Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    1.) Not enough Character development. No talents or Perks to make your Character stronger like fitness or strength. Such as Running faster or Running longer, To be able to hold more stuff or to regenerate faster health or stamina. Disease resistance and much more. I wish there is more character development.

    2.) No melee weapons such as swords or spears perhaps a knife. When you run out of ammo you can't fight hand to hand its you run away look for more Ammo and come back. I really wish for some kind of melee weapon.

    3.) Gear upgrading/modding seems a bit clunky. There is just not enough to do to personalize your equipment. It would be nice that if you got epic quality stuff that you can still mod it. I like to see some gear personalization. Also make gear unlimited repairs for Epic quality. Make it harder to find but make it more special with this perk. And allow mod slots for Epic maby 1-2 slots.

    4.) (If I can have a 4th slot.) Water is really off it doesn't behave like water. And it has paper textures when you start drilling. And water gets in your builds regardless of intact hull. Water ingame does not behave like water should. When you dig a hole next to it should attempt to fill the void you dug out like water should. And for underwater bases you should be able to evacuate the water from inside while still have water outside.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
  2. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    I know the game was not started out as a pvp game.

    I do hate the lack of PvP functionality or rather content.

    For example , I always felt like the game needed at least an in game battle manager that allowed factions within a server to organise battles using a setup system. Which could then generate an instance for them to fight in.
    Ship usage and player amount and parameters for winning could be set here.
    Factions could even put prize money up.
    Would make factions work together in a more friendly way to generate awesome battles with either even or uneven sides.

    Along with random encounters in the pvp universe, the ability to plan engagements with other factions could only be a good thing.
    It would allow factions to create and organise battles with meaning and goals and with the ability to set limits if they wish, that would avoid the playfield overloading. It would also prevent the possibility of interference from others for those who like a RP battle approach.
    I outlined a plan for a battle manager in the suggestions forum some time ago but it never gained any momentum.

    I feel a battle manager of some sort would be a fairly simple yet great addition to empyrion multiplayer.

    I enjoy random spur of the moment combat as much as the next man, but I also enjoy planned engagements, and planning engagements, I wonder how many others do.
  3. RedKobra

    RedKobra Ensign

    Feb 24, 2021
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    The vague position of objects on your mini-map. Elite pretty much nailed this back in 1984...
    Other good examples are Wing Commander, X-Wing, and the X Universe games. All of which show a far more accurate position of objects in space than yours, which only seems suited to the surface of planets.

    Insufficient FPS features for controlling the avatar. No crouch and no prone equals lack of functionality.

    Not enough NPC activity to make it feel like a living universe. Unless you count standing on top of bars or getting stuck in elevators.

    Default keyboard map seems pretty random. Yes I realise I can change these and I have.

    AI is completely underwhelming.

    Space bar completely lacks a job board or someone to talk to that offers jobs. The bars also seem way too clean and orderly, other than aliens standing on every surface except the floor.

    If you're out of ideas maybe try playing a space trading sim such as Privateer 2, Elite Dangerous, or any of the X Universe games, or a space combat sim such as X-Wing Alliance. Those developers have already put a lot of thought into making space battles and trading fun.

    I'll edit this when I think something else.
    BDAKiwi and Wellingtoon like this.
  4. playlessNamer

    playlessNamer Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2019
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    I absolutely dislike :

    -how hard it is to go close to a edge, it feels wrong, not intuitive.
    -the jump and run sections are very slippery, no enjoyable control.
    -when i go out of my vessel in third person view i have to switch view for my char always into first person.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2021
  5. playlessNamer

    playlessNamer Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2019
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    and additional, absolute the double post worth!!! :

    Alendi Istari and Darinth like this.
  6. plainsight

    plainsight Ensign

    Jun 5, 2019
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    1. Instant deaths. Death by explosion. Alien hits, because ammo loading is too slow and can't outrun them. What's the point of armor?
    2. Ship bugs. Spinning or shifting ship when exiting cockpit on some surfaces, opening bay doors when exiting or entering planet.
    3. No block list in multiplayer chat.
  7. MrGReaper

    MrGReaper Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    1) not being able to walk around a moving ship.

    2) The magnetic Landing gear can only magnitize on owned ships...

    3) lack of movable parts, pistons, rotors etc
  8. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    1: The animations are very bad, especially the character animations.-
    2: The illumination is very short and the colors are very opaque.-
    3: The CPU limitation to only 4 tiers. It does not support 256 square block mother shipe.-

    I liked the pre-alpha startup music better, it was more epic. Thanks.-
  9. garyice

    garyice Ensign

    Mar 6, 2021
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    1. Normalized docking system is in need.
    option to dock ANYTHING to ANYTHING regardles of type. For instance allow me to dock a CV to my SV. EVEN if that CV has a bunch of docked thing on/in it.
    (Use? Well I like to build huge SVs because of blocksize, they are nicer than CVs of the same final size. But this way I cannot have most of the stuff like advanced constructors, farms, gravity, and bigger/better turrets etc. Also a separate CV have it's separate power and separate CPU... So SV with a garden (especially solar powered garden) would be cool)
    As far as I know right now if you try to dock a HV to an SV and the same SV to a CV well... you can't move with the CV at allbecause it has undocked ship inside... No bueno.

