Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Increase the maximum amount allowed? Well, i'm not going to do that since it would affect blueprints and everything is based around the current values.
    If a player uses 4 T2 Extenders, they have no need to make or use T3 or T4 extenders at all. Because those 4 T2 extenders are producing roughly the same CPU as their higher-tier counterpart for half the size.
    So... you can do that for your private game but i'm not going to do that.
    SGP Corp and Normal69 like this.
  2. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Currently the cpu extender section looks like this:
    { +Block Id: 2032, Name: CPUExtenderBAT2
      # Class: CPUExtender
      Group: cpgCore
      IndexName: Computer
      # EssentialCategory: cpgCPUExtender
      Material: metal
      Shape: ModelEntity
      ShowBlockName: true
      Model: @models/Blocks/Misc/CPUExtenderAPrefab
      # Mesh-Damage-1: Mesh/D0
      # Mesh-Damage-2: Mesh/D1
      # Mesh-Damage-3: Mesh/D2
      # Mesh-Damage-4: Mesh/D3
      DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab
      Faction: Player
      Place: Free
      AllowPlacingAt: "Base", display: true
      IsActivateable: false
      IsDuplicateable: false
      IsIgnoreLC: true
      MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
      ForceMaxCount: true
      IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
      Info: bkiCore, display: true
      Category: Devices
      BlastParticleIndex: 4
      BlastRadius: 1
      BlastDamage: 300
      # ModelOffset: "0,0.5,0"
      BlockColor: "0,40,0"
      Mass: 1150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
      StackSize: 500
      EnergyIn: 50, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      CPUOut: 80000, type: int, display: true
      CPUIn: 0, type: int, display: false
      # CPUExtenderLevel: 2, type: int, display: true
      HitPoints: 650, type: int, display: true
      AllowWander: true
      UnlockCost: 7, display: true
      UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
      TechTreeNames: Base
      TechTreeParent: Core
     # ShowUser: No
    { +Block Id: 2033, Name: CPUExtenderBAT3
      # Class: CPUExtender
      Group: cpgCore
      IndexName: Computer
      # EssentialCategory: cpgCPUExtender
      Material: metal
      Shape: ModelEntity
      ShowBlockName: true
      Model: @models/Blocks/Misc/CPUExtenderBPrefab
      # Mesh-Damage-1: Mesh/D0
      # Mesh-Damage-2: Mesh/D1
      # Mesh-Damage-3: Mesh/D2
      # Mesh-Damage-4: Mesh/D3
      DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab
      SizeInBlocks: "2,1,1", display: true
      Faction: Player
      Place: Free
      AllowPlacingAt: "Base", display: true
      IsActivateable: false
      IsDuplicateable: false
      IsIgnoreLC: true
      MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
      ForceMaxCount: true
      IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
      Info: bkiCore, display: true
      Category: Devices
      BlastParticleIndex: 4
      BlastRadius: 1
      BlastDamage: 300
      # ModelOffset: "0,0.5,0"
      BlockColor: "0,40,0"
      Mass: 2150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      Volume: 1600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
      StackSize: 500
      EnergyIn: 65, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      CPUOut: 90000, type: int, display: true
      CPUIn: 0, type: int, display: false
      # CPUExtenderLevel: 3, type: int, display: true
      HitPoints: 900, type: int, display: true
      AllowWander: true
      UpgradeTo: CPUExtenderBAT4
      UnlockCost: 12, display: true
      UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
      TechTreeNames: Base
      TechTreeParent: CPUExtenderBAT2
     # ShowUser: No
    { +Block Id: 2034, Name: CPUExtenderBAT4, Ref: CPUExtenderBAT3
      Model: @models/Blocks/Misc/CPUExtenderCPrefab
      SizeInBlocks: "2,1,1", display: true
      Mass: 3225, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      Volume: 1600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
      MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
      ForceMaxCount: true
      EnergyIn: 130, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      CPUOut: 100000, type: int, display: true
      CPUIn: 0, type: int, display: false
      # CPUExtenderLevel: 4, type: int, display: true
      HitPoints: 950, type: int, display: true
      UnlockCost: 20, display: true
      UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
      TechTreeNames: Base
      TechTreeParent: CPUExtenderBAT3
     # ShowUser: No

