Enhanced Equipment mod

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by Khazul, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    This is primarily a mod aimed at supporting some extended vessels, but includes a few other revivals and tweaks for quality of life.
    - Re-enables hand mech drill
    - SV Weapons usable on HVs
    - HV Drills usable on SVs and small drill limit increased to 8
    - HV 3x3 turrets and Tool turrets usable on SVs
    - Projectile Pistols and Pulse rifles work underwater
    - Sentry guns work underwater
    - All CV Weapons and Tools work everywhere
    - Furnace and Deconstructor usable on CVs
    - CV Teleporter is considered to be T1 Teleporter and unlocks at Level 12 (otherwise remains the same)
    - BA Teleporter is considered to be T2 Teleporter and unlocks at Level 15 (otherwise remains the same)
    - CV Teleporter can be upgraded to BA teleporter for both BA and CV
    - HV Clone chamber and Medic station usable on SV
    - Small O2 Bottle constructable in all constructors

    As mods currently require a scenario for publishing, then included is the scenario I use on my server as a 'carrier' for the mod. The scenario is based on the default multiplayer scenario with the following changes:
    - All playfields are PvE only
    - Can build at sun warp targets

    I have been using it myself throughout most of alpha 12 experimental phase for building Mining SVs, SVs with turrets etc, CV that are more complete mobile bases with furnaces and deconstructor etc, so I believe it is safe to add and remove from games.

    As it has now been wrapped in a co-op scenario for use on our server and some of my vessel builds are ready to take advantage along with several other new ones coming soon, then I felt it was time to publish for anyone else who might find it useful, particularly what the increasing number of recent posts looking to add some basic tweaks.
    I fully expect to increase the scope of this over time, but I have very different aims to Project Eden and Reforged Galaxy both of which are excellent and vastly more complete and mature works.

    My current aims with this are around extending ship building, some quality of life and supporting my own strictly co-op focussed server needs within the included mod 'carrier' scenario. In time I hope this can become more combat focussed as the underlying game exposes more functionality for tweaking and/or existing functionality matures.

    The easiest way to use this is just to subscribe and start a game using the containing scenario 'Khazul's Enhanced Equipment'.

    To use this in a default single player start or another scenario, locate the workshop item 2137637024 in your steam workshop folder and copy over the configuration files into either the base game's configuration or a target scenario's 'Content/Configuration' folder (after checking that there are no conflicting files present).

    Enjoy :)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
    KRanKO5 and TK85 like this.
  2. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    - CV Teleporter is considered to be T1 Teleporter and unlocks at Level 12 (otherwise remains the same)
    - BA Teleporter is considered to be T2 Teleporter and unlocks at Level 15 (otherwise remains the same)
    - CV Teleporter can be upgraded to BA teleporter for both BA and CV
    - HV Clone chamber and Medic station usable on SV
    - Small O2 Bottle constructable in all constructors
    KRanKO5 and TK85 like this.
  3. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Updated for 12.2 (2969)
    - Configuration merged to incorporate changes by Eleon
    - Coop scenario recreated from the original default and multiplayer data files to incorporate all changes by Eleon
    KRanKO5 and TK85 like this.
  4. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Hi Khazul
    I have minor modification intentions, I would like to edit only those listed below, which file of your mod do I have to edit?

    - Re-enables hand mech drill
    - HV Drills usable on SVs
    - Tool turrets usable on SVs
    - Furnace and Deconstructor usable on CVs
    - HV Clone chamber and Medic station usable on SV
    RazzleWin likes this.
  5. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    itemsconfig for the first, blocksconfig for the rest.
    TK85 likes this.
  6. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Thank you @TK85 and @Khazul

    These were the ones I was wanting to do as well. I will be changing mine as well.
    TK85 likes this.
  7. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    What is it you are wanting to do?
  8. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    thank you!

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