What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I was gonna push an update of Reforged Galaxy today, but got side-tracked overhauling the base attack drones with proper flight.
    While I got the drones working well (and had to nerf them quite heavily because they're as fast as an SV), I hit a snag trying to capitalize on them by adding new invasion scenarios.
    Well... They went a bit overboard.
  2. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    For a little today, I played around with testing stuff.
    Track Driver and bluemax151 like this.
  3. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Interesting to see the thought processes of other builders in real-time.
    BTW. I can't see your cross-hairs, either.
    dpburke2 likes this.
  4. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Holy sweet mother of mercy, can we have that?! Please?
  5. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  6. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I mentioned that my Project Eagle included a Moon Base Alpha wannabe. To that endeavor, I began work on the travel tube. Initially using a small HV conversion of my open Maintenance SV, I decided to try an enclosed travel pod. A lot of tinkering and frustration as HVs are still rather unstable and sensitive. When it's working, it' great fun. It doesn't take much, however, to snag a sidewall or find myself nearly upside down.
    Part of the problem is a lack of throttle. I know about "Left CTRL" to set speed, but the rapid acceleration of the ground repulsor units on a relatively short run is all but impractical. Still, I think it turned out fairly well.
    2020-09-27.png 2020-09-27 (1).png

    I had planned to make it air-tight, hence the ventilator in the corner. To do so may require me to go to the config and make certain items air-tight that are not so currently, being careful not to jeopardize the usefulness of having other certain items not be air-tight.

    Anyway, there will be more tweaking as I can't seem to leave well enough alone. :D
    2020-09-27 (2).png
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You can have this instead:

    This is what i've been doing today. Testing and experimenting with base attacks of varying difficulty with the new drone behaviour.
  8. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Last night I finished destroying all the combat capability of the Zirax in my starter system and cleared the derelict space ship. There are a few POIs remaining that just cant be completely destroyed due to them having admin cores I suppose. But they are effectively gone. So I decided to continue my trolling of the Zirax by going into their space to seek out a nice home. So during my first foray I warped into a system, then warped to their "trading base" as it had some ore I was interested in. I then proceeded to take out a Cruiser, Corvette, hauler, and some other paper thin ship they sent to oppose me. I did a small amount of looting, but I am pretty well set as far as materials for a while, so dont really need yet another t2 Pulse Rifle...

    Noticed I was starting to use a good bit of Erestrum making ammo, so warped to a barren planet that is huge and covered in Zirax Advanced Rocket bases. I don't really need to mine from the planet, as one erestrum asteroid probably has about as much as half the deposits on the surface combined, but it was fun to take out the ol SV miner again and do some digging.

    I still plan on heading to legacy space soon, but man its a LOOOONG way out there.
  9. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Fractalite likes this.
  10. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    Hallo Landsmann! Yes, this is the one.
    Fractalite and Germanicus like this.
  11. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Thought I might be the only person who remembered Space: 1999.

    Here we are in 2020 and we're not even half as close....
    Dinkelsen and Track Driver like this.
  12. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    Now THAT'S what I call a base attack! Nice!!
    dpburke2, Germanicus and Robot Shark like this.
  13. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Decided over the weekend to give Reforged Eden a try. I plan to keep my primary creative work to vanilla, but I am debating converting a few select of my BP to have reforged versions. See what I think of reforged both for survival and BP creativity. As such, today I read a guide about setting up reforged on a dedicated server. My dedicated server is staying vanilla. The family I play with are very much casual players of survival, even having device limits, CPU and mass-volume enabled is to push their comfort zone. And while I play survival a bit more than my group, I still consider myself a casual player. Still, curiosity eventually had me looking at reforged for single player. Died several times just in early game already.

