Project Eden (WIP massive random scenario)

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by ravien_ff, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. pcoborys

    pcoborys Ensign

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Ravien, is it possible you have an outdated TraderNPCConfig.ecf file. Merchants trade in the old separate texture and color tools instead of the new combined tool. At first I thought it was Reforged Galaxies TraderNPCConfig that was odd because Steam updated PE right after I manually updated RG. Vermillion verified that RG's TraderNPCConfig was good.

    RG's TraderNPCConfig.ecf has these entries:


    But after using Steam's "Verify Integrity of Game Files" option, the file

    \Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\383120\1742662471\Content\Configuration\TraderNPCConfig.ecf has entries for:

    TextureTool and ColorTool
    ravien_ff likes this.
  2. You may want to compare those against the games default trader config file.
    The games default file doesn't have the "TextureColorTool" but instead has the "TextureTool" and "ColorTool"

    So PE is the same with those as the default game.

    If RG has "TextureColorTool" then that is a change with RG.

    It's also possible Eleon changed something in the default file and that is where PE pulled it from.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes I copied over the default traders each time it gets updated.
    krazzykid2006 likes this.
  4. pcoborys

    pcoborys Ensign

    Jan 26, 2019
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    OK, so it must have appeared in game because changes RG made to other configs were written with the RG trader config in mind.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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  6. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    So then, couple of questions for @ravien_ff and/or @Vermillion :

    1. Is this a good thread for Reforged Eden or have y'all started a new one that I haven't seen yet?

    2. Have you considered removing Zirax/drones from the alien world start? Or perhaps you're waiting for the full legacy line to release for that planet and the Zirax are placeholders? Frankly, I think this planet is dangerous enough without those blasted drones.

    3. Survival tool has a detector built in, Reforged change or vanilla change? It's a good one.

    4. I accidentally "Retrieved Blocks" on some iron bearings, and got iron from it. Reforged change or potential bug?

    5. Awesome work to the both of you, I'm having a hell of a lot of fun.

    I was literally out of the escape pod for 2 seconds and an alien mantis attacked me. I bravely ran away, and then continued to bravely run away for the better part of a real life hour because everywhere I looked was more danger. Mantisi, Overlords, spiders, assassins, drones over the few resource nodes I could detect. Eventually I found a small island with some plants and rocks and was able to catch a breath. Made a tent base, collected resource, built a crappy HV, almost got the crappy HV stranded in the water.

    Made the HV less crappy, found a droneless Iron deposit and promethium deposit, and finally got on a stable footing, with less brave running away and more pew pew. Then I built a base, and because I don't generally like building bases and never intend to spend much time at them, I forgot to build defenses. Cue the base attack, 4 heavy minigun drones and 1 heavy rocket drone, against my basic assault rifle. Needless to say, I beat them down with humor. As in, their AI broke down laughing after seeing how many times I died.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sure, here or on the reforged thread. Generally anything to do with configs you can post there, anything to do with planets, POIs, and the galaxy you can post here.

    I haven't thought about it but maybe I could reduce them a bit if needed. :D

    That's Reforged. I wish it was default! So many things in reforged should be added to the base game. Some nice quality of life changes like that.

    That I am not sure of.

    Thank you so much!
  8. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    The Emp Admin Helper does not work with the new Reforged Eden steam, but it works with regular dedicated server (started from client coop). Tried out a lot of things for 8 hours to no success.
    The newest EAH works with the manually combined Reforged Galaxies + Project Eden.
    EAH current steam version in the Dedicated Tool isn't the current.

    The playfield server can't start, so the dedicated goes into an infinite loop, unable to even stop.
    Examples from the logs, whatever I did, they stayed:

    I will write this to the other place.
    Too sleepy now.
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    What are Iron Bearings? Iron Rocks? If retrieve blocks works on them, that's a bug.
  10. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Iron rocks, yes. I'll hop into one of vanilla runs tomorrow to see if it does the same there.
    Germanicus likes this.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ooo, I think I feel a restart coming. It usually happens this way, current game, decent CV, good stock of materials and just about to start exploring and hitting POI's in ernest...then I'm back to a Survival Tool and being chased by Spiders / Raptor / other nasties lol.

    I did read a little bit on Reforged a while back before it was available - my memory means I recall nothing of what I read lol - so I think I might go in blind to Reforged Eden. I expect to die, from time to time lol.

  12. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Reforged Eden, Alien planet start, 32 deaths. Putting turrets on SV's, hopefully totally worth it, and finally a reason to try an asymmetrical build SV build. Far from complete of course.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Heh, I went for an easier option myself, choosing the "Odd Temperate" as I was intrigued by the name...very pretty plant.

    Interesting for a "Medium" starting planet (though on Hard difficulty) as I was jumped by a Spinosaur immediately after coming too after the pod crash. How I avoided getting bitten is a miracle. I retreated to water, where it couldn't follow, stood on a partially submerged rock and shot it from range. I then explored a little more - lots of promethium rocks in the Forest, but lots of Spiders too - before coming on the Large Wreckage. I was pondering what to do next when those spiders all caught up with me. I'm currently parkouring around the wreck shooting spiders.

