Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    Now that makes me smile, I am glad you like. When I load that ship up into reforge it shock me to find it was over reforges cpu.
  2. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    From what I can tell cv have to be super small and not carry full weapons or fly like a barge and Idk even know about sv i go a medium so with 1 layer of armor thrusters and weapons a ship completely dedeciad to fighting and its like 10 thousand over. Or my t3 assault shil in reforge it doesn't even meet to limits i don't like cpu in vanilla but reforge is worse. Mainly cause he lowered the limits to make you use tiny ships with insufficient abilities.
  3. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Yeah as I play Reforged Eden more an more, I get more accustomed to putting together/modifying ships.
    It's not harder, but arranged differently.

    Let me get together my current findigs again and again - I can get my knowledge together this way, and pass it on.

    Thrusters on the edges turn now, not RCSes - remove almost all of them.

    Bigger is better - the same effect from the same kind of a number basic and a number of advanced components is always better with the advanced one - running cost, effect, cpu, everything.

    More complicated/useful/vertisale components, like advanced weapons, thrusters, crafters eat more CPU - simple ones like blocks of armor, furniture, lamps do not.

    You can put in the same max number of cpu extenders, but all of them add to the max CPU now - there are no more tiers.

    The limitation of armor is the weight, which depends on thrust.

    Modifying a vanilla blueprint usually needs some more generators and thrust.

    Remove fluff weapons and tools, only leave what you really need.
  4. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Not really - I have good news!
    I've built my Vogon Builder ship! :D

    Carefully armored in combat armor, pimped with steel, using large thrusters, can lift 2.45 kilotons on 1.07g, has mining laser, tool turret, 5 cannon turrets, and two laser ones, comes with jump, shield, deconstructor, advanced crafter and a small garden - I love this yellow brick of doom.
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Evidently you ignored all the documentation and changes to both the flight model, the combat changes and the CPU system and are treating reforged like the unbalanced game you’re used to.
    I don’t even need to see your ship to tell that it has too many thrusters and too many guns.
    Use higher tier or bigger thrusters, not lots of small t1 ones. Those are for small ships. Use a maximum of 8 weapons in total. You don’t need more than 4 weapons to begin with. Killing a POI in under 30 seconds does not make a good game.
  6. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    I will read through your changes again. Although I am not a fan about less weapons
  7. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I think I put a CPU Tier 2 on it the moment I had it. So not sure on that. I actually really like your ship. It's gonna serve most likely as a drop ship later one when I get a bigger CV.
  8. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    Awesome to here. I left a spot for a mining turret on there so it could be use to mine asteroids too. If you haven't tried the mining turret since they buffed, you need to try it.

    I hope you found some of my other blueprints useful. It makes me really happy to here other people like my ships as much as I do
    The Salty Snake Chef likes this.
  9. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    While I like the idea of using it to mine astroids I don't think that would be a good idea at the moment. Zirax interceptors seem to always come to me when I try to mine and tend to be devastating when one attacks your CV that does not have much in terms of defense. I think this is the case in vanilla since Alpha 12.3 but in Reforged Galaxy the space drones are a legitimate threat to your ships. I got so pissed off at an interceptor that I cheated to escape their persuit and I then went back on a previous save before I cheated. My greed on scraping a Zirax CV was the reason I got almost wreaked and Reforged Galaxy will punish you for your or even lack of preparedness.
  10. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    The design is to faciliate more of a "survival game" experience, i.e., struggle and challenge. If you want to build your "dream boat" you gotta go fight the bad guys, so on the way to the dream boat, there are likely to be many (dozens perhaps) of special purpose-built constructs that allow the player to take advantage of whatever tech/resource/status they have mastered at present.

    Of course, building freely without restrictions is great too, but I guess the philoslphy is that is what the Creative and Freedom play modes are for . . . or less harsh versions of Survival.
  11. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    I still disagree. I have built many roll speacilzed craft. Which are all plenty below the cup limits in the vanilla but are way over in reforge. For example I have a t4 combat so it still 20000 below vanilla cpu but in reforge it is 10000 over.
  12. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Put 10 NPC crew on it, and you'll break even. Each reduces CPU cost by 1000

    Also, do you actually have multiple extenders? In vanilla, if you have core, T2, and 2 T3, it only counts at T3 level, so most builders only use the T3. In Reforged, core + basic + 2x advanced give cumulative total. The other advantage is, if you lose 1 T3 in vanilla, you're dead in the water. In Reforged, you just lose efficiency
  13. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I'm not quite sure what there is to "disagree" with. The Scenario is what it is, and it is well-done for what it is intended. You cannot really "disagree" with that. You might not be interested in the type of play expeirence it intends to offer, in which case it isn't something on which to waste your time or that of anyone else. It is quite obvious Vermillion knows the game as well or better than anyone and the excruciatingly detailed and precise changes he has made are quite intentional and effective. This isn't to say it is perfect, but if one understands the point of it, then one will look long and hard to find a flaw in the design.
    Vermillion likes this.
  14. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    I had all extenders
  15. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    When I said I disagree I was referring to cpu limits being enough. You are right the scenario is what is. Vermillion is very thorough, I have no doubt that reforge is everything he has intended it to be but the super strict cpu limits which do not allow what In my opinion are specialized ships exist. Are just not for me. I might play around with it later if I alter the limits closer to vanilla but for now I will go back to building for the vanilla game
  16. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Reforged Galaxy strongly encourages you to work with a fleet of ships instead of one. It is also works better for MP as multiple people can yield more overall CPU per faction. For example, instead of one gun ship attacking a POI, you have two...or three.

