What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Awesome to hear! Yeah they really need to speed up meteor mining a bit, but I'm glad it doesn't drop like 500,000 ore or something crazy like that. :D Thanks!
  2. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    so a few first screens from the Scarab-Class Escortcarrier:

    the back with entry to repairpad and production
    A10.4 2545 C_2019-08-12_07-30-25.jpg

    sideview with launchtube on top and underlying HV-Bay
    A10.4 2545 C_2019-08-12_07-31-23.jpg

    the HV-Bay
    A10.4 2545 C_2019-08-12_07-31-46.jpg
    and the inside of the left launchtube
    A10.4 2545 C_2019-08-12_07-33-13.jpg
    Mainbridge is also mostly done, but as the rest of the nose and the toplevels has to be created i sparce screenies of them for now.
    Bollen, Fractalite, jmtc and 8 others like this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Today I just did some more fixes and tweaks to some POIs. Fixed up the Foundry so it's airtight again. Fixed some floating POIs. Gave Ore Silos back their ore. And did a lot of bug testing and reporting. :D
  4. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I love exploring old wrecks, but am always disappointed when finding the hangar bay empty :( is it possible to place or put a broken hv in these areas, or with it being two "entities" impossible to get the desired outcome spawned into the playfield. it sure would be cool to try and piece together bits and pieces that you come across in some of these locations. maybe in the future the developer could make a spawn pad that could be utilized that could trigger items / quest rewards that blend into the content creation tools.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2019
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Finished texturing my CV on the inside. Changed that way the layout of the Hangar Floor Level too.Had to raise it one Block to establish the large ramp... that lead to the door position changes of the lower floor rooms too. At least I could change large areas of that improvised floor design too from Carbon Composite to Hardened Steel.
    Next step will be to draw the protruding M-Truster one block to the inside of the CV-Hull and design the fuel Pipes too.
    When finished that I hope I found an easy way to change the Back Truster from XL to Large ones without redesigning the whole wing section:rolleyes:.

    The Last Days_2019-08-13_06-44-09.png The Last Days_2019-08-13_06-44-02.png The Last Days_2019-08-13_06-26-26.png

    Small Changes done to the Bridge

    The Last Days_2019-08-13_06-43-38.png The Last Days_2019-08-13_06-43-27.png The Last Days_2019-08-13_06-43-07.png
    The Last Days_2019-08-13_07-00-59.png
  6. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    Started my first grand build. Citadel Station. Considering the dimensions will be smaller than what it actually is - over 400m equals to over 200 blocks in length, meaning an average of 20 blocks per level (10 levels including the reactor). This of course doesn't take into consideration the big mining laser (which i presume is at least 40-60m long), as well as some smaller connections between levels.

    Each level is supposed to be round (the station rotates on its axis) with a diameter between 24-30 m on intersections, 95 m on the bridge level, 104 m on lower and mid sections and up to 226 m on the upper section. You can look up Citadel Station on the internet to see how it's diameter changes.

    So for starters, decided to make 10 levels of 61 x 61 blocks, with a space of 4 blocks in between. Shifting the upper section on a 2 level high intersection and lower down a bit also after the upper section. I'm pretty sure i'll have to expand on it, but checking first how big it all will be.

    Gonna put up some screenshots later on.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I think i'm finished with the front end of the new crashed titan.
    Added the "base" to it, that functions as the crater the ship would've made with its final impact. Includes a trail of debris, rocks and the two forward stabilizers that snapped off.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-14_03-07-02.png
    Those blue tile blocks are Filler blocks. When spawned as a POI they'll be replaced with dirt. It's got a depth offset so half the botton will be submerged in the ground, but if spawned on uneven terrain the whole wake should be visible.
    Every time I go and take a look around, I keep finding spots i've missed. Damaged blocks that haven't been textured on one side or a pristine room that doesn't have a hint of fire or damage.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-14_03-07-38.png
    An interior corridor. There's a loot container in the blocked room but no way to fit the player in. The player's drone will fit through the gap though.

    I'll hopefully start on smashing up the mid section tomorrow. Assuming I don't find more faults with the front end.
  8. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    The full view of the 61x61 per level station with 9 levels of said size and an extension between the "bridge" (which contains an additional medium sized level attached) and the rest. Doesn't look so grand, nor big enough for so many different things i want to put there...
    Citadel Building_2019-08-13_00-00-29.png
  9. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    Simply love the work you have put into the destruction details! The fillerblocks will give the crashsite the final touch. WOW:cool:

    Don't underestimate the space you have to fill with all kinds of cool stuff. Each level has what, 5 CV block high rooms with floor counted?!
    Thats a big station! Wish you endurance to finish it!
  10. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    Decided to start from scratch or rather from the Reactor level. Testing out the gravity generating device it turns out i have to have everything in a specific range, so i ended with a range of 30 blocks from the central "pillar". Prepared the reactor room, entrance chamber, preparation corridor with showers, toilets and wardrobes, as well as the beginning of a roundabout corridor and a first room for robot charging and repair.

