Da du vermutlich die Liste der Items "scrollen" möchtest musst du den scroll Befehl hier - um die "items" - eintragen (habe ich aber nicht getestet) Code: {{#devicesoftype E.S 'Container'}} {{#each .}} Found: {{CustomName}} {{#if CustomName}} {{#items @root.E.S CustomName}} -{{format Count '{0,5}'}} {{i18n id 'Deutsch'}} {{/items}} {{#devices @root.E.S (concat CustomName 'LCD*')}} {{#each .}} {{#settextblock .}} {{../../../CustomName}}: {{~islocked @root.E.S ../../../.}}(locked){{/islocked}} {{~#scroll 20 2}} {{#items @root.E.S ../../../CustomName}} -{{format Count '{0,5}'}} {{i18n id 'Deutsch'}} {{/items}} {{/scroll}} {{/settextblock}} {{/each}} {{/devices}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/devicesoftype}}
werde das bei gelegenheit mal testen ob es funktioniert. ich hätte da auch noch eine weitere frage. das pve/pvp script ( mit der red alert ausgabe ), lösst sich das eigentlich umstellen/umändern das anstelle der textausgabe auf einem definierten lcd, eine signalleuchte im pve gebiet grün leuchtet und in einem pvp gebiet rot blinkt??? bzw lässt sich sowas generell umsetzen oder macht das script da nicht mit?
Die Stelle war nur der "locked" Fall Code: {{#devicesoftype E.S 'Container'}} {{#each .}} Found: {{CustomName}} {{#if CustomName}} {{~#scroll 4 2}} {{#items @root.E.S CustomName}} -{{format Count '{0,5}'}} {{i18n id 'Deutsch'}} {{/items}} {{/scroll}} {{#devices @root.E.S (concat CustomName 'LCD*')}} {{#each .}} {{#settextblock .}} {{../../../CustomName}}: {{~islocked @root.E.S ../../../.}}(locked){{/islocked}} {{~#scroll 4 2 1}} {{#items @root.E.S ../../../CustomName}} -{{format Count '{0,5}'}} {{i18n id 'Deutsch'}} {{/items}} {{/scroll}} {{/settextblock}} {{/each}} {{/devices}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{/devicesoftype}} so funktioniert es 'normal'
habe das script nwelches bei dir scheinbar funktioniert mit copy paste ausprobiert, ergebnis sieht man auf den bildern
Hi Sephrajin, I've been working on getting this integrated into my BA (and eventually a CV build) for 1.5.x + RE. I've got the automove cargo script working on the BA, but having challenges with the autofill script. I had to change the IDs in the script for the oxygen fuel and pentaxid, so the LCD display properly detected them in my defined cargo box (using the default "Output Power" box defined in the script). I have a few questions. Is there something else needed to define to send the resources to the ship? when i switch on, and wait a few minutes, nothing transfers. I have made sure that the SV is docked AND powered off. Also i can't find a way to adjsut the formatting for the resources to show below the placed switch like the automove script works. any ideas? I don't see anything else in the script that tells the base to send the resources to the docked vessel. Maybe that fill command needs some massaging? LCD Input: Script:AutofillDockedVessels LCD Output: AutofillDockedVessels switch: sw_autofill switch signal: sw-autofill Code: {{~set 'LimitToType' 'SV,HV'}} <pos=0>◜</pos><pos=188>◝</pos> <align=center><i><size=150%>Autofill docked vessels</size></i> </align><pos=0>◟</pos><pos=188>◞</pos> {{#getswitch @root.E.S 'sw_autofill'}} {{#if SwitchState}} {{~#each @root.E.S.DockedE}} {{#test EntityType in @root.Data.LimitToType}} {{#items @root.E.S 'Output Power'}} {{#test Count get 1000}} {{#test id eq 4176}} {{#fill ../this ../../../S 'Oxygen' 100}}{{/fill}} {{/test}} {{#test id eq 4314}} {{#fill ../this ../../../S 'Fuel' 100}}{{/fill}} {{/test}} {{#test id eq 4342}} {{#fill ../this ../../../S 'Pentaxid' 100}}{{/fill}} {{/test}} {{/test}} {{/items}} {{/test}} {{/each}} {{else}} <color=red>Switch this lever to automatically fuel up your docked vessels.