Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Not exactly. It can be used for compression Let me elaborate:

    Suppose that the deconstructor can decompose the pentaxid to its composing ore ingredients. First let's see the recipe in 'Templates.ecf' for the PentaxidOre :

    { +Template Name: PentaxidOre
    BaseItem: true # even though flag is set, it is not used for R2T repairing (NoRepairInputItem: true)
    CraftTime: 120
    OutputCount: 105
    Target: "AdvC"
    { Child Inputs
    PromethiumOre: 5
    ErestrumOre: 5
    ZascosiumOre: 5
    SathiumOre: 5
    CrushedStone: 5
    PentaxidOre: 100

    Add the 'DeconOverride: Continue' to allow the deconstructor work it, shown in green bellow :

    { +Template Name: PentaxidOre
    BaseItem: true # even though flag is set, it is not used for R2T repairing (NoRepairInputItem: true)
    CraftTime: 120
    DeconOverride: Continue
    OutputCount: 105
    Target: "AdvC"
    { Child Inputs
    PromethiumOre: 5
    ErestrumOre: 5
    ZascosiumOre: 5
    SathiumOre: 5
    CrushedStone: 5
    PentaxidOre: 100

    Et voila....compression. Compress 5 x (Promethium + Erestrum + Zascosium + Sathium + Crushed Stone) + 100x Pentaxid to a 105 x Pentaxid ore. Assign the deconstructor to get back what was compressed.
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Here's some useful info on the state of Reforged Galaxy A12, because everyone like to be kept updated about what's coming up.
    This is what i've already finished and so far is confirmed for RG-A12.