    Also, as I've said, you can edit the configs to make them what you feel is better. We do this and it works very well.
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    My PC will be in the shop for almost another week. But I was able to put back together my old PC and i'm currently using that (it's so slow).
    Updating the scenario will be a pain in the ass, assuming I can even do it. I always had problems with this PC and steam workshop items.

    My experiments thus far have allowed me to successfully stop blast damage with armor blocks so that the interior devices are protected from the explosive blast radius of doom that's required players to build ships with 3-thick hulls to stop explosions from taking out the stuff inside.
    It has a drawback, but it's very minor and if it becomes a problem I can easily fix it. But it would mean more fiddling about with numbers.

    EMPs are next on the agenda after I finish rolling out the "explosion shielding" game-wide. Since they use the same function but in reverse, it should be an easy task.
  18. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Good news on the explosions...that's a huge win. Sorry about the sucks to be forced to use tools that don't work correctly.
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy 1.0 - V1.50b

    • Increased the HP of CV/BA O2 Tanks and Large Fuel Tanks.
    • Added new Elite Zirax Troops (Not in active use, so don't worry. This is largely to give Ravien some better troops to work with in higher level POIs for Reforged Eden)
      All elite troops wear a full suit of zirax armor with a helmet. They can climb walls and have a wider field of view. Their weapons are shorter ranged though.
      Elite Soldier Zirax: Faster reaction times, faster movement while sprinting, higher HP and a better gun.
      Elite Plasma Zirax: Same deal as the Elite soldier, wields a player Plasma Cannon. Acts as a combination of Laser and Rocket Zirax.
      Elite Shotgun Zirax: A faster, stronger version of the shotgun zirax with an improved gun (that they drop).
      Elite Marksman Zirax: A sniper zirax with a player's T1 sniper rifle. You will know fear, as well as how OP player weapons are compared to zirax ones.
    • Added Spore Drone for Legacy planetary playfields. They're equipped with a disruptor cannon, but aren't particularly fast at lining up a shot so as long as you take them out before they orient themselves, they're not particularly dangerous.
    • Changed flamethrower to operate as a launcher type weapon (experimental). It has less spread fire and is better used aimed at the ground. It's not as noisy and easier to aim, but if you're not careful you'll set yourself on fire.
    • Buffed the Zirax Assault Rifle for players. It's better than a T2 Pulse Rifle now, but has limited durability and no repairs.
    • Zirax Turret Ammunition found in POIs (used to fire weapons on captured POIs) can now be deconstructed.
    • Increased drop rate of food (slightly) and some ammunitions by zirax troops.
    • Hydroponics Plots can be made in lower-tier constructors. Wood = Portable Constructor+, Concrete = HV constructor+, Steel = Small Base Constructor+.
    • Added some german localization to the Reforged Localization (Get it from the thread OP) and improved some stuff.
    • Reduced CPU consumption of Small Constructor (CV/BA) from 10000 to 5000, but increased the power draw while active.
    • Enabled CV Pulse Laser Turret on Planets (Both firing modes).
    • Enabled Secondary Firing Modes of CV Flak Turret and CV Plasma Turret on planets (manual only).
      Plasma's particle beam mode and Pulse Laser's high-output mode have reduced range in atmosphere to compensate.
    • Reduced EXP gained from Abominations and Overseers.
    • Zirax Turrets when retrieved/salvaged will return BA Laser Turrets or their components instead of projectile turrets/components.
      Zirax Rocket and Artillery Turrets will return BA Rocket Turret Blocks/Components.
    • T1 Repair Bay for BASES can now repair to template at a slower speed.
    • Fixed numerous bugs... probably introduced many more.

    • Reworked the explosion damage so that explosions don't go right through armor blocks and destroy important stuff on the inside. This applies to both player and AI weapons.
      Explosions against armor will no longer destroy devices behind thin armor (outright), the shockwaves do still deal minor damage but it takes multiple hits to destroy any soft vitals, the armor will be long gone before that happens, in which case the exposed device will be easily destroyed.
      > Internal Thrusters, Decoy weapons and turrets are not protected by this change. (By design)
      > This only applies to external weapon detonations. Internal detonations by devices or anything struck by a projectile will explode with full power, taking out everything in the explosion radius.
    • Concrete has a variable resistance to explosions depending on the kind of explosive used. (Plasma deals less damage, artillery deals more damage, rockets vary based on type)
    • EMP-based weapons will now deal overload damage to generators, even through the hull in addition to shield damage. They deal no damage to blocks, but will affect buried generators near the impact point.
      The Artillery Turret's EMP shells (RMB) have a larger radius of effect. Allowing them to penetrate several layers of armor. With precise aiming, you can disable patrol vessels without taking out the core (so it doesn't self-destruct).
    Explosion Resistance Examples:
    RG Test_2020-08-09_15-11-02.png
    The setup, with the fuel and O2 tanks protected by only the thinnest of armor.
    RG Test_2020-08-09_15-13-41.png RG Test_2020-08-09_15-13-47.png
    Thinnest section shot with a BA Missile Turret. Destroying the armor but not destroying the fuel tank behind.
    RG Test_2020-08-09_15-13-49.png
    A second shot against the armor with an exposed fuel tank. The tank is no longer protected by the armor and goes "boom", taking out a section of hull.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2020
  20. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    This is huge! Thanks for the update.
    Normal69 likes this.

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