    It can be shortened to this:
    { +Block Id: 2032, Name: CPUExtenderBAT2
      # Class: CPUExtender
      Group: cpgCore
      IndexName: Computer
      # EssentialCategory: cpgCPUExtender
      Material: metal
      Shape: ModelEntity
      ShowBlockName: true
      Model: @models/Blocks/Misc/CPUExtenderAPrefab
      # Mesh-Damage-1: Mesh/D0
      # Mesh-Damage-2: Mesh/D1
      # Mesh-Damage-3: Mesh/D2
      # Mesh-Damage-4: Mesh/D3
      DropMeshfile: Entities/Misc/BagSmallPrefab
      Faction: Player
      Place: Free
      AllowPlacingAt: "Base", display: true
      IsActivateable: false
      IsDuplicateable: false
      IsIgnoreLC: true
      MaxCount: 1, type: int, display: true
      ForceMaxCount: true
      IsOxygenTight: true, display: true
      Info: bkiCore, display: true
      Category: Devices
      BlastParticleIndex: 4
      BlastRadius: 1
      BlastDamage: 300
      # ModelOffset: "0,0.5,0"
      BlockColor: "0,40,0"
      Mass: 1150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      Volume: 800, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
      StackSize: 100
      EnergyIn: 50, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      CPUOut: 80000, type: int, display: true
      CPUIn: 0, type: int, display: false
      # CPUExtenderLevel: 2, type: int, display: true
      HitPoints: 650, type: int, display: true
      AllowWander: true
      UnlockCost: 7, display: true
      UnlockLevel: 7, display: true
      TechTreeNames: Base
      TechTreeParent: Core
     # ShowUser: No
    { +Block Id: 2033, Name: CPUExtenderBAT3, Ref: CPUExtenderBAT2
      Model: @models/Blocks/Misc/CPUExtenderBPrefab
      SizeInBlocks: "2,1,1", display: true
      MaxCount: 2, type: int, display: true
      Mass: 2150, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      Volume: 1600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
      EnergyIn: 65, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      CPUOut: 90000, type: int, display: true
      HitPoints: 900, type: int, display: true
      UpgradeTo: CPUExtenderBAT4
      UnlockCost: 12, display: true
      UnlockLevel: 12, display: true
      TechTreeParent: CPUExtenderBAT2
    { +Block Id: 2034, Name: CPUExtenderBAT4, Ref: CPUExtenderBAT3
      Model: @models/Blocks/Misc/CPUExtenderCPrefab
      Mass: 3225, type: float, display: true, formatter: Kilogram
      Volume: 1600, type: float, display: true, formatter: Liter
      MaxCount: 4, type: int, display: true
      EnergyIn: 130, type: int, display: true, formatter: Watt
      CPUOut: 100000, type: int, display: true
      HitPoints: 950, type: int, display: true
      UnlockCost: 20, display: true
      UnlockLevel: 20, display: true
      TechTreeParent: CPUExtenderBAT3

    This way you can eliminate redundant lines from the config files. This is of course just an example. The config files can be condensed so much more using proper inheritance. Not sure what impact if any this will have on parsing the files but it helps with readability.

    This is something that really should be tackled by the devs though as it can cause issues if you using a Config.ecf that doesn't have the same inheritance as the base config file.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Much of that junk is left over from the old extenders so that players that want the old tiers can re-enable them themselves.
    Personally, i'd like to just go through the configs and delete all the old #'d entries but sometimes they're useful if you need a function no longer used in the game or need to revert a feature because a bug somewhere else is breaking something somewhere it shouldn't.
    It's because the developers left a lot of #'d out old sound effects in the configs that I was able to change the sound effects to "new" ones.
  4. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Its not the commented out lines I have an issue with its seeing things Group: cpgCore, IndexName: Computer, Material: metal, etc defined in every single one.
    I removed 26 of these lines from CPUExtenderBAT3 just by changing +Block Id: 2033, Name: CPUExtenderBAT3 to +Block Id: 2033, Name: CPUExtenderBAT3, Ref: CPUExtenderBAT2. That's just sloppy work on the devs part.
    zaphodikus likes this.
  5. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Laughs for a time hearthly...

