INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. SifVerT

    SifVerT Commander

    Nov 23, 2018
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    It's an alpha ;)
    Tyrax Lightning and Ronewird like this.
  2. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Just look at the long thread in witch we are.....and you will realise from the difference of the comments what kind of people will be more likely be listen. Look like a inner circle is taking the direction of the game and our feedback have little of no weight about it.

    Regarding the alpha is just stupid the concept on itself.
    4 Years alpha? this is hilarious.

    Is just cutting cost doing no beta testing. We are the beta tester.
    Minecraft have at least a bigger release every years....but don`t considerate itself an alpha....
    It just make beta testing before release something who maybe don`t work properly.

    Is like empyrion a game under costant development....but in a really different way.
    SifVerT likes this.
  3. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    A error with the pilot's seat, restarting the game and reinstalling the seats does not help. What to do with this I do not know.

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    go on bug report of the forum and post it
    Tyrax Lightning and Bob [OG] like this.
  5. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    workaround in the meantime: have two cockpits. Error appears when you try the first one, then you can sit in the second. I don't know what causes it, but thankfully it only affects one chair at a time
    Tyrax Lightning and CyberMech like this.
  6. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Didn't see the video, but if it says currently occupied, then deleting cache usually hels as a fix.
  7. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    detach command in console should do it but again, wrong topic for help.
    Tyrax Lightning and CyberMech like this.
  8. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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  9. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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  10. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    I was really hopping the CPU was a bad joke, but oh dear, looks like their not even considering removing this CPU Abomination crap. How about we don't fix what isn't broken? The Core in Empyrion is considered the computer of the ship. Why wasn't this logical concept left how it was? And instead of braking it, building upon it?

    I mean the Computer already exist and we know the CPU chip goes inside the computer. So why brake it? Lets see broke immersion, added blocks that weren't needed so added more clutter. Tried to balance out ship types not based on weight, mass-size, and the design of the ship but out of made up CPU numbers.

    Did you know that the Computer itself and the CPU prepossessing ability is designed after the ship and not the other way around? In short the computer is designed after the ship and not the ship after the computer. Again doing things backwards then not surprisingly braking it.

    What you want to do or atleast what i would do is to make the game so intuitive harmonizing and as naturally flowing as possible as to bring a fun immersion into the game. You want to immersive the player so completely into the game that he forgets about everything else when his playing the game. And thats what makes a good game.

    The CPU Chip is a core component of what makes a computer, but it is not the computer itself — it’s just the brains of the operation. And sense the core in Empyrion is the computer the little CPU chip that is supposed to fit inside is the brains and should logically be smaller then the body (the computer, the core).

    NASA's computer for the Space shuttle is called the IBM System/4 P. The Space Shuttle is about the size of a Light Capital Vessel. Remember that this computer weighs about 64 pounds which means that even i can carry it around on with my bare hands. The amount of space it occupies is about the size of 1 sv block or 1/8th of a cv block.

    The Developers did the CPU backwards “they made the brains of the computer bigger or multiple times the size of the whole body” which logically makes no sense.

    Information on the actual size of an Aircraft Computer:

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
    dQgnflua likes this.
  11. dQgnflua

    dQgnflua Lieutenant

    Mar 26, 2017
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    CPU FEEDBACK and a suggestion!

    Well, feedback will be as the 1200++ others in this tread; it is no fun, and it limmit creation hard!
    Been spending some time on testing other server than the one i usualy play on, and on every pvp field, with cpu active, all i see is flying bricks!
    Maybe what Eleon wants, but i rather try Star End than fighting borgs all the time!
    Since you can`t have a shield and a gun on a tier one sv/hv, blocks NEED to be stronger! You need to raid pois to make higher tier, but as it is now, your vessel is destroyd way before you get close to a poi (sp and mp) So something need`s to be done there!
    With cpu, and as long as normal blocks are calculated in the CPU, the size class should be removed!