    Started on the swamp planet every time thus far. Now, in vanilla I can usually skip from the pistol to the assault rifle. Well, my first attempt I spent my research tree points on other stuff and quickly learned that a shotgun is real helpful.... Now I suppose I could have stepped back to an easier world when I restarted, but that initial grab for the shotgun tech, well, it did intrigue me. So I restarted because I really wasn't far into the game and had already discovered that I wasted my unlocks skipping something so simple. The second start was going better. There was some close calls but with that shotgun in hand, I was able to keep myself alive. Even once was surprised that the loot dropped was the final ingredient I needed to complete the cure for the parasite the monster had just given me. However, I built a base in the second start so I could create ammo for vehicle weapons and begin upgrading to the next levels of creations from the tech tree. Now the base attack didn't come immediately, but when it did, I got a quick taste that it was nothing like I was used to in vanilla thus far. I was thinking the first base attack might be a warmup for attacks later, instead it seemed to be completely overwhelming for a newb to reforged like myself. So I restarted a third time. Now I ended up getting frustrated with the third start, probably just the roll of the galaxy seed, but this time a deadly alien was spawning near the starting zone that administered a fatal status with no way to cure it so early in the game. Possible perhaps, but not probable. Ended up using the changemode command figuring that this would give me a creative environment where I could convert some of my BP with less guesswork on getting them into compliance. Now I was doing alright with the fourth start, but after work today, I initially started up steam in offline, and I got confused by a message that said files were missing for those two saves from yesterday. So I ended up deleting those save games, both the survival and the game switched to creative. However, when I realized that for some reason the scenarios downloaded were not available until I was back online, I suspect that I could have avoided the restart once again today. Initially I started two games today, one to convert to creative with the command, and the other to try and see if I could avoid triggering attack for as long as possible by avoiding a base as long as possible. Which meant I needed to see what I had in HV projects that could fit what I needed and be converted to reforged....

    In the end, I ended up looking up how to create a dedicated server with reforged. Not that I wanted to do that. As I said, the family I play with aren't necessarily hardcore survival gamers. However, the files I was looking for would surely be among those used to create a dedicated server. So after reading the guide on that, I was able to at least get a good idea what I was looking for and where to look for it. So with a little folder copy and paste, I was able to make a copy of my personal custom creative scenario, so now I have a creative scenario with some of the configuration from Reforged Eden. This will help me pull a few of my builds into the environment I need to make mods to my BP for reforged.

    Below is the Steamer Duck. In vanilla, it is CPU compliant and a starts at tier 1. However, reforged has a very different CPU system. So what is 100% efficient in vanilla is actually quite a bit over the limit for only having the basic core in reforged.
    Reforged eliminates the cost of hull blocks.... (making the custom scenario clearly balanced for SP or COOP), so my two great offenders were the 2 turrets and 2 generators. So I dropped one turret and downgraded 1 generator to a small generator. Also downgraded both fuel tanks to small versions. This allowed me to change a few things around and expand ammo capacity. Also downgraded a bunch of the M thrusters to smaller, lighter S thrusters.
    But the Steamer Duck was designed for 4 turrets. So using my new creative scenario, I confirmed that the first CPU extension (what in vanilla would be tier 2) was enough to bring the Steamer Duck back up to design specs.
    And with the thrusters all restored to M thrusters, well, it could once again move around as well as I was used to. Now I used to hunt drones with the Steamer Duck, using its agility to compensate for its steel/light composite hull for defense, and the four turrets for the kill. Now I think I found another way to make the ammo without needing a base yet, but I need to gain a couple more levels before I can start building these in the BP factory and actually test the solution in survival. Granted, I will only have 1 turret on the HV at first, so I won't be hunting drones quite yet. I will need to review my options for creating that first extender.

    From left to right, the vanilla version. Reforged initial variant. Reforged upgraded.
    Right now, the reforged variant is for my own purposes, not to be found on the workshop.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I thought you said you had CPU turned on? Because it says on the control panel that it's turned off. There's a reforged creative studio scenario on the workshop for building and testing Reforged designs.
    What you're seeing there with your turrets is supply and demand. One turret can kill any predators, two can kill any soldiers and most low level drones. You don't need more than that at your current stage and so they're locked behind CPU. Higher level planets with stronger enemies and drones won't be available until you've left the starting planet, at which point you'll have the materials available for the basic CPU extender and your CPU limit doubles. Allowing (if you spend all the points on weapons) 6 more turrets.

