As the title says is there anyway to convert a base blueprint to a CV blueprint, I know it a long shot
Yes there is. Not at my comp right now but later I'll give some specific directions. It's not really converting the BP directly but turning a spawned BA to CV then making a BP for it.
OK, try this: 1. Use the console DI command and get your BA ID number. 2. Save and Exit game. 3. Go to the save file for your game, make a backup copy of the save directory, then to the Shared subdirectory. 4. Find a file and a folder that start with BA_Player_ followed by the ID from step 1. 5. The file is a txt file so open it in an editor like Notepad++ 6. Change every "BA" to "CV", save and rename the file CV_Player_ followed by the ID. 7. Rename the subdirectory BA_Player_ + ID to CV_Player_ + ID. 8. Run the game and load the save you just modified. Your BA should now be a CV. If part was underground it may try and bounce up in the air...not sure how that will work out. 9. Try and create a BP, if the BP is not red or orange then you can go ahead and add CV-specific components. 10. If the BP is red or orange after creating it then you have some BA-specific blocks you need to delete. I can't think of any BA blocks that aren't also CV blocks...except maybe turrets. After you delete any BA-specific blocks try and save a BP again. repeat as necessary. Hopefully this will work. I made an HV from an SV using similar steps.
There's a different block for the repair bay for CV and BA, and you can only place an ATM in a BA. Can't think of anything else right now.
It's probably quicker and easier to lay down a CV starter block, exit the game, and overwrite the four of that CV's .area blocks with the ones from the base's folder. (They will be in Empyrion/Saves/Games/[gamename]/Shared/BA_Player_#) You can also convert any type to any other type (CV to HV, etc) because the area files all use the same format to store block data.
Yeah, this is how I converted an SV to an HV but I thought it might just be easier to modify the files directly *shrugs* either way should work.
Yeah either way works. I was offering an alternative because personally I find copy/overwrite 4 files easy and I don't have to worry about missing an instance or making a typo when replacing. And many people who don't have a strong computer background have a lot of trouble understanding the syntax/specifics of replacing things in text files and relative vs literal changes to be made.
I do this a lot, here's how I do it: 1/ BP base and exit to menu 2/ start fresh creative game 3/ spawn BA and also a random CV 4/ exit game and go to the save file 5/ copy the contents of the BA folder into the CV folder 6/ BP the new CV and do a prefabinfo console command on it to see what blocks I need to remove or replace. 7/ relearn the syntax and naming convention for replaceblocks console command Works for turning an SV into a CV too, for when I want to keep the shape but change the scale.
For some one that doesn't have much computer knowledge how do you find save game files? Is there a video that cane show me how to do this, thank you for your time. Cheers!!
<GAME INSTALL DIR> Is very easy to find - with steam that is. 1. Go to your Library and select Empyrion. 2. Rightlick, goto properties 3. Click the 'tab-register' "Local Files" 4. Click on "Browse Local Files"
No one listed the easiest option? Place a CV starter block. Spawn the desired base. Use the Build menu (N) to select and copy the entire base. Hit the Deselect button. Select a block on the CV starter using the build menu selection Hit Paste twice to paste the base onto the CV. Boom. The base is now a CV. No editing of files. No screwing around. No tutorial videos needed. 100% success rate. Takes about 30 seconds and you don't need to leave the game to do it.
Make sure you make your post outside of the quote box when quoting. You cannot do ANY of the solutions posted here or anywhere when in survival mode, because the Build Menu's functions are disabled in survival (creative only). It is impossible to convert a Base into a CV in survival, except by converting the base into a CV in creative, saving the blueprint and then retrieving the blocks in survival and feeding them into the Factory to reproduce that CV manually. On the other hand, there's currently a bug in the latest experimental versions that has broken copy, paste and symmetry modes in the build menu. So even in creative you can't do this right now in the latest exp releases.
I was thinking about this and started wondering... how hard would it be, and how much recoding would it take to change the building process thusly: Rather that building from a “Starter” block that defines a construct’s type, we simply placed blocks to build, and when done added a (type) Core to give the construct a type. This would allow for construct conversion (BA to CV or SV to HV) much easier. We’d still have block type checking (can’t add an HV or SV core to something made of CV or BA blocks, can’t add a BA or CV core to something made of SV or HV blocks), and can’t add cores to constructs with block/device types not permitted. This would also allow POI’s that we can tell are/were SV’s or CV’s to be restored and operated rather than just used as bases.
Like someone mentioned, this comes down to a CV clipping into the ground. If you place a core in and it's still in ground, it will behave abnormally. Additionally, Bases are grounded, whereas CVs are not. When you excavate a buried POI, should it act like a base, falling apart as you dig out the dirt (with checking structural integrity of the blocks) or lay on the ground, attached to its other parts? Difference between HV and SV is minimal as both lay on the ground. All of this could be managed with some added rules, checks that would disallow or allow placing a specific core, etc. I am not sure this would be just an easy fix.