Experimental 1.1.x

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 11, 2020.

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  1. EleonGameStudios

    EleonGameStudios Developer Staff Member

    • Developer
    Oct 20, 2014
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    Hello Galactic Survivalists!

    Here are the Experimental versions for the upcoming v1.1.x patches. As always, feedback is highly appreciated - thank you!


    2020-09-16: Experimental 1.1.7 (Build 3082)

    - Vessel rolling prevents (shield) damage


    2020-09-15: Experimental 1.1.7 (Build 3081)

    - DialogueSystem: added new variable types (dbglobalpf_int and dbplayerpoi_int)

    - [MP] AI Turrets sometimes continue to shoot at dead NPC's that are not rendered
    - DialogueSystem: potential fix for losing variable content if there was a connection timeout when starting a dialogue
    - one CoQ and one item exploit


    2020-08-25: Experimental 1.1.6 (Build 3079)

    - Dialogue error with high load


    2020-08-21: Experimental 1.1.5 (Build 3077)

    AI drone : add the console command 'aim info' to get a set of info regarding AI drones and AI vessels

    - Added error message instead of CoQ if a entity spawner contains an entity that is not defined in the config file
    - Fix for retractable turrets that had animation issue when turned on or off, or when reloading the game
    - Loading into 3075 results in terrain becoming deformed


    2020-08-19: Experimental 1.1.5 (Build 3075)

    - Updated a few stock blueprints: added detectors, fixed signals
    - Updated: Xenu Weapon Bunker, Epsilon Com Center (adv + standard), Xenu Defense IV (Zirax)
    - Updated: Rados POIs (Zirax)
    - Updated: Abandoned Reactor (The Legacy)
    - Updated: TSP_Variant2 (planet) & TSO_Variant2 (orbit/sector)
    - Replaced: CV Prefab T5 with CORE Warchain
    - Added: Kriel Overseer T1, T2 and Subjugator
    - Added: New Pirates ambush POIs
    - Added: CV Magpie (Civilian)
    - Added: New CivilSettlement variants

    - AI vessels are sometimes not visible or actually there when approaching their HUD marker
    - Missing parameters in Space_Dynamic.yaml (RestrictToOrigin)
    - Potential fix for player data file growing big when player visited a lot of instanced playfields
    - an exploit


    2020-08-19: Experimental 1.1.5 (Build 3073)

    - Slightly brighter nights and less dark areas by setting Color Gradient Black In from 0.065 to 0.035
    - DialogueSystem: added variable type dbplayerpf_int that is only valid in the current playfield
    - NPC entity dialogs: removed NPCDialog from eclassconfig and moved into spawner. Removed need for manually adding EAI task to rotate to player.
    - PlanetGeneration: small improvement to stamping by generating rotated stamps only on demand
    - Entity NPCDialog: added name of dialog and only entity name as fallback, if entity is dead: show existing loot prompt
    - Added Entity-Dialogue example to Dialogues.ecf and EClassConfig.ecf
    - Added Entity-Dialogue setup docu to head area of EClassConfig.ecf

    - Tutorial is not set to easy but to the default settings (now uses a normal gameoptions.yaml file)
    - SSG: fixed 3D preview not showing correct height of terrain
    - CoQ for NPC Spawner
    - Fix for dialog not getting saved in Blueprints
    - [MP] Logistics: 'Access Device' sometimes not working
    - Wrong gameoption setting in 'Invader vs Defender' scenario
    - Missing parameters in Space_Dynamic.yaml


    2020-08-14: Experimental 1.1.5 (Build 3069)

