Reforged Galaxy

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.5-84

    This was supposed to go out quietly before the final RE version went live, but due to unforeseen circumstances (No power) it had to be delayed several hours.
    • Update to Asset Bundle to include new laser effects for HV/SV fixed Laser Cannons that would fire to weird locations using Eleon's projectile models.
    • Updated Tovera, Eradicator and Infector prefabs with a minor change to their EMP shockwaves that should reduce their too-early firing. Doesn't matter if you've already started a new game.
      Reduced Tovera's EMP emitters from 5 to 3.
    • Assigned new projectiles to small turrets (won't matter for anyone since these aren't available or used by enemies yet)
      Dark Matter Turret which IS used by Tesch now has an awesome visual effect and unique stats.
    • Fixed Russian Localization bug
    • Renamed Heavy Rocket Launcher (CV) to Multiple Rocket Launcher to avoid confusion with Heavy Weapons that require upgrade kits. (MRL does not require kits)
    • Added missing icons to Large Cargo Container and Large Harvest Container for HV/SV that were missing.
    • Minor change to Submachine Gun icons to reduce the dark lines around the barrel of the gun.
    • Bugfixes
    Manual Download
  2. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Thanks a lot for the update, as always I am overwhelmed:)
    I found a Zirax shotgun, which is a very fun weapon, but the iron sights are aiming to the right of the basically invisible crosshair, making them useless.
    Is it something easy to fix? Or does it depends on the base game?

    Thanks again for the great efforts!
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.5-88
    Important Update

    • Reduced attack range of various enemies.
    • Updated Abandoned Bunker with a fix for the LCD and spawns in the boss room.
    • Added new CV Solar Panels to replace the old ones which are now illegal. Remember to remove them from older blueprints as they are known to cause chunk deletion during saving on a server.
    • Added new Radioisotope Generator. Ultra Rare loot only and cannot be picked up w. Provides infinite low-yield power as long as you are underneath its free energy cap and it has a source of fuel. Functions like a regular generator over 25% above it's free energy cap.
    • Disabled Zirax Space Attacks. It was an ugly system with almost as many bugs as the actual base attack system. It might make a return in future if it can be made properly functional without any bugs.
    • Increased minimum ore yield from surface rocks (Iron, Copper and Silicon) by 1 (guaranteeing at least 2 ore per rock).
    • Added new icons for CV Solar Panels and RTG; updated FragGrenade icon.
    The change in enemy attack range is how close they are before they will attack. They can still reach you if you're too close. They will receive a more comprehensive change in 1.6, depending on how effective this is. However, on servers you will likely still encounter the same issues regardless due to server-client delay.

    The new solar panels for CV are available in Large and Small versions. They are more expensive than their base counterparts and do not require a solar capacitor. They will route their power through any normal generator that has fuel and do not store power.
    They produce fixed power (60 for small, 125 for large) and you can use 24 of EACH, not 24 max. So you can have a total of 48 solar panels on your CV. They will function at any distance from the sun; and as long as your solar output exceeds your consumption, you won't burn through fuel which means no missing fuel when you log in on a server.

    The Radioisotope Generator (RTG) is a non-targetable generator available from Ultra Rare loot containers for both CV and Base. It functions as a standalone generator producing a low amount of power as long as it has a radioactive fuel (Promethium).
    Produces a fixed 2kW of power while consuming no fuel. Above that 2kW limit, it will produce power like a regular generator up to 2.5kW and consume fuel. The 2kW free energy is consumed first, reducing the total consumption of a ship/base.
    The RTG Generates a moderate amount of heat, light and a massive amount of radiation. Try to avoid sitting on it and avoid overloading it.
    Once the RTG has been installed on a base/CV cannot be retrieved, so use carefully.

    Manual Download
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
  4. Zacman

    Zacman Ensign

    Jul 18, 2021
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    A very odd (and possibly exploitable for griefing) bug to report; during the mission Cruel Stars (Farenheit 451), on a dedicated server, if you return to the planet's surface and log out, when you log back in the two interceptors will spawn in at your location. They have a really bad time navigating in-atmo (they spent most of their time bouncing of trees and mountains) but are still relatively dangerous and could probably wreak some havoc if you got them into an awkward location.
  5. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    There's not really any fix for that. It has more to do with a problem with the PDA system repeating the OnActivate conditions after they've already been used, but the task hasn't been completed. It happens in vanilla in similar missions as well (e.g. Crashed Titan)
    Zacman likes this.
  6. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy V1.5-89

    Minor update with bugfixes that includes some changes that were intended for the 1.6 release, but may as well go in here.

