Feedback Required Which additions would make the game world more vivid and lively

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Best suggestion so far.
    michaelhartman89 and Germanicus like this.
  2. Monroe

    Monroe Commander

    Nov 20, 2017
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    It does that. The playfield.yaml calls x number of group XenuAuxT1, of which there are several, and then places them randomly based on the seed. Play with it, you'll see what I mean.

    If you mean a new mechanic that randomly pulls specifically from your workshop subscriptions then that's something else, and would have to be added by Eleon. But you can do it fairly simply yourself for now if you want.
  3. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    I want to see more space content more pois, black holes, worm holes, gamma burst, enemy cv and sv many of them, when I warp the should be chance upon arriving in my new system of being attacked by pirates,

    Gas giants with moons, being able to skim the atmosphere of gas giants to obtain fuel and maybe skim objects like stars or worms holes to get warm fuel
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  4. vscuorzo

    vscuorzo Commander

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Forgot to mention meteor showers as a threat. I got an alert once about an incoming meteorite but never saw anything and thought that was a wasted opportunity for some cool effects and a potential threat to my base and ships. The meteors could leave behind some resources, occasionally rare ones. This would make a moon base more valuable, taking more hits due to its lack of atmosphere but also more opportunity to collect rare resources.
  5. Liang

    Liang Captain

    Jul 10, 2018
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    Of course the later. The game needs "more" content so it needs to be streamlined, and by doing that, Eleon will make their lives easier by opening up the game for everyone (most wont even mod the files a little bit) via player made content. So adding a way POIs downloaded will be automatically added to the games along with a spawn controller could kick the door open with content. I sure know that player made scenarios will end up far better if we can actually "place" spawn points.
    Raswayare likes this.
  6. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    This is the kind of valuable information you can get from new players! New players see things that we have all become accustomed to and don't notice anymore. Thanks for this post;)

    @idx64 keep dreaming big bro and let your voice be heard. Ignore the downers and doubters in the community and anyone that would seek to silence you. Believe me, they are out there. Try to organize your ideas, and feature requests and expand upon them. If you think they are worth the DEV team and CA's acknowledgement and development time.

    Suggestions can get lost quickly, so it's always best to remain vigilant and keep them current. I hope some people like @Hummel-o-War , @Taelyn™ , @Vermillion will look at some of these suggestions you and others have posted bc they seem doable with the current version.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2019
    xelthor and Sofianinho like this.
  7. Er_Pelao

    Er_Pelao Ensign

    Sep 1, 2019
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    Dear Designers

    At the first, I say that this game is awesome, I have played almost 1000 hour and I still love the game.

    However, If you split the game into early, medium and late stage. You can find the early pretty attractive, the medium f** awesome , but the late stage when you have tons of Erestrum and Zascosium lingots , smashed hundreds of Zyrax POIs, built the most impressive base, the game becomes bored and you finally abandon the game.

    In order to improve the late stage playability, you should implement new rules, in my opinion the first of all is a "Territory claiming rule". For example in my own server in Nitrado, I have created a scenario and assigned Point of victory to each planet (15 planets, 14 moon) the space playfield have not point of victory, and I have implemented a non-game rule that if there are not Zyrax , Polaris, Talons or human factions cores and you have a base you can claim the playfield and get the victory point. In this moment, I have four human factions fighting between other to get the VPs.

    I'm sure that you can do better, you should implement, using the territory claimy device, human factions could have borders in the playfields, and for example the faction that controls more than 50% of the planet surface gets the control of the VP.

    Please note, that the new CPU system helps to this issue, ej,

    A Tier 1 base could be a x1 multiplier as Terrain claimer.

    A Tier 4 base could be a x4 multiplier as Terrain claimer.

    Other multipliers could be the population of the base, (population? Yes, see below)

    And the VP could be auto assigned in the scenarios according to planet sizes, difficulty, resources, number of POIs, etc….

    This rule opens the door to two new (old demanded) game issues.

    - Base management system:

    - Own NPC management system.

    Base Management system:

    When you start your crusade for the space conquest, you will have dozens of bases in several planets, so you will need a Base Management Interface to receive attack warning, out of fuel warning or whatever. I thought you could improve the warning type of signal or you could interact in remote using the antens or radar (now deco) device.

    Own NPC management system.

    At the same moment that you have dozens of base for the sector, you will need the help of you own NPC to manage your base from the distance.

    I can imagine, lots of kinds of NPC, examples:

    - Soldier: Defends your base, patrol out/indor door.

    - Gunner. Improve the aiming system of turret.

    - Engineer. Improve the fuel consumption.

    - Farmer. Auto harvest your farm.

    - Cooker. Auto use the food processor

    - Radio Technician. Improve the warning signal.

