Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I have trouble with enabeling the twaeaks in Config.ecf
    I get the error
    ClientExc from CId=1, EId=-1, 76561197976906122/=/'me777': System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: Drill
    maybe i misunderstood it, but i removed all # exept for the comments. If i just remove them from one block it works.
    what am i doing wrong?
    # This is a dummy config file that's there to overwrite any custom Config.ecf being used by the main folder
    # Its purpose is to prevent errors from players using unneeded files outside the scenario that break the game
    # Individual personal customizations can also be applied here without breaking the mod, which people keep doing.
    # Reforged Galaxy v1.44
    # May or may not work. This is a test.
    # ==============================================================
    # As of v1.46 this config file now allows players/server owners to change the limitations by easily finding
    # an aspect change that they want enabled and removing the #'s at the start of each line.
    # Descriptions for each change will be listed above the effect.
    VERSION: 9
    # ==================== CUSTOM CHANGES ==========================
    # ============== MINING CHANGES - EASY MODE ====================
    # Remove the # at the beginning of each line between the { brackets } to enable.
    # Easy Drilling - Increases speed of the mechanical drill
    { Item Id: 2056, Name: Drill
        Damage: 170
        Radius: 1.25
    # Easy Drilling 2 - Increases speed of the laser drill
    { Item Id: 2067, Name: Drill
        Damage: 250
        Radius: 1.5
    # Easy Drilling 3 - Increases speed of the epic drill
    { Item Id: 2088, Name: DrillEpic, Ref: DrillT2
        Damage: 350
        Radius: 2.0
        Damage: 450
        Radius: 2.5
    # HV/SV Mechanical Drills
    { Item Id: 2178, Name: DrillAttachmentWeapon
      StackSize: 1000
      Mass: 400, type: float, display: false, formatter: Kilogram
      Category: Weapons/Items
        Damage: 500
        Radius: 2.5
    # HV T2 Drill
    { Item Id: 2181, Name: DrillAttachmentT2Weapon, Ref: DrillAttachmentWeapon
        Damage: 650
        Radius: 2.75
    # HV Drill Turret
    { Item Id: 2179, Name: TurretGVDrillWeapon
        Damage: 600
        Radius: 3
    # CV Drill Turret
    { Item Id: 2180, Name: TurretMSDrillWeapon
        Damage: 600
        Radius: 3.5
    # ======================== CV Turret use on planets ===========================
    # ==== Unlike vanilla, this is actually better balanced for use on planets ====
    # ==================== still OP though and will ruin the game =================
    # Fixed CV weapons are still disabled in atmo due to abusability with range
    { Item Id: 2151, Name: TurretMSArtilleryWeapon
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
    { Item Id: 2166, Name: TurretMSPlasmaWeapon
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
    { Item Id: 2171, Name: TurretMSPulseLaserWeapon
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
    { Item Id: 2173, Name: TurretMSFlakWeapon
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
    { Item Id: 2174, Name: TurretMSRocketWeapon
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
    { Item Id: 2183, Name: TurretMSToolWeapon
        AllowAt: Space
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
  2. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
    Likes Received:
    2067 is DrillT2 not Drill
    { Item Id: 2067, Name: DrillT2
    Vermillion likes this.
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Yep you're right. I wonder where the "T2" went?
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.54 - Balancing Update