    • Reduced attack range of various enemies.
    • Reduced Infester sprint speed by 40%.
    • Reduced Nyxiss Scorpion sprint speed by 30%.
    • Reduced Overseer sprint speed by 15%.
    • Slight reduction to some legacy creature's HP.
    • Reduced Symbiote HP from 20,000 to 15,500.
    • Updated Abandoned Bunker again to fix the older model that was being used. Updated version has less enemies and more loot.
    • Updated Abandoned Depot. Fixed the rock coming through the basement walls and removed the respawning infester near the ramp downstairs.
    • Updated Elder's Tomb. Disabled respawning static enemies and moved the spawners around a bit (to keep you all on your toes).
    • Updated Xenu Mainframe. The shutter doors open when you're further from them because of dumb players.
      The anti-dumb lever in the incinerator also doesn't seem to be educating the dumb people it was meant for, so it was removed.
      Expanded the ventilation vent and added a sign on the door because again, dumb people.
    • Indigestion no longer reduces health (leftover from vanilla)
    • Reduced amount of HP lost from some status effects.
    • Fixed CPU cost on Detailed Heavy Windows.
    • Fixed XP and yield for Alien Thorn plants. Plants types now give 1, 2 and 3 thorns instead of 1, 1, 3 and XP yield from picking is 30, 60, 90 instead of 100, 100, 60.
    • Opuntia Cactus (gives 2 alien thorn now) will give Opuntia Cactus Spears when destroyed instead of plant fiber. Because why not?
    • Fixed spawn offset on Zirax Vehicle Port.
    • Updated Epsilon Advanced Spaceport (Door no longer pushes player into the ground, core door signal fixed)
    • Reduced HP of Imperial Plasma Artillery from 17500 to 12500, less than a Retractable Heavy Artillery Turret.
    • Updated Hacking Item icons
    • Renamed Scrambled Eggs to Hard-Boiled Egg - Now has a unique icon.
    • Fixed bug with Trader reputation loss from killing zirax drones. Was supposed to go the other way: killing traders now reduces zirax rep by 5.
    • Fixed one of the three trade station variants having security spawners active, producing hostile androids.
    • Increased loot chance of Small, Large and Advanced Upgrade Kits from alien loot containers.
    Manual Download
    Sup, ravien_ff, Wellingtoon and 2 others like this.
  7. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Is there any reasonably straightforward way to patch this into Reforged Eden?
    I'd love some of these fixes in the game I'm hosting for some friends, as I'm not planning to restart for 1.6 in the short term.
  8. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Eden should be updating with these changes in the next couple of days as Ravien is planning an update to PE as well.
    Sup and Ravlain like this.
  9. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Cool, thanks :)
  10. Don2k7

    Don2k7 Captain

    Apr 27, 2021
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    I have to say i just spanjs new video visiting the brotherhood. Love what you have done with the comms towers and the spinning Farr symbols on top. They look amazing. Also the layout with the shipping lanes as well
    ravien_ff likes this.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    That was Ravien. Decals and floating animated stuff are his jam.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  12. skshroyer

    skshroyer Ensign

    Mar 9, 2020
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    Is there information anywhere on what foods give what bonuses since we can't see the applied bonus to do our own testing? Currently my standard is the burger, but I'm willing to change that if I can figure out the bonuses.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Bonuses and what give them are listed in the Empyriopedia (F1), but the bonuses are passive and so aren't displayed with an icon.
    The Nutrition system will be replaced with a new version that's more visible in 1.6 RG though.
  14. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy V1.6-01

    The big 1.6 update. Lots of new stuff.
    70+ new missions (which is why there's no new story content) but they're all attached to the new Class System.