    Alternatively allow us to have different blocksizes in creations. SV blocks on CV for example. So that way we could use the space even better/nicer. I know I can dock an SV to make fine details around the CV stuff... But that's not a real option. (because I than Cannot dock the CV to another CV or to a base/station AFAIK also Hard to recreate the thing from blueprints...)


    2. Lack of solar panel (and other renewable power) options for vehicles.
    Not just the fact, that we need more options to be "fuel free" ... so like wind turbines, magnetic generators etc.

    The option to use even the present stuff (A.K.A. solar panels) on vehicles is missing very very badly.


    3. Voices (almost) in general but most noticeably alien sounds too loud, and repetitive to the point that I rather turn off speakers while being on a trading station...

    The more... :D

    4. crosshair. I am not colorblind, but still sometimes I just cannot see it. for example on battles where it is the most critical.
    Allow us to adjust it's size, colors, and behaviours please.


    5. trading experience.
    It is annoying to type the numbers in every time to get or give all the stuff at once.
    With the weight and mass in place, it is so hard to sell massive stuff in numbers... and non-stacking stuff mass sell is a pain in the ass.

    Possible Solutions:
    I. Redo the trading window.
    Either make it like how transport between containers work. Some kind of visual trading.
    OR more options like buttons to sell max, buy max sell 10 sell 100 etc. Make it a list with basic buttons so less clicks to sell/buy multiple items at once. (right now you need to click on the stuff, then set up a number, and finalize the trade. Instead of just click a button next to the item-name(s) and then finalize the trade all at once)
    II. Allow us to stack same durability weapons. newly created never even tested weapons could stack together without issue.

    III. Finaly and most importantly allow us to sell and buy from and to our nearby vehicles directly!!!
    With the presence of WIFI it should not be a problem. But it is not so straight forward to sell (or even straight up impossible if mass calculations turned on... Yeah I am eyeballing you T2 generator :D )


    6. Lack of variety in each and every game aspect (except blocks... kinda... :D)

    More types of flora and fauna and options to do more with them (pet system, aquarium?), more types of planets and moons

    More types of NPCs and deco things

    More kinds of usefull things like machineries/ functions needed to achieve more specializations.

    More option for diplomacy.

    More races including themed POIs bases, cities (I mean realy huge megapolises, and hives), and ships for them which roaming around PLANETwise as well. I like the Zirax because they have some kind of motion with their drones at least. Shame after killing their dronebase to stop attacks, they stop every kind of air traffic as well.
    Haven't seen any moving HVs or SVs of other factions... Nor incomming and outgoing CVs from planetside.
    I started to wonder how POL can be in business for so long without moving any materials :D

    More type of sounds ambient and active too. for example like at least 10 times more different alien hissing sounds.

    All and all a more lively galaxy is needed. NPCs being too passive. Not to mention DECO crew. They are great to have but They are just there for? eyecandy? ease of lonelyness in space? They are Boring in the long run anyways.

    And of course the lack of variety in topographics, biomes and planet styles.
    No rivers, grand canyons, real jungels...etc. And the equivalents in alien worlds as well.


    7. Lack of functional blocks:
    rotators, pistons, bender joint options. Anything along the line to create moving/transforming machinery/ship pieces.
    Ultimatley an option to create huge walkers or shapeshifting kinds of HVs and CVs.
    Possible solution for example to have one truster and rotate it in-flight to give a different vector of trust.

    Attachable cameras and screens (possible solution to project camera picture ont an LCD) for them to avoid the need to go 3rd person when we want to fly in a secure cockpit. Also roleplay value to have a surveillance system inside our ship and so on...
    Attachable (small sized) spotlights (kind of like how deco wents and intakes looks like. but would function as a spotlight)


    8. I know it is time and resource consuming by a large margin....
    But I would like to hear conversations instead of reading them.
    For example in missions when you "speak" to someone. BTW the conversation UI is a bit clumsy too... :D


    9. Some aspects of the graphics and the AI of NPCs
    Especially movements of characters seems a little off, robotish, passive, innatural or they just stand there all day long...
    And the NPCs stacking up in impossible places is hillarious, but immersion braking for sure.


