A12 EXP - Teleporter System

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    While teleporters are nothing really new to you, as they are used as fixed transportation opportunities in POIs already, Alpha 12 will hand over the possibility to use teleporters on your Ships and Bases to our players.. in SURVIVAL!

    You will be able to unlock, craft, place and use teleporters on Captial Vessels and Bases for any of your quick-personal transport needs.

    The possibility to configure teleportes for POI with fixed direction will STAY, but of course only for setup in Creative mode or in Godmode Invisible (survival).

    - In Survival, the teleporters will use an automatic range-finder to reveal targets you can teleport to, based on range and faction standing. You need to be at least FRIENDLY with an NPC faction to use their teleporters.
    - You can teleport freely between your own structures and ships BUT for NPC faction stations, you need to 'discover' them first ( = discovered = added to your Registry)
    - There are a few limitations, though: Teleporting away while shield are active or your station is under fire is not possible.
    - On the other hand, inbound teleports will not be held off by shields or when a teleporter is off or your station is under fire
    - You can of course only teleport to your and your factions destinations, not to OTHER players private or other factions structures.

    There might be a lot of other questions. Feel free to post them below.

    • Added: Teleporter CV; can teleport inside the Sector
    • Added: Teleporter BA; can teleport up to 30 Light Years
    • Added: UI for using Teleporters, depending on range, faction standing etc.
    • Added crafting templates
    • Customization: Teleporter blocks support property RangeLY (= 0 only teleports in the current sector are allowed, > 0 teleports up to LY distance are supported, integer value). Default is 30
      Supporting property 'AttackTimeout' (default is 20s) that will not allow teleport for this amount of time after an attack. (only on player structures, not on NPC/Faction structures)
    • Added possibility to set a teleporter to work with the “Teleport Network”. Only teleporters activated for the Teleport Network will contribute to a player's teleporter network. Uncheck if you want a POI to not be available from the outside.
    • Allow entity id instead of "name or group name" of entity (mainly for use via ModAPI)
    • For Creators, relating to NPC Portals and Teleporters in POIs that are NOT tied to the new teleporter system, but for example used for fixed teleports > enhanced syntax for target to

    Note: This does NOT apply for targets that are instances as they get loaded all the time.
    Note: This does NOT apply to the teleporters players can build in survival! (Player teleporters do not use a fixed syntax, but the new, dynamic target-range finding!)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Known Issues

  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Questions and Answers

  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You like to mock me, don't you:D

  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Absolutely..but in this case, it was just a copypaste error. :p
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I think remote control range via registry of at least shields should be extended to be the same as that of the teleporter of shield are to be a manually controlled gate of teleporter function.

    Otherwise, shields should be automatically temporarily dropped around a teleport regardless of whether the origin is the shielded structure or not. Currently, the shield relationship seems more of an intentional trap for unwary solo players than something functionally meaningful.

    Matter transference implies some means of communication, so I don't think that is unreasonable.
  7. jbrown

    jbrown Commander

    Jul 11, 2019
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    Might have already been mentioned, but the new teleporters drain energy FAST, and can break your generators if you don't account for it. I've placed them under a motion sensor sized just for the one square of the teleporter. This way, they are always off, except when you step on it, ensuring when you teleport OUT of a ship or base, it turns off again. Otherwise, you'll find yourself out of fuel FAST.
    Jualter likes this.
  8. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    ^ They should have pressure sensors built in TBH.
  9. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    A more sensible energy footprint would be to have a small standby load, begin drawing a full 12kPU during a several second long "charge up" period after a player confirms a teleport, and then return to standby afterwards. This is the method of operation people would expect based on how other blocks work, and more clever players are going to build mechanisms that produce it anyway, so it's probably best for the teleporter to just work like this.

    I'm also wondering what a freight teleporter scheme would look like. Maybe it has its own internal cargo box, and activating a teleport cycle would simply exchange its contents with those of the target teleporter. Separate incoming and outgoing boxes might also work, especially if playfield management requires a player to teleport along with the cargo. The net effect should be a method of quickly moving smaller amounts of freight quickly at a higher energy cost. They shouldn't be capable of replacing cargo ship entirely. It's the sort of thing you'd use to connect small outposts for water, autominers, and farming. If used on CVs, it could be used to offload ore from miners or replenish fuel, ammunition, and supplies in an emergency.
  10. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Hey @Hummel-o-War, will it ever be possible to use teleporters to move within the same structure?