    - Tutorial: Added Stomach Pills to Large Wreckage Personal Container
    - Added/updated soundtracks for biomes, POI and general use
    - Star search in galaxy map: added result list and possibility to search for planets and moons
    - Planet generation: moved part of the generation to use the unity job system and burst compiler to improve speed as a test
    - Traders:
    1. added possibility to open a dialogue when talking to a trader (use OpenTraderWindow() in the dialogue to switch to the trader window
    2. added possibility to use 'zone traders' that get their trader type from the zone they are in (either set the TraderZone in the playfield.yaml or in the POI properties)
    3. added possibility to use a factor to the MarketPrice in TraderConfig.ecf
    - improved "pda rd" console cmd (check help)
    - DialogueSystem: added possibility to talk with entity NPCs
    - New: PDA Info: added info to right side PDA screen WHICH mission needs to be played to unlock the chapter
    - DB: using default journal mode again, as WAL and MEMORY did not increase write performance

    - Freighters dont respawn on Destroy Core or re-Core
    - NearUnit/NearPOI do not trigger when teleported into trigger area
    - Bombs deployed from bomber drones sometimes do not explode when they land on terrain
    - Fix for reported exception when opening another solar system in MP that contained instances
    - AI vessels teleporting away from the player after taking damage
    - Fix for wrong water texture when starting a creative game
    - COQ after destroying all AI ships and changing playfield
    - AI space vessels keep moving when their rear facing thrusters have been destroyed
    - Fix for DialogNPC rotating although it is set to not rotate


    2020-08-11: Experimental 1.1 (Build 3065)

    - Build settings window: added shortcuts Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-R, Ctrl-D, Ctrl-F, Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-Shift-Z when the N popup is open (blocking nearly all other shortcuts when the N menu is open)
    - Build settings window: added shortcuts for rotating a block (scroll wheel) and toggling through axes (right mouse button)
    - Build settings window: middle mouse button will toggle through selection mode (move, scale, rotate)
    - Increased availability of Titanium ore and rods in loot drops
    - Tutorial Scenario: Increased ores in Distress-Signal wreckage (Personal Container)
    - Trading Station POI (Zirax, Polaris, Trader) with Admin Cores have their SBD feature deactivated
    - Commodity: Phoenix Fern Fronds and Trumpet Greens can be bought and sold at Aunt Mary and Talon traders
    - Console command 'di' is limited now to 50 meters
    - Limiting number of worker threads on a dedicated server to 8 and on a playfield server to 5 to improve the overall system performance on servers with many cores
    - DB: Sqlite setting journal_mode to WAL now (only for new savegames)
    - Tutorial: Added Growing Plots and Light to containers
    - Tutorial: Fixed issue with important message not popping up
    - Tutorial: Increased display time of a few messages
    - DB: removed port number from IP address if server chose to log them
    - DB: setting journal_mode to MEMORY in the hope of increasing write performance
    - DialogueSystem: added access to player's ExperiencePoints, Level, UpgradePoints

    - Detector devices cannot detect entities on the other side of the world seam
    - Base attack troops when underwater stop moving when close to the players base
    - Fixed OriginDefault from gameoptions.yaml not sent to clients in MP games
    - Fixed: Wrong chapter number for Ancient Revelations displayed in main storyline
    - Fix for system map not allowing to select planet info for current planet
    - Fixed not able to warp to some stars when setting the language to Turkish (and probably others, too)
    - Player POV & player map icon can become unaligned
    - Plants don't grow when far away from them
    - Avatar size glitch after spamming blocks that players can use to sit
    - Fixed: Teleporter on Xenu Mainframe deactivating on explosion of station
    - Fixed: Tutorial Kaidan dialogue end leads to a Continue-or-Quit (COQ)
    - some CoQ's
  2. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Looks pretty good! Any updates on the skipping enemy ship issue?
  3. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    The tutorial would be more effective if the water generator placement was moved to before the grow plot section, so the player can learn how to make them, instead of just giving them
  4. Cluascorp

    Cluascorp Commander

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Excellent :)
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  6. Bob [OG]

    Bob [OG] Commander

    Oct 31, 2018
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    was my "Squee Moment"
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Are base attack constantly breaking for anyone else recently? I started Project Eden game, and base attacks constantly get blocked because the game thinks another base attack is already in progress. This is false. I've previously deleted the baseattack.* (or a name like that) and it's caused the next attack to work, but it breaks again soon after.

