What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Yeah. The "Flying Brick" transforms into a piece of Carved Limestone...nice!:D;)
  2. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Now that was a day.

    It started off with me going to a second abandoned factory. As it was 11km i cut off some way through space. Upon reentry the game crashed to desktop. Luckily though it saved so i could continue. Falling from 800m down to the ground and my sv nowhere to be seen. As i felt cheated on by the game i used "gm" and set a waypoint for my ship. Upon arrival i realized it was supposed to be 800m below ground surface but i did see it above ground. Upon exiting godmode i saw the line about the sv being outside the playfield and it being relocated. Shrugging it off i made my way to the factory.

    Hoping for nice loot and the two purple eggs Germanicus told me about I took my already known shortcut through the roof directly to the twin alien turrets though this time around i knew about the lever and deactivated them. Funnily they were still tracking me and following me around the room but not shooting. Fair enough. Past the room i started killing more abominations and scorpions (which are my sole food source besides traders) and i started hearing some blasting noises. I didn´t hear those noises the first time around so i was a bit wary. Hmmmmm...

    I went further down and opened up a door. That was the moment i regreted switching from a heavy to medium armor as 7 or 8 abominations came for me. I just blasted the shotgun and still wonder how i survived this stampede. Still those blasting noises.

    Continuing looting down the factory arriving at the lowest level by a floor shortcut. Why can i not loot into my sv anymore? I was able to do so the first time; did i park out of range? Still those blasting noises...

    I started dumping all bars i found into the factory, the first time i abused this system this way. After clearing out the core room i then found the egg in the roof but couldn´t find the other one as those blasting noises drove me a bit mad. I think i already knew what was happening. I think most of whom are reading this already know.

    Getting closer to the surface i already spotted the red dot on the minimap. Sigh. After exiting i shot the single rocket drone down and looked at my sv. Elongated sigh.
    PE 2_2020-08-06_12-42-00.png

    Thankfully there are enough mats in my factory so i could quickly assemble a hover bike and ride home. I forgot to check if i already reached level 25 but i was 24 at least. Time for a more serious cv.

    And can somebody tell me what up with this random door on the floor of the factory? Its even connected to a switch?!
    PE 2_2020-08-06_12-24-03.png
  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I decided to go ahead and release the upgrade to the flying brick.
    I named it the Retro, hope folks like it.

  4. Dragen3

    Dragen3 Lieutenant

    Jan 18, 2017
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    Yeah the Remnant has some good ore attached. Although last I checked it was also part of a Mission Line so you may wish to be careful.

    I have seen that Remnant in a few different starts at Modified Medium settings so its not an Easy Only thing.
    dpburke2 likes this.
  5. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    The first time I saw her I thought that if I set foot on it the floor would open up and I would fall into a trap. And I said "I won't be so stupid". :cool:
    Then with more experience I said "let's see what happens" ... Nothing ... disappointment. :oops:

    La primera vez que la vi pensé en que si ponía un pie en ella el piso se abriría y caería en una trampa. Y dije "no seré tan estúpido". :cool:
    Luego ya con mas experiencia dije "veamos que sucede"... Nada... decepción. :oops:
  6. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    The USSF Oracle field test continues. As with all my field tests, I spawned in my ships and gave myself enough supplies to get started, but not so much that I could just fly around blowing stuff up. Not a good play test, especially of a non combat vessel. This also means I don't have the excess resources that I would normally have after the usual buildup in a long term playthrough.

    So, after visiting two traders, exploring a few systems, and mining a buttload of resources, I realized I didn't have any wood. This was a problem because I wanted to bring in the USSF Marathon to do some planetside mining, which needs a significant amount of carbon composite. The USSF Mammoth, as should be expected, did not prove to be very useful for this even with the newly discovered attaching-laser-drills-to-SV technology.

    I had just enough carbon to build the USSF Runabout, a spunky little starter HV that has proven to be fairly adaptable to early game needs. Went back to the starter planet, as I hadn't found any forested planets in the jumps I had made, and got her set up as a tree harvester. Docked her to the Mammoth, went down to the planet... and realized after cutting my first tree that I hadn't replaced the cargo container. Of course.

    After an annoyed trip to orbit, I came back around and started murdering trees with abandon. This gave me the opportunity to see the Mammoth's turrets in action, now that such can be equipped thanks to the newly discovered attaching-turrets-to-SV technology. A few drones later, as the area of my tree genocide widened, I realized I hadn't put a detector on the Runabout. So I built a portable constructor, snapped this picture, and fixed that issue before a wandering drone blew her up. NewGame_18_2020-08-06_22-56-46.png
    On my way back to oribt I came across a Zirax fuel depot and several defensive positions, so I took the Mammoth with her 8 dumbfire rocket launchers and 4 laser cannons and put her to work. She lost shields once, mostly due to 8-rocket-launcher induced overconfidence on my part, and took a little damage for my lapse. She is mostly built of carbon, after all. The Mammoths turrets did well, seemed to be tracking much better than before 1.0, although the POI turrets still seemed to be having some small problems.

    Also, it's hard to put my finger on, maybe I'm crazy, but it seems like a lot of little things are just... smoother, after this latest update. Small things, like when turning off my jetpack on the Oracle in space, and the gravity grabs me, and the readjustment of viewpoint/player position isn't as jarring. Is that just me?
  7. lendarker

    lendarker Lieutenant

    May 6, 2020
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    Not today, rather yesterday before heading off for a night's sleep, I started on Dread on the HotB Reforged Eden server. Reforged makes for a harder, much more tedious start in a resource starved environment, but I think before building an SV, I'll go see how far I can stretch it out.