    • Added Player Class System (see below)
    • Reduced Unlock level for the Sniper Rifle from 7 to 5.
    • Added new Health Pack that fully restores HP and does so much faster (Regeneration kit).
    • Reduced Trooper and Wildlife Entity damage across the board.
    • Added a brand new and amazing hacking system for Communication Satellites.
    • Indigestion no longer reduces health (leftover from vanilla)
    • Added Undelivered Cargo for Colonists.
    • Player weapons no longer inflict status effects on other players in PvE playfields.
    • New trader-only foods and drinks available from the applicable vendor
    • Fixed damage issue with handheld rocket launchers vs sentry guns. They should one-shot, or almost one-shot a sentry gun now instead of taking 4-5 shots.
    • New projectile and explosion effects for appropriate weapons.
    • Returned Heavy Laser Turrets to their previous hitscan settings since they can now use custom tracers. (yay!)
    • Deco Access Terminal (ConsoleSmallMS01) can now be used to send signals (accompanied by a "beep") like a switch and will accept keycards, tokens, signals and number code locks. (For Eli, also it's a good function for the otherwise useless deco console)
    • Overhauled Localization and connection between the configs and the localization. This means a smaller file to load when connecting to a server, and weapons will show colored shield damage scaling on the ammunition.
    • Overhauled Flak Turrets so they are far more accurate.
    • New Elite Submachine Gun
    • New DC-17 Heavy Laser Pistol
    • New status effect: Suit Puncture > Vents a portion of the player's oxygen supply. Avoid being shot in your O2 tank. (Currently doesn't do anything due to a bug)
    • Hacking Software should now drop from containers (Very low chance, please confirm)
    • Security Keycards are now dropped by Zirax Commanders.
    • Rearranged epic loot drops so that ALL epic weapons, armors and drills are an equal chance.
    • Reformatted enemy status effects so they're arranged in order of lowest to highest chance which should reduce the sudden applications of being hit with 3 status effects from one hit.
    • Completely replaced Anomalous Station and Matter Converter.
    • New Zirax Com Station for space.
    • New trading and mission materials.
    • New resources: Salt, Graphite and Sulfur. These are passive item resources predominantly used by missions and trading (Intended for 1.7 update in the future).
      Salt can be found by digging sand on beaches and on the ocean floor, as well as some surface rocks.
      Graphite can be found by mining dark rocks, asteroids and granite.
      Sulfur can be easily found by mining magmatic rock on lava planets and moons.
    • New Advanced Solar Panels for Bases (Solar Cells can be bought from Power Station traders).
    • Increased Torque yield for CV RCS.
    • Kenex Station now has a Data Broker on the Com Deck to sell hacked data to.
    • Added GIN Console to starter trade station.
    • Fixed extra layer in Xenu Drone Base.
    • Heavy Ion Turrets can now be salvaged for large upgrade kits.
    • Numerous Bugfixes
    • Long-Range Radar now has it's own icon.
    • New Tracer, explosion, impact and projectile effects. (All credits to Ravien for his work on them)
    • Added two new repeatable missions for Polaris (Red Planet and Desert Strike)
      These missions will only appear in your PDA on Desert Planets and Barren Metal. More missions will be added that are also dependent on which planet-type you're on.
    • Replaced the Reforged Nutrition System with a new version that gives buffs based on the quality of your food.
    • Added PDA Empyriopedia images to Snow Gigas, Swamp Gigas, Telluropod, Sandworm, Sandsiphon and Megalonops
    • Secondary Firing modes were removed from all ship turrets and fixed weapons except for Artillery Turrets and Cannon Turrets. Most weren't used and they caused confusion.
      Minigun Turrets and Gatlings received a damage bonus equal to half the damage of their secondary modes.
    • Updated Legacy Ships > Devastator and Eradicator's Quantum Boxes were moved away from the generators and warp drive. You can now pound on them safely... ish.
    • Updated Tovera-class Dreadnought > Added some new items to their loot (for no real reason), armored the top and bottom side of the bridge and added a redundant RTG to make it harder to kill.
      If you're whining that they're "not worth it" that's your problem. People have been saying that every time they're updated, but people are still hunting them for quantums instead of killing legacy ships for them.
    Weapons display their shield damage scaling and unique traits.
    Weapon Block Groups now display the ammunition as well.
    Almost all descriptions are now localized to include German, French, Italian and Spanish.
    Blocks now have an actual description, display their structural integrity (how far they can extend horizontally unsupported before collapsing) and their blast resistance. In the case of Carbon Composite and Wood a note that it is weaker to impact damage.

    Character Class System:
    Accessible via the PDA (F1), the Class System lets you pick one of 6 main class roles that provide handheld weapon bonuses to their affiliated weapon types. Players start at Class Level 1 and with class-specific missions, can level them up providing larger bonuses (Max level: 5).
    At Class Level 5, you can choose a second Sub-Class from the remaining classes and will subsequently gain their missions at 150% difficulty.
    You can view your current main and sub class levels and stats at any time by reactivating the Class System in the PDA.
    This is all explained in detail when you activate the class system.

    There will also be a number of rare, unlockable bonus classes available in the future from completing tasks or beating secret dungeons or missions.

    Soldier Class: Gives damage, reload, accuracy and recoil bonuses to Assault Rifles, Pulse Rifles, Grenade Launchers and Rocket Launchers.
    Marksman Class: Gives damage, reload, accuracy and recoil bonuses to Sniper Rifles, Laser Rifles and Crossbows
    Agent Class: Gives damage, reload, accuracy and recoil bonuses to Pistols, Heavy Pistols, Laser Pistols and Submachine Guns
    Vanguard Class: Gives damage, reload, accuracy and recoil bonuses to Shotguns and Miniguns.
    Specialist Class: Gives damage, reload, accuracy and recoil bonuses to Flamethrowers, Plasma-type weapons and Alien energy weapons.
    Engineer Class: Non-combatant Class - Gives damage and reload bonuses to Multitools, Chainsaws and Drills (Includes ship-mounted drills and drill turrets). Increases CV Warp Drive range.
    Class Profile Images

