shoolin Orbit, Martek Orbit, Evenir Orbit]
          - ['0, 0, 0', Hades-PvP, Alien]
          - ['12000, 2000, 0', Aphrodite, Ocean]
          - ['0, -4000, 12000', Apollo, TemperateSwamp]
          - ['-12000, 3000, 0', Ares, Desert]
          - ['0, -1000, -12000', Artemis, Lava]
          - ['8000, -500, 8000', Athena, BarrenMetal]
          - ['8000, 1500, -8000', Demeter, Temperate]
          - ['-8000, -1200, 8000', Dionysus, Barren]
          - ['-8000, 5000, -8000', Zeus, Temperate]
          - ['0, 0, 0', Hades-PvP Orbit, SpaceOrbit]

  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Did that playfield, the space one there all in, lag ?
  8. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Nope. It runs pretty smooth.

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