Feedback Required Wishlist: BUILDING blocks and structural devices

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    zztong likes this.
  2. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    T2 Grow Plots: which are actually light weight hydroponic racks. Require more advanced resources to make (higher learning level), but are more efficient in grow period, quantity harvested, and less mass than a cube of dirt.
    zztong, Vermillion and Siege Inc. like this.
  3. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Kitchen sink: Needs a visual update/variant. Something sci fi/hi tech with a dishwasher as part of it*.
    *ancillary to this is stove and fridge deco. I know we have working fridges/food processor but I don't always want to use those as general deco. Plus the visuals on the fridges are kind of....meh.
    One very slick, clean looking variant that would look at home in a private residence and one that looks like it was designed for a small space on a station. The current versions are very 20th century looking.
    sci fi kitchen1.jpg sci fi kitchen2.jpg

    sci-fi tool bench: a table with tools and parts scattered on it.

    I have a tendency to use the medium box in the Tech equipment deco, turned upside down, as a microwave. Could use microwave deco.

    I use the "operating table" as a trashcan a lot.

    Merchant table deco: glass cases, tables, stalls, etc displaying different kinds of goods.

    I'd like to use a row of lockers but the only version currently available is the personal cargo box which isn't allowed in a blueprint.

    The armor locker could use some variants.

    A weapons rack would be nice.

    Bathroom sink: single block sinks. hi tech sci fi versions.
    Toilet: Visual updates: public stall versions with doors(non airtight). Private version without walls.
    sci fi bathroom2.jpg
    More sci fi looking variants.
    sci fi bathroom.jpg

    Wood doors. Low tech, wooden textures.
    Doors that are opaque but not airtight. Sometimes I want seal off a private area from view but not air.

    The Tribal furnishing deco includes a small dining room table with four chairs(table 2). I'd like to see a modern version of that. Maybe a longer version as well(conference room table). I end up using some of those wooden deco pieces like the bookcase 1 and the cabinet tables a lot too. Modern/sci fi versions of those would be nice. The barrels too.
    Single block recliner.

    Sci fi looking bed. Recessed into the wall.
    sci fi bed.jpg

    An actual decontamination chamber instead of using toilet/shower.

    Computer console deco with chairs(that count as passenger seating). Trying to add the deco chair in front of those doesn't look right because of the block spacing.

    Sci fi lab table with equipment on it. If we got deco that looks like the banks of computer equipment behind it, bonus!
    sci fi lab.jpg

    Futuristic hospital bed with electronic readouts, etc.

    sci fi holographic table display. We have that one table in the computer deco but if you could give it a raised holographic display, maybe one that's animated with ships flying in and out, another showing terrain, one showing buildings, etc.
    sci fi holographic table.jpg

    The media center in the Consoles deco is cool. It shows stock market stuff. How about some free standing like holographic screens 2-4 that show product advertisements? Maybe one showing directions.

    Railings that fit the shallower slope/angle ramp A, Ramp C medium, stairs wedge long.

    Barred doors - for jail cells and gates.
    New door type: secret door. Flat, can be textured and painted.

    Spiral staircase needs a rework. It's difficult to walk up and down it. Probably needs to be two blocks wide and/or long.

    Weapon turret variants:
    Bubble canopy type turret
    Big battleship type turrets
    Small turrets(very quick but lower damage), large turrets, super large turrets(track slower but more damage)
    Special weapons(example: the wave motion gun on the Space Battleship Yamato)

    Med/Clone chamber variants:
    med chamber1.jpg med chamber2.jpg med chamber4.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2019
  4. RoberteRiche

    RoberteRiche Ensign

    Nov 24, 2019
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    I actually wrote this in the tread before seeing that this thread was already here.

    I cannot understand why after all these years and with the new blocks, why are there no railings for the long stairs? I thought that would be an obvious feature and was disappointed again when I did not see them in the new blocks. Is there a reason for them not being added or just not concerned about that? I do like the new blocks and hope to see more, would love to see a large round saucer some day and not one that looks like pixels.