    Manual Download
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2021
    Space Ghost, Ente, Myrmidon and 7 others like this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Awesome! Thank you for your hard work!
  16. .TGHS. Gabriel

    .TGHS. Gabriel Ensign

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Bring down the thunder!!! :D
  17. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Reforged Galaxy v1.6-02
    Hotfix Update

    For some reason the Steam Workshop Discussion tab for workshop items has vanished, along with my Upcoming changelog, so now I can't remember everything I did.
    • Added Solar Cells to a couple of older traders until 1.7, when all traders and POIs will hopefully be replaced with RG-specific ones that won't keep getting broken by updates.
      The new POIs will have their own unique traders with trader missions.
    • Adjusted targeting parameters on some weapons that means a number of turrets will no longer fire curving shots, they'll just fire more accurately in general.
    • Fixed Trader numbering so that Advanced Upgrade Kits correctly appear in QuantumSTAR traders again.
    • Fixed Red Planet polaris repeatable mission for Barren Metal Planets that didn't appear after completing the Polaris Introduction mission (Chapter 3: Industrial Concern)
    • Fixed dialogue loop involved with turning in the mining shipments from the Desert Strike polaris mission at the GIN console.
    • Updated Engineer mission descriptions to include the note that mining and salvage only applies to handheld tools due to game limitations.
    • Added Deconstruction Recipe for Nightvision Goggles so they can be deconstructed or fed to the factory.
    • Fixed missing BaseItem tag on Solar Cells in the Advanced Solar Panel recipe (already fixed it for RE).
    • Added Salt, Sulfur and Graphite buyers among existing traders (Temporarily, so you can offload the initial testing loads for money)
    • Reassigned localization for Spam and Fortify Hacking Software so they're on the correct item.
    • Fixed overlapping effects with the new Food Buffs (unintended)
      For the time being they have different icons since the count of status effect is directly linked to the icon assigned and you can't apply custom icons to status effects. Don't ask me why it works that way, I have no idea.
    • Reduced health loss from broken legs and other bones.
    • Removed Normal Suit Boosters and T2 Weapons from Ultra Rare container loot.
    • I'm sure there was something else...
    Manual Download
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
    [BB]Drifter, Sup, Wellingtoon and 4 others like this.
  18. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here. Things kept piling up that kept delaying it and it's probably gonna be 1.8 soon.

    Reforged Galaxy v1.7-10

    This is gonna be a MASSIVE changelog. It's so big that the Steam Workshop won't accept it for the changelog page so both RG and RE need to have a dedicated thread to fit all the changes in.
    Also, a big thank you to Dogmeat/bOBaN for volunteering as Reforged Eden and Galaxy's artist/modeller (who we wouldn't be able to afford otherwise). He does amazing work and we have one of his new models in this update (Not colorable yet, no one can figure out how to do that).

    The Fusion Reactor

    New Content:

    • Shield Boosters are now available for CV/BA and HV/SV. These blocks are 2x1x1 and part of the shield overhaul.
      Shield Capacitor: Increases the Shield HP of your ship's shields, but reduces their recharge rate slightly.
      Shield Charger: Increases the Shield's charge rate, but reduces Shield HP capacity slightly.
    • Fusion Reactor: 5x5x5 and very expensive. This outputs enough power to run anything, it doesn't use Hydrogen as a fuel (yet), so it's like a super-sized Generator. It also has the bonus of increasing shield recharge rate, but requires an input of energy to maintain a balanced reaction. Good for combat, bad for idling.
    • 400 Trading Missions spread across the entire galaxy.
      These missions can be gotten from any Trade Station, Factory, Mining Site, Shipyard, Village or Civilian POI. They will earn you credits, faction rep and items, as well as unlock trades. See "Trading Changes" further down.
    • New Food Processor (2x2x1) for HV/SV. This one has a custom model designed for RE/RG.
    • New Positron Turrets for HV, SV, CV, BA and Zirax: These are hitscan energy beams with lower shield damage than laser/plasma. They're good against armor, but fairly low damage. Use Small and Large Heatsinks as ammunition (cheap).
      Positron Turrets can be upgraded to Heavy Positron Turrets.
    • New Positron Cannon: Fixed high-output Positron Cannon for CVs. Medium shield damage.
    • New Weapons Trader (Imperial Arms) can now be found on many trade stations. They sell zirax weapons and items (and also have trading missions).
    • New Zirax Particle Beam Rifle: Replaces the Plasma Cannon that Elite Plasma Zirax used previously. Can be dropped by Elite Plasma Zirax or bought from Imperial Arms.
    • Complete Overhaul of the Crosshairs: Every handheld weapon and ship weapon now has it's own unique crosshair type. The default crosshairs are bigger and bolder, so they're easier to see.
    • New Fixed Cannon for HVs: Fires Artillery Shells and is hard-capped to 1.
    • New Heavy Windows for HV/SV: These are properly added. NOT just setting CV/BA Heavy Windows to be placeable on HV/SV.
    • New Visual Effects for many weapon firing effects.
    • New Medical Database added to the Empyriopedia that describes all status effects in minute detail as well as treatments and "lore".
    • New "Naval Commendation" for server owners as rewards or if the Class System breaks (because you closed the dialogue in the middle) that allows you to increase your current Main Class or Sub Class level by 1, including above the maximum level of 5 (up to 10).


