This isn't my assumption. This is life, just check around. if people don't use forums, they use some other platforms fb,tictok, insta... etc. I didn't want to be rude. It is my general observation. People like to express themself, some may do it in a good way, some may not. See? I'm here on this forum for around 3 hours. I could have played ARK or any other game or watch a movie. But i choosed to be here... But i won't tell anyone that the only good thing out there what i am saying. (again speaking in general) I just only hope that some of the devs will read some of these conversations and may decide to move some old dusty stuff forward.
oh yeah that will be a great day Love this game and look forward to all the changes yet to's to the next 3000hrs of gameplay.
This is true, but there were nothing told about this topic from the devs... Maybe there were but who has the time to read all thoose thousands of posts which are present on this forum? I don't want this game to be the matrix, i would like it to work properly on my comp, so i can play and have a good time instead of reading the troubleshooting section for hours.
That's not exactly what you wrote: The number of posts under my name show how many posts I have made, it has nothing to do with my life priorities or schedule. That's a very tendencious link and an assumption. I may just be cooking with my laptop aside the oven. How can you tell ? I point to a thread where many players debated for/ against a feature. How could that single me out as the only one sustaining an idea ?
How can you affirm that without reading everything ? Truth is : they exposed the basic rules guiding implementation choices for player suggestions. I asked for this specifically, and Hummel answered. This was on one of the "Repair-to-blueprint" thread, prior to its implementation. Using these as guidelines, no need to go into deep physics discussions to know some things will simply yield no "gaming" benefits, only "realism" benefits with huge impacts on performance.
You took it personal. I was speaking in general and answering your post. In general the number ot your posts will tell how do you spend some time of yours. Just multiply your post numbers with a minimum 30sec /post. Did i say that you do nothing just living on this forum? Did i say that you are a forum geek? Nope, it was my reaction on your post where you mentioned that some of the ppl left the forum ---> they dont care anymore. And i told you that i may not come back for another 2-3 weeks which does not mean that i dont care.
You might missed my sentence here: "Maybe there were but who has the time to read all thoose thousands of posts which are present on this forum?" Maybe if there were a sticky FAQ post where the usual questions are answered (like it was mentioned before) some players may get some answers regards to the missing things of this game.
And how can you say it's not true for some of them ? You make an inference based on your own experience, but I can't do the same ? How do you define "care" ?
How do you define "self"? How do you define "true"? How do you define "my opinon"? Noone told you this. You can have your opinion... you can share your opinion, you can do whaterver you want. Even trolling me! I can make conclusions about things i experience. (By the five senses i have) There is observation, there is experience and there is statistics. There is data and there is information. How you percieve these are based on your mind. What is you goal with this conversation? Trolling? Trying to make me...?
You may feel "trolled" because I ask you questions, but that's still better than painting you in the corner with assumptions, even if they can look shiny with statistics and self-serving evidence. You tip-toed on personal grounds here, and this shows fatigue on your side. I did not go there : you did.
Well before i go to sleep i have gathered the posts for you to read back. You can ask me about anything. If i feel like it and my answer won't go against the rules, i'll be happy to answer. I suggest we should continue this conversation in private because it is considered as offtopic and i think ppl don't want to read about this in general. So please according to this tell me where did i write anything "bad" about you. Because the way i see it, it was my general opinion about people with high post numbers. --->this is where you took it personal and started to accuse me with things i did not commit.
It's not "bad" it's "irrelevant". If you start introducing AFK arguments it's completely off-topic, sure. Developers make some random poll and players can vote : should they not "care" about those who did not vote, but made detailed comments about the feature in question ? Look at all these "like or like more" recent polls... Why should the developers "care" about what players think of a specific feature if they are not even here to talk about it, of if they already "closed the discussion" by leaving ? I'm ending these sentences with question marks, but you have no obligation to answer. They show what I think, I have no definitive mindset regarding these. Not yet.
Well I am really happy for the game, community and not least the developers. This is the mark of a new beginning. In my opinion, after doing loads of work on map designs for the 1.0 version, is that we need to have focus on the game development manual. I know you want it to be a community effort to make a wiki, but who can help you when you dont share information with us either. I have spent several days checking for what i thought was bugs, and it was just changes in the game after v.12, and not a single place was things documented. So let me come with a constructive suggestion. Can you open a documentation thread in the forums, where we can ask short stub questions about features and configuration, and then we others can evolve that to the wiki and expand on things?
To clarify in specifics. 1. Are you saying that CPU; the Central Processing Unite system that is being used to determine ship roles when in reality ship roles are decided by the ship size, weight, class, role, sub-role, and only after the ship has been constructed, will not be removed? 2. Are you saying that the new Flight Model that is using Earth Physics in Space like Wind to determine the shape of the ship and which also favors one particular shape, the triangle, will not be removed?
Happy birthday, Eleon! You surely deserve all the best for the countless hours I've spent in this gem of a game.