Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Look at the light and press P to open the control panel. There you can adjust color, brightness, and radius.
    Doomtrooper likes this.
  2. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like so see:
    - !!!MAIN!!! config.ecf is uploadable from the scenario folder (this is very necessary to create a role-playing game in multiplayer and create an alternative economy)
    - the ability in the own scenario to disable other players and NPCs labels on the map and radar . In real life, no one forestall you about the approach of other people, right? )). This will add intrigue and caution to players.
    - forced change in the color of the suit when joining the faction, if this faction has such settings (for example in the role play, life player joins a action "police", his suit changes color to the corresponding and adds a police badge on top of the suit.)
    - the ability in the own scenario to enable respawn at the same place where player died, to disable quick start (for example, if a player is a prisoner, he has no way to escape in this way)
    - wheeled vehicles
    - handy tool for creating roads and bridges (without core)
    - portable direction indicator installed on the ground with the ability to write text on it (without core)
    - wall paintings, with the ability to install own picture on them
    - new device - sound speakers. Possibility to listen to own music next to them
    - open fire
    - more difficult and realistic control of vehicles
    - open cocpit with car steering wheel
    - more compact switches with signature display and control lamp. May be multiple switches in one panel
    - different types of displays showing current information about the vessel
    - passenger seat on bases (for example, to create a meeting room in a role-playing game)

    B. For space playfields I would like to see..
    - capital should not land on the planet, it is not natural. If released into the atmosphere, they should fall and burn.
    - ability to attach HV to SV
    - gravity generator for sv
  3. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    One problem with CVs not being able to land or enter a planet - you can transfer HVs on them. With SVs being allowed to transport HVs it wouldn't be such a drag, but at the same time take into account repairing a CV in a repair bay (i think it is possible, no?) and some other mechanics that would be busted.

    Not to mention that i built my CV on the ground, because running up and down between space and planet would be time consuming. Unless of course you make a space base, which is a whole different matter.
  4. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like so see:
    - !!!MAIN!!! config.ecf is uploadable from the scenario folder (this is very necessary to create a role-playing game in multiplayer and create an alternative economy) It is just as simple to upload your own Config.ECF file. Why do you want another way to do this?
    - the ability in the own scenario to disable other players and NPCs labels on the map and radar . In real life, no one forestall you about the approach of other people, right? )). This will add intrigue and caution to players. This needs to be an option which can be toggled, because radar is meant to do exactly this.
    - forced change in the color of the suit when joining the faction, if this faction has such settings (for example in the role play, life player joins a action "police", his suit changes color to the corresponding and adds a police badge on top of the suit.) That would be sweet.
    - the ability in the own scenario to enable respawn at the same place where player died, to disable quick start (for example, if a player is a prisoner, he has no way to escape in this way) Possibly, only if for a custom server/scenario.
    - wheeled vehicles Eleon has stated that this will not happen. It relates to performance.
    - handy tool for creating roads and bridges (without core) As much fun as this sounds, without wheeled vehicles, this would be a moot point.
    - portable direction indicator installed on the ground with the ability to write text on it (without core) We already have direction indicators in the game as part of the HUD. Don't need a device to perform that function.
    - wall paintings, with the ability to install own picture on them That would be cool.
    - new device - sound speakers. Possibility to listen to own music next to them Not sure how I feel about this one.
    - open fire Do you mean like a campfire?
    - more difficult and realistic control of vehicles Why do you want them more difficult? Or, do you mean mor ecomplex?
    - open cocpit with car steering wheel Sounds cool to me!
    - more compact switches with signature display and control lamp. May be multiple switches in one panel This concept sounds nifty. Though I am unsure how practical it would be for Eleon to code it.
    - different types of displays showing current information about the vessel There are already displays available. What specifically do you have in mind?
    - passenger seat on bases (for example, to create a meeting room in a role-playing game) That might be fun!

    B. For space playfields I would like to see..
    - capital should not land on the planet, it is not natural. If released into the atmosphere, they should fall and burn. I believe this is already an option, though it needs to be implemented better.
    - ability to attach HV to SV This would be nice, but Eleon has stated that the coding is complex for this to be implemented.
    - gravity generator for sv I would be in favor of this.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
  5. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Ship collision, even if only with the ground would add considerable weight / life to ships
  6. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hello, thanks for your comments!))