    • Increased HP of Oxygen Station
    • Greatly increased the repair rate of all Repair Bays so they don't take 12+ hours to repair a ship.
    • Rebalanced hitpoints of CV/BA Hardened Steel and Combat Steel Blocks slightly.
    • Increased the speed and amount of HP repaired by the handheld Multitools so you don't spend an hour repairing combat steel blocks after taking a rocket to the face.
    • Reduced CPU consumption of the CV Heavy Rocket Launcher.
    • Fixed a vanilla bug where hand rails and walkways gave the wrong blocks when retrieved.
    • Small Optronic Bridges are now craftable in Large Constructors.
    • Optronics Components now take less time to craft (Except large Optronic Matrix).
    • Optronic components have a higher drop rate and count in alien loot containers.
    • The number of Advanced CPU Extenders available to CVs and BAs increased from 4 to 5. (Subject to change)
    • Amount of CPU given by BA CPU Extenders is increased by 5000, 7500 and 10000.
    • Quantum CPU Extender (large and small) drop chance from Legacy Ships increased.
    • Increased Power Production of CV/BA generators slightly.
    • Added weapon item localization name for the Heavy Rocket Launcher so that it gives the full name when asking for ammunition and when mousing over the ship's toolbar.
    • Reduced CPU consumption of all CV Turrets slightly. (Does not include tool turrets)
    • Increased the amount of thrust produced by all CV Thrusters slightly.
    • Reverted Eleon's drilling mode for SV laser drills to the old version (slightly improved).
    • Added a missing icon from the SV laser drill on toolbar
    • Particle effect improvements to laser drills.
    • Troop Transports now drop Zirax Combat Rifles and Shotguns (10% chance each).
    • Increased shield capacity of CV, BA and POI shields slightly.
    • All shield generators are now susceptible to EMP shockwave damage.
    • Increased the chance of most enemies to inflict weapon-based status effects.
    • Changed the sound effects for the ship-mounted T2 drills and drill turrets to something less... sissy and more gruntier.
    • Reduced crafting time of many blocks by 25% to shorten repair and build time.
    • Reduced count of Laser Rifle Charges in Common and Rare loot containers.
    • Added basic weapon drops to closet and wardrobe at 100% as a backup so that you shouldn't get nothing from closets.
    • Increased projectile speed of planetary drone plasma projectiles.
    • Added correctly colored muzzleflash to plasma drones (green).
    • Changed explosion particles for several electrical consoles to blue electrical explosions.
    • Slight increase to the Flamethrower's rate of fire.
    • Rearranged the loot system in order of drop rate. This should in theory stop or reduce the number of containers that are empty. No guarantees though.
    • Removed Xenomaterial from Very Rare loot containers and replaced it with a large variable amount of money.
    • Uniformally boosted all low-drop containers so they don't come up empty without breaking their loot chances.
    • Ammo Controllers in POIs now contain ammunition instead of sharing loot with the regular cargo controller.
    • Harvest Controllers in POIs now contain harvest loot instead of sharing loot with the regular cargo controller.
    • Zirax Turrets should finally be fully operational by players. (not including alien sentry turrets because they don't seem to support a player controller)
      That means you can manually operate any non-sentry zirax turret and it will turn (didn't work before, the player couldn't turn the turret).
    • Fixed a bug where heatstroke wouldn't dissipate when players reached normal body temperature.
    As always, remember to update your Localization file with the latest version of Reforged Localization in the thread OP.

    Attached Files:

    Slingblades and Comp625 like this.
  5. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hi Vermillion, is AI-Army 1.1 from this thread still compatible with the latest Reforged Galaxy v1.54?

    Also, you mentioned the idea of doing Steam Workshop-only updates for Reforged Galaxy. How would that work for server admins who use a service (like Nitrado) that doesn't provide a Steam interface? Would I have to download RG via Steam Workshop to my (fake) local dedicated server, and copy the files over manually via FTP to my actual dedicated server hosted by Nitrado?

    Thank you as always!
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Yes, AI army should still be compatible. There are new spawn groups in RG, but they're not in use at present (Elite Units).
    I'm going to keep updating here. But it's gonna be a pain in the ass when I start adding POI prefabs for use by Reforged Galaxy. Especially for non-workshop users since these will continue to spawn in their regular game and throw CoQs due to the enemy and block differences if they don't have the mod installed.
    Maybe I should just leave those for the workshop?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  7. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Thanks for the great work.
    A few questions:

    are the difficulty settings of singleplayer aplyed? (drones still seemed rather difficult and agresive al low dificulty)
    can i tweak the enemy a bit? like make drones not notice a parked ship from that far away? What file can i look at?
    If i start a coop game from my save does my friend need to have the identic config / scenario or is it transmitted?
    is there something like a collection of blueprints that work with this mod? most of the stock and workshop ones dont work because of cpu.