    I notice we can have more than one currently but they don't show up in the destination menu when teleporting away from the structure and when teleporting in from a different structure we don't always end up in the same teleporter

    Ho and I second the opinion that they should have a lower consumption when in idle
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    The "multi target" is on the request list already. Hopefully it can be done. :)
    Kaeser likes this.
  12. SLI_Fallen

    SLI_Fallen Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2019
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    So when are we going to find out how to enable that Polaris "Survey Station" Teleporter plopped smack into the starter area crash zone every time. ;-)

    EDIT. (Phase III)

    …..nevermind. HAHAHAHA.
    Last edited: May 6, 2020
  13. iNick

    iNick Lieutenant

    Mar 3, 2018
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    Eleon (and everyone, content creators alike) -- A hearty thank you. I skipped Alpha 11 but was following Alpha 12 very closely and looked forward to playing it, even in Experimental (which typically carry Experimental issues, bugs -- something I've just come to expect). I need to make two bullet points and express super thanks to anyone who helped put it into place -- Since I'm on this subforum topic, I'll start with Teleporters.

    The teleporting system that brings you from planet to oribital trade platforms are *BACK*. I missed that in recent versions, I used it in Alpha 7 (when I bought the game) to get my first night-vision goggles and now I can do similar again. A quick start to the dark nights and allows me to see better - I love it. THANK YOU.

    In a very closely knit topic, the second thing I want to say super big THANK YOUs to is that now the trading platforms (I was on Polaris planet and Polaris orbital) have usable food prep stations (because they require a container now!). There's a nearby public container for the food and a nearby public container for the large constructor that allows us to stitch ourselves up in a pinch if we need to. I saw the constructors and food prep areas, and sure, I convinced myself, even in public trading POIs, that they're not for the public. But now they're available for anyone coming by --- A SUPER DUPER GREAT SCOTT THANK YOU.

    These two are wonderful things, I am not downplaying any of the other additions (additional factions, NPC vs NPC [fun!], etc etc) but these two are super awesome and I love it. Thank you!
    ravien_ff likes this.
  14. Rasstis Livingston

    Rasstis Livingston Ensign

    Jul 9, 2018
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    As posted (above) by: The Big Brzezinski

    I am a supporter of:

    "A more sensible energy footprint would be to have a small standby load, begin drawing a full 12kPU during a several second long "charge up" period after a player confirms a teleport, and then return to standby afterwards. This is the method of operation people would expect based on how other blocks work, and more clever players are going to build mechanisms that produce it anyway, so it's probably best for the teleporter to just work like this."

  15. BlueStar

    BlueStar Ensign

    May 5, 2020
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    The standby power is way too high. I was forced to use a motion sensor to turn them off, but that method is glitchy and as a result it might not turn off the teleporter. This happened to me twice, even with plenty of energy left before I teleported. I lost a lot of fuel this way and even some of food supplies went bad. I created a Config.ecf file to solve the issue.
    Last edited: May 8, 2020
  16. Deis

    Deis Ensign

    May 12, 2020
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    I concur on the fuel usage of the Teleporters. As said by others, it would be nice if they went into a Standby mode with lower power drain when not in use. But, when they are used, they go into a sort of high power drain mode for a brief time. I really love the teleporters though and I am extremely excited at what they add to the game!
    Cluascorp likes this.
  17. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Makes sense, but could end up with requiring additional generators just for the peak use given that otherwise your generators might get trashed now and we have no other means of dealing with power peaks - batteries for eg.

    With the new generator damage mechanic I think they have locked themselves into a horrible messy hole with power unless they get rid of it, particular because now everytime they mess with power, people are going to get screwed over by it with existing designs blowing up on them unexpectedly with each patch.
  18. spunkykneebiter

    spunkykneebiter Ensign

    Oct 17, 2018
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    I had a teleporter set up and travelled around to all the trade stations within my solar system and could access all the points. But then I decided to move it to its own teleporter room within my ship. And now it has forgotten all the trade stations I had been to. Is it possible to tie the station list to the player and not the teleporter? Or do I have to go on a finding spree everytime I put down a teleporter?
    Cluascorp and iliapugach like this.
  19. Bannta

    Bannta Lieutenant

    Dec 21, 2015
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    For single-player games, I would suggest either allowing or optional setting to limit teleport distance. Maybe an overall config setting for servers to allow admins to set their own limits.
    and or
    Use a single booster relay to extend the range of your teleport distance.
  20. You can already set the max teleport distance in the BlocksConfig.ecf file.
    The CV teleporter has this line,
      RangeLY: 0 # a value of 0 allows to teleport only within the current sector
    Put any number besides 0 in that line and it will restrict it to that distance.
    Then copy that line to the Base teleporter block as well (for some reason it doesn't have it by default) and you can then set the max range for the base teleporter too.

    For example, set it to 10000 and you will be able to teleport a max distance of 10,000 LY.
    Works for both SP and MP.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2020

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