    A. For planetary playfields I would like so see:
    - !!!MAIN!!! config.ecf is uploadable from the scenario folder (this is very necessary to create a role-playing game in multiplayer and create an alternative economy) It is just as simple to upload your own Config.ECF file. Why do you want another way to do this? Because I need to exclude possibility of use by players other kinds of config.cfg's which are different from mine.The concept of my role-playing game is to limit crafting with a suit and emergency constructors, and other important settings. If one player enters the server with the original config, the whole economy of the game will be broken.
    - the ability in the own scenario to disable other players and NPCs labels on the map and radar . In real life, no one forestall you about the approach of other people, right? )). This will add intrigue and caution to players. This needs to be an option which can be toggled, because radar is meant to do exactly this. I agree if this option can be disabled when creating the scenario
    - forced change in the color of the suit when joining the faction, if this faction has such settings (for example in the role play, life player joins a action "police", his suit changes color to the corresponding and adds a police badge on top of the suit.) That would be sweet. Thanks))
    - the ability in the own scenario to enable respawn at the same place where player died, to disable quick start (for example, if a player is a prisoner, he has no way to escape in this way) Possibly, only if for a custom server/scenario. Exactly!
    - wheeled vehicles Eleon has stated that this will not happen. It relates to performance. OK, no, means no. This is not so important, but I want to create something more like a car. Let it be without wheels
    - handy tool for creating roads and bridges (without core) As much fun as this sounds, without wheeled vehicles, this would be a moot point. Well, HVs need roads too. It would be possible to make comfortable roads with a slope by such tool.
    - portable direction indicator installed on the ground with the ability to write text on it (without core) We already have direction indicators in the game as part of the HUD. Don't need a device to perform that function. If there are roads, then pointers on them will be useful too.
    - wall paintings, with the ability to install own picture on them That would be cool.
    - new device - sound speakers. Possibility to listen to own music next to them Not sure how I feel about this one.
    - open fire Do you mean like a campfire? I mean open fire as animation. And you can use it for a campfire, and to animate the burning blocks
    - more difficult and realistic control of vehicles Why do you want them more difficult? Or, do you mean mor ecomplex? I believe that it should be difficult to control the aircraft, but you can learn to do it better than others)) For example, in the game Battlefield it is quite difficult to fly a helicopter , but if you learn, you'll be proud of.
    - open cocpit with car steering wheel Sounds cool to me!
    - more compact switches with signature display and control lamp. May be multiple switches in one panel This concept sounds nifty. Though I am unsure how practical it would be for Eleon to code it.
    - different types of displays showing current information about the vessel There are already displays available. What specifically do you have in mind? displays now do not change information automatically (I'm not talking about mods) and have only few shapes (for example, there is no round or oval forms, on the stand, etc.).
    - passenger seat on bases (for example, to create a meeting room in a role-playing game) That might be fun! Yes, it would be cool to make the possibility to sit on existing furniture (sofas, chairs, benches)

    B. For space playfields I would like to see..
    - capital should not land on the planet, it is not natural. If released into the atmosphere, they should fall and burn. I believe this is already an option, though it needs to be implemented better.
    - ability to attach HV to SV This would be nice, but Eleon has stated that the coding is complex for this to be implemented. If this is not possible, then the previous paragraph does not make sense
    - gravity generator for sv I would be in favor of this.

    Thanks again for the discussion!))
  7. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    I came up with a couple more interesting things:
    - Enhance drills for a more useful flattening tool. Think about how Astroneer flats out a surface (doesn't have to be retain the slope), adding ground or digging where needed to maintain the steady flat surface. I find it hard to make a large, even surface on even a little uneven ground.
    - More capable flat tool would be the first step towards making roads. Enable painting the landscape in some way and you're one step before making roads.
    - Flattening mode is one thing, a slope mode is another. Perhaps all of this could be a whole new tool which would flat the area or make a slope. This could be done using the block turning controls - the cursor would show a block frame with the direction and increase/decrease of the slope shown. From that point on you could expand the slope. These mechanics would need to be heavily thought over.
    - More decorations. Sure there are quite a lot, but as i'm building a space station i'm lacking a wide variety of things. There are some cool machines to place down, but considering a variety of ideas, it would be cool to have more small machines, switches, monitors, desks, screens, cupboards, laboratory stuff, etc. I know this is not Terraria with multitude of furniture sets, but would love more things to decorate with.
    - Definitely configurable LCD screens. Big ones for storing a variety of texts to small ones, like a little room description "Laboratory".
    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] likes this.
  8. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Thing is, the server sets the Config.ecf for everyone who connects. This is not done by the player at any time, nor do they have any such way to upload it. There is no need to introduce an additional way to do something that server owners can already and easily do.
  9. Tetrascape

    Tetrascape Ensign

    Jun 30, 2017
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    Alrighty. I’ve got some bigger ideas I’ve wanted to get out for a while now. So I’ll list some I’ve thought up while playing the game: Controllable fleets. I want to be able to put an AI core in my ships and have them pilot themselves. I want to order them on missions . They should be able to defend, attack, follow and gather resources.
    Next idea: This one is multi solar system. I have this idea to how you could spice up the end game. Make it so that there is a tiered system. You could make it like ARK so that each time you go to a new system you get a higher tier of loot. E.g. weapons, blocks, tools etc... You could add levels to these new things. Possibly add new exotic ores in these systems that are required to make the new loot. Each system could be harder each time and different. You could have system controlled by pirates. Maybe one mostly controlled by aliens. If you want the game to be more of a campaign you should make it so that the final system is the Zirax home world. And you need to make it brutally difficult. Like I want it so that you need an entire fleet to even get close to the planet. The planet could have massive zirax cities on it. But your goal is to find the mother base and destroy the inner most core. It should be a massive sprawling facility that goes as deep as possible into the ground. After you destroy the core you basically win the game but you should be able to continue the game after that. Not sure what post endgame content you could add but I’ll be thinking. Anyway those are my idea a have a good one!
  10. Wakfu