    But, i do not hate the idea of CPU.
    Having one vessel that can be my flying fortress, while i am watering my plants and carry tons of cargo at max speed is also kinda stupid, so the idea of CPU is nice!

    My suggestion, if possible, would be to make specialized cpu blocks, that favour different block types! core + 1 cpu type!
    Type one: Cheap on the shield t2, ammo box, and turrets etc... And combat blocks if that is still calculated in the future!
    Type two: Cheap on the constructors, constructor box (new block :p ) and plots etc... shield t1
    Type three: Cheap on heavy thrusters, cargo box, ramps etc... shield t1

    You see where i am going! Then we will have specialized ships, but with a more balanced type!
    A cargo ship still need protection, but not as much as a war ship, who will not carry to much!
    The flying base will not need so much cargo, but need to be able to build without taking out all cpu in just the cargo boxes!

    And players love big ships and bases! That is a easy going fact! As the game is now, you cant have a big ship, that looks good, and can be used!

    Anyway! Thank you for a great and lovely game so far! Keep up the hard and good work, and i am sure this cpu thing will only be one of many stones in the shoe on the road to a great finnished product <3

  12. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    I think there are number of us that have left our thoughts as reviews. Personally, I don't think it will matter much. The "off by default" is very clever gimmick that will grab new players oblivious to the challenges being boiled into the game. While I might have enjoyed some of the features that have been "off by default" up until this latest with CPU, the difference I see between those and the official CPU mechanic is that I could build to the weights and volume (w-v) standard but there was no special building materials required, so someone not inclined to play the way I chose was not impacted by my choice. They would only gain bonuses for using a BP built with the extra thrust to handle cargo mass. However, with CPU, if I want builds that are semi-universal, I have to never exceed tier 2. The non-CPU game will still end up with the T2 extender, but at least it doesn't require any special loot to build. However, they'll end up with an energy cost without the corresponding gain. As such, my "universal" SV/HV after this can never have shields. And considering there is already a hint they are considering increasing the CPU costs of weapons, well....

    Those of us with over 1,000 hours aren't getting a refund. Some of us, despite our recent negative reviews, are still hoping that the developers make some more desirable choices in the future. I can tell you this much, some of us are very likely to play the game again from time to time until such time as it comes out of the perpetual alpha state it seems to be caught in. Why? Because how can I judge the changes they make if I never play the game again? Maybe in alpha 14 or 15 CPU will be fixed into some form that actually enhances the experience instead of sucking all the enjoyment out of the game we once were excited to play. If I never touch Empyrion again, how would I ever discover if the game redeems itself as a game I would enjoy?

    Sometimes the dollar speaks stronger than anything else, even greater than the feedback in the forums. Considering the "off by default" trick, I doubt the recent negative reviews will do anything to impact the cash flow of the game, for the positive reviews remain overwhelming. So odds seem extremely high that the developers will continue further along the path that we have observed, and thus Empyrion may not become a game I will enjoy and I may never find the desire to change my negative review.

    As for myself, I have already made a personal commitment to play the game again. Why? First, because after another couple versions, maybe CPU will achieve a more agreeable state. Mostly though, because I had made a personal commitment to build a series of blueprints. With the advent of CPU, I have completely revised my plan. My excitement is gone, and with it my energy, but my commitment remains. So I have trimmed the scope of my vision from over a 100 BP to less than 50. A vision that should be easier to achieve than my original vision by keeping to tier 1 and 2 only. However, with CPU probably due for some additional refinement, and risk that weapon costs will yet go up some more, there is part of me that says I don't want to waste more time on this game until after CPU is more settled. With risks that CPU might actually get worse yet, I may want to wait an alpha version or two before I really put in the effort to complete my vision. Once I achieve my revised goal, then it may be possible that I never play Empyrion again thereafter. We'll see what state the game is in at that point. In the meantime, I can no longer recommend this game to other players, and so my review reflects that.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
  13. paxxo1985

    paxxo1985 Commander

    Nov 10, 2017
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    You need to make the dolls 100x times smaller than the halo guy and dolls between t4 and t3 10x smaller
    Bob [OG] likes this.
  14. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    The problem here is who most of us are working a new blueprints.