    • Legacy Disruptor Cannons now use the new Particle Beam method of combat. They're very weak against shields but will rip a hole through an unshielded ship. Which means you either win with no damage, or you lose everything.
    • Player Disruptor Cannons (found in Quantum Boxes) have been rebalanced to use the above method of combat.
    • Elite Combat Pistol now behaves more like the Starhawk Heavy Pistol. Huge damage, slower rate of fire.
    • Thin armor blocks are no longer as heavy or durable as their full-sized variants.
      Presently, a 1x1x1 steel block is 1000kg, while a thin strip is 600kg despite being 1/64 of the size. With this update it will be around 200-300kg.
    • Blocks that are illegal in survival have been given a volume of 500,000L to ensure they do not find their way into player hands via 3rd-party mods that ignore the built-in safeties.
    • Oxygen Station (HV/SV) can now be crafted in the Portable Constructor
    • Improved the effects of the unique food items: Dirty Legacy and Ice Cream.
    • Ice Cream's Brainfreeze effect can be cured with Herbal Tea if you want to remove it.
    • Increased projectile speeds of Artillery Shells (Planet and Space)
    • Increased projectile speeds of Plasma Bolts (Space only)
    • Crafting Recipe for 15mm Rounds increased yield from 100 to 150. Marketprice adjusted accordingly.
    • Reduced mass of Promethium Hydrocells from 75kg to 50kg and Volume from 10.5L to 10.0L
    • Increased the speed of Hand Drills in Flattening Mode.
    • Hover Engines (HV) now provide a bonus to torque to improve handling over uneven terrain/mining.
    • Pentaxid Seed Crystal's yield doubled. Now has a new, unique model and icon and 2 new growth stages. Please do not lick the crystals.
    • SV Jet Thrusters 3x7x3 and larger have had their thrust output increased by 50% and power consumption increased by 25%.
    • HV Plasma Thruster thrust increased by 50% and power consumption increased by 20%.
    • Reduced sprint speed of Zirax and Elite Zirax Troopers.
    • Switched the weapons of Elite Zirax Soldier and the various Infected Human/Alien Soldiers for something weaker.
    • Infected Humans, Zirax and Aliens no longer speak while idle.
    • Reduced the Volume of Building Blocks and Deco Blocks to 4L for Small Blocks and 16L for Large Blocks.
    • Zirax Ammo in Ammo Containers now only contains ammunition for the zirax turrets the player can physically own. Amount of ammo obtained is higher.
    • Zirax ammunition is now available through the item menu in creative.
    • Pre-emptive Strike by the Zirax against CVs is now restricted to only happen on the harder starting planets and only once.
    • Torpedo Launcher now reloads in 2 seconds instead of 20. This means you can change to other weapons while they're cooling down instead of sitting there unable to do anything but fly around and rely on turrets.
    • Increased the range of Multitools and Laser drills.
    • New visual effects for multitools and drills.
    • Increased the damage of the Survival Tool's Resource Mode vs trees.
    • Chainsaw and HV Harvester Module damage vs Trees increased by 12%
    • Survival Tool's defense mode no longer fires a constant lightning bolt, it now fires lasers.
    • Changed the icon for Submachine Guns to something similar to their original icon.
    • Changed the icon for the 40mm Shells. (I always hated the original one I did)
    • Elite Zirax now have their own loot table instead of sharing with the regular soldiers.
    • Reduced repair cost for ship hull blocks from 125% to 75% (excludes Xenosteel. Now 100% instead of 125%).
      Note: The 125% is the cost of materials + the 25% crafting bonus attributed to ALL recipes. Not some penalty.
    • Changed name and description of the Heavy Artillery Turret Ammo (HV) so it's more identifiable from it's normal counterpart.
    • Quantum CPU Extenders now have their soft cap of 10 enabled. It can be disabled by server owners or with block limits turned off.
      Previously it was turned off unless turned on by server owners. But we're seeing stupid ships with 60+ quantums crashing servers and people blaming us. So if you don't like it, complain to them.
    • Advanced Core is no longer usable on HV/SV (A secondary Advanced Core may be added specifically for them at a later time)
    • Trade Stations and other POIs that offer station services will no longer recharge shields via Station Services.
    • Different handheld weapon types have different advantages and disadvantages against different enemy types.
      (e.g. Pistols are effective against lightly armored humanoids and "soft" creatures like wildlife, but less effective against mechanoids and armored targets.)
      Information on the weapon stats can be found in your Empyriopedia.

