[TOOL] Savegame Transfer Tool - Copy bases/ships from one game to another

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by byo13, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Hey, guys.

    I just made a little tool to allow you to copy bases and ships from one savegame to another. Compatible with Empyrion v1.2+. Also tested with Project Eden.



    It's made for those who wants to start a new game or have another ongoing game and wants to safely transfer all their owned items. And of course, no one wants to lose all their hard earned stuff, right?

    Not only that, but this tool will also transfer everything inside your ship or base like all storage, fuel, oxygen and solar plant states, just the way you left them.

    NOTE: The faction of your ship/base must be set to "Private" before copy. It will not work if it's set to other factions.

    Also it's no longer possible to copy an entity if the target game version is lower than the source game version.


    1. Create a new game in single player mode or select an existing target game. Move the player to the position you want your base or ship to spawn at. Then leave the target game.

    2. Backup your target savegame folder before running the tool. Just in case.

    3. Run tool, select base or ship from source game, choose the target game in the list and click "Execute".

    4. Your structure will be spawned in the same spot your character is at. If it's a vessel, it'll be slightly above player.

    5. You'll probaly need to reposition your structure afterwards. Sometimes you'll get stuck inside. Use god mode and console commands 'di', 'setposition' and 'setrotation' to better suit your structure to the new environment.

    That's it! Your stuff is now ready to use in the new game.

    So far, only tested in Single Player modes.
    There may be probably a lot of uncatched issues yet.
    The player name/ Steam user name must be the same in both savegames.
    If your structure is a Steam Workshop blueprint then you must be subscribed to it.
    And Empyrion must not be running the target game while you use this. You may leave Empyrion on the title screen and ALT+TAB if you wish.

    Known Issues:

    1. You may to have to replant all your seeds in the new structure if you find that your crops don't grow. Use the multitool retrieve function and then replant each seed for now.

    2. If you have docked vessels on the entity you are copying, the child entities won't be copied over. You'll need to copy them one by one in that case.

    3. Structural integrity is carried over from the previous playfield. This side effect means your base can be spawned floating over a planet's surface and will not break. This way you are able to reposition your bases at will without having to worry about structural integrity destroying part of your creation.

    4. Since we can now have custom blocks in the game, if you import an entity from a scenario/savegame that uses custom blocks into one that doesn't have some of those blocks, an undefined behaviour may happen and you'll need to replace the blocks yourself after the copy. Worst case scenario, the copy won't work at all or will leave you with an unusable ship/vessel. Please keep that in mind.

    Please report any issues or bugs. I hope it's useful. ;-)

    Thanks a lot.

    Download Link:
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2024
    GaryFan, xtended2l, Alhira_K and 7 others like this.
  2. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Will this transfer items in storage in a base/ship, or just the design of the base/ship?
    Myrmidon and byo13 like this.
  3. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    It transfers everything. All items in cargo containers, devices, fuel, oxygen and solar power states.
    I haven't tested if plants need to be replanted in growing plots but they should be generating crops just as fine. No, they don't unfortunately. Until I figure out how to reset each plant seed timer, we'll have to replant all seeds.

    I have edited my post to inform this. Thanks.

    The tool will not bring any docked vessels on the entity you're transferring but you may individually spawn them and dock one by one as desired.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2020
    corpowat, Stampy and Myrmidon like this.
  4. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Brilliant....Good show....Excellent......Magnificent....Extraordinary..... C'était beau en tabarnak! .... You rock man..... Creme de la creme.....Top notch....:D

    Bless you @byo13
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2020
    Bollen and byo13 like this.
  5. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Oh, you're too kind. Thank you. *blushes*
    I hope it's useful. :)
  6. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    - FIX: There was a still an old player id being referenced in the new entity.​
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Well I think it is, for the following reasons :

    1. The game is in development and the saved games might become corrupted depending on the situation. A power failure or other issues may lead to this also.
    2. The nature of the game and because of No 1 the player might need to "continue" the gameplay on a fresh game. Also building something even in a game, feels like an investment. It feels awful to lose a creation after having spend hours building. Your tool helps players to keep their work no matter what.
    3. There are scenarios out there. Of course it is better to start anew with one, but after you reach a certain level you may import your stuff and go on from there. It is a big help to be able to do that.
    4. The players may use this feature for backup, by making a special game where they can "park" their vessels and inventories.
    5. Remember, the game is in development and changes are being made even on game play features.If the above save is on creative mode, further modification of vessels is possible without loosing the inventory. In the end the player just imports the vessel to the survival game and continue from there. Take for example the new CPU feature.

    My thoughts :

    A. Request this post to be sticky. Your tool is very helpful for the above list of reasons, so it helps sustain player mental health in high levels. Nobody likes to be frustrated by losing vessels. In fact it is unique.
    B. Strange question. Does this tool import ATM deposited credits? This and the blueprint factory in progress,and the character customization, are the only features carried by the character. Lets say a player collects credits by converting gold, and keeps something like a HiScore.
    C. Since you created the tool, do you think it is possible to make a version for Linux? I play Empyrion mainly on Linux for almost a year now. I do have a dual boot and I can create a VM fro Windows but it would be more helpful to have a native Linux version. Do not forget the game might one day be available for Linux also.

