Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Updated OP and added a secondary download in the Downloads Section.
    The file itself was being updated, even if the OP wasn't.
    Comp625 likes this.
  2. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    What difficulty levels are you guys using with Reforged Galaxy? Before RG, I had my "DiffAttackStrength" set to Hard because stock AI was potato. With RG, my group is getting our asses beat up. It's fun as heck but the enemy seems to have substantially more hit points. Meanwhile, our ship shields don't hold up as well, and on the ground, we're getting one-shotted to death even with Heavy Armor.

    I'm considering reducing DiffAttackStrength to Normal. What do you guys think?
    • DiffEscapePodContent: Medium
    • DiffPlayerProgression: Normal
    • DiffDegradationSpeed: Normal
    • DiffFoodConsumption: Normal
    • DiffOxygenConsumption: Normal
    • DiffRadiationTemperature: Normal
    • DiffAmountOfOre: Normal
    • DiffNumberOfDeposits: Normal
    • DiffAttackStrength: Hard
    • DiffEnemySpawnRate: High
    • DiffDronePresence: High
    • DiffDroneBaseAttack: High
    • DiffConstrCraftTime: Normal
    • DiffBpProdTime: Normal
  3. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    @Comp625 I´m using medium in my sp and i got tough time compared to base game.

    And while i´m here: Ventilators seem to give no salvage, even though i should get some with my multitool. Not sure rn but i think i got it in PE, using Reforged Eden now.
    Comp625 and Normal69 like this.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Survival Tool Salvage: 25% (2 steel plates)
    Multitool Salvage: 50% (4 steel plates, 1 optical fiber)
    T2 Multitool Salvage: 75% (6 steel plates, 2 optical fiber)

    I will need to test if it's giving the correct items. But there's no reason it shouldn't.
  5. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I didn´t get any items. And while we´re at it: the cv detector doesn´t work when turrets are retracted/deactivated?! Works perfectly fine for sv while retracted.


    EDIT: i guess its this line?
      IsActivateable: true
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It's a type of weapon, so when you turn off weapons the CV detector turns off too.
    The alternative is what we get in vanilla: A high power cost you can't shut off that people complain about.

    I suggest keeping a toggle switch free to manually re-enable the detector.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I've run a test and can confirm that none of the Ventilators can be salvaged for items. Which is weird. Can you test that in vanilla to see if it happens there? In which case this is a bug they need to fix too.
    Since i'm awesome, i've already got a fix done for the next version.
    Wellingtoon, Alhira_K and ravien_ff like this.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Ventalitors give no Mats in return neiter with Survial Tool, T1 or T2 Multitool (here I am not 100% shure if you don't get not electronics but I think not)
    Vermillion likes this.
  9. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Vanilla or Reforged?
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Vermillion likes this.
  11. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    After testing it out on several ungrateful Polaris buildings: its a vanilla bug. Will write a bug report later as i gtg.

    Personally i prefer to spam the sh** out of the detector and take the fuel cost as given, but thanks for fixing the game up for us. :D
  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Bonus note for the HV, SV and CV Detector:
    If you press RMB instead of LMB it produces a second, shorter-ranged radar pulse (longer delay between pulses) that will keep POIs and drones detected for 5 minutes instead of 30 seconds.
    Useful for dogfighting space drones or players so you can keep track of them on your HUD without needing to switch from your weapons to the detector.
  13. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Thank you. What are the rest of you guys using for difficulty?

    One idea that my group prompted: we all like the Hard difficulty but to tweak the Shields. I think RG has shields set to 25% of vanilla, but I'd assume RG is meant to be played on Medium instead of Hard. Vermillion or others, can you guys share which .ecf file and line item I can edit to tweak shields?
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I'd recommend editing the Config.ecf with an extra entry for shields, and keep a copy of it for when an update overwrites it.
    But buffing the shields too much is not recommended. They're there to protect you from things you can't dodge, not remove the need to dodge.
    The next update is going to increase HV and SV shields by 50% anyway.
    Comp625 likes this.
  15. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Some balance-feedbacks to your palate:

    -We got our 7th max level autominer by bulk-selling multi-, and drill charges to traders, and buying the components. Not an easy task, but isn't hard either.