    POI Changes/Additions:
    • Dion III Labs added to Ocean Planets.
    • Mining Sites added to most planets/moons wherever there are colonists, traders, farr or polaris (can be up to 12 on a very large planet).
    • Factories added for Polaris, Farr or Traders near any Trade Station on any planet. One factory per planet.
    • Several space factories added to most populated space playfields.
    • Legacy Defense Helix on Legacy Homeworld were overhauled.
    • New Polaris Tursas-Class Battleship added (has 2 quantums) - No interior.
    • Warlord Tianlong and Trader Dreadnought updated with quantums (2) and new shields.
    • Updated almost every single POI in the scenario with the new shield mechanics.
    • New Ghyst POIs to replace the original outdated ones.
    • Xenu Mainframe now has a debug console near the entrance that can be used to forcibly open doors if you've somehow been locked out of the POI mid-mission (e.g. on an MP Server where the POI regenerated while you were logged off). It will only open doors you've cleared in the mission already. No cheating.
    • Reduced number of enemies in the Xenu Mainframe. No more complaints of dying.
    • Quantum Boxes in the Decimator, Devastator and Eradicator are now blast resistant and more durable. They will still be destroyed if you hit one directly with an artillery shell though.
    • Rados Industrial Fuel Depots (Normal, Snow and Desert variants) will no longer chain react and destroy the entire POI if you hit the tanks with a stray rocket.
    • Abandoned Drone Base no longer explodes if you destroy the fuel tanks in the basement.
    • All Trader, Farr and Colonist ships have had their OPVs updated with new shields and standard equipment.
    • All Farr POIs have been completely overhauled. All traders have been fixed/rebalanced and the new mission system applied to all Farr traders.
    • All Rados and Epsilon variants have been updated with new shields and new features. You can now hack into Rados and Epsilon Communication centers.
    • Split up spawns of Infesters into multiple spawners in the Abandoned Drone Base and Abandoned Assembly Yard's basement levels so they spawn them faster instead of sending a stream of enemies that appear out of thin air due to the delay between spawns.
    • Added new Bio-Box loot container to many abandoned POIs. Some labs will be interested in the parts and you might find a very valuable use for holding onto some of the things you can find in them.
    • New Sector Command POI (Admin Core).
      This is an Ultra++ difficulty Super-Dungeon that replaces the old Xenu Fortress. It is MASSIVE. It's so massive that you are encouraged to drive an HV inside it, since you'll need it to deal with the internal defenses. This is the hardest POI in the game. It took me 2 hours to do it solo. It has a Quantum Box and more loot than you can shake a stick at. Bring friends.
    • Sub-divided Defense Ships from their Patrol Vessel Counterparts.
      When a Space POI calls for help now, the ships that appear will have inferior armor, shields and weapons so they can be easily defeated in lieu of giving loot since they self-destruct when disabled.
    • Bloated the Legacy Patrol Vessel group with variants of Infector and Decimator that are all slightly different, so you have a lower chance of encountering an Eradicator every time.
    • The Matter Converter's outer shell can now be cracked open at the joints, even though it's an admin core.