</color> {{/if}}{{/getswitch}} <size=90%> {{~set 'IDs' '4314,4176,4342'}} {{~#itemlist @root.E.S.items @root.Data.IDs}} {{#test count le 1000 }} <indent=6>◉ <color=red>Not Enough: <color=#00cccc>{{Name}}</color> (<color=orange>{{Count}}</color>)</color></indent> {{else}} <indent=6>◉ <color=green>Plenty:</color> <color=#00cccc>{{Name}}</color></indent> {{/test}} {{/itemlist}} </size>
Two things you can also check: Code: {{#test EntityType in @root.Data.LimitToType}} {{#items @root.E.S 'Output Power'}} {{#test Count get 1000}} need more than 1000 of the resource in the 'Output Power' container, and the entity must be in the type list, so: Code: {{~set 'LimitToType' 'SV,HV'}} Only SV or HV (you can add CV type if you wish) of course you also need the proper switch state. Hope it helps
Hi, I made a Ship detection script with the new position feature. (replacement for a motion sensor) Works for ships and a list of pilots. ('me777' in example) Does not trigger on spacesuits. needs switcvh for output ('doors' in example) You have to set the center for the detection in the script, i did not put extra variables for that as it only needs to be set once (in the three math lines). Code: <align=center> {{~set 'out' '0'}} {{~#entitiesbyname '*',200}} {{~#each .}} {{~#test .S.Pilot.Name in 'me777'}} Welcome Ship: {{Name}}:{{Id}} Pilot: {{.S.Pilot.Name}} {{~#globaltostructpos @root.E.S Pos}} {{~math x '-' 1}}{{set 'dx' .}}{{/math}} {{~math y '-' 125}}{{set 'dy' .}}{{/math}} {{~math z '-' -63}}{{set 'dz' .}}{{/math}} X: {{@root.data.dx}} Y: {{@root.data.dy}} Z: {{abs @root.data.dz}} <size=300%> {{~#test @root.data.dx leq '-4'}} → {{~/test}} {{~#test @root.data.dx geq '4'}} ← {{~/test}} {{~#test @root.data.dy leq '-4'}} ↑ {{~/test}} {{~#test @root.data.dy geq '4'}} ↓ {{~/test}} </size> {{~#test (abs @root.data.dx) leq '9'}}{{#test (abs @root.data.dy) leq '9'}}{{abs @root.data.dz}}{{#test (abs @root.data.dz) leq '45'}}{{set 'out' '1'}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}} {{~/globaltostructpos}}{{/test}} {{~/each}} {{~#test @root.data.out eq '1'}}{{setswitch @root.E.S 'doors' true}} Open {{~else}}{{setswitch @root.E.S 'doors' false}} Locked {{~/test}} {{~/entitiesbyname}} </align> Use as you please, but share if you have improvements
Sorry I have not been playing for a BIG while... (like 1.0 release) Also it (scripts) had stoped me from getting my ships done, thus I lost interest in the game alltogether. I have no idea if Astic had since changed anything. It did work back then, why that no longer is the case (just for you?), I dont konw. I answer here only to be polite as I seen you taged me, I have no intention to dig into this. I just started a new project (CV) after, idk... 1-3 years.. i lost track... and I do not want to get overhelmed by scripts again. Sorry.
BA have no DockedE as you can not really dock to a BA, you just land on it like on terrain. this only works with CV, maybe with SV and HV. try {{~#entitiesbyname '*',200}}
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mir den Inhalt einer Kiste in Deutsch anzeigen zu lassen? Is there a way to display the contents of a box in German?
{{i18n Key}} (anstatt {{Name}}) https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting <- die offizielle Anleitung ist recht gut. Ist in deutsch und englisch.