    -Enabling CV laser turrets to work in atmosphere isn't seem such a big deal - on our planet with breathable atmosphere they fire at 65m max range.

    -Combat on ground seems a little tiring - the enemy has infinite ammo and personnel, their weapons seem to be set to having more effect on us than ours on them. Meanwhile loot is only satisfying when we kill war-crime amount of them.

    -We are trying unusual solutions as the most scientifical method is like two strong man fighting, exchanging blows in turns, like SV with railgun-periscope shooting from a trench, and I am working on an SV which flies underground and railgun-digs itself from down-up.

    -Asteroids can be utilised against fighting space CVs. They get caught.

    -Space drones annoyingly just appear at some points near to our ships - meanwhile base attacks on planets with greater atmospheric density than 1 results carriers and drones dragging themselves drunkently on the ground. Could these balanced at the same time?
    Vermillion likes this.
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Will fix the buy/sell loop.

    I don't know what you're saying about the laser turret. There doesn't seem to be a point to your comment.

    Zirax handheld weapons are massively inferior to the player weapons. They deal less than half the damage the player's does with a much higher bulletspread. If a zirax sniper was given a T1 sniper rifle, it would be unstoppable. (which is what the Elite Marksman troop has)
    Ground patrols are not infinite. Once killed, they stay dead for quite a long time as long as you stay in the area.
    I will increase the zirax loot though. Especially ammunition, which despite being a variable number, always seems to be at the low end of the spectrum.

    Nothing I can do about asteroids and patrol vessel combat. That's an issue with their target tracking.

    Space drones appearing is a vanilla change. Nothing I can do to change it. They turn up while looting wreckage or mining asteroids.
    Atmospheric Density and Gravity has no effect on drones. Patrol Vessels that are badly designed (old ones) will be brought down by gravity due to a lack of down-thrusters.
    This is the fault of Eleon for having such absolutely crap thruster balancing, resulting in large ships that have 6 S-thrusters lifting 4kT of mass. Your average large, endgame, solid combat steel battlecruiser generally weighs 12-20kt while carrying an entire playthrough of loot and a vanilla M-thruster can lift around 2kT each.
    In future, Reforged Galaxy may end up replacing POIs and Patrol Vessels with customized versions designed to work with the correct amount of thrusters.
    Normal69 and Comp625 like this.
  17. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Thanks for the answers!

    Let me sea...

    Now the laser turret works on CVs but only to 65 meter distance. That doesn't seems too overpowered.
    I've checked other large ship weapons, they are similarry limited.
    So just posted this data to see if you are still considering them overpowered in atmospheres?

    On my previous idea of teleporting resources which is impossible:
    Can you make the trader block able to be placed in bases? Now it says won't work in buildings with player cores.
    You know the thing where you can make resource offers for other players usually in abundance in polaris trade centers.
    That may solve it.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    The laser turret has such short range because I gave it that short range in atmo. If you want to enable ship weapons in atmo, the Config.ecf comes with entries that you just have to remove a couple of # to enable weapons in atmo.
    And yes, they're still OP.
    Most large CVs have 4 missile turrets. Most POIs have a limit of 4 turrets.
    This may change when new, higher-tier POIs are added with more turrets in future because the game gets stale with only 4-turret POIs.

    No, I cannot make traders usable on player bases. It's hardcoded and even if it were possible for players to placeable, they would have no trades set up since they're applied on game generation.
    Normal69 likes this.
  19. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Well, I discuss, not argue. :)

    Not traders. The trade machines, like on the middle of the bottom level on a basic polaris ground trading base.
    It looks like a slab of tech table with rounded edges, the upper half is a similarry shaped hologram running around.
    If you press F on them you can set up player to player trades in the interface. They are usually empty.