    Ship Management:
    • The CPU System has been completely overhauled from the ground up.
      Each extender now increases your CPU limit by a fixed amount. The amount is the same, regardless of which extender you use and extender limits still apply to prevent blueprints from being broken and to seperate earlygame ships from lategame ones by progression.
      CPU limits are balanced to fit within each extender "tier" with what your ship needs to function (thrusters, generators, etc...) with 35% of each tier spare for specialization, like drills, weapons, salvaging tools, better thrusters, more generators, shields.
      Fuel Tanks, O2 Tanks and Cargo boxes consume only 1 CPU each to facilitate the logistics system and ship interface.
    • Armor block mass for HV/SV has been greatly increased to represent the realworld values and to smooth the jerkiness of the flightmodel.
      The stupid mass-top speed limit really screws this over at lower levels, so adjustments had to be made for balance.
      Armor blocks, Deco Blocks and other non-devices no longer consume any CPU.
    • Power Systems scale to the CPU system.
      That means that generators (vital component) are one of the largest CPU consumers and the power demand fits within the CPU tiers. If you choose to upgrade your thrusters, you may need an extra generator, which will restrict your ability to afford weapons or devices. This produces an environment of self-motivated expansion, if you want "more" on your ship you must upgrade your ship's infrastructure to support the upgrades.
      Your average low tier ship will still only need 1 generator, so don't worry about needing a dozen or more until your SV looks like a CV.
      Power output and consumption is lower on average so fuel will last longer.
    • Shield Generators have been rebalanced so they're not invincible walls.
      These will cushion you from several hard hits before collapsing for SV, while HV's are considerably more durable. They also require less power, so only 1 extra generator is required for an SV shield generator instead of 3.
    • Thruster and Shiphandling Rebalance.
      SV and HV thrusters got balanced into fair progression and with cheaper "big" thrusters you're encouraged to use those as drive thrusters instead of a dozen smaller ones as your ships get bigger.
      CV thrusters got balanced to fit into the A11 Flight Model. Your CV can lift itself in atmo fine, provided you've got a minimum of 4 down-thrusters because that's exactly how many you need for the thruster-torque flight system to provide pitch and roll.
      RCS (all) got buffed to handle the new weight and thrust values with CPU values greatly reduced to balance against their effectiveness and CPU cost vs thrusters.
    • Building Blocks are half volume for ease-of-use and salvaging.
    Ground Combat:
    • Zirax and wildlife have received boosts to their AI.
      Zirax will remain alert for longer after they lose sight of the player.
      Zirax will react to sounds made by the player easier and go looking for the source.
      They can also see almost as far as you can, so if you can see a patrolling zirax and he turns to face you and you're in the open he WILL see you alert his buddies and come running towards you until you are within weapon range. Patrolling zirax will also react if you shoot them or their buddies and be alerted to your presence.
    • Troops will now run as fast as the player when they have a target. No leisurely strolls towards you, they will sprint at YOUR speed.
    • Wildlife also got an increase in movement speed based on their status towards the player. Ripper Dogs run at actual dog speeds so they will catch you. Raptors will run at a similar speed... "clever girl".
    • Ripper dogs no longer sound like spiders.
    • To compensate for the buffs, troops and most wildlife have taken a 50-20% reduction in health and zirax guns are less accurate at longer range (no aimbots).
    • Enemy weapons will inflict standard status effects at a low chance. Open Wounds mostly; Laser weapons will deal dermal burns; plasma will deal radiation and dermal burns; rockets deal broken bones, etc...
    Weapons and Tools:
    • Minigun and Epic Miniguns have an alternate firing mode (switch modes with right click) that lets you switch between a slower, less recoil mode for standard combat and a full-speed "kill everything in front of me, but I can't hold onto my gun" mode.
    • Epic Plasma Cannon (handheld) also has an alternate firing mode between standard mode and anti-ship mode. Requires an SV plasma cannon ammo and will knock you on your ass.
    • The Mechanical Drill makes a comeback and handheld drills are now slower. Shut up and make an HV miner. That's why they exist.
    • Drills are available for SV so you can make one of these instead of an HV miner.
    • Minigun Turrets and Plasma Turrets are available for SV (they work, you don't have to manually control them).
    • Minigun Turrets have an alternative firing mode. Letting you switch between normal fire and caseless ammo feed that has terrible accuracy but high RoF for clearing ground troops in groups.
    • Cannon Turrets have an alternative firing mode. Letting you switch between 30mm AP rounds and 30mm Incendiary Rounds.
    • Pulse Laser Turrets have an alternative firing mode. Letting you switch between normal fire and microlaser fire that fills the air with tiny, low damage, low accuracy microlasers. Good for taking out ground troops and overloading shields. Burns through ammo fast.
    • Artillery Turrets (CV/BA) have an alternative firing mode. Letting you switch between normal fire and EMP Warheads. EMP warheads deal high damage to shields, but no damage to anything else. They're short-ranged, slow-moving and slow-firing, so can be dodged fairly easily by faster ships.
      EMP Warheads are also very noticeable when they're used. So make sure you have a guaranteed shot before you fire one because a giant blue shockwave draws attention.
    • CV Multiturrets are now available for BA, allowing you to easily dismantle ships you don't need or want anymore.
    • Multiturrets (HV/CV/BA) now repair, retrieve and salvage multiple blocks at once.
    • CV Pulse Laser Turrets can now be used in-atmosphere. They have much shorter range though.
    • HV Rocket Turrets are now fully homing.
    • Zirax EMP turrets fire smaller EMP rounds at a fairly slow speed. Currently they're pretty much indistinguishable from normal laser turrets, except the laser is yellow.
    • Zirax Rocket Turrets fire slower-moving rockets with a much higher tracking speed. They'll follow you very effectively, but won't exceed the speed of an SV, so lead it on a merry chase like this is the third Batman movie.
    • Added a shiny new FLAMETHROWER. Consumes biofuel and will incinerate anything in front of you at close range and keep back wildlife at medium range. Against players it will set them on fire and cause serious burns. Some rare zirax are equipped with these now.
    • Player weapons will inflict standard status effects at a low chance, just like the AI weapons.
    • Player Armors now include a Tier 2 Light, Medium and Heavy armor. I haven't decided how these will be available. The Light one will probably be craftable.
    • Suit Boosters also come in a Tier 2 version and include a Transportation Booster that increases your inventory capacity by 100SU at the cost of 10% movement speed.
    • Lots of visual and audible changes that are too numerous to list. The pulse rifle doesn't sound like a 30 year old van trying to start unsucessfully though.
    • All Laser ammunition now acts as a full magazine. One "Laser Rifle Cell" will fully recharge your laser rifle instead of only adding 1 ammo. This also applies to turrets and fixed laser weapons. Crafting and enemy drops will be adjusted to match the new ratio.

    There are thousands of undocumented changes as well, which i'm leaving out because no one cares about that.
    I'm leaving the NEW block stuff until later, like the growable pentaxid crystal crop.
    There are also several test weapons that are currently rejected until bugs are fixed or problems solved on the dev's end.