Das habe ich schon ausprobiert ,Problem die Items werden mir jetzt doppelt angezeigt, einmal auf Deutsch und einmal in Englisch
Nur den Teil mit dem i18n verwenden, nichts sonst. Du kannst dir das auf dem Demo CV auch ansehen. Dort wird die Sprache etc. dann auch über ein zentrales 'CultureInfo' LCD eingestellt
Name: BA Power Log Description: Hackeneyed modification of Shadowviper's graph to show battery consumption over time Picture: LCD Input Name: Script:[+120]FuelLog, Script:FuelLogAxis (one won't likely be using both fuel logs on the same structure so this is fine to leave alone) LCD Output Name/Setup: Look in the P menu under 'Statistics' in the top-center battery tab to find out how much battery capacity you use, and punch this number in for the 'Cap' variable. My base has 49000, as shown, so I put 49000 there. I couldn't figure out a way to get the max fuel with battery + fuel tank capacity, or a way to get the max battery power, of a base. So this is the best I can do. (Original instructions from Shadowviper) FuelLog + FuelLogAxis, both as projector blocks with width/height 1. Offset both projectors so they are on the same blockspace, with 'FuelLog' being rotated 90 degress clockwise - so the first letter of "Enter text" appears in the top right corner pointing down. As the script is a [+N] new data is added to the "top" and pushes previous bars "down", but being rotated 90deg the "top" is now the far right. The 2nd projector is then used for the axis and numbering as a single screen cannot rotate only some of its text, so the numbers are the right way up. Paint the block behind black and/or texture as desired. To give a glassy/screen type look the screenshot above has the projection 0.25 in front of the block and placing the full glass heavy window over the top to give a 'thick screen' effect. The modulus in FuelLog causes the script to run once per hour, with a text size that fits in 120 columns across the screen - increasing the length of the log should just be a case of increasing the modulus on line 2 e.g. changing 60 to 120 would mean it only runs once every 2 minutes, so 120 lines covers 4 hours instead of 2. LCD Input Script: Script:[+120]FuelLog Code: {{set 'Cap' 49000}} {{fontsize 2}} {{#test (calc @root.CycleCounter '%' 60) eq 0}} <indent=28><line-height=0><color=#1cb2f5> {{~bar (calc @root.Data.Cap '-' (calc (calc @root.E.S.Fuel '-' @root.E.S.FuelTank.Capacity) '+' (calc @root.E.S.FuelTank.Capacity '-' @root.E.S.FuelTank.Content))) 0 @root.Data.Cap 60 '<color=#000>█</color>' '█'~}} </color> </line-height><line-height=3.2> {{/test}} Script:FuelLogAxis Code: {{set 'Cap' 49000}} <size=6><indent=5%>Battery:{{~math (calc (calc @root.E.S.Fuel '-' @root.E.S.FuelTank.Capacity) '+' (calc @root.E.S.FuelTank.Capacity '-' @root.E.S.FuelTank.Content)) '/' @root.Data.Cap}} {{~format . '{0,8:P4}'}}{{/math}}</indent><indent=50%>{{#use E.S.FuelTank~}} <color=#F00>☢ {{bar Content 0 Capacity 15 '▒' '<color=#300>░</color>'}}<indent=50%><size=4><b><color=#FFF>{{~math Content '/' Capacity}}{{~format . '{0,8:P2}'}}{{~/math}}</color></b></size></indent></color> {{/use~}} </indent><indent=0>{{bar 1 0 1 65 '─'}}</indent></size> <line-height=4>{{fontsize 8}} <size=4>100%</size> <indent=8%>{{bar 1 0 1 7 '║ '}}</indent> <size=4>75%</size> <indent=8%>╟<color=#CCCCCC40>{{bar 1 0 1 33 '─'}}</color> {{bar 1 0 1 7 '║ '}}</indent> <size=4>50%</size> <indent=8%>╟<color=#CCCCCC40>{{bar 1 0 1 33 '─'}}</color> {{bar 1 0 1 9 '║ '}}</indent> <size=4>25%</size> <indent=8%>╟<color=#CCCCCC40>{{bar 1 0 1 33 '─'}}</color> {{bar 1 0 1 9 '║ '}}</indent> <indent=8%>╚{{bar 1 0 1 33 '═'}} <size=4><indent=5%>-2h</indent><indent=50%>-1h</indent><indent=95%>-0s</indent></size>
