DEV BLOG Empyrion Galactic Survival: Leaving Alpha & Early Access

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 16, 2020.

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  1. xiaojie233

    xiaojie233 Commander

    Dec 2, 2016
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    One question: does this mean that the game will increase in price?
  2. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    This is really unexpected news.

    As many have already expressed, I also find it a very premature decision.

    In the current state, much that is missing is rightly justified by the fact that it is in early access.
    The first impression I got from reading the news was that they are following in the footsteps of NMS: the game will be released incomplete and will be completed over time. It's too risky.

    Today EGS has good impressions in the specialized media, when it is released it will be evaluated as a complete game, a finished product, and it is not yet. This will result in evaluations well below what it deserves. The same will happen with the players.

    I did not understand the reason for this decision, the reasons presented do not, in my opinion, support the decision because important things are missing: a technological tree (research), shipyards, a minimum water physics, An appropriate base and CV attack system, among others already reported.

    Not even the main story of the game is ready.

    7 Days To Die is in early access since 2013. I compare EGS with 7DTD because, although they have a completely different theme, the basic gameplay system is the same: survival, base and vehicle construction, base defense, exploration , POIs ... and the engine is also the same.

    And when comparing the development of one with the other, I see how much remains for EGS to be ready to leave early access. 7DTD is much more mature than EGS, and remains in Early Access.

    I believe in EGS too much. I have since pre-alpha, I never had a game with so many hours played, literally in the thousands, I really like the EGS community and the development team.

    I am very concerned that a hasty decision could put everything at risk. I will always hope for the best, but at the moment I'm afraid of that decision.
    A Mueller, Marty, Alhira_K and 18 others like this.
  3. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    It's ok. Important things are being worked on as always. Things like structures can no longer be public so the Zirax will finally stop complaining they cannot attack players. You know, the major game breaking issues...
  4. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    Attached Files:

    Kassonnade and Bob [OG] like this.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Whenever the Game goes to "GOLD"-Status and Release it can not be that cheap as it was in Early Access. I would estimate that the price could be as much as € 60.-

    I also like to add that most of those who posted here seem to be able to read between the lines:eek:.

    I read only a change in the Version number from ALPHA to V1.0 and the end of Early Access. NO RELEASE was mentioned.
    But as @Hummel-o-War stated - The major Features are in the Game - now follows the detail work, refinement and tuning - which effectually means BETA.
  6. Saint Jimmy IVth

    Saint Jimmy IVth Ensign

    May 5, 2020
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    Congrats! I love this game. You guys are going a great job!
  7. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    As a SP I would strongly disagree with this statement. IMHO, Empyrion is about SP. The PvE, the survival, and creativity elements enjoyed as single player are what has made me put hundreds of hours and returned back to the game after periods of inactivity. I don't know what the ratio of SP to MP is but I would not be surprised if SP is the majority of players. Judging by the popularity of Reforged Galaxy and Project Eden both with a focus on SP story and SP mechanics improvements I think support this. I think it good if moving out of Alpha, Eleon focus on stabilizing the game and refining the mechanics of what it already has. While its nice, constantly adding new features often means older issues get neglected (not ignored but just not given the love...) somewhat due to not enough hours in a day.
  8. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    There is no way in hell they'll get that much for this game. Certainly not as it stands. Now, it's a $20 tops, and probably won't sell well over $10

    And that, my friend, is exactly the problem

    I have over 2500 hours in the game, and consider I've gotten my money's worth anyway. I could recommend it as an alpha with the expectation that work continues. I can't recommend this as a release. If they actually plan to add the missing content and fix the issues as stated, there is no reason to end alpha. Ending Alpha signifies they're throwing in the towel
    runlykhel, Geezr, sillyrobot and 8 others like this.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Where did ELEON state that this is the RELAESE-Version ONE POINT ZERO????

    I am in Closed Alpha and neither me nor the others have so far received any Notification that our services are no longer needed.

