Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Personally I like to play the game to relax sometimes, building something or explore the amazing RE universe.
    Being attacked in every single situation would not be fun:)
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  2. Wellingtoon

    Wellingtoon Commander

    Apr 7, 2017
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    Exactly. I'm on level 17 and still haven't left the dead planet starter. I just enjoy the peace and quiet!
  3. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    CULTISTS: on the beautifully made Mire planets are the Cultists. In 2017 Vermillion announced that one could save the captives.
    How? you can set some of them free, some ask for materials to contact their people etc, but apart from this, nothing happens...what's the trick?
    As I mentioned, searching "cultists", only brought back the original post from Vermillion.
    Thanks for the help.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I've never seen or heard of the cultists. Must've been Ravien, since he made them.
  5. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    I am so sorry, it was indeed a post from Ravien, I searched on the RE forum, but the answer took me to the PE forum and I haven't noticed, my bad. I'll head that way then...still i am amazed that you never saw them, you must have travelled everywhere by now:)
    I take the chance to thank you again for the job done!
  6. Lohke

    Lohke Ensign

    Dec 10, 2017
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    @Vermillion Love the work you've done in Reforged. It truly is a different game. Kudos and thank you. To my question...

    I'm running the Helios MSC with a drop ship and 2 modules (i.e. 4 CVs in total). I noticed last night that when I warp with the Helios, and others docked, it is taking 4x the pentaxid to make the jump. So a 15 AU jump costs me 60 pentaxid. I just wanted to clarify if this was intended or if this is a bug. I did test this in PE and Vanilla with the same setup and a 15 AU jump cost 15 pentaxid. Can you clarify if this is something you've added to discourage the jumping of "fleets" or if this is a bug I'm experiencing. Thanks for any information.
  7. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    A normal Warp Drive consumes 4 pentaxid per LY; the Advanced warp drive consumes half that, and the progenitor warp drive consumes half again. It's intended since it consumes more fuel to warp a lightyear than it does to warp an AU.
    Lohke likes this.
  8. Lohke

    Lohke Ensign

    Dec 10, 2017
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    Gotcha, ok thank you for clarifying that. I, wrongly, assumed the 4x was due to the 4 CVs. That makes sense the standard drive consumes more. Crystal clear now. Thanks again, and once more...LOVING Reforged.
  9. Ceneraii

    Ceneraii Ensign

    Jan 14, 2016
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    Figured I'd give some feedback on food while at it ^^

    I think changing the food system is a good idea. Currently the well-fed buff is (at least for me) a way to stack some extra regen, but it's tedious and unsuited for the situations wherein you want to do so (on-foot combat). If you take the minute orso to set yourself up properly for a foot assault, you'd typically equip the heaviest armor you have and load it up with armor modules, but this causes hunger rate to go through the roof, essentially guaranteeing you won't have the well-fed buff in the only situation where you need it xD

    It's made even worse by the fact that it really doesn't do much in the first place. Even in the heaviest possible setup any mid-to-high difficulty encounters are extremely lethal if you make mistakes (and admittedly trivial if you don't mess up) so the tiny regen you get isn't really helping you survive longer in a firefight, especially compared to the other options out there (most predominant being using meds and then engaging for a short time to benefit from the high regen). Out of combat healing is trivial anyway since meds are free if you have any kind of decent farm set up.

    Which brings me to another point; compared to swapping out armor & boosters, grabbing some meds, topping up ammo and using appropriate sprays, keeping food topped up is incredibly tedious; it literally gives the smallest effect out of everything you can do to prepare, fades quickly, requires large amounts to be used effectively and spoils guaranteeing that even if you do take the effort to manage this, you'll end up losing half of what you made eventually - so it's time to keep two fridges because you don't want your ''used'' food to mess up the spoil times of your fresh food xD It's just layer upon layer of madness. The only saving grace is that it's very cheap, but so are all the other options you have whose marginal return is just infinitely higher.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I admit, I sometimes play until I find a nice quiet planet to settle on. I'll build extensive, but without practical application, Bases with nice views etc. lol.