    Managed to build a base camp with power and a fridge and, just now, a large constructor. 3 growth plots filled with veggie seeds (Ran into a medical facility that had these...on Dread that's the JACKPOT!). Now ranging about, looking for "real wood trees" so I can create fiber seeds so I can produce regenerative fuel for my water generator because air is now the bigger issue...

    Time to scrounge about for enough materials to build a hover bike with a bit of storage so I can scrounge more and faster...

    So yeah, still having a bit of fun with self imposed rules.
    dpburke2 and Alhira_K like this.
  8. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Today it was mostly about testing my scenario. I had gotten my CV built after I had redesigned my Tunnel Rat so it could carry more. Then started hunting for the abandoned buildings, to get the things for my CV. When at last I did get it built. I wanted to take on one more. This time I found an Abandoned Bunker. Woot! Then my heart just sunk:(
    This wasn't going to be easy :eek:

    Mind you I can't even see the guns out front so they are still active. I haven't even gotten inside the door yet. Just got through the hanger door.


    The Door into the complex is over there some place.:rolleyes:

    I can just see it inside. Chop Chop BANG BANG Chop BANG
  9. Captain

    Captain Commander

    May 5, 2020
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    I think you have to imagine that the door was blown off during the virus outbreak ! :confused:o_O
    dpburke2 likes this.
  10. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    No trees on the planet. You need to hunt Wood Walkers.
    dpburke2 likes this.
  11. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Well, last night I accidentally ended up with two Skaar Raiders. See, I am >trying< to play with as little "cheating" as possible. So for the most part when I use the factory, I let the factory timer run. Well, I really didnt want to wait 4 more hours for my Raider to be done, so I spent time building a new landing pad and getting its home set up, then went into the command console to just spawn it. But, I screwed up the commands and enabled "spawn any blueprint" or something, so suddenly a ship I hadnt tried to build popped out. Before I spawned it I went back to the factory, picked the right ship and boom, spawned my Raider. I was thrilled. But then when I went into the workshop I noticed the Raider was still there ready to be spawned. Somehow, in my ignorance of the code, not only spawned a free one, but finished the work on the one I had actually started.

    So...in order to try to retain some semblance of only using things I have worked for, I am just leaving that extra CV in the factory and using the one, because thats the only one I worked for. I figure if I do something stupid, it may be nice to have a replacement. And based on my track record, stupidity is inbound.
    dpburke2 and Kassonnade like this.
  12. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I have started a new game about 3 times. In all of them, each system only has 3 planets (3 in the beginning, in the other two only 2 planets), the others are sets of asteroids. The other systems that I could review close to the initial are also of few planets.
    I know someone posted about this. Who else has this problem and how do I fix this?

    He iniciado juego nuevo unas 3 veces. En todos, cada sistema solo tiene 3 planetas (3 en un inicio, en los otros dos solo 2 planetas), los demas son conjuntos de asteroides. Los demas sistemas que pude revisar cercanos al inicial también son de pocos planetas.
    Sé que alguien publicó sobre esto. Quien más tiene este problema y como soluciono esto?
  13. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    The first time I saw that I thought the same. But then also that there might be something cool behind it.
    Ignoring the switch entirely I put a det pack on it only for more disappointment
    cmguardia likes this.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    And how far did you check in the Galaxy ?
  15. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I dont think this is really all that different than what I have seen. Starting system is usually small, but the other planets/belts have plenty of materials, so moving to a nearby one isnt an issue. So, I dont really think this is anything out of the ordinary.
  16. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I have never seen two-planet systems before. Beyond the materials found. The game does not compromise on its playability. It's just a drastic reduction of planets.
    The question is: does it happen to someone else? Or is it just me?
    I will review more systems of the same saved further away from the initial system.
    Besides, I'll start a new game and see what happens.

    Nunca vi antes sistemas de dos planetas. Mas allá de los materiales que se encuentren. El juego no se compromete en su jugabilidad. Solo es una reducción drástica de planetas.
    La cuestión es: a alguien más le sucede? O es solo a mí?
    Voy a revisar mas sistemas del mismo guardado mas alejado del sistema inicial.
    Aparte, iniciaré un nuevo juego y veré que sucede.
  17. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Not sure about drastic, but there seem to be literally thousands of planets across the galaxy now in hundreds of systems. I have seen some systems pretty much empty and some with many. Just gotta get out there and look.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Some players only had asteroid belts and few moons around Gas Giants, and reported this as a bug. @ravien_ff then mentioned that it was normal, so I guess you may try checking many other "orbits" (cheat some pentaxid if needed) to see for yourself.

    Edit : there, I found it (in Experimental branch discussions) :


    dpburke2, Love Is Flash and cmguardia like this.
  19. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    OK. I will investigate.
    The drastic thing is that I have never touched a system with less than 6 planets.
    I'll use a little "Console Magic" and travel the galaxy.
    I will pass reports of the trip.

    OK. Investigaré.
    Lo de drástico es por que no me había tocado nunca un sistema con menos de 6 planetas.
    Utilizaré un poco de "Magia de consola" y viajaré por la galaxia.
    Pasaré reportes del viaje.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020
    Love Is Flash and Kassonnade like this.
  20. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Enjoy the trip!
    cmguardia likes this.

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