What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    In order to test an issue I turned off my the shields and turrets then flew into Zirax territory.
    Once I was there, I allowed them to use me as target practice.

    I'm really hoping that "Repair to template" has been fixed.

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
    Na_Palm, Fractalite, malrose1 and 2 others like this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It looks awesome! Very creative use for the rock textures there!
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Tyrax Lightning and Sephrajin like this.
  4. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    Oh, don't start with wardrobe and costuming, accessories and make up...my nieces will spend all day giving me suggestions. I thought the skirt was ok, because given the other options I have, that's the most "professional" looking. You didn't mention the pumps, and nowadays, women so rarely wear heals, it's funny to watch them try to walk in them...but I think that's harder to do in crouch than ensuring your dress doesn't rise up to far...(hard to say, given I don't cross dress). Normally, when animating, I just use a model naked. It's the least distracting and most focusing way to work for me, and like that, no textures, because with textures, it's VERY distracting. I got them to look photorealistic...and Idk why we don't see them more often in media...or we DO, but they are not disclosed, and we are watching fabricated realities way more often than just in playing games.

    I just got Marvelous Designer 8, and will make clothes soon...unless the nieces find out and then I'll get bogged down on suggestions. I never realized how seriously warpaint and clothes/accessories were taken by women. I just brush my hair, brush my beard, look like some old west character actor verified in the mirror, and go about my business.

    I'm currently (starting today) working on a version of their armor, such that I can render it and maybe when I model their stuff notice things I wouldn't have before (which has happened), and offer them my findings, to wit, they'll quickly disregard, because I think they think I have nefarious/ulterior (? looks wrong) motive(s) other than using CGI as a prophylaxis to age related dementia...sucks for me, cause I thought it would be a win-win, if I could help them in a small/trivial way. I think it's all about "who owns it," and Idc, but they don't think I don't care...

    I am starting to use Unity for more than machinima, so I'll start to render this stuff not from Cinema 4D, but in Unity itself...once I stop having to fight the software, roll it back to 2018.3...from 2019.10 or f10 or something, because they broke their own stuff (e.g., Unity Recorder doesn't work in 2019, but does in 2018 Unity...ffs) I wonder how Eleon deals with game engine companies that break their own stuff and gives no warranty while you are in active production. That must suck. Free or low cost is worthless, if it doesn't work!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    I just read the 10.3 update, and I think they did repair the repair to template!
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Jeffglobal

    Jeffglobal Commander

    May 11, 2019
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    You realize some nations (and why the US no longer "requires" country of origin labeling), use human feces as the sole source of food (sic) for the production of their swine? So if the Empyrion devs give us some farm animals, this would be realistic...

    The use of human feces for fertilizer is still practiced today, and in the US food chain, is actually used labeled covertly as something else (I could get the article, but, ew) and spread on plants that are growing, so as to keep all the pathogens fresh at harvest to expose the population, so while it can be used, the time before it's safe to use is longer than from horses and cows, for example, given they are herbivores.

    "The more you know..."

    Now, I'm thinking we should have deco animals...
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    "Working in coal Mine, ding, ding!" sounds from the speakers...:D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Had a productive day today.
    Built a new POI-to-be. It just needs turrets and texture/color and spawners and it'll be done. But that's a job for tomorrow.
    I give you... The FA-037 Oppressor. Though since it started as a Polaris weapons platform as an accompaniment to the Sentry turrets, it'll need a Polaris designation. The... "illegal" blocks will need removing and replacing with player-usable content for survival player use.
    13 Chrono_2019-07-18_02-29-57.png
    Here it is with the Polaris sentry turrets (I designed those too. They were originally FA-015A-C Sentry before I recolored them and handed them off to the devs)
    That Fatboy over the back has a generic same-texture until I finish the job tomorrow. He's a full base by himself, with a fairly large interior that rivals most smaller zirax bases with 4 floors (not including the cannon, which is basically solid with a shield generator in it).
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    The back.
    I might redo some parts of the legs and stick some more panels on top of the cannon with a targeting apparatus.
    Marbod, Needleship, Na_Palm and 8 others like this.
  9. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I still remember your small collection of buildings you posted to this thread a while back and it should definitely be converted to a POI. If you want, finish it and I can do the conversion to Polaris or Zirax.

    That... that is amazing. I love the glowy bits inside what I assume is the cannon.
    ravien_ff and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    If the objective is to cover the Legs, it's retarded to try to do it by being lazy & simply 'curtaining them off'... Pants are superior. If the objective is 'easier... access...' Bikini Bottoms say "Hi!" & actually do it right. Skirts have no tactically defensible ground, therefore, they're retarded. Also, Pants don't answer to Wind & Gravity. :p

    ... What in the halibut are people eating that is making GLOWING EXCRE... :eek: ... umm wait, what the hell am I doing? Maybe it really is better not to know. :p

    Hmm... those bumpy things on the ground don't look suspicious at all... :p

    Which one of you Clowns are still disobeying instructions & feeding Gizmo after Midnight...? :p

    Like hell we don't. There's only one rational answer... it's getting processed into Compost/Fertilizer/Biofuel. Any other answer is clearly failure of doing the right thing with that Waste. ;)

    My fav Color is Blue, so my Shamelessly Biased Opinion compels me to inform the Directorate that this room looks gorgeous in Blue as is & that therefore the Chief Advisor of Caesar was the one who was right. Screw Golden Conceitedness. :p

    Ya want "Professional"? Pants > Skirts. My Shamelessly Biased Opinion has spoken. ;)

    Hell, even Shorts > Skirts.

