Known Issue Zirax CV & Drones Fly Through Planets Like They Don't Exist

Discussion in 'Known Issues' started by Movado, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    SP Freedom Mode.

    V1.4 Exp

    When testing the invisible wall glitch, I noticed this Destroyer was flying extremely close to the planet. After engaging, the Destroyer turned toward the planet and flew through, like the planet did not exist. The Destroyer disappeared once it crossed the atmosphere line, however, we continued to fire at each other. Incoming drones also passed directly through the planet toward me.

    Pictures attached showing drones & CV inside the planet, and invisible to the eye. But fire back & forth continued.

    Attached Files:

  2. Movado

    Movado Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2020
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    I should also add, that I actually followed them, to see what would happen if I entered the atmosphere. I did enter the planet as expected, and the CV & drones disappeared until I went back to outer space.
    mr_road likes this.

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