    As for what I did today:
    I experimented with the upgraded base attack drone AI to see if I could get the drones to do an A10 BRRRRRRRRT fly-by to no avail.
    So I made an Interceptor for a future mission to... steal an interceptor. GTA style.
    19 Isocoherence_2020-09-30_02-35-47.png
    19 Isocoherence_2020-09-30_02-35-35.png
    Behold! The bane of all Reforged players that are too hasty in reaching space: A zirax interceptor. As a pilotable ship.
  15. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Ventured a little deeper into Xirax territory last evening. Found a nice little temperate moon, and realized I had gone from "easy" to "hard" on the system difficulty. Small moon had a Zirax clone facility and an armory I believe. Landed nearby, spent some time harvesting wood, as I have been burning a lot of ammo lately. Tried to take a new SV, the Skaar Dominator, in to take on the POIs, but got readily smacked enough to know I needed more practice with it. So, took in my tank, and handled them in short order. It was nice seeing a couple of POIs that I have never been in before, and the cloning facility was kinda cool.

    I then engaged a Zirax Corvette in space, as I have learned to love them because they are very squishy and very easy to salvage/loot. Problem was, I ran into the odd "invisible container" situation where my multi-tool wouldnt make contact with what I was aiming at. Only thing that >sometimes< worked was if I shot it with my rifle, and then went back to shooting it with the multi-tool. But after 10 minutes of floating around trying different spots I just gave up and moved on.
    dpburke2 and bluemax151 like this.
  16. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    It is creative. Perhaps my custom creative scenario is a bit different than standard, but even though it is off, at least the numbers are there.

    [edit] In the past, I used someone else's creative scenario to test higher G worlds, etc., however, an update to the scenario messed over what I was expecting so it invalidated my testing that I had planned back then. So I created my own crude creative scenario where gravity and atmospheric density were set for my specific testing goals and I have been using that since.

    I call my scenario CGA for Combined Gravity Atmosphere. Some of my worlds are:
    Basic = 1.0 gravity and 1.0 kg/m^3 atmospheric density
    Standard = 2.0 g and 2.0 kg/m^3 (this is my baseline target for BP)
    G3 = 3.0 g and 2.0 kg/m^3
    G4 = 4.0 g and 2.0 kg/m^3
    A3 = 2.0 g and 3.0 kg/m^3
    T3 = 3.0 g and 3.0 kg/m^3
    and a few more according to the above pattern.
    I have not uploaded it to the workshop. First, it is raw, unpolished. Serves what I want but is a mess otherwise. For example, if I don't select Empty World, then it spawns the default creative structures and it is really funny to see the buildings almost buried in the ground. Second, I don't want to do to someone else, even if at most only a handful subscribed, as what happened to me previously where the creator broke their own creation and updated it online with that change. As I don't spend time on polishing this scenario, the odds I could really mess it up is probably quite high. The advantage though is that I don't have to be online and the scenario serves the specific goals I had in mind.

    The CGA as Survival was because I wanted to be able to force mass-volume testing but creative mode allows you to overfill containers and did not apply the mass of cargo. So I created that so I had the same controlled worlds but could use "changemode" to switch back and forth--didn't work as cleanly for the tests I wanted if the game was initially created as creative.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  17. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    That's cool. The shape reminds me a little of the Cobra Sea Ray.

    Attached Files:

    Robot Shark and dpburke2 like this.
  18. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Disappointing, isn't it?:(
    I've been watching episodes lately. While I don't find the stories all that great anymore, I still love the look of the ships and equipment. I loved watching moon-dust fly as the Eagles lifted off and landed.

    BTW, I also remember "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger". My eyes aren't the only thing that's old. :D
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  19. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Here are some more detailed views of my Eagle Transporter. I think it's about 98% complete except for some landing gear issues. It would be nice if we had more truss shapes as well as being able to actually color them. Anyway....
    01-EAGLE Mk5 STD.png 02-01-2020-09-29 (25).png 03-01-2020-09-29 (22).png 04-01-2020-09-29 (23).png 05-01-2020-09-29 (24).png 06-01-2020-09-29 (20).png 07-01-2020-09-29 (21).png 08-2020-09-15 (9).png 09-2020-09-29 (2).png 10-2020-09-15 (12).png
  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Almost forgot the most important part....
    11-2020-09-15 (10).png 12-2020-09-29 (1).png
    the HEAD! :cool:
    dpburke2, bluemax151 and Wellingtoon like this.

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