Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Sorry if this is a dup- I searched and couldn't find this issue under RE. I am trying to place a hydroponics bay (veg) into a CV with shields off. This is replacing a 3x3 set of grow plots that worked fine. I'm getting a "This plant cannot grow here" error. Any ideas what part of the process I've missed? Any help greatly appreciated. Reforged Eden 1.5.0_2021-08-23_12-02-59.png
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes check the tooltip on the hydroponics bay. You need to place it on top of a grow plot. It's technically a sprout.
    Sup, Wellingtoon and imlarry425 like this.
  3. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    You totally missed the point. But whatever. Your scenario your rules.
  4. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    We (me and Ravien) make changes to the scenario based on constructive criticism. NOT screaming, whining and petty complaints. The single and ONLY point of constructive criticism that can be drawn from your post is that the mission doesn't specifically tell you to hand the package over to Vespian on the bridge.

    The pirate mission isn't a job offer, you're not asking to join them. He's blackmailing the player to pay off the debt you accrued when you screwed up his job on Relay 451. You killed part of his already-small crew (that included Vespian's brother, which accounts for his behavior towards the player) while doing something illegal and he wants payback or else he calls polaris on you; that would inevitably end with IDA's core being found and destroyed.
    All of this is explained throughout the mission.

    Why's there the option to go back to your ship for the package? Because if you don't have it, the only other option would be to threaten Vespian and get killed. Dying by intentionally choosing to be offensive to an already-angry story NPC is the player's choice. It costs nothing and is done in a safe location that it informs the player that choosing the wrong dialogue option is capable of killing them for future missions.
    I mean, this is a no-brainer right here. He's clearly threatened to kill you and you evidently chose to go out the airlock anyway.
  5. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    ...No one is screaming or whining. And in my option my complaints are never petty otherwise I wouldn't have made them. I'm sure this is a view you share about your own complaints.
    To be fair I was being rather mocking and sarcastic but certainly not screaming or whining. Ok, maybe I was laughing a bit. But only a little.

    But seeing as I now have your attention I probably shouldn't ruin it be being petty.

    Actually from the initial conversation, it wasn't at all clear that he was trying to black mail me. It seem more like a job offer but that might have just been the dialog options I choose.

    If it was supposed to be blackmail, well, that's just dumb and here's why:

    Your right. The game can't tell the difference between a noob and a pro. So don't try.
    Lets examine what Markos likely knows about the player.
    • The player is somehow affiliated with Polaris. The player might be an employee or a contractor.
    • The player is dangerous. They managed single-handedly(SP or MP?) kill 5 of his people.
    • The player is in possession of an advanced AI that is capable of taking control of a Polaris communication satellite and remaining undetected.
    • Based on the above point the player clearly has some other objective other then simple IT work for Polaris.
    • Other then the above points the player is either a complete unknown OR they have already built a reputation for themself in Andromeda (likely as 'the conqueror of worlds').
    So, all in all, probably not very good blackmail material even under the best circumstances. If you are a paranoid pirate caption, then the last thing you want to do is piss off a bad ass on a mission that you know nothing about.
    In addition, by the time you have retrieved the package, he also knows that you either have the balls grab his package and escape alive or have the savee to retrieve the package with your standing with Polaris intact.

    So, basically, someone that would make for a very bad choice of blackmail targets. Would you try to blackmail someone that you thought might be Batman? Or would you try to blackmail someone that you KNOW is actually Apocalypse? I would hope the answer is 'no' to both of those.

    I understand why there is an option to go back to your ship. It where you put this option that is the problem. You wrote yourself into a corner with the dialog but had no choice but to respect the games mechanics.

    See above. You can't do anything about the games mechanics and have no way to adjust the dialog base on player power level so be smarter with your writing.

    Does Vespian know that he is a story NPC that is part of an indestructible ship? Does he know that he has plot armor? If so, then his behavior is valid.

    Or maybe he is just an idiot that doesn't know when to shut his mouth. But that would make Markos even more of an idiot for making someone like that his first mate.

    So, to follow the logic here, does Vespian know that he is a story NPC that is part of an indestructible ship or is Markos an idiot?

    ...He threatens to throw you out the airlock...while you are wearing a spacesuit and have a ship near by.

    The problem is NOT that insulting him kills you. The problem is that the threat itself is kind of silly and that you just spontaneously drop dead.
    If you really have no choice to go the magic insta-kill route them just have him not be specific about how he is going to kill you and when you make the wrong choice play a gun shot sound effect and THEN you can do the magic insta-kill.