    No, of course not, a bit more complicated than that.

    T2 cheap, eats lots of energy, which is manageable for installing just one, but more easily makes generators explode
    T3 hard to make, eats medium amounts of energy
    T4 extremely hard to make, eats little energy

    So there won't be a hard limit on the number of the blocks, but energy consumption / crafting materials would limit them.

    You are the expert, so I accept your decisions, I just throw ideas at you, so perhaps some will stick a new idea in you.
  6. Kalizaar

    Kalizaar Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2018
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    Just in case you weren't aware there seems to be an issue with the Localization.csv file again. Players weren't able to log into my server after I updated the scenario (Reforged Eden in this case). Lots of testing later I deleted the Localization.csv file and they're able to play again.

    Update: I downloaded the Localization.csv file from the beginning of this thread and that one works. So just the one Ravien had attached to Reforged Eden wasn't working. (I didn't try your Reforged Galaxy scenario in Steam to see which one that's using.)
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The in the OP should be the same one in Reforged Eden, otherwise @ravien_ff will need to update the scenario with the current localization.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes i will update it today. :D
    Normal69 likes this.
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    There'll be another update later today, assuming I can test these damn space drones properly. (Damn it, eleon! Make these guys properly spawnable!)
    What's coming will include:
    - POIs and drones pinged with the detector remain on the HUD twice as long.
    - Replaced Space Drones with new "ships" (Interdictor and Interceptor).
    These guys are great fun. I got into a dogfight with an Interceptor and spent 10 mins trying to take him down, but goddamn he's fast and maneuverable and I was only using the Maverick prefab with a pair of non-homing rocket launchers. Wish i'd had some gats or lasers.
    - Increased damage modifiers of SV rockets vs drones since after 7+ pairs of rockets that asshat was still flying and should've been dead after 4. Found the problem was that the damage modifiers of SV/HV rockets and plasma weapons hadn't been increased to match the higher durability of drones.
    - Troop Transports, Interceptor, Interdictors, Disturbers, Surveyors and Laser Sentinels will now show up on the radar and map as faction-colored SVs instead of ambiguous red dots which you can't tell their orientation or height in space.
    - Patrol Vessels, Freighters and Warships now show up on the map and radar as faction-colored Capital Vessels.
    - Fixed up the mass and hp distribution on HV/SV thrusters for better progression.

    There'll be a full changelog when I release the update.
    yataro79 and ravien_ff like this.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Wow, awesome!
    Are the new drones using different models somehow?

    I'll get Reforged Eden updated when you update this. :D
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The Interceptor and Interdictors are. The other ones just get a rename.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy A12.2 v1.43

    • Updated Reforged Galaxy's Localization files for the new content and in preparation for 12.3
    • Reduced HP of Base Attack Drones
    • Increased damage modifiers vs entities for Plasma and Rocket weapons (CV, SV, HV and BA) since they weren't accounting for the increased durability of drones.
    • Upgraded Laser and Plasma drones into Interdictors and Interceptors. These guys are attack crafts that move like SV that you can dogfight against, they're a lot of fun.
    • Interdictors, Interceptors, Surveyors, Disturbers, Laser Sentinels and Troop Transports no longer show up on radar as a red dot. They appear as Faction-colored SVs so you can easily tell their height, orientation and direction of travel.
    • Patrol Vessels, Freighters and Warships now show up on your radar/minimap as faction-colored CVs instead of red dots.
    • Rebalanced handheld Miniguns and other superfast-firing weapons to fit within the 12.3 RoF cap of 0.1, but I did a better job of it than the developers. (Changing ONE number doesn't constitute a "fix". Recoil, ammo consumption and damage all need to be changed to match the new limits.)
    • Reduced Power consumption on some CPU Extenders, mainly T4s.
    • Rebalanced Hitpoints and Mass of SV and HV thrusters for better progression and performance. Small Jet thrusters are now more durable and lighter. Mass scales up, instead of being all wonky.
    • Moved Rare SV Devices loot from Very Rare loot containers and into the Rare loot containers.
    • Increased the duration that POIs and drones are detected by your ship-mounted detector so you don't need to ping so often.
    • Various small changes and bugfixes
    Important! This is for A12.2 since updating it to A12.3 would break it for everyone else. Depending on how long A12.3 is going to stay in experimental, I might have to make a manual patch for 12.3 users.