    i really love the changed tech tree, even when i just got started.
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Difficulty settings are still applied. Drone AI is basically hardcoded, so them noticing you is the same as vanilla.
    I don't think your friend needs the same configs as you for coop since you're the one hosting and it's your PC providing the settings.
    You can find blueprints on the workshop usually by searching "Reforged" but there is a list a few pages back, but I do need to provide an updated dedicated list of ships.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    People can always just take the configs from the workshop scenario anyway for a manual install, a little less convenient for them than just downloading it from the forum though. :D
  10. Comp625

    Comp625 Lieutenant

    Jul 24, 2020
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    A step-by-step guide would be helpful and probably not too difficult. I assume it involves downloading RG from the Steam Workshop onto your local game. And manually copying the necessary .ecf config and .epb prefab files over to the actual Dedicated Server via FTP.

    As a server admin, I basically already do this but via the convenient Zip File that Vermillion provides each update.
  11. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Quick question: I havent been able to see it here, but have detector ranges been nerfed? My CV mounted detector reaces 12k, sv8k. Its really making seeking out asteroids a nightmare.
  12. DemonMagus

    DemonMagus Ensign

    May 27, 2020
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    I have a few questions regarding how the space drones work.

    Under vanilla, I've traditionally only encountered drones either from base attacks, guarding POIs, or appearing inside unfriendly/hostile territory. In Reforged, even in playfields without any Zirax bases that can generate drone base attacks, I still find myself attacked by seemingly random drone attacks, especially from the new Interdictor and Interceptor drones, which have proven very lethal to my early attempts at exploring in a low cost and unshielded small vessels.

    As an experienced player, this has provided me some very fun and challenging opportunities. But it would be nice to better understand the threat it’s suppose to pose, both to better prepare and to help coach new players exploring Reforged for the first time. Functionally, it seems like you at least need shields and/or a max thrust SV just to pass though playfields they can appear in. My attempting to dogfight them with a small vessel suggests that you want more than just (4) gatling guns. I’ve needed plasma/rails before I seem able to even have a chance to take them out.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Yes. Because 24km range is bad. It clutters the screen and removes any purpose in looking for asteroids when you can pulse your detector and scan half the dimensions of a space playfield.
    Reforged Galaxy does not change or alter the spawning of drones, except during base attacks (when zirax attack your base) and space defenses (when you attack an enemy spacestation).
    As of A12.2 space drones will spawn near any ore asteroid or carrier CV, and usually in the vicinity of space wreckage.

    Gatlings can stun the Interceptors but will have a tough time killing them. A salvo of rockets through their canopy will usually do the job. But their high speed makes this rather difficult. You'll want to sit still and point your ship at the it until it comes in for the kill where it will be moving straight at you and you can stick a few rockets up the laser stream as you pull off to the side.
    They aim for the cockpit and a regular cockpit can take a fair beating, especially if armored.
    DemonMagus likes this.
  14. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I feel ya. My first successful venture into neutral space was in a CV that wasn’t quite equipped right. Was limping along at 52 or so. Finding anything at that speed was killing me. Just needed one Zascosium asteroid. Warped into a play field with only 4 roids. Three titanium and 1 Zascosium...found the three titanium’s right next to each other, but for the life of me couldn’t locate the Zascosium.

    Even tried scouting a planet but the three Zascosium nodes all had a squad of Zirax guarding them...with rockets...

    Limped back home with what ores I could find. Slapped some more thrusters on, added a CPU extender and another generator. I have a few more tweaks I’ll try. But I’m already going double the speed. So we will see.

    As far as drones, yes your new drones are far more of a challenge than the vanilla puppies.
  15. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I'll port this over from the Reforged Eden Scenario thread. There's also a link to the post in the Reforged Galaxy opening post.