    Sorry if I wasn't understandable first time - I can make a screenshot of it if you please.
  20. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy 1.1 v1.53

    • Increased Shield Capacity of SV Shield Generator by 50%
    • Increased Shield Capacity of HV Shield Generator by 50%
    • Reduced Homing Missile tracking speeds so they have a wider turn instead of a sharp turn. This will make them easier to evade at closer range, but they will still be persistant.
    • Increased Shield Damage of HV/SV plasma cannon and plasma turret.
    • Fixed a bug where salvaging Ventilator Blocks returned nothing.
    • Increased travel speed of Drone rockets from 60m/s to 80m/s (For comparison, SV rockets are 100m/s)
    • Increased the chance and amount of loot obtained from Zirax troops, Mechanoids, Drones and Troop Transports.
    • Fixed an exploit with selling Multi and Drill Charges to traders.
    • Added new UA446 Stealth Rifle to game and to alien loot containers and troop transports. It deals high headshot damage, it's silent to enemies and has a built-in torch and nightvision scope. Cannot be repaired, but lasts a fairly long time.
    • Added Tovera-Class Dreadnought to Zirax Fleet.
    • Tovera-Class Dreadnought will now appear singularly during a Space Base Defense. You don't want to fight one, letalone two of them.
    • Increased Range of HV/SV Mechanical Drill and Large Mechanical Drill which should prevent mined terrain from being left behind and getting stuck in the ship.
    • Reduced Range of SV Laser Drill from 30m to 20m to improve close mining.
    • Increased shield damage of Interceptors by 2.5%
    • Increased shield damage of Alien Sentry Guns by 5%
    • Doubled the amount of Pentaxid obtained from Pentaxid Asteroids and Voxel Deposits.
    • Increased the drop chance of Zascosium, Erestrum and Neodymium from deposits and asteroids by 10%. (Note: Vanilla rate is 20% chance. RG is now 50%)
    • Reduced damage of Zirax Laser Turrets to match those of the player's laser turrets. (1065 > 785)
    • Increased RoF of laser zirax and increased the trooper's firing delay so they shoot for longer before moving since they were inferior to the zirax soldiers.
    • Zirax Combat Rifles, Zirax Shotguns and SpecOps Rifle are now sellable to Totally Overpowered traders.
    • Combat Mechanoid now fire faster and have a higher chance to inflict Dermal Burn.
    • Increased Sniper Zirax damage.
    • Reduced the crafting time of Optronic components and blocks by 50%.
    • Improved Radiation status effects. Previous states of radiation poisoning are not "cured" by evolving (e.g. Radiation Burn evolving to Radiation Poisoning doesn't magically remove your radiation burn.)
    • Radiation status effects are now linear instead of weird. Radiation Burn > Radiation Poisoning > Radiation Sickness.
    • Heatstroke is fixed by normalizing your body temperature or using a shower.
    • Hypothermia persists until the player's body temperature normalizes.
    • Changed description of Flamethrower and Alien Plasma Blaster to the official Eleon one, since they used Reforged's ones anyway. But includes localization for other languages.
    In order to prevent a CoQ when a Tovera-Class Dreadnought is called, you need to download the ship file (RGPV_Zrx-Dreadnought-A) below and add it to your client's Prefabs folder (not where you keep your blueprints).
    That's Empyrion/Content/Prefabs where the game prefabs are used. This is seperate from the official one I made for Empyrion for 1.2, which will be added in a future version update.
    I'm starting to think it might be better to just stick with the workshop scenario now... I don't need to keep issuing warnings due to interdependent files since they all go in as-is.

    As always, get the localization file from the thread OP since that's been updated too.

    I took a UCH Frigate against the Tovera in a space defense. I got my ass handed to me but it was the most awesome visuals i've ever seen in a space battle.
    New Game_3_2020-08-25_01-53-45.png
    That looks like the damn fight scene from Star Trek against Nero in his massive romulan ship.

    Attached Files:

    Normal69, Wellingtoon and Comp625 like this.

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