    Broken base attacks combined with POI's overgrown with grass, rocks and trees isn't making for the best play-through if I'm honest. Hence why I've been playing sporadically lately.

    Hope this can be sorted.

    Marty likes this.
  8. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Speaking of commodities, will there ever be any real use to them? I think trading them in for NPC faction rep would be a decent start. Maybe you could trade for pirate faction specific items only available with narcotics (epic turrets), traders would have their own stuff with like luxury goods (epic cargo containers with double the capacity per extension maybe), polaris could have an enhanced warp drive that lets you jump 100 LY at a time, etc, and these special items could only be purchased with max rep from their special vendors (make the locations of these vendors very rare to encourage exploration)

    Or do something like transcendence server where collecting a lot of rare commodities to make diamonds can eventually allow you to craft an adv cpu.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
    cmguardia likes this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Why don't you try vanilla and see for yourself ? I know @ravien_ff redirects players to ask Eleon for things happening in his scenario, but how should Eleon know if it's not caused by the scenario itself or one of the numerous tweaks it relies upon ?
    byo13, Addy and Germanicus like this.
  10. Phantom 3

    Phantom 3 Lieutenant

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Thank YOU!
    byo13, Siege Inc. and Germanicus like this.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes, any game bug should be reproduced in the default game before being reported, even if it's not going to be caused by the scenario.
    byo13 and Germanicus like this.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I was over on Ravien_ff's thread previously, but this was thought to be a vanilla issue.

    I have had similar issues in vanilla in the past, it's just so inconsistent. I.e. on successive Snow Planet vanilla starts all was well, but the Ocean planet start in PE constantly fails. I, as just a user, have no way of knowing what the route cause is. Perhaps it's a vanilla bug, perhaps it's a PE bug, perhaps it's not PE as such, but rather something to do with that type of playfield.

    I'm at a bit of a loss really, hence why I'm asking in both places to see if there's any sort of pattern - I'm not sure there is lol.

    byo13 and Kassonnade like this.
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Don't worry : we're all a bit lost in there. Trying to make systems now with the "GalaxyConfig.ecf" and the (outdated) "SolarSystemGenerator" and reading the (outdated) "Scenario FAQ" (v6.0... lol...) and looking through all "Scenarios" like the outdated Shadows of Starlight or trying to find some king of uniformity in all the "Templates" which are all mixed up (old with new) or having to read 5 different .yaml files of the same "playfield" type (debug, dynamic, static, 'old' ) to try to understand why everything is worded differently in each, and following "partial instructions" that don't work... it's kind of getting old.

    So sure, we can get an answer like "it is documented in (...) " but in fact it is a completely disorganized and frustrating mess. Tools are outdated, explanations are summarized and unclear, and there are no simple guides for the very basics of "why things work like this and not like that".

    And I have been regularly criticizing the server owners for not setting up their games properly... well frankly I'm not surprised so many gave up.
  14. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Instead of this awkwardness, could we please get a way to keybind the 6 individual rotation axes instead?

    Rotate counter/clockwise (numpad 7,9)
    Rotate left/right (numpad 4, 6)
    Rotate up/down (numpad 8, 5 or 8, 2)

    This would be much more intuitive and easier to use.
  15. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks @Kassonnade - I confess, I'm sorta losing interest in playing. Perhaps it's a psychological thing, but this non-Early-access title has too many bugs and quirks. It's still fun, but I appear to have experienced a mental shift in what I'm prepared to tolerate at the moment. All the same old issues are getting to me just that little bit more, why is that? It's just a number that's changed. Weird. I expect I'll do what I usually do, go away for a bit them come back fresh, prepared to overlook some of the quirks. Maybe I've just restarted too many times while trying to test new stuff, restart fatigue is real :)

    For the record, the main current irksome things, which I need a break from, are:

    - Overgrown POI's - aka, grass, trees and rocks not being cleared inside POI's. POI's conquest is spoilt by this.