    Get the latest version of Reforged Localization to go with RG to get all the benefits. (It goes in your Extras folder, not your Configuration folder)

    Attached Files:

    pcoborys likes this.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Okay, Here's a version for A12.3 - Experimental.

    There are some small changes:
    • Flamethrower uses the new model again, this time with the correct particle physics... I hope.
    • Zirax Flamethrowers use the new flamethrowers.
    • Bugfix to stop Laser Zirax from shooting fire out of their asses. This is a bug with Empyrion's configs because the zirax weapons are using a particletransform that's now being used by the flamethrower. I've removed their particletransform entry because they didn't need it to begin with. (wtf eleon?)
    • Fixed Eleon's broken icon on the SV turret and gave it the same stats as the HV minigun turret, not that it matters since it doesn't have a recipe with or without RG.
    • Contains all the new human troops and NPCs and everything from the Experimental A12.3 version.

    This version can be manually combined with Reforged Eden for 12.3 players to use with the Experimental version.
    Simply extract the configs from the file into the Configuration Folder of Reforged Eden.
    Also, make sure you're using the updated localization on the post above or in the OP. It will be included if you're using the workshop scenarios.

    Attached Files:

    The Salty Snake Chef likes this.
  14. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    @Vermillion , just discovered that your config mod is available via steam workshop (slaps forehead). Question: does it also update the localization files with it or should I do that via the link you provide?
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Reforged Galaxy and Reforged Eden are both available on the steam workshop, comes with the Localization built in. No need for manual installing, unless you're running A12.3 Experimental.
    SGP Corp likes this.
  16. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    I would like some wise words now, that 12.3 rolled out into stable.
    We are running Emp Admin Helper with Reforged Eden steam version.

    I rather wait for the Reforged Eden steam version.

    Let the Dedicated and client updates download and install on steam.
    Started the server and logged in, everything is fine, except:
    -you cannot sit down at chairs
    -there is no new level 2 drill
    -all missions disappeared except Solo Missions (so no Eden and faction ones)

    Before these I've made a full server backup, and a savegame backup.

    There were some message in the logs that is couldn't update some tables, because they were already in the right format:

    So we can play, take your time with the Reforged Eden update.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Here's v1.44 for the new A12.3 Public version

    • Fixed a bug with all hand drills not dealing correct damage to surface rocks.
    • Increased speed of all hand drills so they're not so grindy.
    • Increased radius of HV/SV Drills so you don't get stuck.
    • Removed Large Mechanical Drill and Laser Drill (HV) from SV Tech Tree, Replaced with new SV Laser Drill. You may need to adapt older builds.
    • Replaced new SV Minigun Turret with a gimble-mounted Pulse Laser turret for HV and SV that goes between minigun and plasma turrets.
    • Reverted Flamethrower back to old model and particle effects (again) due to a broken flamethrower model and particle effects. Sorry dudes.
    • Added new Combat Scanning to HV, SV and CV Detectors. This is a long-delay, short-ranged pulse with RMB that will keep what you detect with it visible on your HUD for 5 minutes instead of 1. Ideal for dogfighting space drones or players when you need to keep track of them without switching weapons... oh, and mining ore deposits.
    • Space Drones and Troop Transports now appear on Minimap and Radar as faction-colored SVs icons instead of red dots so you can tell them apart from patrol vessels, as well as tell their heading and orientation.
    • Patrol Vessels now appear as faction-colored SV Icons instead of red dots so you can tell them apart from drones as tell their heading and orientation.
    • Increased damage of Survival Tool vs trees so it takes less than half as long as it did before. You'll still want the chainsaw.
    • Adapted high RoF weapons to the new hardcap of 600 RPM.
    • Titanium Plates can be melted down into Titanium Ingots without jamming up your furnace now.
    • Metal Pieces can be melted down into neodymium instead of titanium now.
    • Bugfixes and Improvements.
    Make sure you use the updated Localization with the new version. Found in the OP, unless you're using the workshop version, which has it built-in.

