I spoke him a few days ago. Its going better with him Small steps but he might soon slowly pick up codeing again. But there is allot for him to do so patience
Wonderful news. When recovering, and start to do the things you love, day by day one becomes better. Whatever one loves works best every time. But I would not mind if we just have him back in the community even if it is the he wont type a single line of code. Health comes first. I hope our love will help.
Thank you very much for your reply, but I can't download it normally. The download was rejected by the server.
Just click on the one shown in the picture and it should open a pop-up to save the file : If no pop-up appears then you may have a problem with your browser or antivirus... .
Not really a question for here as it has nothing to do with EPD But here you go: Set it in the GameOptions.yaml ### Per default the escape pod will not despawn any more to allow a player base and sleep till the morning in SP ### Possible values: true, false # DespawnEscapePod: false
Hallo JMC good to hear that you are doing well again that makes me happy. will there be an experimental version of your tool soon? This would be really helpful at the moment
Well, I will definitely work on EPD the next few days, but I can't tell, how much there's still to do and how fast it's going. Can't make any promises. Maybe I'll release an experimental version with some known issues just to get some feedback on bugs. /jmc
Man, you are back. And you might release an experimental version meaning you are back at coding again for EPD. I consider those two extra Christmas' gifts.
Hi JMC let me know if you need help new pictures of the new props or anything else. If I can help a little then I will help. Most of all I am happy that you are healthy again.