Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I recommend the Forge Bulldog prefab. It has huge cargo capacity, good speed and can dig like a champ (unlocks at Lv7).

    CVs over T2 will tend to suffer from insane CPU usage, either by using too many generators, too many thrusters or in most cases too many turrets. In many cases, you just need to add a CPU extender or two from the lower tiers. But if you're expecting a CV to turn and accelerate like an SV as it does in the base game, you'll be disappointed. The bigger a ship is, the slower it's going to handle.
    If it has too many small thrusters, replace them with larger ones. More CPU-efficient and you get more thrust from it.
    Na_Palm likes this.
  2. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Thank you for the suggestion! I just tried out the MS2 Sparrow as a mining SV, much faster, but still sluggish compared to what I am used to in vanilla...but thats the point! I cant seem to see the Bulldog in the workshop, so Ill check it in the game to see if its already there.

    Again, excellent work all around in this, many aspects you guys have added should, in my wee opinion, be standard.
  3. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Thank you for the info!
    Put on a few strategically placed minigun turrets on my new romulanish CV to check that up.
    (I would like to do some reasoning with the zyrax)

    Sadly cannon turrets definitely do miss a lot. I watched them in the aforementioned experience.
    When the interceptor drone is flying in to attack, and the turret goes for it, not for the other 4, cannons got in some shots, which the interceptor drone tanked in the few first fly-ins.

    But when the drone is turning away to get some distance I saw by the cannon-tracer effect that they've missed a lot, they have too slow shell-speed.

    Luckily my turrets do target and shoot now, but then need a combination to actually hit = drone is flying in a straight line + the turret is shooting at that craft not another.

    Interceptor drones are also faster than self-guided missiles, so they only could be shot by them when incoming. Also my greatest pain is that they just suddely spawn in at near distance when I get to an asteroid.

    Oh, by the way this is also on normal/medium difficulty.

    An idea: we miss are the tootips on weapons, to at least have some data in them like CPU, shell speed, et cetera, instead "this has right click options, no info for you, ducker" :D

    You subscribe to Reforged Galaxy creative scenario, start it in singleplayer, exit, and add the CPU limit option to the config file inside the save directory.

    I only download ships which I can see use less big thrusters rather than lot of small ones.
    Then I check them up to have at least 50% CPU efficiency, otherwise they are a lost cause.
    Then I load them into the creative scenario (sometimes just spawn into the server, because we have admin rights, modify, save, and delete), and fiddle with it.
    I usually need one more generator, to not explode (or a bigger one), and a few thrusters.
    I also take off all the weapons, and fluff equipment, and place only back the ones I need.

    A question: if I zip the directory of an unit blueprint, can I upload it here?
    Are we able to simply copy it into our blueprint directory, and use them?
    Or doing it thru steam is a must?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  4. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    By the way, this is a CV laser turret:
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Works fine for me.
    19 Isocoherence_2020-08-15_22-24-23.png
    Though i'm considering changing the firing effect for the laser from blue laser to light blue plasma.

    EDIT: Ooh. I put in an unlisted particle effect on the off-chance that it exists and it DOES.
    I will now proceed to use it everywhere.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
    The Salty Snake Chef likes this.
  6. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Thanks for all of the advice guys!
    Things got a lot easier when I embraced the need for specialized mining vessels. I can’t, for the life of me, control a mining HV in atmosphere, but got a nice SV that has served me well so far.

    I did have to use the control panel once because I still think accidentally mining on another factions ground being as punishing to standing is a bit ridiculous. Poked the Pol Mining base asteroid and those suckers immediately became unfriendly. Lesson learned though.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Any plans to rename it 1.0 and remove the A12 scenario from WS? I want to know before this happen and can not load my saved game anymore.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's already been renamed. Your save games should continue just fine.
  9. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    The guy for automatisation mistyped a number, so a skyrim mod got downloaded?!? somewhere?!? and we still have the old version. :D

    Thank you for opening my eyes!

    PS.: I'm powerful now, on 1.22 atmospheric density, I can shoot this far away from my ship with lasers!
    Fear me and despair! :D
    (altough I am standing in a safe position, because it can only shoot at 66 meters away)
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Thank you. I should have check the updates of my subscribed items first to see what you say. I was playing every day since the rename day without an issue with my old save. :p

    So the name of the scenario does not affect the content itself when updated, I suppose. First rename then update, then again update local with content and re update in WS.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Here's Miketanic's CV trials in Reforged Eden.
    He's got a long series of Reforged Eden now, but since he can't build (like... at all) he's asked for submissions for ship trials to decide what he's going to use in the future.

    You get to see CV vs CV combat in action between an ultimate endgame CV and a carrier patrol vessel (which should actually be launching interceptors and interdictors, but space drone spawning doesn't work atm)
    Check them explosions. pew pew.
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Eden now includes the Tovera-Class Dreadnought from Forge Aerospace's Zirax Line-up as of today's update.
    This ship is a rare encounter during a space base defense in a hard difficulty sector of space.