    Alternate Firing Mode for SV weapons: These get stuck when you try to reload them, trapping the player in the cockpit while it gets stuck reloading if you have more than one gun.
    Drone Movement Speed increase: They're missing their speed configs. They're not with the other entities, while their HP is and they don't accept forced changes.
    Submachine Gun: Suggested by Ravien. A gun that you can switch between full-auto, semi-auto and can be reloaded in AP rounds. This works, but it's not much use and I want to avoid as much brand new stuff as possible to prevent bugs and corruption later on.
    Hand Grenades: These aren't possible until the devs add a new Class of disposable weapon that fires once and is then consumed. Also needed for medical items that can be used on other players.
    Grenade Launcher: Ultimately wasn't any better than the rocket launcher so I removed it. It threw the grenades for you since they couldn't be thrown by the player.
    Assault Rifle T3: Assault Rifle with an attached Grenade Launcher. Awaiting a bugfix so it can be used. It works, but ammo consumption is bork.
    RG_TEST_2020-05-13_13-14-41.png RG_TEST_2020-05-15_00-50-11.png RG_TEST_2020-05-15_03-02-35.png
    Here are some screenshots of the Flamethrower in action, the Assault Rifle T3 launching a grenade and the second firing mode of the Minigun.
    AlbaN, Khazul, Dreuseff and 4 others like this.
  3. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    Liking what I am seeing in that report :D
  4. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Two questions....

    1. How did you manage this?
    2. I have not cleared yet whether we can save specific config file in the save game's folder or in the general folders under configuration.
    Last edited: May 21, 2020
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I changed their AI priorities, conditional speeds and visual detection range.
    Scenarios can save their configs internally which will be loaded when the scenario is, for everything else there's the Configuration folder.
    Dreuseff likes this.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I suppose you are talking about the BAIConfig.ecf. And I suppose the player can add any config files in the save game folders under /Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Saves/Games/[Save game name here]/Content/ Configuration, and it will affect only the relevant save game.... This is new I think.

    Thank you.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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  8. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    My mistake. Whoa 6,8 K lines...I have to dedicate time for this. Thank you again.
  9. VPanda

    VPanda Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    Do you need a QA tester?^^
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Wait wait wait, this works? Why isn't this in the default game? :eek::eek::eek:
    VPanda and Wellingtoon like this.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It is, but it must've stopped working some time in the past when the drilling system was changed so that radius doesn't work on tool turrets. But because it's a hidden function no one ever knew it was missing to report it. There are another couple of instances of hidden functions not working and no one knowing about them that entire aspects of the game just go "poof".
    At least in the case of the bullet use bug, it was an improvement for how it was done.

    This is a makeshift fix, it's not completely reliable. It'll work on about 3-7 blocks at once, but it depends on your distance from the target and the angle relative to the direction of the turret.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  12. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I guess asking Eleon for a means for mods to run-time apply patches to config file may be a bit much right now.

    I have been vaguely thinking of writing a tool to do yaml diffs and create patches as a way to combining different mods (or specific change sets) and/or switch elements on/off, for eg - just enable HV weapons on SVs, enable SV weapons on HVs, just enable all space weapons on planets, enable the hand mech drill, allow decon and furnace on a CV, allow sentry gun to work underwater, allow pulse rifles to work underwater etc - you get the idea I'm sure.

    For now however I am using git and slowly breaking down all my groups of changes into separate checkins so I can cherry pick them into a branch - its tedious.

    BTW - I gave up with alternate firing modes for drills for boring. It works, but I cant get it to work smoothly - something about the speed at which laser drills work (and needing a higher rate of fire than I think the game allows) and currently you can do a much neater job with a large drill.
  13. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    I have in my EmpyrionScriptingMod code for the merge of (Config) .ecf files - your contribution gives me the idea to make it a separate program with which you can combine several ECF files into one "Config.ecf".
    AlbaN, Dreuseff and Myrmidon like this.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Okay people, i've finished it.
    I just need to run some practical tests in a survival playthrough, mostly for recipe viability and enemy difficulty. So as long as there are no problems, it should be released within a few days.

    New Additions:
    Growable Pentaxid Crystals
    - The initial plan for these failed. So i've thrown together a half-assed fix that works but isn't attractive and has some derpiness involved. As soon as a viable workaround model that's compatible with the crop system comes available, i'll switch to that and there will be no issues.
    Tier 2 Warp Drive for CVs - Longer distance travel for half the cost. Upgradable from the T1 Warp Drive. Unlocks at Lv 25.
    Gauss Cannon for CVs - Basically a high-powered railgun for CVs. Very CPU and power-intensive. Slow firing but deals massive damage far beyond any artillery turret.
    Bomb Bay for SVs - These work, but they're lame. So they'll be disabled by default. You'll be able to find them at the bottom of the BlocksConfig, ItemConfig and Templates configs where you can manually enable them if you want them.

