First: This is in NO way a survey or studie of representative facts that lead to any design decision. Having followed a few discussions on that topic (and the recent Controller updates in 10.5) as well as looking at other games, I am just curious about your likings when it comes to flying in any game
If it's a game like Empyrion, mouse + keyboard because I can use the same things for flying, driving, and walking, and I need quick access to all the same UI buttons and such whether I'm flying or not. If it's a dedicated flying only game though, definitely prefer a joystick.
Same goes for me The last "choice" on the list is what @Hummel-o-War has: the shape of an X.Wing
Mouse + keyboard all the way...except if the game is a simulator of some kind of flying. Example I play Elite Dangerous with the addition of a controller when flying, either of Xbox or HOTAS by Thrustmaster.
Mouse & keyboard for me aswell. Allthough i must add i have a set of 'gaming' mouse & keyboard. Rolling for example are set on mouse thumb buttons, wich helps with flying alot. The newer fly option brought in game is of no use to me.
I use a combination of controller pad and mouse. For the most part its pad and mouse with custom keybinds, but I also use the keyboard for warp and other less common commands that i can't fit in the limited binds I have available with mouse and pad. As to why I use this ass backwards control scheme I have neck and arm issues and I find it easier to custom bind a pad with most of the keyboard actions so I don't have to keep my arm raised at the keyboard when I'm playing. I should probably mention that I'm currently having to use Xpadder since controller mapping has been removed at the moment.
Mouse and keyboard is certainly the default set up. But I voted for joystick, as I would love the be able to use for piloting. I have tried once, but I could not get the set up right.
Added two more options i forgot ( adding combination of M+K + Controller or Joystick). Feel free to ajdust your vote. @Germanicus > no, once is a 1:1 rebuild of Han Solos Falc...ehm...yes..only a little cockpit.. hey what's over there? *sliently leaving the room*
its a hard one. For the game itself its really can be only Mouse and Keyboard. For the flying elements controller. Just personal preference..
I'd probably use a combo of M+K and controller, if it weren't such a PITA swapping between them all the time. Cannot wait for VR though.
I'd love to see HOTAS support, it makes flight really feel like flight. However a joystick/yoke is a terrible way to maneuver on foot, so mouse/keyboard or controller support is pretty much a requirement. Of course, a HOTAS can be quite an investment as well, so having the option to use mouse, keyboard or game pad are going to ensure the game remains within the realms of the most number of players budgets.
I was going to say it normally depends on the flight model and physics but ravine makes great point. In any case I do think for Empyrion flight K+M works best for me.
I mostly just use the keyboard to fly. Sometimes I use the mouse if there's combat. I have a joystick and petals that would be a nice option.
I play with a Nostromo and mouse. (Different generations of Nostromo from Belkin to Razer.) The Nostromo is sort of a one-handed mini-keyboard that has a thumb controller. I find it lacking for some other space games so I have purchased a Thrustmaster HOTAS but do not yet have a lot of experience with it, so I am not yet sure it is "preferred" but I'm very interested in seeing Empyrion support that sort of thing. Empyrion needs to beef up the space combat a bit before it really matters much, but certainly in some games where you're being attacked by a bunch of quick flying enemies at once, a more powerful control system would help. My biggest control-related requests are: Turning a ship with mouselook is wierd. It works fine for your character but for a big CV it just isn't how they handle. Need a different turning control mechanism like Starpoint Gemini or X3. I'd like to be able to set separate mappings for being in a vehicle, and walking. I should be able to use the same key for sprint (on foot) and warp (in space) for example. For ships, I really want to be able to control which number switches to which weapon, either as part of the blueprint, or a keymapping stored with the character. Right now it is some strange thing based on where the weapon is located or something, I can't figure it out. I want (1) to be gatling guns on every vehicle, no matter what. (Note: I did not become aware that 10.5 had controller-related improvements until this week, so I haven't tried them at all yet, and for all I know you did some/all these.)