About them asteroids.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Odeoron Dream-Light, Aug 1, 2021.

  1. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Hello fellow space Gods/Goddesses!
    Since i'm still a bud at exploring this game's possibilities, i noticed one thing that pierced my eyes like a spear...

    Them space rocks when you approach them, if they are not a resource asteroid, they write "Contaioner" Right above a 50/50 HP bar... regardless of their size...

    Now are they not really minable? Can you not get simple rock if you try and dig them out?
    And if so... why would there have to be decorative asteroids?

    In my opinion i think all asteroids should be minable but then again... it just feels really off to just bump your capital ship into one of them pebbles that can be even smaller than a SV or HV (even if some are bigger) and they all act like bedrock... can we not clear out the space for free flight?o_O
  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    No, some bigger bodies in space are not minable, they are just there for decor, you can leave your ship nearby and land on them if you want and then take some nice screenshots. I remember I was amazed to be able to step on these bodies the first time I've played the game.
    I now wish Eleon would include gravity on these bodies, or even add some bigger asteroids to do something on them, somewhat bigger than the decor bodies but much, much smaller than planets and rotating fast, it would be a nice game experience.
    Odeoron Dream-Light likes this.
  3. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Ah... cool... décor is cool... but should we make a request for them to be turned into minable bodiezzz? :(
    I guess i see your point... they do look awesome... this game really has a way of making you feel in heaven with the sights... but i think i might move this to ideas for future game development or somethin... waiting further feedback though... before that...:)
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The asteroid fields are not mine able.
    If they were your game would slow to a crawl and probably crash.
  5. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    hhmmph... kk... good to know...
  6. Odeoron Dream-Light

    Odeoron Dream-Light Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2021
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    OOH! IDEA!

    Maybe they don't have to be minable, just to be changed to rock-like bodies!
    I mean the same type of object and interaction as the rocks we find on the surface of planets and we have to drill them out that give's us a certain amount of ore or stone...

    So not necessarily minable objects but destructible at least, which upon destroying them (Because, notice that they already have a placeholder HP bar of 50) you get a whooping 1000 stone or something like that... among that rock maybe a few hundred units of the more common metals and even rarer...

    I think this can genuinely be done and would make the asteroid fields and rings around the planets far more interesting and useful than just for pictures... ;):)

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