    List of Reforged Eden and Galaxy Vessels

    Capital Vessels
    UCH-018 Crusader-Class Frigate (Warship)
    FA-060A Impostor (Starter CV)
    FA-059A Crusader (Warship)
    FA-058B Altostratus (Aerial Bomber)
    Hayabusa MKIII (CV Gunship)
    Kujira MKV (CV Carrier)
    Suzume MKIII (CV Explorer)
    MCRN-Draper (Heavy Carrier)
    Skaar-Raider RG (Mobile Base)
    Hyozen-Class Frigate (Missile Frigate)
    Skenya-Class Destroyer (Heavy Destroyer)

    WarHawk T4 Reforged (General)
    Kydex - REFORGED ALK (General)
    Reforged Barge Mk1 (CV Carrier)
    Firefly Reforged - 1.0 "Serenity" (Starter CV)
    CV T2 Reforged (Starter CV)
    IW Tiger RG (Explorer)
    Rachmaninoff Reforged (Mobile Base)

    Small Vessels
    FA-066A Falchion (Light Bomber)
    FA-062 Nighthawk-RGL (Fighter)
    Merc-MX5E (Explorer)
    Atarashi MKIII (Light Assault SV)
    FA-039G Rapier (Light Fighter)
    FA-039H Rapier (Light Fighter)
    UCH-039E Rapier (Light Fighter)
    UCH-038C Gladius (Heavy Fighter)
    FA-038C Gladius (Heavy Fighter)
    Skaar-Sky Runner RG (Medium Carrier)

    Snuse Reforged S+ (Light Bomber)
    IWR Puma (Starter SV)
    Battlestar Galactica Raptor (General)
    NANO CON-ARM (Scout)
    Merc-MX5R (Explorer)
    Rune's Flying Mole (Mining SV)
    Hades ALK 2G-4HRCON (Explorer)
    Digger T2 (Mining SV)
    Striker SV Reforged Mk1 (Assault SV)
    Dirt Devil MSV (Mining SV)

    Hover Vessels
    Maelstrom MKIII (Medium Assault Tank)
    Typhoon MKV (Heavy Assault Tank)
    Roba MKIV (Explorer HV)
    MCRN-Ballista (Heavy Assault Tank)
    FA-020B Bulldog (Mining HV - Game prefab)

    Shrew GCE-RG Mk.3 (Mining HV)
    CHAF Miner (Mining HV)

    No dedicated bases. Most standard bases work that don't have an excessive number of turrets.
    DemonMagus and ravien_ff like this.
  16. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Promo video for Reforged Galaxy of SV vs Interceptor dogfighting
    Hector G likes this.
  17. Mawkee

    Mawkee Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    On some SVs on this list it's marked as top speed being 80m/s and 160m/s (atmosphere and space), but I cannot reach those speeds, and it seems I'm capped at 70m/s and 130m/s. #AmIDoingItWrong?
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Hold L-Shift.
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    1.1 Reforged Galaxy v1.55 - Content Update
    I should just standardize the version number as 1.1.5