    Attached Files:

    The Salty Snake Chef likes this.
  18. shinooni

    shinooni Ensign

    Sep 13, 2016
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    From my experience EAH is a bit of a problem child when dealing with eden and reforged. It seems to break them badly scenario wise. For Example and I'm not sure exactly why all i know is if i touch the Game configuration button expect your scenario to break and loose its custom poi's/spawns (spawning in a gigantic hole for the Rogue starts is really fun. XD. text sarcasm doesn't really work.).

    I haven't gone through and individually tested every game option to see if one singular option is the root of the issue. (I suspect it maybe the max block count cap option that may be causing havok - not sure, haven't tested, just speculation) But as I have an active server right now and the all the missions are working I'm not touching..

    Moral of the Story. Reforged Eden Scenario === Don't Touch Game config in EAH.
    ps. if you do need to modify the game options do it directly in the scenario game options file and back that **** up.
    Normal69 likes this.
  19. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the quick reply!
    I haven't touched the game configuration files in EAH for months. :D
    The steam just updated the game and dedicated server - as it usually updates anything - around our little homebrew server. The quests were there before, not there now.

    So I haven't done a Waaagh, it broke our toy tantrum, just reported what is happened.
    Who knows, sometimes such reports are useful and stuff, don't they? ;)

    If I get the Reforged Eden steam version, and it's still broke, and I get consistent reports that noooo, it works pristine I can assure you to destroy the world, restart cleanly, slap in our builds, edit back the characters so quick, the players, my friends won't notice anything.
    (maybe that the evil gremlins buried their basements again)

    Please kindly let me remove you from your config file vodun majic high pedestal with my humanremoverfromhighpedestals-hook and lower you gently into the questioning chair:
    -Tell me what do you know about this conspiracy?!? - while flogging you with nicely scented shoelaces, or else. :)
    (in a more serious form, EAH and the scenario and the dedicated keeps those main configs at different places - maybe you can give me some pointers which files I should look at in the humongous amount of my backups?)
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Reforged Galaxy A12.3 v1.45

    • Hotfix to fix the crafting recipe for SV Pulse Laser Turret that made it uncraftable due to an undesignated constructor.
    • Added Scrambled Eggs for earlygame food as per request and because I had a leftover slot for a food item and a unique item icon that just happened to match.
    • Reduced CPU consumption of the large SV Jet Thrusters by 10%.
    • Deconstructors are now usable on CVs, but are over twice as heavy.
    • Zirax Turrets on captured POIs are now controllable.
    • Zirax Turret ammo can be found in ammo container loot boxes sometimes.
    • Medium Armor is now unlockable and craftable.
    • Buffed Player-Usable Zirax Weapons. They're slightly better than T2 weapons, but disposable.
    • Rearranged recipe order so that RG-added weapons and items are grouped with their fellows in the crafting list instead of at the bottom.
    • Updated Project Eden trader compatibility with Refinery Licenses.
    • Added a lockout-config that prevents an unwanted Config.ecf that's outside the scenario from overriding Reforged Galaxy's configs.
      Should stop players from getting errors, crashing or getting only part of the mod.
    Localization has been updated as well for you manual-installers.

    Attached Files:

    The Salty Snake Chef likes this.

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