What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    After a week of work where i did nothing more than toying around for an hour a day mostly looting POIs i finally got a week off to play to my hearts content. So i ran around and looked what PE has to offer for me.

    PE 2-200814-1753_2020-08-14_21-00-24.png

    This site was kinda tough for me. Unprepared as i was and more than just slightly clueless i had to do several runs after which i had to regenerate my shield each time. Having no clue what ship is what i just lured the closest and first one willing to bite away from the rest. The Imerat-Class Destroyer. That was a tough nut, especially since i was low on ammo as i found out during the fight. The only ressource i didn´t bother collecting was Magnesium.

    PE 2-200814-1753_2020-08-14_21-08-25.png

    After several attempts the other ships got involved too and i had to start kiting the Periat-Class Frigate and switch to it. Later then the Terra Sole got annoying too. Damn this thing has a lot of laser towers, thankfully i seem to have gotten a lucky shot on a generator. But the Imerat didn´t want to go down, no matter what i did. First i tried blasting with artillery and rockets onto generators only but i gave up on that so i killed off as many thrusters as possible. Thankfully it didn´t move anymore by the time i almost ran out of ammo. I really need to rethink the weaponry on the Astarte.

    PE 2-200814-1753_2020-08-15_19-05-08.png
    Later then i looted a Zirax shrine next to this perfectly placed drone base. Just when i was done with the site and checked the lower levels for loot i got shot and killed by it. Thankfully my backpack caught on a ledge so i could grab it with the drone.

    Then i made a quick proof of concept POI dismantling base i could build a few times in the factory and leave there. Basically two full container systems with two deconstructors and a second wifi brought up into the sky by 20 truss blocks. This way i can now easily dismantle POIs and get that stuff into the CV. Thank you abandoned factory for your titanium donation.

    On another note, i was looking at the config files this week and i hope somebody here can enlighten me. One idea was to generelly raise the shield capacity. So i was looking through the config files for blocks and stumbled across this. Slightly baffling though the ShieldPerCrystal part seems to be only defined once, on the T1 base shield. Am i right to assume that if i change this it applies to all shields? Or is there something hidden somewhere else?

      ShieldRecharge: 150, type: int, display: true # per second
      ShieldCooldown: 15, type: int, display: true   # in seconds
      ShieldPerCrystal: 1000, type: int, display: true
    Another thing i was looking for were the traders. First of it bugs me that no trader is buying T2 Assault rifles, at least none that i found. And how their stock is sorted makes my OCD tingling under my skin. Plus i want to be able to buy the alien ammo in proper quantities. I found the following:

    { Trader Name: InterWeap
      SellingText: "Welcome to InterWeap Military Equipment Store!\n<DISCOUNTTEXT>"
      SellingGoods: "trwAmmo,trwWeaponsAdvanced,trwArmorBoost"
      Discount: 0.2
      Item1: "50Caliber, 3-5, 50-100, 2-3, 100-500"
      Item2: "ShotgunShells, 5-7, 50-100, 4-5, 50-500"
      Item3: "5.8mmBullet, 2-3, 500-1000, 1-2, 1000-5000"
      Item4: "12.7mmBullet, 5-7, 50-100, 4-5, 100-200"
      Item5: "SlowRocket, 49-74, 50-100, 40-49, 100-200"
      Item6: "8.3mmBullet, 1-2, 500-1000, 1, 1000-5000"
      Item7: "PulseLaserChargePistol, 14-22, 50-100, 12-14, 100-500"
      Item8: "PulseLaserChargeRifle, 40-61, 50-100, 33-40, 100-500"
      Item9: "SciFiCannonPlasmaCharge, 42-63, 50-100, 33-42, 100-500"
      Item10: "SlowRocketHoming, 71-106, 50-100, 57-71, 100-500"  
      Item11: "PistolT2, 3365-5047, 1-5, 2692-3365, 5-10"
      Item12: "Shotgun2, 3411-5116, 1-5, 2729-3411, 5-10"
      Item13: "PulseRifle, 5725-8588, 1-5, 4580-5825, 5-10"
      Item14: "Sniper2, 11890-17835, 1-5, 8512-11890, 5-10"
      Item15: "RocketLauncher, 8464-12697, 1-5, 6771-8464, 5-10"
      Item16: "RocketLauncherT2, 18408-27612, 1-5, 14727-18408, 5-10"
      Item17: "ScifiCannon, 9733-14599, 1-5, 7786-9733, 5-10"
      Item18: "Explosives, 884-1326, 1-5, 707-884, 5-10"
      Item19: "LaserPistol, 2488-3732, 1-5, 1991-2488, 5-10"
      Item20: "LaserPistolT2, 5121-7682, 1-5, 4097-5121, 5-10"
      Item21: "LaserRifle, 7235-10853, 1-5, 5788-7235, 5-10"
      Item22: "Minigun, 4253-6380, 1-5, 3403-4253, 5-10"
      Item23: "ArmorHeavy, 64000-96000, 1-5, 51200-64000, 5-10"
      Item24: "MobilityBoost, 6400-9600, 1-5, 5120-6400, 5-10"
      Item25: "ArmorBoost, 6400-9600, 1-5, 5120-6400, 5-10"
      Item26: "MultiBoost, 6400-9600, 1-5, 5120-6400, 5-10"
      Item27: "NightVision, 1600-2400, 1-5, 1280-1600, 5-10"
      Item28: "PistolKit, 1600-2400, 1-10, 1280-1600, 10-20"
      Item29: "RifleKit, 3200-4800, 1-10, 2560-3200, 10-20"
      Item30: "ShotgunKit, 1920-2880, 1-10, 1536-1920, 10-20"
      Item31: "HeavyWeaponKit, 11200-16800, 1-10, 8960-11200, 10-20"
      Item32: "LaserKit, 9600-14400, 1-10, 7680-9600, 10-20"
      Item33: "SniperKit, 6400-9600, 1-10, 1536-1920, 10-20"
      Item34: "PulseRifleT2, 11740-17611, 1-5, 9392-11740, 5-10"
      Item35: "PlasticMaterial, 1-2, 50-100, 1-1, 100-500"
      Item36: "NCPowder, 1-2, 50-100, 1-1, 100-500"
      Item37: "MagnesiumPowder, 26-39, 50-100, 21-26, 100-500"
      Item38: "PlasmaCannonAlien, 0-0, 0-0, 60000-80000, 50-100"
      Item39: "PlasmaCannonAlienCharge, 300-400, 5-10, 150-250, 5-10"
    Am i right to assume i can just switch stuff around and it gets reflected ingame? Can i just add Item 40? And i guess the numbers are BuyPrice, BuyQuantity, SellPrice, SellQuantity?
  2. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    in orbit around a unknown Barren Metal Planet with a Class B Sun
    NewGame_6_2020-08-16_09-53-28_16_08_2020.jpg NewGame_6_2020-08-16_09-55-02_16_08_2020.jpg
    Yesterday and this morning i had time to finish the hull. After a few test jumps and a bit of sightseeing i'am mostly pleased with the thruster placement and manouverability of her. Main and downward thrust are her stong points although side and backward aren't bad either.
    Civilian Frigate could be a fitting classification. The hangar has room for 2 med. sized HV, on top a medium to big SV can dock.
    After fleshing out the inside, i have to check that again...
    The component placement is mostly ready, in my head al least.

    @Alhira_K :
    If things havn't changed to much that should be possible. Although i'am not sure if you will have to place the TraderConfig in your savegame and wait for an playfield reset.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2020
  3. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Do those playfield resets occur automatically in SP or do i have to use the console?
  4. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    had to look it up. You could wait for the normal reset, which occurs if you havn't visited the playfield for a specified time. (should be found somewhere in the corresponding playfield.yaml, i think) Or use the 'wipe' command in the console to force it: 'wipe <playfield> poi'
    Alhira_K likes this.
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Today's new project.
    19 Isocoherence_2020-08-17_01-56-17.png
    The Zirax's soon-to-be Tovera-Class Battleship.
  6. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    Played Empyrion with my kids (8 yrs old) The results were rather... colorful.


    Then need ed to build something for me. Took an old base design and updated it to current standard (base to the right, called "The Monolith") and then worked another old POI design into a player base - the one to the left, called "The Prism". Started to develop a rather intense silike for the (for me) new CPU system because it scales so badly. Well, my base is now made of steel blocks and only has a hardened steel shell, is super cheap, but fits within CPU T2, whch was the goal. Still not happy with some colors and some shapes, but I am startting to like it.

  7. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I saw a video in Vermillions Reforged Galaxy thread about some youtuber testing subscribers cv. Keeping it on the second screen while looting some POI (please game, give me a second epic sniper or epic armor instead of the tenth epic shotgun) i saw something. A deconstructor on a cv, which is apparently possible in RG. Of course, tempering with the config files makes that possible. So i immediately had to test it out. After the first test in which i made the deconstructor disappear entirely (due to a missed comma) i finally saw the yellow square on it in the constructor. Nice. I reverted the change again because i am not sure i wanna do this. Kinda feels like cheating to me, even though i am playing sp.

