Build: 1.4.1 (happened in 1.4 as well) Mode: Survival Mode: Dedicated Server SERVER NAME: Private SEED-ID: 1011345 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: N/A Reproducibility: 100% Severity: Minor Type: Global (?) Summary: HV/SV descends automatically when exiting cockpit Description: When exiting the cockpit of an HV/SV in MP the vehicle will automatically descend. 100% reproduceable with HV. SV seems to depend on distance from terrain/structure. Steps to Reproduce: Exit cockpit while vehicle is hovering. SV video HV video
Dont think this is a bug... its in place in case you die or fall from the ship, you have a way of getting it back without having to wait for fuel to run out..
You can turn the vessel off in the registry. It should then descend. With the way the SV stutters I'm fairly positive it's a bug. I've noticed recently my CV does this occasionally as well. It's not as pronounced or consistent though. Which is odd because we can't move in a vehicle while it's in motion supposedly but this allows that to happen to an extent.
It also happens in a CV, and seems to depend on distance from the ground/another structure. It's really annoying.
We started a new seed the other night. I had this happen to a SV. My friend didn't. then I did enter his sv, and exited mid air.. it dropped to the ground. When he did enter his sv and tried the same, it to started to drop.. of course.. it was my fault, lol... Quite annoying bug. Sometimes you kinda need to hover and use your sv as a platform to stand on.
when i want to work under my sv, I exit and sit repeatedly a couple of times on the cockpit in quick succession, this stops the vessel descending usually I can then jump down and the sv hovers where i left it. Clearly this is not intended mechanics but its what I intended. sv have always dropped when exiting cockpit as long as i can remember. I think its a safety feature for those who accidentally exited while moving a few years ago in old versions. My workaround has always been valid though, sit and stand repeatedly and the SV will hover. I have done this since alpha 5.5 up until 1.4, still works.
@Furious Hellfire, It is convenient taking advantage of this, but equally it is troublesome not having a deterministic behavior in a computer program how is a game. This is one of the worst things that you would get in programming, a not deterministic situation.
If you think this lack of deterministic optioning is bad, you should see what we had to deal with so far and what has been fixed already ! This is a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things. If you post a suggestion in the forums suggestion area asking for an option to determine if the sv will hover or fall, I will post in support. I think everyone in this thread might support it. Just link the suggestion back to this thread so those posting here can find and post on it easily.
I think they could tie the feature in to the I key quite easily. as it stands the I key toggles as follows I think: 1. all thruster directions 2. bottom thruster only 3. no thrust directions stage 1 should allow hover by default but does not once cockpit is exited. perhaps they add a new stage which is the same as stage 1 but hover mode. 1. all thruster directions regular 2. all thruster directions hover 3. bottom thruster only 4. no thrust directions stage 2 will allow the player to exit the vessel without vessel dropping.
I can confirm this feature feels buggy when you have your SV flying over water. What happens is the ship will fall into the water, making it difficult to fly out of. You have to purposely fly the SV farther above the waterline, hope you can still jetback your way back in and/or shutoff the power.
Sorry if this is too noob to mention, but I haven't read the word 'Hower engine' once above. These devices as for their description are made to keep the HV above ground with engines on and that's what they do in my SP game without problems, the HV stays in the air if I keep the engines on, and I think I can switch the thrusters off to save energy (not sure, I must check this.) I wanted to make the HV go higher to pass some ramps by adding more powerful thrusters and hower engines, but I didn't succeed, 3 m (which you can read in the Hud) seems to be a maximum.
I have indeed seen a strange behavior very recently: I have parked my HV near a POI, have switched off thrusters and hower engines, then the HV started to move sideways as if it was sucked by a gravity field of some kind, maybe the gravity field of the POI? I have not leaved the cockpit, I was more worried about stopping the HV which it did after switching power on and off.
The situation certainly looks silly. The bug has been around for a long time. If the ship has thrusters turned on and has enough fuel, then it should not crawl-fall-crawl anywhere - whether there is someone in the pilot's seat or not.