    Me for exanple im working on creative at my new cv home base. So they already make one my favorite design obsolete. What i have to do now?

    Just w8 till the developer have final take a final decision. Or take a risk and finish my blueprint with the possibility who the new cpu count go up? So they are planning to made another of my cv obsolete?

    We are going on a strange and weird ground here......i am a busy man i have two job to keep myself and my livestyle and as all the other busy people overthere we have no time to waste.

    Make a huge blueprint take a lot of time and with the new game mecanic a lot of different aspect to take on count. So ship design is not a simple job like before....thruster placement, cpu count. Weigh and a lot!

    If they want to make some adjustment every single one they make have the potential to broke a new blueprint....wasting hours and hours of gaming ( and so other people time ).

    So what i'm suppost to do now? How i can optimize a cv if the dev don't put on place a clear and straightforward decision about that?

    Was very simple before but ad i say cpu are funny to play, so weight and volume, the new fly system is terrible and overcomplicate everyting.

    Ia not a chilli game anymore, i want to play a game for relax myself i dont want to take a degree on engineer just to have some fun, or a master degree on divination ti understand how we are going and where? Is that make sense for someone overthere?

    I have no time to waste, if you guys upstair want to take some decision you have to take it now, fix this mess you havr done...

    Or i personally go to a competitor. Nothing personal, just no time to waste.
  15. Minelaus

    Minelaus Captain

    Sep 12, 2016
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    I think to limit the capacity of a ship just with some imaginary numbers is the worst point in the CPU system .

    I would prefer to have 4 types of cpu that give per block a low ammount of a specific cpu limit , so instead of a fixed limit you need to pay a high cpu value in space , mass and energy cost , that would allow big builds with a lot of CPU but of the cost of internal space so you need to find a balance what you want and what youre build is cappable of .

    1. Engineering System CPU : raises the limit for Thruster , RCS , Warpdrive , Cockpit , Generator and O2/Fueltanks
    2. Defence System CPU : raises the limit for Weapons , Turrets , Shields and Hardenet/Combat Steel Blocks
    3. Devices System CPU : raises the limit for Constructor , Cargostorrage , Repair Bay and Station , Growing Lights , Kitchen/Freezer , O2 Station , Armor Locker , Drill's and Multiturret
    4. Structual System CPU : raises the limit for Doors , Gates , Forcefield , Ramps , Light
  16. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    2 weeks after the update: 60+ pages of drama from all sides and the issue still remains. confirming my theory that the devs don't care anymore. they have our money so our opinions do not matter to them. perhaps they are sick of working on this and making the game complexly unplayable is the goal now. i really want to love this game again but that seems less likely every day :(
  17. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Both is being in the works for 11.5
  18. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    That's always risky to say, but at the moment - if the devs do not turn around 180° - the global Points and Tiers will not see changes anymore. As i said elsewhere: smaller balancings aside (so you might need to revisit your build if you really maxed out the CPU Tier level 100%) and there is a SLIGHT possiblity, the Turrets/Weapons might get an increase as well. But not sure ... so sry that's not helpful, but should indicate we are closing in to a state where no big surprises should happen anymore.

    No liability assumed :D
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I read all your post and I agree to all, apart from one thing : don't waste your time building in the latest version of experimental, or not even the latest public version, if you KNOW you will have to fix your ship later because of changes and you DO NOT accept that fact.

    This is not advocating for bad features : this is advocating for common sense. I have a life too, and the last thing I want to do is waste my play time "working" for something I get no benefit from.

    And the more time passes, the least this is likely to happen. If they do turn 180" at some point, all the efforts done to adapt and the new "prefabs" rush to replace them, and players fixing their workshop stuff... well, I'm happy to be just a "witness" and not in your position. o_O
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
  20. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Thank you for your answer. Really apreciate.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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