    - Maintenance Worker, repair your base.

    - Pilots. AI controls your SV or HV

    - Governor. Improve or decrease the NPC ratios.


    In this way, you could use your deco furnishes as game devices, like that:

    - Beds, You will need a bed for each NPC.

    - Toilets and showels: You will need a Toilet and a showel for five NPCs (e.g.).

    And in this way you should have to design and build funtional quarters in your Bases or CVs also.

    Of course you will have to assure the food and water supply for you NPC.

    To finalize, notice that you can reach as far as you want, developing this new rules, but a in my opinion a simple territory manage rule and VP system is mandatory.

    PS. I apologize for the grammar, English is not my native language.
    Sofianinho likes this.
  8. Zaflis

    Zaflis Commander

    Sep 15, 2017
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    1 thing: Spaceship traffic on planet. Somehow especially player made traffic with our own made ships. The thought of seeing big CV's enter atmosphere and dock a while for some cargo transport...

    What kind of systems would allow us to get there, and what function would those other ships serve? That i don't know.

    An escort fleet: We could think that you can have AI controlled SV's and CV's, and keep them around idling in the orbit. From there you could call them for backup when needed, as it takes less fuel that way than having them follow you constantly. Fight on demand-kind of thing, or just follow you always if you don't care about fuel. AI would have some basic rules:
    - Won't fly if players are walking on ship or in cockpit.
    - Passengers would be allowed on the seats and they can man the turrets. They can't leave passenger seats until ship is stopped.
    - Special control block that if destroyed will stop operations and forget its orders.
    - SV's would know some basic hit and run manoveur.
    - CV's would hover over or next to target to let turrets fire.
    - Both could be ordered to auto-land at safe distance from nearby POI's on command or when shields are down, or blocks taking damage down to set %. Alternatively to landing, they could flee to a set base or go orbit to wait further orders.

    If you have played Avorion, that would be similar system. Trading ships would be fun too but that's a bigger package of things not yet implemented in game.
    michaelhartman89 likes this.
  9. [TKC]olT3lo

    [TKC]olT3lo Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Want it to seem more alive?

    Add underwater life such as fish.
    Ability to lie down.
    Ability to sleep in PvE.
    Ability to sit.
    CV Docking with space stations.
    AI that doesn't walk on tables, chairs ledges, etc (pathing).
    Better terrain sculpting (ability to fill holes with same terrain surrounding it).
    Campfires and bedrolls for hunting excursions or just make tents something we can use in PvE.
    Give us more avatar choices.. hair, face, etc.
    How about the ability to spectate some kind of fighting match and the ability to bet on it.. in an arena like atmosphere. This would give us something to do with our credits (gold).

    Ok, that's it for now. I tried to stay on topic and give ideas what would make the worlds seem more vivid and lively.
  10. s-krez

    s-krez Ensign

    Nov 10, 2019
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    Since this is a game about space. Directional freight elevators can be added. Top down left right forward backward. And free size. Also gates with free size.
    For instance . Take the upper right corner and the lower left and select. In the process, gates or ground gates are created.
    Something like pumps. To pump water from buildings in the water and supply.

    And wheels for ground transportation. I understand that there are soaring engines. But wheels are needed to create many things.
  11. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Idea for NPC movement. Player would paint the path for an NPC to walk, using 'invisible' colors. Actually just something to toggle 'view NPC pathing lines' On/Off.

    Might be possible to get a bit fancy and have an, 'X marks the spot' kind of thing to trigger a few behaviours.

    So on a CV or BA the player draws the path lines, maybe getting up from the 'engineering' station on the bridge and walking back to their cabin. An, 'NPC Activity' mark is on the bed in the cabin with a time value. So the NPC climbs into bed for that time, then continues on the path to the next thing. Maybe going to the messhall, then on back to the bridge for another duty watch.

    Or could be as simple as a 3m line with pauses at each end. For a soldier standing guard outside a restricted area.

    Basically like the painted lines on a manufacturing floor or warehouse that robots follow.

    Short term it would be nice if there were an On/Off switch for the dancers. And a couple new varietys would be great!
  12. michaelhartman89

    michaelhartman89 Rear Admiral

    Oct 2, 2016
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    Same idea a couple years ago except we called it carpet:D @piddlefoot
    Check out the link:
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  13. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Too much work.