    - Base attacks getting stuck - how many times have there been base attack issues now? They seem to pop up every few versions lol.

    - Holes in the landscape - started getting this one again recently, after not seeing it for ages. I seem to be compelled to jump into said holes...

    - The usual hit box stuff - aka "No fudging way did you actually hit me Mr. Melee attacker who's five metres away".

    - Getting shot / hit through blocks - a personal favourite of mine, I'll miss it when it's gone.

    There's more, but I don't want to depress myself too much lol.

    Something I'd like to add...

    I first tried Empyrion around a friends when it was still version 2.x. I LOVED it...until I didn't. I built my first base - out of Wood, all I had available - at the foot of a large hill. There was a POI on the other side of the hill, but I was safe... Cue base shooting me through the aforementioned hill, destroying my base and me losing all interest. Fast forward a few months, Empyrion on offer (£7.50) and I took a punt, hoping the issue had been fixed. I think it mostly had, but still occurred from time to time.

    I like the Empyrion devs, the seem a decent bunch of people keen to make a good game. So, it worries me what people's first impressions might be when experiencing some of the bugs that are still around. If I'd bought Empyrion back at 2.x I would have refunded when I got shot through the hill, that was a deal breaker for me. I wonder how many might respond in the same way with overgrown POI's (making play very tricky), broken base attacks (they'll wonder what's going on), holes in the landscape (death, cannot get backpack), getting "hit" when they've not visually been hit, getting shot/ attacked through blocks but perhaps not knowing that's why they died (frustration). I want this game to be successful, but the v1.0 release tag doesn't really paint an accurate picture of this (IMO) Early-Access title.

    I trust the devs will continue to work on the game as they always have, improving and adding features. I really hope we see the bugs squashed, walking on moving ships, Crouch, "Proper" Factories and further tweaking to Mass impacting top speed (*sigh*) among many other wished-for feature.

    Apologies if I'm being a bit negative, perhaps it's the heat - Bit of a heatwave in the UK, and air-conditioned homes aren't really the norm here - but I'm more easily irked currently it seems lol.

    runlykhel, byo13, Wellingtoon and 8 others like this.
  16. Ambaire

    Ambaire Captain

    Nov 23, 2015
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    Although the honeymoon is long over, the harsh reality is only now making itself known.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  17. Combat Wombat

    Combat Wombat Captain

    Oct 10, 2017
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    I used to host a dedicated server for every experimental release for a dozen internet friends that played. Mass reducing max speed was the final straw for me and I haven't hosted one since the game just became unfun when what little that was solid; ship designing was crapped all over. So here I am advocating every patch for them to fix it so I can have some motivation to host a server and play again.

    I want to have fun playing again Eleon not constantly dealing with counter-intuitive mechanics that don't make any gameplay sense you add without explanation.
    Khazul, runlykhel and stanley bourdon like this.
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Why not making a scenario now with most CPU/mass/volume values fixed, but with all the default playfields ? These will not get overwritten and you can make the game as fun as in previous versions. If the "mass limits max speed" is based om mass and not size or block count, then it's easy to make it insignificant even for big ships.

    @jmcburn made a config editor integrated in his "playfield designer", for those who don't like editing text files:

  19. Combat Wombat

    Combat Wombat Captain

    Oct 10, 2017
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    Because then mass values would be broken for everything else that uses it wouldn't it? That doesn't exactly do me much good if I wanted that I would just turn mass/volume off
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    For players on your server they would use your configs. Thruster output could also be reduced to match lower mass.

    This is what I intend to do at some point, to be able to play without turning anything "off", but I still want a semi-realistic feel, that would be still more engaging than what we have now or with options off.

    But first step is to get to make the playfields I want to make.
    runlykhel and byo13 like this.
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