Feedback Required Wishlist: BUILDING blocks and structural devices

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Because of the Colliders do not work "in between" entities at the moment. So for the SV you put on that lift, the "gliding segment" does not have any "movable colliders" which could push the SV up or carry it down. But the idea is on the list already :) (But not in the context of this thread, as this requires a rework of model-colliders)
    Ephoie, Siege Inc. and StyleBBQ like this.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Thx. I think i understand what is meant.

    So it woul be basically 2 ideas

    1. 50/50 slice
    A window-wall (thin wall) element with 50% window (top) and 50% wall (bottom) like in the screenshot on the left), correct?
    Maybe you can have a look in the current block shapes and list the shapes that should have this 50/50 split or which would be important to have
    ( Your screen f.e.x would show "Wall" and "Wall Sloped" )

    2. 25/50/25 slice
    Like in the screenshot on the background-right > the mockup with the white lines.

    Its basically a vertical wall-window-wall combination "in-on-block" .. which can be constructed with normal blocks and windows already, but would be 3 blocks high at the moment, correct?
    Ephoie, StyleBBQ and Vermillion like this.
  3. Thorwal

    Thorwal Ensign

    Jul 1, 2019
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    I know ;). Thanks Hummel for the explanation.
    Ephoie, cmguardia and StyleBBQ like this.
  4. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Random idea I had while trying to make small o2 bottles... with out a tent...:rolleyes: and in space...o_O

    Alternate constructors.

    Having a optional specialist crafting device. It would be cheaper and smaller a full crafter. But the point of the device would be to only make one thing. An o2 er bottler would turn larger bottles to small. Ammo manufacturer, promethem / pentaxed refinery. The point is to offer a specialization for one thing as opposed to having to requireing a full manufacturing suite in the ship. It could help permote more specilized ships and possibly help organize the constructors a bit more.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  5. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Could really use a few different larger SV/HV Cargo Containers.

    Say a 1x1x3, 375 SU. 2x1x2, 500 SU. 2x1x3, 750 SU. and maybe even a 3x2x3, 2,250 SU?

    Also a couple more Airtight models for standard sizes.

    Reasoning: mostly being able to tell the difference in the Logistics menu. Having more than a couple Container Controllers means a lot of searching through the same crates. Same goes for more Airtight models; different names means a chance to recall that X holds Y.
    -The first three larger models could be used to mirror the Constructors, HV Med Bay & the Shield blocks.
    - 3x2x3 I'm imagining as a temporary 'roof rack', for when you just need another couple thousand SU to haul all the stufs :), a decent amount of HPs for this one would be appreciated as I for one would slap it on the roof or tail, so it would be exposed.
    candyman_315 likes this.
  6. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    You know once you moved a device into a group in the device menu, you can then rename the device, right?
    Ephoie, Germanicus and StyleBBQ like this.
  7. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    dangit!.... No. I didn't. :oops:

    My mind might be going but we _used_ to be able to rename devices without them being in a Group, but if you then Grouped them, you'd lose all the custom names.
    So when I tried to rename a cargo box, just in the non-grouped Devive tab, and couldn't... well I just assumed. thereby proving the old saying! :D

    Thank you very kindly for the assist @Demonic , that's gonna be a -really- big help!!
    Ephoie and Demonic like this.
  8. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Glad to be of help.

    To keep in the topic of the thread, I'd really like to see 3x3x3 or at least 3x3x2 (two blocks high) gravity generator. For the simple reason of being able to build perfectly mirrored structures with odd numbers of blocks on the sides.

    I know I kinda can do that by slapping gravity gen in 3x3 space and maybe adding some other device next to it, but still, it'll not look as nice as perfectly centered grav. gen.
    candyman_315, ZiEiTiA and StyleBBQ like this.
  9. ZiEiTiA

    ZiEiTiA Ensign

    Sep 26, 2019
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    A block that is a complete slope on one side, and a half slope on the other, such that it can fill the diagonal gap if you want to use the diagonal heavy windows (the hole in the pic)
  10. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Alternative models for Thrusters
    Currently, all thrusters are generic round. We need vented, square and sloped thruster variants. No, not like the current variants that could be described that way, i'm referring to the exhaust on the thruster.
    I'm gonna use Space Engineers mods as an example. Since modders did a better job than SE's own devs who just gave up.
    On streamlined "fighter"-like ships, nothing looks worse than big, round reversing thrusters. And while you could hide those inside your ship, that'll cause problems down the line when thruster obstruction is finally implemented.
    Thrusters that look like vents with little thruster flare go a long way in improving ship design.
    Above is also a set of Modular thrusters, that get rid of those horrendous walls of identical thrusters and replace them with a single fluidly-shaped thruster. It's still multiple thrusters, but it doesn't look like multiple thrusters.
    This is one of my own from 2014 that has sloped, square-exhaust thrusters (Azimuth iirc). They fit so much better with that shape of ship than round-exhaust thrusters do.