    Simply give smartphones to NPCs and have them walk around randomly looking at it. Simple and realistic.
    StyleBBQ and ravien_ff like this.
  15. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Well... dang. yeah @Kassonnade , that's a heck of an idea! Could also rework the Zirax Base Hacking to be more realistic; have your base start to go nuts, lights flashing, viagra ads on every screen, turrets start shooting each other, general pandamodium until your generators explode! :D

    think that fits well into "more Vivid and Lively" :p:eek::D

    Edit: just so no one misunderstands; I'm not being snarky, I'd be laughing my butt off to see 'crew' wandering around staring at their phone/pads and bumping into each other, etc :)
    & if the Zirax base hacks made your base go nuts, that'd just be epic & hysterical to me :D
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2019
    Kassonnade likes this.
  16. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Go find that meteorite! They're huge balls of resources. I've been to a couple of planets where these things fall fairly regularly and make a spectacular show. Never managed to get hit by one, but I've tried. If you happen to see one, you'll see it streak through the atmosphere like some strange, huge cannon shot. They're pretty awesome and like I said, huge balls of resources. They function similar to the mineral deposits you find underground that are not voxel-based, and they shrink as you mine them, until they finally go poof and disappear, leaving you with several stacks of raw materials.
    vscuorzo likes this.
  17. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    A few things I'd love to see:

    1. Environmental Hazards:
    a. Volcanic Activity that includes lava flows, falling, burning bits, and fire.
    b. Wild fires that spread.
    c. Earthquakes, fault lines and sink holes.
    d. Unclean areas that cause disease/illness to unprotected travelers.
    e. Ice that is slippery and fragile (aka don't land on it, you'll fall in).
    f. Increased drain on stamina on high-g planets, increased drain on food/water in dry, hot environments, etc.
    g. Lighting that can strike buildings and cause wild fires.

    2. Zirax HV's and tactics
    They come at us with drones and drop ships, why not HV's?
    As for tactics, they've improved - we now get waves that include both drones and drop ships, but they always come from the same direction - and fail. But a wave a drones sent first from the east, followed by a drop ship from the west while we're occupied with shooting at drones? That's at least tactical.

    3. Intra-faction conflict

    a. Polaris/Talon conflict - the Talons tend to be rather nature-oriented, Polaris tends to be rather exploitative, so it seems reasonable these two should fight with each other.

    b. Polaris/Zirax conflict - Both seem to want control of resources, seems reasonable they should come into conflict as well.

    c. Talon/Zirax conflict - I know there's some lore between these two, but at the same time, it seems reasonable they should also come into conflict.

    4. Alien Faction - Aside from the occasional Alien Assassin that shows up, it would be nice to see a bit more from this group, especially when you start messing with their stuff.
    vscuorzo likes this.
  18. [TKC]olT3lo

    [TKC]olT3lo Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2019
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    The two things I'd like to see most in this game, and I post this separate from my first post, because I'm not sure it's on topic..

    1) Increase the level up time. I believe this is on the plate of things to do, but I'd like to see progression slowed down and leveling increased to like 50 or 75 even. Right now you level up to 25 within a day or so if you play for a few hours and are constantly working on stuff such as gathering. I'd rather have the level up time take weeks of real time but with really nice rewards every time you lvl with maybe extra rewards with milestone lvl up's.. like 5, 10, 20,25,30,40, etc. Once you get your first HV and can ride around hunting and gathering, I believe it should be a while before you get to SV's and then CV's. Give us enough to do at each major progression and the game will be more fun and can rely on something other than building. Exploration with a purpose makes exploring more fun.
    2) More stuff to do. Indigo's suggestions above would give you more to do, but I think there needs to be some other mechanic as well. In 7 Days to Die you have the horde every 7 days. In Ark you can tame dino's constantly, and need them to defeat huge bosses. Right now in Empyrion, if you aren't building, there isn't really enough to keep your interest. I understand it's alpha, I'm not knocking the game, just saying what would keep me playing longer.

    Those are the 2 biggest things for me. Obviously there is a ton of stuff that could be mentioned, but from 10,000 ft, these are huge.
    vscuorzo and dazkaz like this.
  19. vscuorzo

    vscuorzo Commander

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Wait, that's already a thing? I got the alert but saw nothing and had no way to track it down. I've also only had that happen once, ever. I'd like it to happen more often, especially on moons with no atmosphere.
  20. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    You can trigger these to happen in most cases, by depleting a body of resources. You've probably noted on the system map, in the planet info mention of meteorites and depletion meteorites, if not, take a look. It's been a thing for a really long time. They're quite cool, but can come down quite far away. I recommend a small, fast SV to scout for them, and a good drilling HV to harvest them. With the ability now to dock anything to anything*, a strong SV that can carry a drilling HV is ideal.

    I'd like to see Random Meteorites far more often as well, unfortunately that doesn't seem to be a default configuration, though it is my understanding it's fairly simply to configure.

    * Except CV to BA... for some reason they think it's redundant, but really it would be useful for BA's built in orbit or deep space. There's just something satisfying with hearing that landing gear lock down sound.
    Ballard and vscuorzo like this.

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