    9. Lack of options when building:
    No option to set up glass properly, tint the window (setting opacity, and color of the glass part too, turning on/off frames on oldschool glass blocks so we could create a more clearer view even on 22.5 degress windows. BTW... texturing the glass itself could have possible uses too)

    No option to have heavy glass on the tricky angles. (BTW I am absolutely loving the new glass, it's just need more options)

    Lack of texturing options.... Not just asking for more textures and especially decals, but colorization options for them as well.
    textures with light effects should have an option to color the light part separate than the rest.
    also offsetting (scale rotate position xy) textures would be great too.

    decals coloring option missing!!! (same as with textures, would be nice to allow us to offset them)

    Missing a critical option to group and merge blocks to create "easier to render" solids at least for example hull parts of the ships could be merged and grouped with appropriate hitpoints by will. and make these saveable and easyly reuseable on other projects.
    We already have the select tool... let us make a better use of it not just copy and paste.

    Also hate missing the option to detach part of the bases as "new base" and the ability to spawn back to the same relative position from blueprint.
    Or at least an option to build new things on an existing building's exact grid.

    I wish: Small things like LCD projectors, motion sensors, levers, lights/flares and small deco stuff like flowers could share the same block (if they have the option for offsetting). So like 4-16-64 of them could be placed for one exact space of a big block.

    Speaking of building.... A separate class for space station? Like a base in space but actually option to move it and have waaay bigger range... very slow moving stuff fairly armed, with all the ability of a static base. UNABLE TO enter athmosphere.
    MAYBE 4:1 blocksize bigger.


    All and all I like the game very much. And looking forward to see it evolving from a good game to the great game it could be with all the options.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2021
    Miznit likes this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Must be REAL Problem to count to THREE..:rolleyes:

    "Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion";)
    garyice likes this.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    To be fair, the OP does say "three things and more"
    garyice likes this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Fine, Fine..
    Only Suggestions Area /for Resolutions are some other threads...
    6....and all after
    garyice likes this.
  13. Wakfu

    Wakfu Commander

    Apr 19, 2017
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    inability to scan planets for presence of players. or star systems.
    no real end game in sp or mp
    garyice likes this.
  14. Mac Moun10

    Mac Moun10 Ensign

    Oct 8, 2020
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    1, The overpowered (solo play) POI's. ie starter planet lvl5 drone base, try to take it on as a new player he/she/they will lose motivation.
    2, The androgynous (not only sex but race and looks) aspect of the NPC's, and there movement.
    3, The convoluted way some POI's are built and designed, also the descaling of some POI's where the items are miniature, not good if I want to show the game to a friend.
    garyice likes this.
  15. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    What I don't like in the current version (1.4.5):
    1 - The same POI will have traders at the same place selling & buying exactly the same stuff all over the galaxy, this should be more randomized.
    2- Building UI: What comes from your toolbar should return in your toolbar when removing stuff with multitool.
    3- CPU system goes crazy whith a small SV that gets damaged in combat, this needs to be tweaked with a timer to keep CPU status or something.
  16. Wakfu

    Wakfu Commander

    Apr 19, 2017
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    the vanilla game balance is too gimmicky. everyship can be the same but look different. i think the reforged cpu gameplay plus the AI mods etc really helps gameplay. I loved this game but couldn't play it much until I tried that scenario/mod conversion. Reforged adds balance without limiting how big you could build.

    no physics is weird too.
  17. Aetrion

    Aetrion Lieutenant

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Three biggest things annoying me right now:

    1. Can't make a ship with multiple gravity generators without overlapping zones with double gravity or deadzones with no gravity. We need adjustable cube-shaped gravity fields.

    2. No solar panels on ships. I think large ships should be able to use solar panels as auxiliary power to keep greenhouses and refineries running while they are in orbit.

    3. No customizable toolbars for cockpits where you can activate things like entering mining turrets easily.
  18. Fragtzack

    Fragtzack Ensign

    Apr 26, 2021
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    IMHO, and I have read this in reviews also:

    There is too much re-use of the same POI's. Seeing the same POI on every planet is off putting.

    Better to have planets with LESS POI's but unique POI's.

    So yes, keep making more POI's and adding those to the game..

    However, a lot of work/balancing needs to be done to try and make like 1-2 unique POI's per system.

    Every planet does not need 50 POI's. Some (actually many) planets should have like 1-3 or none.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  19. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    POI's are created by Gamers who are doing NOTHING else but creating POI's 24/7 .... of course NOT:eek:
  20. Snaky

    Snaky Lieutenant

    Feb 20, 2021
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    Hi all,

    Three things annoying to me right now :

    1 - Variety of biomes and planets type. I'd like more landtypes, more beasts etc...
    2 - Some limitations for movement ( walk speed with the armor, Hyperpropulsion and TP range... )
    3 - I'd like more exploration bases, a bigger variety of abandonned bases or sites to explore


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