Replacing Core Factions

Discussion in 'Custom Playfields & Systems' started by KnowItAllDM, May 14, 2021.

  1. KnowItAllDM

    KnowItAllDM Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    I have a question dealing with factions and custom scenarios. Specifically dealing with the "Hard Coded" factions. In the factions.ecf, the first few factions are under this title:

    # >> Do NOT change anything, except COLOR
    # >> Hard coded factions need to be defined/placed BEFORE any other faction!

    My question, is this:

    If I wanted to make a custom scenario that does NOT use Zirax, Polaris, and Talon, do I still need to keep these here, or can I replace them with my own factions.

    If I do need to keep them, is there any way to remove them from the scenario (maps and such) or am I just doomed to have unused factions in the faction listed as undiscovered?
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Just add your own custom factions at the proper location in the file, and make all your own playfields and templates yourself. You can copy the complete default "playfields" folder in your scenario's "playfields" folder, and edit them all to get rid of specific factions POIs and mechanics. Your "scenario" will then use all these playfields, and when players wander out of your defined systems into the "randomly generated" galaxy it should search your scenario's folder for whatever type of playfield encountered, and if it doesn't find it in there it will then look in the game's default folders (which you don't want).

    You could try a "test run" by making a very basic planet + space + orbit playfields easily recognizable (with only your basic POIs and no other factions), and put these in your scenario's "playfields" folder in each of the appropriately named folders (Temperate, TemperateSwamp, TemperateSwampStarter, Arid, Barren, BarrenMetal, etc). Then you can check your scenario and visit lots of stars (with cheats) and see if the game fetched your content of the game's defaults.

    You will still see faction's territories in the galaxy map, because they are defined in the GalaxyConfig.ecf. The default factions are almost in every file so you might have a hard time trying to make them completely "invisible" in game, but at least you can remove them from all playfields and don't see them in game (I hope).

    Have a look in the Invader vs Defender - Conflict of Cygnus scenario's "playfields" folder : they have included one of each playfield type in there, with many custom ones with specific names. You can do the same and try editing the "defaults" to remove faction POIs from there. The worse that could happen is the game giving you a CoQ on start, but this becomes second nature when we start making custom stuff and it's very common, so no worries.

    You have a few hours of work ahead of you... ^^
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
  3. KnowItAllDM

    KnowItAllDM Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    Oh, I know I have a lot of work. My first Scenario (that I'm still working on), Star Salvage, I had to update all the standard playfields and such, adding "Salvage" stuff and removing/limiting ore deposits.

    I just was wondering if I would have to deal with the core three factions existing, even if in a "only in the code" way, where the players never see them.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Well factions have to be "discovered" anyways before they even appear anywhere in the galaxy map, so if you remove all faction POIs from all playfields, then players will never meet them. If you use a custom PDA (csv and yaml) with only your story/ missions then in game there will be nothing in the Empyriopedia and no other missions than yours, and no mention of other factions.

    You could probably reduce the faction territories in the galaxyconfig.ecf so at least you don't get these giant unnamed color blobs in the map :

    Germanicus likes this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I say test it out. You NEED to keep those factions in, and editing them may also cause your scenario to break so keep in mind you're in uncharted territory here. :D

    Try removing them from the reputation, setting them so you can't discover them, etc. That might remove them from the reputation list and effectively hide them from the player. Then you just need to use your own factions instead everywhere in the playfields (and eclassconfig, for any planetary ground patrol NPCs).

    The core factions would still exist but wouldn't be used. Hope that works.
  6. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    As said you can change the rep matrix but keep in Mind only zirax and talon have base attacks.

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