    Each room will have the ceiling on top, but temporarily leaving it as is to see the layout. On the last screen you can see the look of the whole level.
    Citadel Building_2019-08-13_22-49-43.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_22-50-25.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_22-50-42.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_23-14-55.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_23-15-10.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_23-15-18.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_23-15-33.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_23-18-42.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_23-25-01.png Citadel Building_2019-08-13_23-32-38.png
  11. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Random question: Why does the Epic EM Pulse Rifle and Laser Minigun, which use laser ammunition, lose range in atmo? Since they are energy weapons, they should not be affected by atmospheric density, just like the laser rifle.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Oh no, the bots have infiltrated this thread! And they're getting smarter!
    Tyrax Lightning and Germanicus like this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    What you call a BOT must be Human in Nature as IT makes itself even a STEAM account to post in here and spread happiness among the Forum Visitors;).
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I blame the Zirax. They made an AI to infiltrate our ranks and study Humans to find our weakness. :eek:
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    While changing Devices within my CV it occured to me, again, that there is huge discrepancy between W/V of O²-Tanks and Fuel Tanks.

    A T2 Fuel Tank weighs 75 tons, has 1 PU input and "consumes" 80 CPU, 2700 Liters vol.
    A T2 O² Tank weighs 2 tons, has 5 PU input and consumes NO CPU, 2000 Liters vol.

    Compare the above against the following stats from reality

    3000 l fuel Tank - https://www.equipco.com.au/new-desi...bunded-fuel-tank-for-combustible-liquids.html
    SMALLER , more Volume AND weighs only 1,75 tons

    2000l COMPRESSED Air Tank - https://www.alibaba.com/product-det...pm=a2700.7724857.normalList.91.355f29beIoolkJ
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    I'm wondering if there is any information in the files about all of the items, devices, etc. 7 Days to Die has everything defined in config files, allowing to add and modify any item, placeable, etc.

    Having access to every item and placeable in the game would allow players to balance W/V. I'm pretty sure we would have lots of people working on it and the Devs could use some of these rebalances in the core game.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes, there is. You can change almost any stat on any item or block in the config.ecf file. :D
    Tyrax Lightning and dpburke2 like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Went over the fore mentioned changes on my CV - changes of Truster and their positioning, some outside texturing done.

    The Last Days_2019-08-14_10-10-04.png The Last Days_2019-08-14_10-09-53.png The Last Days_2019-08-14_10-09-42.png
    The Last Days_2019-08-14_10-21-38.png The Last Days_2019-08-14_10-21-22.png
    Bollen, Supay, banksman45 and 6 others like this.
  19. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    After much zigzagging through my Star System, visiting several Asteroid Fields and chewing on the way through some Promethium Asteroids

    The Last Days_2019-08-14_12-46-59.png
    I finally found a link to another Planet - Pummeled Desert Planet, size 5. Set down near some craters in a zone where the sun never really sets..
    look through my bridges front windows

    The Last Days_2019-08-14_18-04-59.png
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Started and finished the Mid section of the new Titan. It was considerably easier without any visually significant parts like the front. Like the original, this section contains just one big room (Hangar). Unlike the original, there's no farm above it on this version, instead there's the crew mess hall and some thruster compartments and (half of some) bathrooms.
    The divide between each section is uneven (as one would expect), but matches the adjacent sections.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-15_18-47-38.png
    Mid section. The dirt "wake" is sideways on this one. It skidded when it hit the ground.
    13 Chrono_2019-08-15_18-48-30.png
    Interior view of the Hangar.
    In this version of the MS Titan there's less to loot that's valuable. Smaller thrusters, less Hardened Steel, more deco blocks.
    The original is solid hardened steel, while this one is hardened steel on the outside and regular steel on the inside. It saves on cost, weight and improves maneuverability without sacrificing defense.
    Hell, the Millenium's massive interior is made almost entirely of carbon composite (it's 8x the Titan's size) to cut down on cost and weight (no way i'm making the interior of that out of steel).
    13 Chrono_2019-08-15_19-05-04.png
    Just about to get started on the final section; Which will probably take longer than the front. I've roughly torn off the front section in the same shape as the break on the mid section, but won't be finalized until I get started on it properly tomorrow... later? (2:21 am atm).
    Chances are the filler blocks will end up ugly and square when converted into dirt and rock, so will probably have to go... or be replaced with special shapable rock (which looks nice on the surface. Not so much underground, where it defaults to iron ore texture).
    Bollen, banksman45, dpburke2 and 10 others like this.

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