    Thanks for anything you can do!!!
  5. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    A large block Manual Door, like the SV/HVs. It gets really annoying to walk down a corridor with a few 'cabin doors' and have all the noise.

    Or a switch to disable auto-opening for existing doors. Per door. Would be great if it were simply the On/Off switch in the Devices tab. On and door auto opens & draws power, Off and it has to be manually opened/closed and doesn't draw power.
    zztong, Vermillion, Ephoie and 2 others like this.
  6. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    A lawnmower please! A good house does not look good full of grass around.-
    Ephoie and StyleBBQ like this.
  7. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    ALien versions of equipment makes perfect sense. Possibly the alien devices are able to produce items that human devices can't.
    It would be a great reason to ally with an alien faction, to get access to their tech.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  8. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    I create an inverter signal in the Siganl Logic panel, set the input to 0 and set the name to "STAYCLOSED"
    Now, anydoor that you do not want to automatically open can be set to "STAYCLOSED" and they will not open when you pass.

    HOWEVER - It SHOULD already be an option to set the door to manual or auto right on the object itself, but it is not.

    Another pet peeve about door blocks is that the door panels themselves should not extend beyond their block's edge. The door panels, much like the Hangar doors, should disappear in to the frame of the door block..... not into its adjacent blocks, IMHO.
  9. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    //// Just thinking out loud here ////
    The Clone chamber would be neat if it had a Tube or Door that slid open when a player is respawed or "cloned"..... That would be neat-o!
    Cluascorp and StyleBBQ like this.
  10. StyleBBQ

    StyleBBQ Captain

    Apr 21, 2016
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    Thanks for the logic/signal tip @Ephoie :)

    I should have included Shutters & Ramps in my post. Imo those would also be much more user friendly if the Device On/Off could control them.
    Ephoie likes this.
  11. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Agreed. Last response I got on the subject was "its not possible"... but I scoff, because in programming, nothing is impossible. Plus with this, its a simple logic flag. Especially when they have added more complicated logic flags to other things.... so why not doors?

    Along the same lines, I've pestered them for a toggle on doors to be 'airtight' or not too (that force field). Again, it was met with 'not possible'.

    God yes this. I don't know how many times I have badgered the devs to fix the damned doors.

    Yet what do they do? They add diagonal doors, and curved doors, which do the SAME DAMN NONSENSE.
    Cluascorp, Vermillion and StyleBBQ like this.
  12. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    First thing that comes to mind:

    HV-sized Armor Locker for BA/CV (1x1). Fully acceptable to have half the capacity of the large 2x2 Armor Locker for BA/CV, just would make for a nice aesthetic option. Options are always good.

    Next, the Medical Devices - this is more a mechanical rework:

    When we use the Repair Bays on our vessels, they are surrounded by a green force field, and are, for all intents and purposes, immobile. I think the same should be true of us when we use medical equipment. Step in for first aid, get force-fielded in place until healed. They could actually be slowed down a bit as well, as it stands they're darn near instant heals.

    Spotlight "Turret" for BA/CV

    A simple 1x2 device, like the Sentry Gun, only it shines a bright light really far. Can have options like:
    Manual: Only points where it is aimed and stays there.
    Automatic: Will point at the nearest anything that comes into its range and track like a regular turret.
    Ignore Owner: Does just that, does not target/track the Owner.

    The New LCD Projector

    Ok, first, I love this thing. I'd just love to see an Off-center option for it, like the bar light has an Off-center option. Having it plastered dead-center in a block can be distracting. Another option/variant would be the Ranged LCD Projector. Rather than projecting onto the wall it's attached to, let it project a distance away, with possible Zoom. Use the same effect used for calibrating Motion Sensors - an adjustable field that the LCD projection appears at the end of, scaled to match the area where it is projected. Bonus Props for adding multiple "pages" of text, and "delay time" option before switching from the first "page" to the next. Double-bonus props for allowing us to link in our own "sprites" by adding a "Custom Sprites" directory where we can store images for use as Sprites.