    Player and Stats:
    • Overhaul of status effects using the new status effect system. (see specifics below)
    • New Bleeding status effect is a component of Open Wound. Bleeding drains HP but fixes itself after a minute without turning into anything nasty or being too harmful.
      Open Wound no longer deals damage, instead it reduces your maximum health slightly. Left untreated for 10 minutes and it evolves into an Infected Wound.
    • Weaker medications that previously didn't affect higher tier status effects will now partially treat them; Reducing how long that status effect will last and how much it impacts the player instead of curing it instantly.
    • Most older status effects no longer drain large amounts of health or stamina. Instead they reduce maximum health, stamina and food.
    • Most low-tier treatments do not instantly fix status effects that they used to. Instead they'll shorten their effective time and greatly reduce the effects of the status effects, and preventing them from evolving.
      Example: Open Wound causes Bleeding > Bandage will instantly fix Bleeding, and reduce Open Wound's duration from 10 minutes to 3 minutes and reduce the maximum health penalty it inflicts by 75%. When Open Wound times out, it will be cured instead of turning into an infected wound.
      Those who've played 7 Days to Die will be familiar with how these ailments works.
    • Food Buffs from eating nutritious food will now increase maximum health, stamina and food instead of giving minor stat bonuses. That means less healing and eating in the long run.
    • Heavy Weapons now exhaust the player if fired for long durations. If you get too tired, the gun won't aim or fire (affects miniguns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, plasma cannons and the anti-tank rifle).
    • Reduced speed penalty for most Armors
    • Reduced max speed penalty for Armor Boosters, but increased acceleration penalty to compensate. You'll be able to run faster than previous versions, but you'll take slightly longer to get up to that speed.
    • Fixed negative stats on some boosters.
    • Increased Carry Capacity of the Transportation Booster by 100L.
    • Increased Durability of Light (500>750), Medium (700>1000), Heavy (1000>1250), Reinforced Light (600>1000), Improved Medium (850>1250), and Advanced Heavy Armors (1250>1500).
    • Engineer Main and Sub Class missions have been completely replaced.
      You must now discover specific ore deposits and you must be the first to do so. Might be hard if you've just joined a long-running MP server.
      The final mission no longer requires you to salvage Zirax POIs, you now salvage Xenosteel from any POI.
    • Fixed the wrong values displayed for some class missions between the opening description and the actual objectives.
    • New Bonus Class unlocked from secret mission.

    Shield Rebalancing overhaul:
    With the new Shield Capacitors and Chargers brings a new dynamic to shield combat (Subject to change and balancing following player use).
    Basic shield generators no longer require Zascosium and Erestrum.
    All Shield generators have lower mass, CPU and consume less power. However they all have significantly less hp and recharge speed.
    Weapons reduce shield recharge rate by a tiny amount; Thrusters reduce shield capacity by a tiny amount. This won't severely impact anything but massive over-gunned dreadnoughts.
    Shield Impact visual effects now indicate both the strength of the shield and the faction of the shield.
    Shield Capacitors and Shield Chargers are hard-capped at 25 each to prevent exploits with certain people and certain services creating invincible shields (looking at you, Garaman). That still lets you get a 150k-hp shield at the upper end.
    Shield Generator Tiers affect how long the cooldown is between being shot and your shield recharging; the amount of pentaxid required to charge your shield; how resistant it is to different types of damage; and the higher tier ones have more HP and a higher charge rate (but not massively so).

    Turret Rebalancing:
    Naturally, with shields being changed, turrets need to be changed too. This is primarily for the large turrets/weapons.
    CV/BA Turrets rotate slower, giving an advantage to HV/SV and other fast ships at longer ranges.
    Soft cap limits have been reduced from 24 to 12 for non-heavy turrets. This is to save performance on servers and large battles where people use TOO MANY GUNS. This will only affect players that play with block limits on.
    CPU cost and DPM on turrets have increased to work hand-in-hand with the turret cap reduction so you still get the same amount of damage, but with less turrets. That means cheaper crafting costs for the same amount of damage.
    - Minigun and Cannon Turrets are unchanged
    - Flak Turrets receive +25% CPU cost and +25% overall damage
    - Rocket Turrets receive +50% CPU cost and +50% overall damage
    - Pulse Laser Turrets receive +25% CPU cost and +25% overall damage
    - Plasma Turrets receive +50% CPU cost and +50% overall damage
    - Artillery Turrets receive +25% CPU cost and +25% overall daamge
    Applies to Heavy Turrets and Fixed weapons.

    Trading Overhaul:
    Trading now includes a number of new dedicated trading POIs spread across all planets and moons. Anywhere there's Trader, Colonist, Farr or Polaris there are trade POIs. These could be the more common Mining Sites or the rarer and more important Factories. These POIs all have their own set of randomized missions with 400 unique missions available and over 50 new Trader NPCs.

    Trade Stations:
    Every single trade station Trader NPC now has a set of new dialogues. You can now ask if they've heard anything interesting, which would previously result in some mumbled nonsense. Now it gives you useful information relative to the kind of trader you ask (e.g. Ok'y Medical will tell you about medical treatments) Some will be related to gameplay mechanics, some will be related to game Lore, some will tell you were to find certain items or ways of making money.
    In addition, each trader NPC (both in trade stations and in ordinary POIs) will give you a single randomized (from their specific list) mission that could involve finding them some Hacked Data or some kind of item they're short on in their shop. They only give out one mission per NPC, but there's usually 4-8 traders per trade station, so you're not going to be short on missions.