    Now, this is the first video i've ever done and i'm not exactly trying to win... because that would be impossible.
    This is a prime example of endgame CV-vs-CV combat as the UCH Crusader-Class Frigate engages the Tovera-Class Dreadnought and a second wave of Sunat-Class Corvettes.
    While the Crusader would massacre the corvettes, against the Tovera there's absolutely nothing it can do. The tovera's armor is too thick, it has too many weapons and the shields stronger than normal.
    Though at 17:00 I did a dumb and accidentally got out of the cockpit while under fire. Resulting in a very large number of rockets impacting the upper deck of the ship.

    Notice how every weapon fired behaves differently? That's Reforged.
    See the big, flashy, satisfying explosions? Reforged.
    Observe how a single rocket to the crusader doesn't destroy the vital components inside it and cripple the ship after a single hit. The armor resists the explosions, allowing the ship to fight continuously despite the massive damage to the exterior for 20 minutes.

    Dear Developers: This is what ship combat should look and function like.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
  13. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Commander

    May 24, 2020
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    Is that UCH-018 Crusader ship available anywhere? I cant seem to find it.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Not presently. I'll try to get a proper RG-compatible version since the one in the video was jury-rigged and has generators and a T2 CPU sitting in the corridors, with a pair of Heavy Rocket Launchers stuck to the sides of the ship.
    Space Ghost likes this.
  15. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I got a chance to play through some Eden Reforged and I like the new explosions from the explosive blocks. The cast-off electric blues and the smallish orange embers are very satisfying. Plus I think there is a difference in the visual around the actual explosion itself.

    Also, from the video, yes, that is what Empyrion space combat should feel like. I also love the reinforcements - that second wave of smaller ships feels like it should. The rockets from the player ship use the "device explosion sound" so that took a second to get used to but it definitely works.

    I took my foot off the gas from prodding Eleon to get more weapons, effects, and sounds. Maybe I should get back to that...
    Vermillion likes this.
  16. Brogar

    Brogar Ensign

    Aug 31, 2020
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    This mod is amazing! My friends and I loaded it up and I started on Pandora! What an experience. I'm trying to scrounge enough materials together to make a capital ship so I can get out of system and away from the zirax. The zirax interdictors are vicious! How do I deal with them? they tend to spawn right on top of me and destroy me while I'm trying to explore the solar system. They're even camping me in a POL station so I can't get out.
    Vermillion likes this.
  17. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Man...what a play through I am having.

    Normally, in a playthrough, I rely on the "planetary remnant" to get me some good high end ores relatively early. But in my game the Zirax Construction station spawned right next to the Planetary Remnant. The Zirax POI is just set on bombarding the remnant. Not sure if this is by design, or whatever. But whenever I get close to the remnant *poof* three interceptors appear and turn the sky into flashes of lasers.

    Finally spawned a warp capable SV to get to a nearby system. Figured "Ill at least scout it out". Upon arrival and when I got close to the first asteroid an intercepter showed up. By the time I opened the map to get a warp point I was being chewed up. Made it into warp and thought I was safe. Arrived in a new sector only to find that at the very last moment they blew up my warp drive. So...I am stuck. I figure "Well, Ill land on the moon and start an ultra hard task of getting the stuff to repair" then jumped by two more baddies, ejected into space, and I give them a good 5 minute fight until I ran out of ammo. Tried to at least salvage some engines from my destroyed SV before an explosion took me out.

    Started again today a bit defeated, figure "Maybe Ill just work to make the Zirax neutral..." their two zones of influence are sparsely vegetated regions right next to the edge of the map and covered with roaming patrols and very few trees. So, it looks like a "peaceful" solution may not work.
    Sup and Vermillion like this.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Guided Rocket Launcher if you've only got handheld weapons. No one ever uses them, but they're specially buffed to take down Drones and Assault Mechs.
    Otherwise, turrets on your SV: Minigun or Pulse Laser will do a decent job of discouraging space drones if you're not there.
  19. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Just tried this out recently and really enjoying this. The improvement in AI is immediately noticeable with the alien 'Leafcutter' spiders.
    Naming conventions make much more sense. "Suit constructor" makes WAY more sense than survival constructor - the amount of people on Steam forums rightfully confused about the various constructors is both hilarious and sad.
    The progression is much more satisfying both for character and tech development. (Seriously why is free survival tool better than pistol in vanilla? smh).
    The new effects add a lot to the enjoyment. Combat feels a bit more like the older versions before shields turned attacking POIs into a sponge fight.
    I was initially turned off by how slow mining was but realized the amount of ore dropped by surface rocks is quite suffice for early game and I appreciate that mining HVs are actually necessary and relevant to the game.
    I seriously don't think I can go back to vanilla for the time being. Thanks for your work!
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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