    Laser Target Designator

    One for the Weapons category, but a fun one for sure - a hand-held "weapon" that puts a bright red dot on a target. Why? Because when you "fire", you trigger any turrets you own in range to fire on the designated target. Bonus Props for a new HV/BA Long Range Artillery turret with exponentially more range (1 mile). This would add so much to combat in terms of strategy. Park an HV with a Long Range Artillery turret or two 3/4 of a mile from a target, set out on foot with a designator and start painting your targets and let the shells rain down.

    The Radar

    This device has been sitting around in Contstrutors for ages and it still does nothing but look nifty. Time to give it a function. Also time to make a small version for HV's and SV's. What to do with it? Well... my first thought is to tie it into the radar display we have in the upper right of the screen. Let it expand on that by giving us Zoom levels. Upgrade it to serve as a detection system for resources in its range, or to improve the accuracy and response times of turrets. Maybe you've got some other ideas. Let's see something.


    These have been around forever, but they can only be placed in Creative Mode, and require some console tomfoolery to link. Time to make them a Level 30 unlock, and simplify how they're linked. Here's my thought:
    We can link Constructors to Containers via a drop-down menu. Let's do the same with the Teleporter. Build one somewhere. Build another one somewhere else. Pick the target Teleporter from the Drop Down menu, just like you'd link a Constructor to a Container. Done.
    Yes, this means you could potentially not link the Destination back to the Origin, and make a one-way Teleporter. Or you could link the Destination to a Different Destination. Both of these would be highly desirable options. They could even be "fueled" by Refined Pentaxid, or better yet - by Elemental Pentaxid, since it has only a few odd uses - or better still, by raw Pentaxid, making this an even more valuable commodity.

    The Clone Chamber

    Add a glass tube-like cover, and maybe something kind of human-shaped floating in it, purely for the visuals.

    Sound Emitter

    A little 1/9th the size of a block surface-mounted device, like a light, but one that makes a selected noise when activated. Would be great to trigger an alarm sound when triggered by a motion sensor, light sensor or simple switch.

    Day/Night Sensor

    Stick one outside, give it a signal to send and watch your base lights turn themselves off during the day when they're not needed. Or do all sort of neat things when it's dark or daylight.

    Solar Battery

    Give us an option to Turn It Off/Let it Charge, rather than depleting it when it's not needed - ie, when a base has both Solar and Generator power available, the Solar Batteries should not be depleting when the Generator is running, unless the consumption is greater than the production. See Day/Night Sensor above.

    Emergency Battery

    Acts like a Generator by supplying power. Charges like shields, powered by our own Generators/Solar power. Lose a Generator or solar battery/panels, have an Emergency Battery to fall back on to keep essentials running.

    Manual Doors

    CV/BA Variant PLEASE! Doors are really handy if you want an internal elevator that doesn't need a "room" of its own, but our only option for doors are Automatic doors, and the only way to keep them from opening whenever you're nearby is to tie them to a switch, which isn't always convenient. Manual doors would be fantastic here. They're also nice for Bathrooms/Showers, but having them open every time someone walks by is a little bothersome.

    Air Tight Glass Doors

    Glass Windows are Air Tight, why not an Air Tight variety of Glass Door, for the aesthetics.

    Heavy Glass Dome Segments

    We have some lovely half and quarter round corners for regular glass, some very nice curved segments of heavy glass, with and without boarder frames. I'd love some quarter round corners in Heavy Glass, with and without boarder frames. Oh the lovely things we could build, like a dome-shaped window made of 4 quarter round heavy glass corners.

    There are few regular blocks still missing, but I will have to make some screenshots for these.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
  13. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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  14. Yrth

    Yrth Lieutenant

    Nov 18, 2016
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    Another approach to block-shapes.