    • Reduced clip size of zirax guns from 250 to 35 since they don't use miniguns. They never used miniguns.
    • Reduced power consumption of Idle SV and HV shield generators to 100 and 150kW.
    • Replaced Flamethrower Icon with new Official Flamethrower icon
    • Replaced the Pulse Laser's (HV/SV) weapon type with a new version that's not hitscan to improve performance and identifiability. Impact locations by the lasers are now a visible blue flash.
    • Removed the SV Pulse Laser Turret's weapon designation and created a new designation specifically for it so that it deals full damage.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the Plasma Rifle to display explosive and projectile damages inherited from it's launcher-type ammunition (which it doesn't use as a launcher).
    • Switched out the reloading sound effects for several handheld weapon from Rifle Reloads to the new Canister Reload sound effect.
    • Changed Handheld Rocket Launcher firing sound effects.
    • Reduced atmospheric projectile speed of Ion Cannon plasma balls slightly. Should make them slightly easier to dodge.
    • Reduced rotation speed of all turrets. This should make it easier for agility-based engagements against POIs and Patrol Vessels by fast SVs.
    • Increased recharge delay of Drone Base shields to 50 seconds from 35.
    • Reduced the mass of HV and SV RCS.
    • Fixed a volume inconsistency with SV RCS block (should be 31.25L, not 100L).
    • Increased amount of volume added by Transportation Boost by 100.
    • Color Coded the names of each tier of equipment (so boring to do...)
    • Reduced Narcotics Cargo volume by half.
    • Reduced Volume and Mass of Technical Artifacts and added an item description.
    • Slight improvement of the Pulse Laser Turrets' effectiveness vs shields.
    • Increase in EMP damage dealt by EMP turrets.
    • Increased the mining speed of the Epic Drill.
    • Reduced Unlock Level of the T2 shotgun from 15 to 10 to match other T2s.
    • Moved Laser Rifle to the Sniper branch of the tech tree.
    • Added Stealth Rifle to Pulse Rifle branch of the tech tree.
    • Zirax Combat Shotgun is now automatic.
    • Fixed a regression where the Zirax Combat Rifle was using minigun rounds instead of rifle rounds.
    • Reduced durability loss chance on the Zirax Combat Rifle (if you find one) from 75% to 60%.
    • Enabled HV Drill Turrets in space at reduced range.
    • Reduced Rate of Fire of Interceptors, but increased their damage by the difference.
    • Replaced unused alien sentry gun with a dedicated Legacy sentry gun.
    • Fixed a bug where the Showers didn't fix HeatStroke.
    • Added the downgrade condition to the Advanced Warp Drive so it can be successfully downgraded to a Warp Drive with a multitool.
    • Increased contents and purchasables of traders by 10x.
    • Increased monetary value of technical artifacts and other progenitor sellables by 10x for Reforged Eden.
    • Refined and implemented the Bomb Launcher for SVs. This has been sitting in the RG configs since early A12, but I never released it or even finished it properly...until now.
      Allows high-speed SVs the ability to drop bombs on POIs from low altitude. The reason I avoided implementing this in the past was because it looked stupid.
      Hopefully, things will go the same way as the flamethrower and we'll be seeing official down-launching bomb bays in the near future.
    • Added Submachine Gun and Advanced Submachine Gun. (mid-way between a pistol and a pulse rifle. Good for close range.)
    • Added a T2 Flamethrower (Advanced Flamethrower)
    • Added a T2 Minigun (Stabilized Minigun. Same damage, less recoil and bullet spread)
    • Added a T3 Assault Rifle (Customized Assault Rifle: No scope, but can launch grenades as well as fire normal rounds)
    • Added a Grenade Launcher (Medium-ranged anti-personnel weapon)
    • Added Shockwave Emitter for enemy POI construction.
    Note: For server owners, I recommend subscribing to the workshop scenario and getting the Prefabs folder out of that. It contains RG-updated prefab files for the Decimator and Infectors that are equipped with Shockwave Emitters.

    Content Info:
    Submachine Guns
    : Low damage, high RoF, low durability, cheap. Uses pistol rounds and can be switched between Automatic and Semi-Auto. Semi-Auto can be fired underwater and is about as good as a T1.5/T2 pistol.
    Customized Assault Rifle: A T2 Assault Rifle that can launch grenades with RMB with a 7-second delay between grenades (because they're free atm). Cannot be repaired.
    Grenade Launcher: A prerequisite of the Rocket Launcher. Unlocks early and launches Frag Grenades for high anti-personnel damage.
    Stabilized Minigun: Cannot be repaired, but is well worth it. Trust me, this thing will kill drones and zirax with ease. LMB+RMB for double speed.
    Advanced Flamethrower: Uses specialized Ethanol Canisters for higher damage, wider blast damage and slightly longer range.
    Shockwave Emitter: Legacy Turret. Creates a 100-meter-wide bubble that damages electrical devices that pass through it (thrusters, weapons, shields). Stuns players on foot.
    Bomb Launcher: Heavy and slow SV Weapon. Launches large, heavy bombs that inherit the speed of the ship launching them that deal high damage to whatever they hit. Don't launch these while immobile or slow, you'll look stupid as they'll crawl at 5-10m/s before dropping like a rock.
    Bombs are set to despawn once they drop too far, so forget about dropping them from the safety of orbit.

    As always, get the updated Localization from the opening post if you're not using the workshop scenario or just want to replace the game's localization.
    New content is supported in English, German and some French. Color coding for item names is part of the localization, not the configs.
    19 Isocoherence_2020-09-06_03-11-06.png

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  20. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Sweet Jesus that update.
    johnietoth1967 and ravien_ff like this.

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