Fixed new install game will not start

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by sbels, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. sbels

    sbels Ensign

    Feb 23, 2020
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    just got game yesterday (2/22/2020) installed it gets to loading screen then freezes and goes non responsive, I use windows defender have windows 10 (updated 2/20/2020) updated radeon drivers (2/22/2020) no threat file in windows defender so not miss iding game as threat no crash log in appdata file already did the # disable streaming fix when trying to launch from the Empyrion.exe get a not connected to steam error but game does not crash just wont load cleared steam download cache only have 1 drive have uninstalled and reinstalled the game and verified the game through steam now in that file from 2777 at the bottem is a warning about the shader is unsupported on my gpu there is no crash file at the specified location from the needs attention read before reporting article I have attached everything I could find please help this game looks awesome and I REALLY wanna try it out thank you for your time

    ps also did the reg edit fix sorry forgot to put in at first
    pss just checked Empyrion was already set to allowed through firewall on windows defender

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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  3. theonetruefox

    theonetruefox Ensign

    Feb 14, 2020
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    This one keeps getting reported and I honestly don't think it is a bug. The game freezes because it is very resource heavy. I've got a pretty new (last year's black friday kind of new) and powerful gaming computer and it still freezes up for me. What you need to do is let it sit for a few minutes with NOTHING else running on your computer. After 3-6 minutes, if you are patient and let it do its thing, it should load up with a "Warning: Low Memory Detected" at which place you can start playing (though I would recommend dropping graphics settings as low as possible to reduce future loading times).

    As for your steam error, it's just a problem with the game connecting to steam. Restarting Steam will fix that pretty easy. I've had this one with a few games. Also, never use the .exe, I've had problems loading from that for some unknown reason. I load from Steam's app and no problems (aside from the above mentioned.)
  4. sbels

    sbels Ensign

    Feb 23, 2020
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    will give it a try thanks for responding
  5. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    What are the specs of this PC ?
    GPU & VRAM:
    Is the game running of a SSD or HDD ?

    How much dedicated memory does the GPU have ?
    How much shared memory does the GPU have ?
    To show information for these last 2 questions you can either attach a dxdiag or in windows 10:
    Windows settings > System > Display > Advanced Display Settings > then click on the option 'Display adapter properties for Display' & take a screenshot of the properties box that appears.

    What is you windows page file setup to ? you can take a screenshot of the 'Virtual Memory' window:
    1. Open the windows control panel
    2. Select System
    3. Select Advanced system settings
    4. Click Advanced tab
    5. Under Performance, click Settings
    6. Under Performance Options, click on the Advanced tab
    7. Here, under Virtual memory, select Change
  6. sbels

    sbels Ensign

    Feb 23, 2020
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    it's working now thanks so much
  7. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    That's good to hear!
    I'm curious though what have you got the windows page file setup to & what was it previously setup to ?
    & what quality preset is set in the video options ? options > video

    If any more crashing happens on your system try to set the quality preset to 'Fast' then restart the game.

    Feel free to PM me directly by clicking on my profile name & selecting the start a conversation option.

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