    The request for the definition of 'needed blocks' is very welcome, but imho there are a nearly infinite amount of possible block shapes.
    For me the most needes blok-shapes would be additional ramps and the corresponding slopes with a ratio of 1:3, 1:4, 1:6, 1:12. Let us try to count the amount of blocks needed to create the ramps and slopes: 1:3->6, 1:4->8, 1:6->12, 1:12->24 total amount 50! Ok maybe doable.
    Now let us build a simple nice Assertor-Class Star Destroyer. We would need 1:3 for the side slopes, 1:6 for the slope from the sid to the middle and 1:12 for the slope from the front to the back. So we need for this special case a slope block with this 3 different slope-ratios. As you can see the possible combinations for the slopes are insane. So this is not realizeable.

    Proposed solution:
    Imho we habe currently a fixed set of predefined static blockes. I want to introduce dynamic blocks. Let the player/builder define custom blocks.
    A custom block could be defined with the 8 corner-positions of the fill material like a virtual cube with the possibility to drag the 8 positions with the mouse. Every block created this way should be stored in a private custom block-library. (If the possible values of the positions are restricted to whole numbers eg. 1-12, the amount of different blocks would be reduced)
    If someone creates a blueprint with custom blocks the blueprint needs a section with the definition of the custom blocks. Usage of such a bp lead to the import of the bp-custom-blocks into the local custom block-library.

    This kind of approach would reduce the need to create standart blocks, and the concept could be extended to circular pillars and spheres with cusom sizes.
  15. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Another block/device type I'd love to see:

    Lift Block

    Like an Elevator, but capable of being much larger in size, and restricted to a single axis of motion.

    Useful how?

    Mounted facing the ground, this could be used to make a large lift capable of picking up an HV when a boarding ramp of sufficient size/length is impossible. Facing upwards, a retractable landing pad for SV's. There are plenty of possibilities where this would be extremely cool and useful.

    As for actual blocks, here's a missing shape:


    Instead of coming together at a single point, a "centered wedge" shape that is flat at the "point", spanning the width of the block.
  16. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I think the camera block would be fundamental at this point. A musical block as in Minecraft but more Pro and the ability to include own songs. A block of skewers for bugs or walking enemies. Small blocks at 1/9 scale to create spectacular structures. Rotating light block for ships or bases. Siren block for danger alarm. A block of state of the holographic ship in real time. Road block to decorate surroundings. Bridge block, scaffolding, lanterns and stairs without the need for a core. Texture of earth, grass, sand or stone to cover holes. Rail block to travel along the point. Functional teleportation block between two or more destinations of your choice. Cockpit block with real data and pilot masses. Anti-radiation survival block, creating a dome on the character. And the lawnmower would not hurt at all, hehe. Cheers.-
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was just thinking about a window shape I would like to see in the game.

    A diagonal corner window block.

  18. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Two examples of the same shape I keep running into and I so far was unable to find (feel free to correct me if it is already in game)

    High triangle to low triangle transition, with top half slope as a "back" and full square as a "bottom"

    Laborka A11_2019-11-23_15-24-21.png Laborka A11_2019-12-05_23-20-21.png
    UncleBensRicin likes this.
  19. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    See here:
    I asked for this block in several threads. And reminded the devs at least twice. Somehow it always gets forgotten.
    Honestly i don't get why and i am a bit pissed.
    During Alpha 10 EXP it had the 2nd most likes. But when Alpha 10 became public just other corridor blocks got added.
    Then Alpha 10.5/11 came. 16 new blocks shapes. Several of them were requested. But the one with the (now/then) most likes doesn't make it through again.
    Now here is this thread and somehow Alpha 10.5 became Alpha 11 and suddenly made a jump to Alpha 11.5 so Alpha 12 is probably not far.
    If this block doesn't come with Alpha 12 or sooner i call this a conspiracy!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2019
  20. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    it's ok. we will have HVs that can mine in space now...

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