Whatever the Foreman of the Production/Melting/Processing Area had in mind for the Plant... one know it always better - redesigned - again!
Did some more work on the new house / base. just using concrete, wood and glass (except for essentials) - still unfinished names under consideration: Villa Vanilla or Casa de La Falcone suggestions welcome:
In my Shamelessly Biased Opinion, I think the Harvester is definitely a major improvement as a Bumper... especially cause it can do a hell of a lot more then just Bump!
I never understood high heels, but given my CGI work, they DO give the impression of longer legs. Not that I care one way or the other and I actually didn't notice it irl... I'm actually working on making a medium armor to match the in game medium armor, but different enough, maybe their graphics guy may see some ideas, so, "she'll" have boots. I thought the pumps was good satire, btw... sneaking in pumps, at least to me, is funny! Just as background, I have asked women I knew, why they persisted wearing high heels, or doing other things for "fashion," that sure looked uncomfortable to me... I never did get a good answer. In fact, I asked them, for whom are you putting make up on? I said, your not doing it for the men around you, right? Even my grandma, when I asked her, said something to the effect, "I do it to feel more confident." When I asked her and the other women, what that actually meant, no one would share their true thoughts. I can only hypothesize... // @Fractalite, have you noticed, no matter how big your drill is, the hole is always larger? With regards to the ICE-Planets, could it be possible, like in our solar system, the lakes are actually liquid methane!? (I think farther out than Jupiter...) You never know!
Do any of y'all @Fractalite have experience building POI's? Specifically ones with subterranean parts. I was reading the FAQ and it had the following: "5. If you build a base with sub-terrain levels, these levels and the 1st level above terain (!) need to be RECTANGULAR. Please note, that, in this case, the cutout is different from the no-subterrain bases! Even if you build a Ootogonal shape, the cutout WILL be strictly cubic = opening gaps and holes if you do not follow the rectangular shape! 6. In addition, the outline of your base (base plate) that is visible on TOP of the terrain needs to be the exact same size (XZ plane) as the lower levels! The cutout-mechnism will decide about the size of the cutout based on the blocks that are on the outer edges of the XZ plane! So please make sure the 1ST LEVEL that is above terrain has the same dimensions than the sub-level terrains." If I'm interpreting this correctly the subterranean part has to be a box. I'm not clear on what the dimensions of that box need to be. Can it be longer than it is wide or do the sides need to be the same length. Can it be bigger than the part above ground? Spoiler Is this going to work? Or do I need to make it more like these others?
Yes that should work. Think of it this way: the game doesn't know which parts of your blueprint are underground and which are above ground, so the game will cut out a rectangular box that is equal in size to the max dimensions of your base. So as long as nothing from your base is hanging over the edge of the box, that should work fine. Also you can now use filler blocks to "fill in" terrain. For example, you can build a base with a larger underground area than what shows above ground by covering up the base in filler blocks. Filler blocks will be replaced with dirt when the POI is spawned by the game (only for filler blocks that are at or below the normal terrain level though, so no floating islands of dirt). *edit* make sure the back half of your base doesn't hang over the edge of the box. You might need to extend the box a bit but it's hard to tell from the angle of the screenshot.
@Siege Inc. from my expirience and testing you will have to expand what i think will be the backside of your base (the over hanging tower part) to match this above ground. If you use fillerblocks make sure to enclose the subterranean part completly. all sides and ground! For POI testing i created a empty scenario with only the own base spawned. To function properly you have to place a player spawner on your base or change the player start in the playfield.yaml if you know how.
Great! Thanks for the answer! I'm going to replace the top layer of concrete with filler blocks. I didn't use them originally because they only work when the game places the blueprint and I'm going to upload the non-poi version to the workshop. Thanks for the suggestion on the back part of the base. I missed that. Edit: @Na_Palm thanks, appreciate the answers. When you say make sure all sides are enclosed did you mean in a general sense or that it should be enclosed by a layer of filler blocks?
Finished a rocky variation of the desert planet. Doesn't have a full custom POI set yet but it does have a few unique custom POIs. Nothing too crazy about this planet, it's just meant as an extra variation of desert planet to add some variety. Has a very difficult custom POI built by Man_From_Mars. I purposefully have not checked out this POI because I'm saving it for my own survival play-through later with my brother. Spoiler: Pictures and description Rarely the weather can turn cloudy, totally changing the look of the planet: Salt flats biome: This planet has some interesting terrain: Polaris Condensers provide water for nearby civilian settlements: Rock groupings indicate areas where Neodymium surface rocks and ore deposits can be found: Solar Collectors wirelessly transmit their stored energy to nearby outposts or to dedicated solar capacitor banks: A lone strange pyramid stands guard:
Made a quick video of the new rare Crystalline Moon variation that will be in the next update for my scenario. Obligatory spoiler warning: don't watch if you want to explore it for yourself in-game. Also took some screenshots when testing my scenario: Also spent about 30 minutes trying to troubleshoot my solarsystemconfig.yaml because of one mistyped playfield name.
Only if you want to use the fillerblocks, than yes. Completly enclose your POI with them up to your desired terrain level. So SI can work as expected. Otherwise i got a 1 block wide and as deep as the underground part of the base will be trench in my tests. If you want take a look at the one included in the test scenario from above.
I'm working on a new thing. The idea is to have a hovervan with many variants, so it can fulfull all my HV needs. First I'm making a lvl 7 apc version, with room for passengers and medical stuff in the back. I'm also gonna make a cheap lvl 3 scout, a miner and a tank.
Which reinforces suspicions of mine that these acts are done out of a reaction to being "conditioned" to answer to so called "Tradition" & supposed "Societal Norms". They can't provide rational reasons for doing these things because THERE IS NO RATIONAL REASON TO BREAK ONE'S OWN FEET FOR MALE SELFISH GREEDY PLEASURE, CURTAIN OFF LEGS INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY DO IT RIGHT AT COVERING THEM SO SELFISH GREEDY MALE PLEASURE CAN LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO GET FREE OGLE CHANCES THAT REAL LEG COVERING TECHNIQUES WOULD SUCCEED AT GUARDING AGAINST, & other retardation... -_- Fuck you Gender Inequality... I would most certainly hope that the Future could do a better job of Equality... or 'better' & 'Future' will be an oxymoron... I especially look forward to the Tank! This Game can't have too many Tanks! For the Topic: Haven't yet decided what i'm gonna try to build next. Still pondering on it... though it's currently most likely to be a HV or SV. My RL's too unstable for me to stand a chance at attempting big stuff like CVs or Bases.
Started overhauling a more recent ship, the FA-032 Infiltrator. I also derped and screwed up my size with another SV. I'm a big boy!