    Currently, I've settled on a distance Jungle world - initially just to place an Auto-Miner for Erestrum - but ended up building a small Base to "protect" the Auto-Miner, this then expanded into a large base, which I painted, decorated etc. I've now expanded in, in Creative, build little "forts" (Bases with no Core, just blocks) to place around other Auto-Miners, allowing me to dock in a light SV, protected from the various critters in the area. Quite fun.

    I think I got a bit unlucky in some respects, as I got jumped early-on by some pretty tough space CV's, all heavily shielded and armed. My CV evolved to beat these guys, then the REALLY big ships started coming - I mean, 10 seconds and I'm dead despite 20k shields and lots of turrets. I've not seen any of the smaller, easy to beat CV's bar one freighter. Needed a break from that more than I realised, hence my extensive building.

    Wellingtoon likes this.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    By the way, on the topic of Solar for Bases, how much difference does the angle of the Panel really make? Logic suggests that, on the equator, flat panels should be fine, averaged throughout the day. If built south of the equator though, perhaps panels angled North might be better. Is there actually any measurable difference?

    Edit: Answering my own question: In my current base location, about half-way between the Equator and the South Pole, changing all Solar Panels from flat, to angled North has made a HUGE difference, output it up over 4x the prior peek daytime value. Never seen such a huge difference before.

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2021
    Sup and Wellingtoon like this.
  12. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    If the food buff is removed, I’ll be uninstalling Reforged. The buff is part of my playstyle, albeit not for heavy combat.
  13. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    What food buff? Well Fed?
    The very slow regeneration when near full hunger? Wouldn't you rather have it from any food, and not prerequisite to being near max hunger?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  14. Banditman

    Banditman Ensign

    Jun 9, 2021
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    Well Fed is pretty much useless. I like the IDEA of it, but it doesn't really have much practical use.

    I think it might be more interesting if there were reasons to favor one form of food over another. Right now, it's really just a push to get a farm capable of producing MRE's faster than you need them. Once you have that, why bother with anything else? (Medicines aside)
  15. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I actually don't like MREs. Until you can produce them in bulk they're very inefficient to keep yourself at a high satisfaction level. Running yourself down to a low hunger level leaves you vulnerable to starvation effects from parasite infections when running POIs. Hence I like to rely on the foods that provide ~100-150 health to stay topped off. Which also means I would love foods that reduce the hunger drain. I tend to be happiest when I'm jetpacking around in heavy armor with enough multiboosts to get down to that 0.5 hunger factor.
    Wellingtoon and ravien_ff like this.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    No way to reduce hunger drain, but might be able to make a food that gives you a buff that slowly restores hunger over time.
    malrose1 and Wellingtoon like this.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I just loaded my save after today's update - I saw the 20th August update notes on the loading screen, thanks for doing this on my Birthday lol - and something quite bizarre occurred.

    I was walking around very near my base, and the giant CV parked next to it, picking vegetables when I noticed a beam of light strafe my location. It was just like the light Drones use, but there were no Drones visible or on scanner. I looked around but saw nothing, then there was a huge explosion and I was critically injured - the dude on crutches icon - then rockets started raining down around me as I dodged as well as I could. There was still nothing visible nor on the scanner and my Base's turrets - which I was right next to now - never opened fire.

    I stood on my base for several minutes and still no Drone became visible and my base turrets silent. I was well within the turret coverage of my base when I was attacked, so I'd expect any Drone to be too.

    Edit: I think it must have been some rocket Zirax and that light source was from a rocket, though I could not see the rocket. Saying that, the light did appear to got back and forth, just like a Drone's light, so I'm still not sure. I am on the boarder of Zirax territory, though nothing had spawned close since I set the initial Base starter down. Base is quite large now.

    Regarding food. I quite like the Well Fed buff and was pleased to see it return. However, if it were to be replaced so pretty much any food gave a slow health gain I'd be good with that. Slow, but longer lasting than any current healing buff.

  18. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Are you on a planet with a planetary patrol vessel? Apparently they can glitch and get stuck inside the planet and shoot you from there.
  19. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    I'm going to move the poll so it's on this page. I'm leaving it open for a few more weeks.
  20. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I updated the scenario on my server today.
    Somehow I lost the finished ships in the F2 factory, other than this the update seems to have gone well.
    Is the update the reason, or did i make a mistake somewhere?

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