    I then decided to make my way to legacy space. Oh boy. The 30 lightyear limit is really annoying, legacy space is 1000 ly away from my start. Considering warping in a straight line is impossible, urghh. At some point i decided to just up it to 50 even though that also feels a bit cheaty. Then something came to my mind i read somewhere on the forum recently about somebody who ravaged unused items to create stronger shields. Now i´m thinking about doing the same and create a t2 warp drive and t2 pentaxid tank. The warp drive should reach 100 lightyears and as offset use 2 pentaxid per jump. Hmmm, maybe i´m gonna do that.

    PE 2-200814-1753_2020-08-16_09-36-45.png
    Continuing with my journey to Legacy space i landed on some more dead planets with some unique POIs. Love the idea of an unfinished spacecraft left behind.

    PE 2-200814-1753_2020-08-16_10-29-38.png

    My first black hole. Looks quite nice though i am not sure about using them as suns in solar systems. Even closer planets and moons should be negatively impacted by it.

    PE 2-200814-1753_2020-08-16_18-26-26.png
    Arriving in Legacy space was a bit of a downer, i guess there just aren´t enough POIs/spacecraft already made to really fill up their territory. A lot of empty planets surrounded by empty space. Though when you find something it usually is beautiful. I guess the devs/ravien need more time to fill everything up.

    I then decided to make my way back to where i started from to start with some quests. I then found a little exploit, you can just fill up your pentaxid tank on a station, empty it into another container and repeat over and over for cheap and effortless pentaxid (full tank costing me ~9.000). Quite handy if you have more money than you need and still a lot of loot left from POIs.

    After checking out object 82 i started the infected questline, inspecting the colony ship and the lost colony before parking right next to the space station. Quite nicely done and a little bit spooky.
  8. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    By the by you can upgrade your warp drive in RG to T2. You just need to put your multi-tool to the upgrade setting and put the red cursor on the warp drive. You need 25 Platinum to upgrade plus other things that you usually get from deconstructing loot chests.
  9. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Nice adventure by the way. I love playing Reforged Eden to just explore and loot POIs.


    Love this game. 700+ hours put into playing this game...
  10. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Ah, nice. I´m playing Project Eden, thought it would be the easier one for starting a non-vanilla game. Maybe i´ll download Reforged Galaxy later though to have a look at the config files, platinum is a nice idea as i don´t think i got much of it rn.
  11. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    @Dinkelsen :
    The Spire looks intriguing! How does SI hold with the edge hangar entry?

    @Alhira_K : I have to say i love to play the Reforged Eden scenario. So many welcome changes as the mentioned T2 warpdrive, changed CPU system (altough i need to adapt to it) and much more. Plus all the wonderful additions put into it!
    Great work you have done there @Vermillion & @ravien_ff !!
  12. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Oh I thought you were playing Reforged Galaxy. Reforge Galaxy can make you just stop playing the game for a while. I've had that happen many times. Most of them is due to greed or incompetence.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There is not even the slightest Trace of an Exploit as long as you pay for the replenishment's..:)
  14. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Matter of opinion i guess. Not sure if restocking this way was the devs intention with this feature, especially since this seems to be a limitless supply of pentaxid/fuel/o2.
  15. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    An Exploit would be a way to get this refill without payment. What you refill and where you store the "surplus" is nobody's concern.
    The Salty Snake Chef likes this.
  16. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I agree with this statement. Try doing that in Reforged Galaxy however...Doing a simple repair or ammo resupply can cost you in excess of 100,000+ in credits. God help you if your warp drive explodes and takes a some parts with it...
  17. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    @Na_Palm: I am using a Siemens Airook block. :) Srsly, the shutter doors count as solid objects for si.
    Na_Palm likes this.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Woah there! 100,000 isn't that much in the grand scale of industrial enterprise.
    Complex equipment or optronic sales will net you 150k+ each. If you have a buyer lined up, you can double your money on a commodity deal.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  19. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I tend to get my ships beaten up bad. Evidence:


    I might be overblowing my statement lol...
  20. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I also haven't really bothered to use station services in a while too...I'm always saving my money for gold or magnesium because I'm lazy.
    Germanicus likes this.

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