Cauldron Server Hard AI Alien Overlords...come take down the Skynets...Dangerous PVE with PVP areas. Free your Homeworld! Med PVE Start - Hard PVP Start
Your in Trouble....Roswell Alien Saucers fast approaching - Patrol Vessels Your Really In Trouble!! Server: Cauldron
Nice ship, but I took the liberty to put it in front of another background, just to put focus on the ship instead of having it washed out in the background. Took me 1 hour to isolate your CV from the surroundings, and antialiasing makes its shape very hard to define precisely among the floating potatoes... I made faint stars effect in the black backdrop. That's why I prefer more "realistic" skyboxes than the ones we have now, with highly saturated colors and fog/ haze everywhere. Your thoughts ?
Then I kindly ask your permission to use these 2 pictures to support my position regarding visuals in the game, as seen in the latest patches' thread : I will be sure to mention your name as the ship's author. Pleeeaaase ?
OK Then I'll mention this too. There was another screenshot you took a few messages up with the ship halfway in front of a planet and its tail in front of the skybox that was also pretty, but in this one we see better all the details.