    These are the new POIs dedicated to the production of infrastructure across the galaxy. Wherever there's a Trade Station, you can be sure to find a Factory nearby.
    Most factories won't deal with a nobody, or they've had some kind of problem that's put them out of commission. Give them a hand with their first job and they'll open their doors to you with up to 10 additional randomized missions that will bring you a good amount of credits, some of their inventory and a boost to your rep.
    Factories buy resources and components in bulk and sell devices slightly cheaper than you'd be able to buy from further down the production chain. They also produce Commodity items that you'll need to complete some missions for Mining Sites and other Factories.
    Additionally, some Factories offer unique items or services. The InterWeapon Factory for example will exchange Sulfur for Nitrocellulose at a high conversion rate, making it possible to never need to cut down a tree for nitro ever again (if you have an interweap factory nearby).

    Mining Sites:
    These are the most common of the new Trading POIs. One for every ore type. Naturally, you can buy ores from them. The ore that they mine up, and a lesser secondary output that they pull up along with it. Prices are better than the market average here, so you can get ore for cheap if you don't like mining and have money to burn.
    Mining sites buy up supplies like food, coffee and replacement gear for the miners.
    These guys have up to 15 unique missions each and completing one will get you money and ore, but no rep.

    Other POIs:
    Shipyards, Spaceports, Settlements, Talon Breweries, Talon Quarries and Talon Tanneries are the odd ducklings.
    The Talon Brewery, Mushroom Farm and Tannery are the talon's equivalent of a Factory, while the Talon Quarry is the equivalent of their mine. They each have 3 linear missions.
    Polaris, Trader, Farr and Colonist Settlements are usually after supplies.
    Shipyards and Spaceports are after blocks and devices and they'll pay good money for them too. Shipyards you'll find in space, and Spaceports on planets (speak to the chief mechanic). Spaceports are staffed by members of the Trade Federation, so completing their missions will net you Trader Rep if you need it.

    The amount you get from completing trading missions is a lot. At least 200% of the market value of the items they want, sometimes as high as 1000% of market value if they're desperate.
    Factories predominantly give Money, Polaris Rep and a few of whatever product they make at the factory.
    Mines as you can guess give Money and Ore.
    Trade Station Traders will give money and sometimes rep, sometimes items.

    Status Effect Overhaul for 1.7:
    You knew it was coming. Fortunately, the new Medical Database in the Empyriopedia covers just about anything, but for the time being the new status effect system lacks a display for treatments. There's a temporary measure, but it's kinda messy to look at.
    For those who've played 7 Days to Die, you'll be familiar with how the status effects are set up.

    Important Changes:
    Status effects are less dangerous than they were in previous versions, even more so than vanilla because only the really serious ones will actually kill you.
    The predominant trait of the status effects now is that they don't deal damage or starve you to death, instead they reduce your maximum hp, stamina, food or oxygen. That makes it easier to die, but it doesn't just sap your HP until you're dead.
    When you receive a status effect and you treat it, even partially, the Status Effect's timer will change from Red to Green and go down faster. When it runs out, your status effect will be cured. Until that time, the effect will remain on you, but reduced by 50-75% of it's effect.

    Example: If you have a status effect that lasts 30 minutes, reduces your maximum health by 100 and drains 2 hp every 10 seconds and you treat it: It will reduce to 5-10 minutes, reduce your maximum health by 50 and only take off 1 hp every 10 seconds.

    This goes the other way for positive buffs too. Those Nutrition Bonuses you get from eating filling food no longer give stamina, health and speed regeneration bonuses, instead they increase your maximum health and food. You can stay full for longer, and have a higher HP capacity to resist damage.

    1.7MaxCharge.png FusionPower.png 99RGTest01_2022-02-21_11-15-37.png 99RGTest01_2022-02-22_00-42-36.png 26 Alberich_2022-03-01_12-08-07.png 26 Alberich_2022-02-14_17-35-37.png 25 Verdigris_2021-11-14_13-53-19.png
    Shield Capacitor (left), Shield Charger (Right)
    Fusion Reactor
    Medical Database
    Titanium Mine
    Mobile Food Processor
    Positron Cannon being fired
    Shield Feedback System displaying color coded shields

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2022
    Sup, Myrmidon, me777 and 18 others like this.
  19. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
    Likes Received:
    WOW :thumpUp:

    I update this post to keep it simple :

    1. Are the enhanced bandages removed? Item id is 3221 I think Ok nvm this, here we find Reforged Galaxy and the bandages are Eden. So in Reforged Eden they will get back I suppose.
    2. I like the overhaul of the status effects. It makes the boosters shoots, medical packs etc more useful now.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
    ravien_ff likes this.
  20. tigrean

    tigrean Ensign

    Jan 24, 2022
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    All I have to say is Wow, very nice update here. Though I do have a small question did you continue the story line quest at all so it goes beyond the Xenu Mainframe? Also the Talon story quest that leads you to an ocean world? Didn't see any mention of these in the notes.

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