    As an added bonus of potential deco blocks: Check out the walls and ceiling. Basically all these deco mods are gone now, never updated they all died out.

    Other alternative, wheeled landing gear. The wheels don't need to turn or anything, they just need to look like wheels. They'll skid across the ground whether they turn or not.
  11. Samoja

    Samoja Commander

    Jun 6, 2019
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    Seamless versions of all the various textures, i noticed that many textures tend to not fit with each other when two blocks are placed together, i would like to see that fixed so they fit together. Also weapon racks, really just boxes/closets but ones that look like a weapon rack so we can make a nice armory design.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2019
  12. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    I like how in the game Rust, the building blocks is similar to Empyrion but the decor is treated I guess like a player meaning you can put decor anywhere and at any angle where as in Empyrion decor is treated as a square cube and will only fit in a gridlike area
  13. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Yes, i liked those thrusters too. Especially the square once. Sure, thrusters that have detailed shapes are cool and all, BUT this is a game with QUBE shapes. Round is somehow distracting and often looks out of place.

    Also i proposed somewhere to have modular thrusters. Part one being the thruster engine defining the power output, thruster noozles to define the direction power is distributed. Make the engine plocks like modular cargo containers and you can build custom engine blocks and rooms. Also the nozzles. Square and round ones that automatically connect to one wide flat noozle or a big square or round one. Noozles kan be disconnected from the engine meaning you can have a central thruster engine with a set but configurable output for every direction (block interface) while thrust us transported via internal piping (the imaginary in every build block) to the noozles.
    Yes please! But this would need that charakters can only carry and equip a limited number of guns (and maybe tools). The rack would work with slots not volume or weight, to make sure if it has 6 slots, 6 midsize rifles fit in, 12 handguns or maybe 3 heavy weapons will fit in.
    That makes bringing your HV/SV to a POI a good base of operations that has a purpose. Also it doesn't make the player a doom guy type of berserker carrying dozens of guns. Not because it is more realistic, but because it makes choices and gameplay more meaningful.
  14. AlbaN

    AlbaN Commander

    Sep 28, 2017
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    1. Shutter Doors Variants

    HV/SV :
    - 3x2
    - 2x3
    - 1x3
    - 3x2

    2. Vertically Retractable Weapons
    Weapon box 2x1 is vertically retractable to 4x1 or 2x1 box.

    Example with steps:
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  15. SLI_Fallen

    SLI_Fallen Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2019
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    Keyboard command to "sample" an existing block (shape) your looking at, and highlight that block shape in the selection tree when in while in block selection mode. My friends and I are literally spending HOURS to try to figure out what special shape is missing (usually on one side) either from the destroyed ships (when trying to repair, or repairing missing block damage taken from a blueprinted ship. By looking at an existing block and providing either an identification of said block or even a copy-paste function would go a long way to alleviating this frustration!

    Sure we would still have to figure out how to orient that block, but we would at least know which one we need to start with!

    Second, Paint gun sampling eyedropper. Some blueprinted and damaged vessels have colors not in the default paletts. An eyedropper function while looking at a color that would allow you to duplicate that color would be awesome.

  16. El Perezidente

    El Perezidente Ensign

    Oct 14, 2019
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    So I was building a model for the japanese spiderman gp7, I would've liked to have a hollow version of the medium edge round (that I can place over medium edge round) - also a half wall version of the ramp C would have been useful as well.
  17. iroker

    iroker Lieutenant

    Jul 29, 2018
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    i have suggested this kind of cockpit a year a go. Now i am trying this again, the above is inspired from Elite Dangerous ASP Cockpit
    is 5x6x6.
  18. iroker

    iroker Lieutenant

    Jul 29, 2018
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    also i have to suggest some new blocks
  19. iroker

    iroker Lieutenant

    Jul 29, 2018
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    plus the mirrored versions
  20. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I think you should definitely replace the current shapes with intelligent deformable blocks with a self-adjusting bounding box. This would not only allow to build absolutely everything, it would also end the current problem of the middle blocks. A very clear example of ending all current construction problems is offered by Skywanderers.-

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