Name: Bay Level Display Description: Compact display of cargo bay volume Picture: LCD Input Name: Script:Baylevels LCD Output Name/Setup: Baylevels, expects 1 wide and any height LCD Input Script: Just change the "~split" line to have the names of your cargo bays instead of mine. Should support any number of cargo bays within reason. Script:Baylevels Code: Targets:Baylevels <line-height=0><br></line-height>{{~split 'Production Bay One,Production Bay Two,Production Bay Three,RECYCLING' ','}}{{set 'Targets' .}}{{/split}}{{#each @root.Data.Targets}}<line-height=0>{{set 'Vol' 0}}{{#devices @root.E.S @value}}{{set 'Cap' .0.Device.VolumeCapacity}}{{/devices}}{{#items @root.E.S @value}}{{set 'Vol' (calc @root.Data.Vol '+' (calc (configattr Id 'Volume') '*' Count))}}{{/items}}{{@value}}: <align=right>{{~math @root.Data.Vol '/' @root.Data.Cap}}{{~format . '{0,8:P0}'}}{{/math}}</align> <color=red>{{bar @root.Data.Vol 0 @root.Data.Cap 20 '░' '<color=#0f0000>░</color>'}}</color></line-height> <line-height=-8><br></line-height> {{/each}}
Kann mir bitte wer erklären, wie ich die Ausgabe auf Deutsch bekomme? Ich habe dieses Script von Seite 1 Kopiert und auf "Deutsch" umgestellt, leider sind die Erze noch immer Ore´s und die Barren noch "Ingots", kann mir wer hier hilfestellung geben bitte? Code: CultureInfo: { "LanguageTag": "de-DE", "i18nDefault": "Deutsch", "UTCplusTimezone": 2 } Code: {{~set 'H' 'Materials'}} {{~set 'T' '1000'}} {{~#split '#15FC05,#8FF904,#F4DC04,#F99C04,#FC6305,#CE1818' ','}}{{set 'C' .}}{{/split}} {{~set 'IDs' '4296,4297,4298,4299,4300,4301,4317,4318,4332,4345,4328,4302'}} {{~#split @root.ScriptId ':'}}{{devices @root.E.S .1}}{{#split (substring (i18n .0/Id 'Deutsch') 4) ' '}}{{set 'SS' .0}}{{/split}}{{/devices}}{{/split}} {{~concat '<color=#FFF><align=center><size=200%>' @root.Data.H '</size></align>'}} <align=center>{{bar 1 0 1 45 '═'}}</align> {{#sortedeach @root.E.S.Items 'Count' true}}{{~#test Id in @root.Data.IDs}}{{set 'X' (concat @root.Data.X Id',')}}{{setblock 'D' ~}} {{@root.Data.D}}{{Name}}:{{format Count '{0,6:N0}'}}: {{~#test Count geq @root.Data.T}}{{@root.Data.C.0}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.75')}}{{@root.Data.C.1}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.50')}}{{@root.Data.C.2}}{{else}} {{~#test Count ge (calc @root.Data.T '*' '0.25')}}{{@root.Data.C.3}}{{else}}{{@root.Data.C.4}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{/test}};{{~/setblock}} {{~/test}}{{~/sortedeach}} {{~#itemlist @root.E.S.Items @root.Data.IDs}}{{#test Id in @root.Data.X}}{{else}}{{set 'D' (concat @root.Data.D Name ':' (format 0 '{0,6:N0}') ':' @root.Data.C.5 ';')}}{{/test}}{{/itemlist}} {{~#split @root.Data.D ';' true}}{{#each .}}{{#split . ':'}} {{~#test @root.Data.SS eq '1x2'}}{{~fontsize 6}}{{~#test (calc @Index '%' 3) eq 2}}{{set 'P' '67,90'}}{{else}}{{~#test (calc @Index '%' 3) eq 1}}{{set 'P' '32,56'}}{{else}} {{set 'P' '0,20'}}{{/test}}{{/test}}{{else}} {{~#test @root.Data.SS eq '1x1'}}{{~fontsize 4}}{{~#test (calc @Index '%' 2) eq 1}}{{set 'P' '52,85'}}{{else}} {{set 'P' '0,34'}}{{/test}}{{else}}{{fontsize 3}} {{set 'P' '0,80'}}{{/test}}{{/test}} {{~#split @root.Data.P ','}}{{~concat '<color=' ../.2 '><indent=' .0 '%>◉ ' ../.0 '</indent> <indent=' .1 '%>' ../.1 '</indent></color>' ~}}{{/split}} {{~/split}}{{~/each}}{{~/split}}
@root.Data.D Name ':' (format 0 '{0,6:N0}') in umbauen, denn Name ist immer der englische Bezeichner PS: bei i18n die Sprache am besten immer weglassen da sie dann aus der CultureInfo genommen wird