
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Daveroski, Oct 26, 2019.

  1. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    Why, oh why, have you made predators and drones share a targeting option?
    This will not do. No, This will not do at all.
    There are incoming drones on the scanner.
    Do my mini-guns target the offending vessel?
    Do they wait until the drone comes into range and then unleash all the hell that they can muster?
    No and why not?
    Because they are too preoccupied shooting spiders!
    They always choose to shoot spiders first. While the drone comes along and rat-a-tats the hell out of my HV.
    I have to get out of the ship and shoot the drone myself then repair my HV.

    If I go to a POI such as The Abandoned Mine I have to either leave my HV a good distance away where it can defend itself against the local fauna or take it inside the Mine and hope that respawning critters don't eat it, while I explore.
    I should be able to leave it on the roof where it can destroy incoming drones but this is no longer a sound defensive decision.
    Please, oh Please Dear boy, Please make Aliens a separate Targeting choice.
    Please don't have them lumped in with spiders, it simply doesn't work that way.


  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    If you don't want your turrets to shoot spiders go into the Device Menu, click your turrets and change their targeting parameters. Uncheck Predator from the target list and you're done. It will now only target drones, ships and troops.
    Spiders and other creatures won't attack an unmanned vessel, so if you leave it outside it should be fine.
  3. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    If I uncheck Predator, I also uncheck Drone as they share a check mark.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    No they don't.
    15 Longmarch_2019-10-26_23-07-11.png
    Drones are under "NPC Factions" as they belong to the Zirax NPC Faction.
    "Alien/Predator" only applies to scorpions, spiders, raptors, nightmares and other hostile non-faction creatures.
    If checking alien/predator stops your turrets from firing at drones, that is a bug that needs reporting.
    Daveroski likes this.
  5. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    Ah.. well there's the rub then.
    Drones are at alien installations and the natural assumption is that they belong to the aliens.
    Are the Drones Zirax so that exploring Alien POI's will make the Zirax annoyed when you defend yourself and destroy them so making it more likely that you will be attacked at your base by the Zirax?
    Seems a bit contrived to me.
    I was hoping to avoid conflict with the factions. Even their missions end up making you go to war with another faction so I tend to leave them alone.
    I may not like the answer but at least now I know.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Don't shoot the drones. If you're neutral or better with Zirax, they won't bother you.

    Your turrets will only target factions that you are unfriendly or hostile to. They won't target Zirax drones if you are neutral or better with them.
  7. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    The problem there is one starts out as Unfriendly with the Zirax and the situation doesn't change unless one works for them. While I don't want to go to war with them, I don't want to help the help them either.
    So from the outset, they will attack me or their drones will, on sight.
    Avoiding their territory has worked out so far, but as I said earlier, it is a bit contrived and seems to be forcing me into a conflict I don't really want.
    It started out as a game bout survival. It's even in the name. However it seems to be trying to pressure the player into conflict.
    As everyone knows the best way to survive a conflict is not take part.
    I owe none of the factions any allegiance and as such I am a lone survivor, an island of one.
    My aim is to survive, research all that is researchable and explore as much as possible.
    Not get caught up in local politics.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The Zirax is a xenophobic military empire. They decided to declare war on you the moment you crash landed on their planet. They're the main antagonist of the player and control most planets so you're going to run into their drones all over.

    You can work to get neutral with them, or you can use a console command to set your reputation to neutral, or create a custom scenario that removes drone patrols and guards.

    At least now you have the option to make peace with them, whereas before alpha 9 you were always at war with the Zirax and had no way to make peace.

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