    I think the community should be great-full to you and apologies for the lengthy post. :)

    Thank you again
    byo13 and Sup like this.
  8. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    - CHANGE: Entity id generation was totally rewritten! Previously I copied the exact entity id from the old game which was bad and prone to error since the game's method of generating ids for entities could overlap or overwrite your own. Now the method should be safer. That means now you can even have multiple clones of your creation without worry.​
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2020
  9. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    @Myrmidon, Thank you for the feedback and suggestions.

    I'm afraid not.
    Inventory and ATM credits is written to the player file (I may be wrong) which the tool doesn't touch.
    I gave up parsing the player file because it was kinda hard to understand and because inventory can be easily rebuilt using the item menu "im" and by pressing H. I may take a look where the credits are stored though. :)

    Sure it can be done.
    In fact, I never knew there was Empyrion for Linux. :D
    I'll need to create myself a linux VM here and see how it goes.
    What linux flavor do you use?
    Would you help me test it when it's done?

    That was exactly my case. I needed to start a new game because of a bug involving a hard to catch bug in the ticks counting. And then I realised I spent almost 400 hours in the same game building my stuff and getting somewhat attached to all of my ships and bases. Each of them tells a story. So it's nice to have them in another randomly generated galaxy. :D

    Thanks a lot!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2020
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    There is none. It uses Proton a special compatibility layer made by Valve in order to help Widnows (not native Linux versions) games run in Linux. It is provided by steam after you install it and select the settings regarding. You can run Empyrion perfectly and have performance like if you play on Windows.

    I spend most of my time per month on Linux so I will deffientely help with testing. ;)

    In fact I try to test it on Windows 10 now but I get this.....


    Fact is that I never install Steam hence the games in the same drive with the OS. Might this be the problem? The save game named "test" was made with the latest verison of Empyrion.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2020
    byo13 likes this.
  11. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Ah, I see. Sounds great. I'm very curious to play it that way then.

    Can you confirm you have read/write permissions on that "test" folder?
    Can you please try running the tool executing as administrator?

    [EDIT] It may be the way I check for Empyrion's root folder and expect a path like "<<rootfolder>>/Saves/Games/test". I will try to catch this. Thank you.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2020
  12. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    There is a special db called Protondb where you can check comments from various gamers, about the games and how they run on Proton. You may find other games you are interested there. Link is about Empyrion.

    Now for your tool testing. I did a simple move of the game installation through steam, placing it under program files etc path. Testing your tool after worked perfectly. Moving the game files back to my GAMES SSD and testing the tool, resulted again in the "db error ". So yes I think the way the installation path is checked needs to be rectified.

    Update : Seems Read only attribute does not want to reset on my Games SSD . I try many tricks to no avail. Reason must be that it was created when I has it under Windows 7 years ago. Will have to do more tricks with users and permissions under security. Seems since I am able to create folders and files in the disk, manually and saved games, SSD is not on read only mode.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2020
    byo13 likes this.
  13. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Sorry for the inconvenience. I guess there's a poor path check on my part.
    I will improve that and all possible database errors to include a more descriptive message.
    Much appreciated.
    Myrmidon likes this.
  14. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    FIX: Rewrote checks for path and filename code. Also making it ready for Linux in the future
    CHANGE: More descriptive error messages and checks
    Myrmidon likes this.
  15. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    NEW: A preferences file now stores and remembers the last Empyrion folder path informed.
    NEW: No more being able to copy multiple items at the same spot by repeated clicks on the "Execute" button.​
    Myrmidon likes this.
  16. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    FIX: Rotation was preserved from old game which caused some position weirdness. Now rotation is reset and should be aligned to the new playfield.​
  17. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    CHANGE: Interface redesigned for better usability
    CHANGE: Since you can have multiple names for the same ship/base, the entity id is now displayed in the combobox
    CHANGE: Entities are no longer checked by name and are copied by id (safer copy)
    CHANGE: The right panel will show the selected ship/base information from source game

    CHANGE: If you have already copied a given entity to the target game and tries to do it again, a message window will appear asking you to confirm if you wish to delete every copy with the same name and type in target database. If you choose "YES", the tool will delete every entity with the same name and type of the one being copied before the actual copy. If you choose "NO", the tool will insert a duplicate so you can keep cloning your bases/ships.


    Thanks a lot to @Myrmidon for all of the suggestions and testing.​
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2020
    Myrmidon likes this.
  18. Homunk

    Homunk Lieutenant

    Mar 22, 2020
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    Hi byo13,
    just want to let you know, that your tool worked well for me and also is quite easy and intuitive to use. Thank you.
    I had a save game, where I always got the message "Continue, send mail...", I think everybody must have had this at least once. Although the game loaded and was playable it was annoying. This happened after a huge modification of my CV and I would have lost all of that, if I went back to an older save where the problem wasn't present.

    Anyhow, with your tool I imported my modified cv to that older save game and it works. No more messages and I am happy.

    This is on a SP Survival game, scenario is Reforged Eden.

    Thanks again
    byo13 likes this.
  19. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    For me as well, that was the reason behind the tool. I had a savegame that couldn't be saved because of a weird bug. But my old save was started in Alpha 12 and in my experience the latest version seems to be more stable.

    I'm glad it helped. :)
    Feedback like yours is really important at this stage since I'm not able to test in multiple computers or scenarios.
    Also thanks for letting me know it works with Reforged Eden.
  20. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    FIX: UI - Limiting the number of bases/ships displayed at once in the combobox
    FIX: UI - Image wasn't being displayed properly
    CHANGE: The application name was changed to Savegame Transfer Tool to avoid confusion​
    El_Globo likes this.

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