    I am at 5.535hours I think I know a bit too about it, ok?;)
    Status 16072020.jpg
  10. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    I believe this was the initial idea but has grown far beyond a single player only game over the years. Yes single player is great as the NPC's don't resort to internet outlets to vent frustrations about being killed by another but the multiplayer aspect is what will make this game evolve. How many times can one play the same 10 or so "randomized" sectors and still say it is fresh content? Multiplayer should be the focus if the game is to grow beyond it's limits. I have several single player games I do not often go back to once "I've seen it all." With @RexXxuS and his powerhouse team, I very much enjoy the game and have spent many hours in the universe they have created. If not for HWS, I would not have over 4000 hours amassed.
    Thor'sHammer, yataro79 and marko0280 like this.
  11. Kalizaar

    Kalizaar Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2018
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    I have a feeling as a human we're always going to assume that what we do is the most common thing. I enjoy the PvE aspect of Empyrion, and run a dedicated server with Reforged Galaxy and Project Eden for my wife, friends, and get random people checking it out now and then. In my opinion, if a game has PvE it's good for single player, but even better if I can play it with my wife and friends. So you see PvE and certain scenarios as single player, and my circle of friends see the same as group content. We're both right.

    As far as Alpha to 1.0, I'm a little surprised. I hope it's not just to compete with certain other games announcing release dates in the near future. As long as they continue to improve the game (I'm especially looking forward to the Factory, research tree, and character development) I'm good though. The worry though with small teams is always of whether they'll pack up and leave or not. I'd like to believe this team won't do that.
    Thor'sHammer and Wellingtoon like this.
  12. -=Ice=-

    -=Ice=- Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2017
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    True reason to go Beta: you can't stay on Alpha stage more than 5 years, hello Steam policy :)
  13. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Tell that to 7D2D
    Sofianinho, Addy and TK85 like this.
  14. -=Ice=-

    -=Ice=- Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2017
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    Never played it, is it still alpha?
    johnietoth1967 likes this.
  15. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    The features added for v1 content does not indicate any savegame break. OF course as always you will not get new POIs, Playfields and Missions if you resume a A12 savegame. But that's kind obvious. ;)
  16. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Mods. The Fallout games are a great example of SP games with tons of new features and story added since its release. As Reforged Galaxy and Project Eden show in EGS, the SP game can "push the game beyond its limits" (whatever that means). The only thing MP really does for the game is create new ways to prevent cheating and griefing (something unnecessary in SP since the game is what the player makes of it with no harm to others). You might have several SP games you haven't touched in while but I bet you have several MP games you haven't touched in a while as well (I used to do Rainbow 6 back in the day before I got tired of the players whose idea of fun was destroying others fun). Its not MP that makes a game last but the community (especially modding community as seen by Fallout and Elder Scrolls) that will make a game last and continued be played a great many a decade after its release.
  17. beckerstein

    beckerstein Ensign

    Nov 25, 2015
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    I was one release off on guessing when this would happen. I thought with the release of the galaxy map in alpha 12...that alpha 12 would be the first non-alpha release. I also thought this because of all the last minute changes and fixes. Regardless, I am glad to see this milestone. Been playing since days of either pre-alpha 1 or 2.0. Thanks again for creating this beautiful beast of a game. Best ten bucks I've ever spent.

    PS: Took a long time, but I think I am FINALLY used to, and accepting of the CPU and weight/volume system...
    Sofianinho and yataro79 like this.
  18. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    What do You Eleon see as the main difference between Early Access (Alpha) and V1, in general?
    I see it as when main game mechanics are working with few bugs and nearly finished with balancing, then can go for V1.
    Just see all the suggestions and feedback and bug reports, need maybe 2 more years with hard work before that.
  19. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    since 2013
    Cluascorp, TK85 and Bob [OG] like this.
  20. Lord Seth

    Lord Seth Ensign

    Mar 25, 2018
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    normally after ALPHA versions comes one or more BETA versions, not 1.0 releases. It does look premature. One thing Eleon was always good about and in my opinion gives them an edge over competing games is that they care about what the community says. I hope they listen this time too.
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