Polarized Hull Shields

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    My feedback is there appears to be a bug. (Thanks for the confirmation)
    Unfortunately, I have a brain fart every time I try to do a bug report.

    (This means that for whatever reason, I can't comprehend the instructions for Bug Reports.)
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Don't worry, the bug was already reported - https://empyriononline.com/threads/hv-shields-dont-stuff-up-6768.76919/
    Track Driver and Travis9x like this.
  3. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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  4. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Sorry to make my first post of the forum here with so many veterans. If i say anyting who is matter of poor experience of the game on my side i apologize in advance.

    Today i build the shield on my base. With around 10 capacitor full charge with the relative 15 solar pannel ( why just 15!!!) with a power output of around 1.4kpu on peak.
    I have also 6 t2 large fuel tank full charge as well.

    The first two hour the shield drain 60% of my capacitor. I remove from my base as much of energy as i can and i have go to work at 3 of clock on afternoon. Come back around midnight and i find the fuel level at 3%.

    Guys........i think who tree layers of combat block can give better protection and less complications. Maybe for ships can be very useful on combat but in a base is quite a waste of time. I cannot stay every day top up the fuel tank i have a normal life too.

    i try so to use some trick with the very limited system you have implemented on the game. I be from the first moment get frustrated by the limited amount of staff you can do....just open some door and switch on some light for decoration purpuose. From a player coming from minecraft ( a stupid java game with big pixel ) i was expecting someting more from a game who is making my laptop so slow :D.

    I cannot switch off medical staff to save power for example ( why? )
    And there`s not a simple sunlight detector to switch off the lights of the base on day time ( again why? )

    So i have think who switch off the shield on peace time and switch on attack can be acceptable. A layer of strong block can resist a bit to give the chance of the shield to power up.
    So i try to see any option on your logic system to switch the shield on in automatic if the base is under attack. Nope.
    So i try to put a damn motion sensor and even a light barrier just in front of one of my defence torret. The idea is who when the enemy come the turrets move and the motion sensor activate my shields....and maybe i put a delay to switch it off again maybe after 30 minutes or so.

    And.....i can activate the trigger....as i was expecting...but not my turrets movement....wath a shame...

    great game for sure.........but i`m really disappointed for this.

    My feedbacks:

    I cannot switch off the light on daytime
    I cannot switch off the shield automaticaly if i`m not underattack ( and vice versa )

    I`m not saying who the game is not nice....is actually very nice....i`m saying i want more freedom to control my base and every aspect of it...decide me when someting have to start and to stop....that should be nice.....

    Any way i replace the shield with someting more usefull i dont want to fill up 1000 t2 fuel tank just to stay one week with out fill up them....

    peace and love :D
  5. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Shield generator for CV and BA could have the same size (and weight) as a warp drive, and allow 2 tanks.
    Reasoning are that a shield can be pretty important (saves repairs too) and should take some space, along with symmetry that can place those 2 devices on each side if want to (CV). 2 tanks is for a bit redundancy and might need more Pentaxid since have 2 devices using it, along with symmetry option.

    Also ought to be more signal logic, sensors to trigger on/off as other have mentioned too.

    Balancing of the shields is not that important yet.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    1.There should be a new material for shilds that should be consistent of pentaxid and promethium for example or pentaxid and some other new material or mineral.
    2. There should be a special kind of energy weapon firing EMP enriched bullets or energy ammo. Only those should be able to take off shields.
    3. The shield generator HP 'coverage' should be in propotion of the total HP per vessel. This means higher HP vessles should require two or even 3 installed shield generators. Maybe this should follow the size of the base or vessel.
    4. To maintain shields active, should drain significant more power than currently. I suggest 50%-70% of the power needed to activate them.
    5.Currently it seems that even projectile type guns by drones can drain vessel and BA shields very fast. This needs adjustment/balance proportionaly to the level of the drone for example. Right now a behemoth size CV has her shields drained in a matter of seconds by 2-3 minigun drones.
    6. The player does not have any indication of the remaining enemy shield. Feels realistic but awkward for a game. I choose to feel more comfortable than more realistic when playing a game like Empyrion. It is not a simulator after all.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
    StyxAnnihilator likes this.
  7. Fenra369

    Fenra369 Commander

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I'm kinda disappointed the shields do not properly scale with size in any way. I feel this is a missed opportunity to better balance whether or not to use shields because as it stands now shields is *always* worth the investment based on my experiences with my friend who builds shields-exclusive SVs. If it was a larger size (not size class), then it would either A. lose total hp, or B. Take longer to spin up shields. Those are two of many suggestions on how to size scale shields so that it truly meets your intended design, for it not being an end-all thing you must have on a ship.
    geostar1024 likes this.
  8. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Pretty much; that's the essential issue with a one-and-done system.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It sounds like you're playing on a server. Use offline protection to protect your base while you are offline, but this will depend on the server setup. Your base won't be directly attacked while you are not there, though it's always possible someone might rarely pull a wandering drone over your base by accident (or purpose).

    Since your base is only ever directly attacked while you are actually at your base, you can keep the shield off and just turn it on when you get the attack warning if you need to save power.
    Travis9x likes this.
  10. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    I`m on a pve server at the moment...but i want to attack some npc faction soon ( live is boring :D ).
    Anyway shield can be improved, also for logic reasons...my suggestion.

    First : object to defend size
    Second : capacity of shied device
    third: energy output of shield deveice.


    First: if a shield device use some power to polarize blocks...the number of block matter so the bonus hp should be improved or decresed on base of number of blocks use to be polarized.

    Second: A shield device should be able to have maximum capacity of polarized energy output. So the polarized object can`t go up to a some max ammount.

    Third: the energy who the shield use to polarize the block should depends of the number of blocks ( power dispersion ) and volume of proction erogated ( hp ).

    So if we have a small base with polarized shield, should be have the capacity to shield himself with maximum protection, with a small shield device taking the protection for shield device class choice. (for example 2000 hp ). the power used should be the product of the class of shield used and the power gived to the device.
    Example: I have a class 1 shield on my small base, if i use the whole protection 2000hp i need to set my shield device to go at 1kpu, If i decide to have just 1000hp. I set the device to take just 500 pu.

    If i have a medium base and i use the same class of shield i can just protect the base 1000 hp or 2000hp using 2 time more energy ( overloading ) due to dispersion of energy by inadeguate class of shield device.
  11. Travis9x

    Travis9x Commander

    Apr 22, 2019
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    My suggestion of modular shields resolves pretty much all of the recent feedback, with one exception:
    Different tier shields (T1 or T2) can only protect up to a maximum size of the structure (# of blocks), and that amount affects the power drain of the shield.
    - I like this idea, and it can be applied to my modular suggestion too. For example, the capacity modules have a limit to the # of blocks they can protect. Adding more of these modules will allow more blocks to be protected (while also adding to the shield HP…thus, shield HP will effectively scale with structure size), but also increases the power drain as more blocks are protected.

    Just sayin'.
    Arrclyde and Kassonnade like this.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Makes sense, and doesn't require a rework of the whole system.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
    Arrclyde likes this.

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