    Other changes:
    - Railguns deal additional damage vs armor blocks. The stronger the armor, the higher the damage bonus.
    - All player weapons now inflict status effects against other players. (Open wound, dermal burns, mutilation, fire)
    - Zirax patrols now include flamethrower zirax.
    - Overhauled the currently-used trader values and item lists. They're based on the material value of each item with +25% value per each additional layer of crafting. That means that an Optronic Bridge is worth its exact material worth from the traders. No BS prices that are 50x higher than anything else in the game.
    - Alternate firing mode for SV/HV Gatling guns are back working. Removed the other weapons' modes due to uselessness and OPness.
    - Minor changes to the AI of some creatures. Pangolins are now hostile to the player and are basically walking tanks. They give a buttload of XP and meat (meat scales with animal size), but don't pick a fight with one if you've only got a pistol or survival tool.
    - Enemies can now jump (Requires more testing)
    - Tech Tree optimized. Flamethrower unlocks from the Rocket Launcher. Advanced Light Armor unlocks from the Light Armor.
    - Enemy drops and container contents rebalanced. You can get T2 light, medium and heavy armors and T2 boosters from Alien Loot Containers (rare+).
    - Complete fix of the stupid status effect system. No longer will you starve to death as your stamina drains to 0 from the lightest injury. Restored the Well Fed bonus and Adrenaline Rush (needs more testing) from being in danger.
    - Added two new status effects: Dehydration and Dismemberment.
    Dehydration: Caused by excess heat, severe illnesses or a result of not treating a hangover. Fixed by drinking any drink. Reduces movement speed by 10%, small loss of stamina. Evolves into organ failure if not treated.
    Dismemberment: Normally only caused by not treating extreme necrosis or mutilation or being shot personally by a player artillery turret (which would kill you anyway). Also, the chainsaw deals dismemberment at a fairly high chance, but that's a PvP problem (a funny one). Cuts movement speed in half, small drain on stamina and health. Annoying, but not really fatal. 'tis but a scratch but is incurable, except by death. Take care of your limbs, people!
    PTEST-RG_2020-05-20_22-36-03.png RG_TEST_2020-05-22_14-14-06.png RG_TEST_2020-05-23_01-24-53.png RG_TEST_2020-05-23_17-31-12.png
    Here we have a flamethrower zirax in action, an SV bomber dropping bombs, the CV gauss cannon being fired and the T1 vs T2 Warp drive.
    [BB]Drifter, Wellingtoon and VPanda like this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I am actually running into this problem while making the config for my galaxy. Many star systems are simply out of the 30ly range of the default warp drive. Even in the default survival scenario the legacy star cluster is often completely unreachable because there are no stars within 30ly of it.
    Plus if there is a T2 warp drive with longer range, a custom scenario could use it as a "gating" mechanic by placing star clusters that require a T2 warp drive to reach.

    So that is a very good idea and I hope they add it to the base game. :D
    [BB]Drifter, Wellingtoon and VPanda like this.
  16. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    What SV is the one on the 2nd photo?
  17. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I have often thought the opposite would be useful as well - short range warp drive (same as that for SVs), but the key thing being it would be a small model. Thought of a T0 shield as well - same thing - small model. The point being to use these on small start CV, especially those designed to fit through 13x7 hangar doors. Perhaps they could both be done based off the small block models, so they both end up as 1x2x3 (though the warp drive model would have to be squashed - not sure if possible).
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    FA-034B Intimidator.
    A ship that was rendered unusable by CPU without being T4 due to using XL thrusters. Whose use of T4 thrusters after A11's thruster "rebalance" made it completely uncontrollable.
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I've solved the issues with the Growable Pentaxid for the most part. Got some nice blue "crystals" there that fit better than what I was using.
    But I don't think the Gauss Cannon is worth all the ID#s it takes up and gives no gain. So i'm pulling it out. Too much custom content also risks breaking the game in an update.
    I've already had a stream of mysterious CoQ errors that required me to use a backup of my files because I couldn't find the cause and the error logs did nothing but lie about the problem. (Seriously, they kept blaming the CoQ on the recipe for RawDiamond. RawDiamond doesn't have a recipe, it never did. After removing the recipe template for it, it started blaming the damn detector which HAS no recipe. It's free to craft!)
    At least I won't have to deal with the gauss' missing icons.
    Wellingtoon and [BB]Drifter like this.
  20. [BB]Drifter

    [BB]Drifter Commander

    Jul 30, 2017
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    I assume this can be run on the dedicated server instances?

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