    Wakfu Commander

    Apr 19, 2017
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    SPACE CONTENT. A reason to be in space. Space territory you can get for resources etc.. problem is the game is so customizable what do you the developer in the end put in as hard coded? I'd like to be able to see a server make resources have to be fought over to got, so MP PVP servers could thrive, etc etc....end game content. exploration, fighting, resources etc.
  11. Murthy Bhavaraju

    Murthy Bhavaraju Ensign

    Aug 22, 2019
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    Hurricanes, tornadoes , diseases due to different climate, wild fires, prey catching predators, alien tribes (with no space tech), more alien factions and lively settlements
    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] likes this.
  12. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Birds!! Birds of prey! In the sky as an aggregate of fauna. That attack when you are walking through the desert, even riding a motorcycle or with an open cabin of some HV.
    MMMMM I don't remember what game the mechanics of certain animals were attracted to you if you had low health. Like saying you were hurt, then you would attract them if they were close.

    In space some random event such as the opening of a wormhole through which a Leviatan comes out! With weak points to attack and that at the same time can do a lot of damage to our CV, you may ignore the shields to make it interesting. If we manage to defeat it in a certain time, we can claim some unique material with which to make epic weapons (only for one or two). If we fail to knock it down it disappears in another wormhole until another encounter.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2019
  13. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    7 Days to Die has vultures which attack the player when he is even a bit hurt. Having full health basically means you're no target, but lose a tiny bit of health and all of the vultures zone in on you.
  14. wimpy

    wimpy Commander

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Planet side:

    Needs more variations on flora and fauna, it seems very strange to me that the many of the planets have the same or very similar flora and fauna. All of this would have evolved separately. I realize that its not possible to have completely different flora/fauna per planet but some more variation would go a long way.


    I love the idea of Gas Giants with multiple moons.
    Multiple solar systems.
  15. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Yes, I agree with you such a tool is necessary. I think that the developers will figure out how best to implement it. About jewelry I agree too, I would like them more and also want to be able to interact with each of them. On sofas and chairs to sit, on beds to lie, to consider pictures. I also like the idea of books. When I was thinking about my scenario, I came to the conclusion that I need to have a certain library in the game where I could make notes about the players for example. How much money do I have to pay them or whether a player has a license to operate a ship or to have weapon. They may looks like books or like websites in PDA. At the same time, i need a customizable ability to make some of them readable for other players.
  16. Ded_Pahan [RUS][152]

    Ded_Pahan [RUS][152] Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Thanks. Apparently I didn't fully studied the matter. Because if you create a scenario and play it in single mode, then config is used from the game folder, not the folder with the scenario
  17. Carbonmutant

    Carbonmutant Ensign

    Jul 31, 2019
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    We could use camera modules that can be connected to the LCD monitors.
    Aside from the obvious rear view options, you could place the cockpit anywhere in the ship you had LCD monitors, which would offer the pilot a lot more protection.
  18. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    A. For planetary playfields I would like so see

    more mistories; like crashed wrecks with stories in them on what happend,
    exploration sites; like alien pois that are based on planets history instead of randomizing them,
    underground natural caves; that can have mobs in them and hidden pirate caches,
    Human based POIs; human polaris poi's like colonies and fire bases,

    B. For space playfields I would like to see..

    shipyards; polaris and Zirax shipyard poi's

    Zirax patrol ship fleets or flotilla;
    a small fleet of Zirax frigates and corvettes protecting ores or space stations

    Zirax ships/drones VS Polaris fights; for the love of god make them shoot another!
    cmguardia and Siege Inc. like this.
  19. Kanie

    Kanie Ensign

    Nov 26, 2016
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    I would like to see a customisable upgrade system to the suits, weapons (personal, SV, etc) that needs to be researched using computer (AI) cores.

    You go out to find research data disks in POIs. Depending on the type POI will yield certain data disks (weapons, fuel, thrusters, etc). Once you acquire these data disks then youu need to use the AI core to 'crack' the encoded data. The more AI cores then quicker to crack, but requires more power (bigger base). Obviously attracts attention. Once you crack a data disk then this can go tbuild the pgrade for the relevant equipment.

    For example, a weapons upgrade could be a bigger magazine, quicker reload or more damage. Or increased thrust or better fuel efficiency for a thruster. Each equipment tier could accept more upgrades. Making the upgrades permanent then makes the decisionin using them considered.

  20. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Do these shipyard shells exist somewhere so i can have a look? (PM me if ok)
    Maverick241 likes this.

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