    Also, oh yeah... forgot to think about the Footwear. High Heels are also retarded. breaking the feet & posture on purpose outta some idiotic notion that it emphasizes the Legs more thus supposedly looks more Sexy? Hell no! Trying to coerce Women into breaking their own damn feet for the sake of idiot male selfishness does NOT look more Sexy! Also there's a hell of a lot smarter, & as a bonus, more practical way for Gals to look sexy emphasizing Naked Legs... How bout Boots!

    Banzai Pecan Slideshow Pic1.png

    As a Bonus, Boots can also be a hell of a lot more useful for Kicking, Acrobatics, walking on narrow stuff like I-Beams, ramming it up Chauvinist Ass, etc. :p
    Jeffglobal, Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    And another glimpse on the furnaces...
    ... and slowly the pictures are getting "real":)

  12. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Well until they add boulders and rock debris deco those will have to do. The lasers drill out the rock which falls onto a conveyor. It leads up out of the mine, passes between some rock crushers, and then up into the main building. Dump trucks can pull into the building to park beneath the overhead bin which opens up to dump a load of rock into the trucks and off they go to the ore processing facility(my next project).

    I've been working on those some more. I haven't found a use for most of them yet but I've been cleaning up a few of them and designing some new stuff.

    If I convert this one it will be neither Polaris or Zirax. It will be a bug infested mine with tunnels and chambers leading back to a nest that the miners accidentally disturbed. This is where some new npc deco would come in handy. I'd love to have some npc miners webbed and cocooned up and stuck to the walls and stuff.

    It's inspired by some concept art from Anno 2205.

    Here's a shot of the whole thing.

    Ideally I'd like to have all the alien stuff at the end of the tunnel but that would extend the footprint and wouldn't utilize the empty space under the main building. I'll probably poke a hole in the side of the mine tunnel that leads back underneath the main building.
    Act 10 JC DWO_2019-07-17_15-12-26.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  13. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Decided to take a break from building for a bit. Discovered the hard way that the super alien walkers can travel down corridors:


    The developers need to change that; make them more like the armored golems.

    This drone base:


    Was a great dungeon experience. Highly recommended. What is more, collapsing the SI gave me oodles and oodles of steel and hardened plates:


    In fact I think I could not carry it all and missed some. Purchased the iron and sathium part of one of the single player survival CV's I use.

    Also took a moment to take in the beauty of the ice dwarf I seem to have crash landed on:

  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    As beautiful a lake on an ICE-Planet looks...its not quite natural...with temperature well below the freezing point - I miss frozen lakes
    Tyrax Lightning and Fractalite like this.
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Finished the FA-037 Oppressor.
    13 Chrono_2019-07-18_15-42-12.png
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    Removed spawners and the excess sentry guns on the outside for screenshots.
    13 Chrono_2019-07-18_15-43-56.png
    Bottom level. Cargo bay. A lever extends the floor and lowers the ceiling to access the next level up.
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    Crew level. All doors are locked. Pulling the lever opens most of them, releasing the enemies inside.
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    Level 3: Reactor and Magazine. Pushing a button unlocks the second elevator on the crew level that goes to level 4.
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    Reactor room. There's also the core and vault on this floor behind the reactors, but you can't get to them until you've taken the control room.
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    Level 4: Radar and Telemetry room. More levers to open doors.
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    Control Room. Has a pair of levers that destroy the core, which is where you can't get to it on the reactor level.

    Unfortunately, since none of the signals sent by sensors and levers are saving it's gonna sit as-is for a while.
  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Yeah, I agree with respect to the base games Ice planet. The planet in that picture is from Raviens Eden scenario and he did a phenomenal job of setting the terrain so that the lakes are narrow, steep, deep holes that have heat vents to suggest some energy source. One he updates it with the new POI I formulated for him, you should check it out. It is rugged, and hard. You have to keep moving and collecting or you die. Although, nowhere near as hard as the dead planet.

    I should add that if Needleship was involved, he deserves credit as well.

    That is so interesting. Very unintuitive how much room is in the interior.
  17. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    After finishing The Mech-Hangar/Research Center I will give it a try if time permits.

    Btw., your next challenge will be to play with activated Volume and Weight;):D
    Tyrax Lightning and ravien_ff like this.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yup they're meant as hotsprings of sorts. :D
    I made that planet based on an idea from my brother and on the old Sienna starter planet that we both loved which also had hot springs.
  19. Jenniphurr

    Jenniphurr Captain

    Dec 12, 2015
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    This reminds me of that super mega ClapTrap boss from the first Borderlands dlc's.

    Looking great!
  20. BigSnoopy

    BigSnoopy Commander

    Nov 29, 2016
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    Last edited: Jul 18, 2019

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