    Note: I was surprised to start with Light Armour on this start...I didn't even realise until after me first few fights. Deliberate or oversight?

    Edit: I love this already :)

    Edit 2: Does the Survival Tool not work on trees any more? I've been shooting a tree for a good minute (while dodging spiders) and it's not working...I'll try again... It just took a fair bit longer than usual is all, cool.

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
    stanley bourdon and Germanicus like this.
  14. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The only "disturbing" ;)view is the color of the Water...reminded me always of blood:).
  15. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    You don't find the Spiders, Spinosaurs, Golems and big-butt-bugs disturbing? A bit of red water (clay deposits washed down from the hills - definitely not the blood of my predecessors...) isn't so bad...though considering what I did in it when that Spino attacks...choose another location for any water collectors...just sayin' :)

    It just turned night and I think that Large Wreckage is a trap lol...

    Edit: Lol, the Cement and Concrete blocks recipe change caught me out....need more stone!

    Edit 2: Nice to see "Well Fed" making a return :)

    Edit 3: I actually died! lol. A little frustrating as it was a poisonous bite that did me in. It didn't progress to the next state, the health drain killed me within five minutes of being bitten, despite using my single health pack thing. The annoying thing is that I had two mushrooms on me...except they weren't, I checked my Mobile Constructor and they weren't there either, nor was the tell-tail "Spoilt food" so not a clue what happened to them. I didn't fear the spiders overly much as I'd not been hit until this point, plus I had the cure if I did get hit. Oh well lol.

    Edit 4: Blimey, Spiders can climb walls! I surrounded the Large Wreckage with a two block high wooden wall. I can easily jet pack jump over it, but most critter cannot...except Spiders. My base is now infested argh! lol.

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
  16. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    A few pointers:
    Spiders are jumping, too. ;)
    Survival tool has a scanner mode.
    Multitool and drill chares are made from fuel packs, which you can make putting biofuel into base fueltanks, and take out fuelpacks.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks :) I did notice the jumping spiders, must be how they climbed my walls.

    Yep re: ST, noticed that and yep re: Fuel Packs, aware of that trick being an old timer here now lol.

  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Btw: I notice that while the Base Constructor can build the BA Projectile Turret - which is good - it cannot build the required basic Ammo Box, which needs the Large Constructor. Obviously the former is useless without the latter, oversight?

    Edit: btw, how does critter spawning work in Reforged Eden? I can stand on a rock with great visibility, look all around 360 degrees and see nothing at all. However, within moments of my starting to drill that rock I'm surrounded by Raptors. Spiders hiding in long grass is one thing - though they are quite visible when looking down on them - but these Raptors appearing in an area of Grassland, where the grass is of the shorter style, seems a little odd.

    Is this a design thing to simulate critters sneaking up on the player? I.e. they spawn really close. This happens a lot and I sorta like it for the challenge, but knowing something might just appear and no amount of scouting and keeping an eye out counts for anything, might get a little old.

    Basically, Raptors in particular seem to appear from thin air - unless they are legitimately running in from outside of render range.

    Edit 2: Another query about Reforged... I just had my first base attack, harsh, but I fought it off...just. However, I noticed that the Drones could see me irrespective of where I was. I.e. there tracer fire came right at me, even through I was inside my base and could not be seen. Is this a Reforged change as this isn't vanilla behaviour. Not sure I like the idea of Drones able to see through solid blocks...they're tough enough as it is!

    Edit 3: I'm having an odd issue. I queue up stuff to build - for which I have ample resources - I see it start building and churning through the component parts and I go off and do something else. I come back later and the item isn't built. I had this just now with SV Thrusters. I queued up four - along with various other SV parts and came back later to assemble an SV. I quickly notice that there are no thrusters despite them being queued and production had started. I queue them up to build again, but I'm pretty sure it consumed the resources to build the component parts, then lost them.

    If this was an isolated incident, I'd just put it down to me forgetting to queue up the item or perhaps genuinely running out of resources. However, that's not what's happened on several occasions now. Building my HV I added two Wifi modules - one for my Base, one for the HV - and they didn't appear in the output container either. Plenty of room in the containers, needless to say. Anyone else seeing this with queued up items vanishing and (seemingly) the resources still being consumed?

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2020
    Inappropriate likes this.
  19. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Say it with me... new base location!

    A better shot of this majorly wip assymetrical turret toting sv. It flies, kinda sorta. Great yaw, but roll and pitch are horrible. And it looks... not good. I think there might be a good ship in there somewhere though.
    Fractalite, Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Enemy spawning is governed by Ravien's part of Reforged Eden. Reforged only makes them faster and smarter. They might be able to hear you digging the rock, but I don't think their listening abilities were boosted enough to hear any of the mining tools, they're pretty low-volume (for enemies to detect).
    I would love to be able to customize drones to that degree. Unfortunately, drones are hardcoded so any behaviour changes are part of vanilla.
    All I can change is their HP, model and weapon... at least until the devs give full customizability.
    Reforged changes recipes, it doesn't change the crafting system. So if there's a bug like this, it's part of the game and should be reported if you can reproduce it.
    I have not noticed it on my end, with the exception that the Portable Constructor will turn itself off for no reason at random times.
    EternalHeathen and ravien_ff like this.

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