    But I'm not convinced that you have no choice but to go the magic insta-kill route. Your clearly creative so go nuts here and be creative. Really sell that death experience. The point of killing the player off here is to drive home the these guys mean business not to make them raise an eyebrow and think 'wft was that suppose to be???'

    So that YOUR turrets don't open up on his indestructible ship and immediately erase any rep with the pirates you may already have. Or I guess you could set his ship to a hidden neutral faction or something.

    It doesn't matter what the package contains. All that matters is that the player doesn't know what they are delivering and that they were given instruction by the parson they were dealing with and then someone ELSE that you know nothing about and treats you like crap pops out of nowhere and demands that the you hand it over or die.

    You are conflating what you as the writer knows with what the characters you are writing know.

    Your smarter than that and that is what makes this such a disappointment.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The ship has no turrets therefor if you have your turrets configured properly your own turrets won't fire, and since it is indestructible firing on it will not lower your reputation anyway because you will be dealing no damage.

    Also, your initial post was rude. He and I do this in our spare time, for free, and we each make our scenarios the way that we want. By using such a terrible tone in your initial post you really are not convincing me to listen to you. You may have valid points but whatever points they are are being buried under useless drama caused by such rude comments.
    And yes, just like you can have your opinions of that mission, I too can have my own opinions of your opinions. I welcome feedback and criticism, but I do not tolerate rudeness and insults.

    If that wasn't your intention, then you can apologize and drop it. But this isn't a debate, you said what you came here to say in a very rude way and now I have said what I came here to say and I think this conversation has now ran its course.
    mr_road, electriclimbo83, Sup and 5 others like this.
  7. stecph

    stecph Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2018
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    For me, as long as the food system is still active (survival game anyone??) I will be fine even without the buff, but I am afraid, if he'll remove the food system (hunger), I will have to sadly move on as well.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I expect this is a vanilla issue, but thought I'd ask here to check.

    I built a new SV, loaded the guns - two Gatlings - and exited the game. I reloaded the game and noticed that the Gats were no longer loaded, but I was missing two full Gats worth of ammo. I'd loaded the SV with 2,000 rounds, yet it only had 1,400 in the ammo box and the guns were empty. I reloaded again and the ammo box now stands at just 800 rounds.

    I've had instances previously where I've had less ammo than I thought, this would explain things.

  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    For free ? You do it for love. If it was really for free, you wouldn't care about rude posts.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yeah default game issue. I've had that happen especially on servers for years.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for confirming. I'm seeing this in a Single Player game to be clear.

  12. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    What the hell? At no point did I even suggest removing the food system.
    stecph and Sup like this.
  13. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    RE_2021-08-24_22-37-41.jpg RE_2021-08-24_22-38-23.jpg RE_2021-08-24_22-38-41.jpg

    Also it has both thruster, generators, and a warp drive. All are targetable.

    After just a few second. Its taking SHIELD damage. Not block damage.

  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I don't know what to tell you then. Word your posts better next time so we can take feedback from it. It's hard to take away anything meaningful when you start off rude.
    electriclimbo83 and Thor'sHammer like this.
  15. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Hi All
    FINALLY got around to trying RE. :D

    In a word - Wow. Really like where this is going. Although I'm still on very early game ... {insert evil laugh}.
    No, seriously, you madmen have really done a great job. Storyline is more realistic and the balancing is amazing!

    Ran into an oddity - Can't place a Core on the UCH H (aka Pelican). Popped into gm to look for a hidden core but didn't find one.

    You may remember I had a problem with my gameoptions.yaml was set to RegeratePOIs:True on a previous Vanilla SP.

    Just checked, and found it's on in this Game Save.

    A few questions:
    1. I'm playing SP, shouldn't that be False?
    2. Is the UCH H. setup to regen in RE? EDIT: OBVIOUSLY NOT.
    3. Do I understand correctly that there's a "master" gameoptions.yaml and it's copied to the individual game when the game's created?
    4. Where's it kept for RE so I can set it to False for future games?

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    As a total aside, I started a fresh game the other day but didn't fancy any of the default game starts - I've done each of them a number of times - and wanted a different challenge. So, I started a new game based on the first game-start - the super-easy one - then brought up the Galaxy map, scrolled randomly a few hundred light years away and picked a star.. The first star I picked was just a star, no planets, so I picked another. This one had several planets that had breathable atmosphere - I had no suit with my selected start options - so I teleported myself to the system.

    After starting to suffocate - I arrived in space next to the star of course - I quickly teleported myself to my chosen world, a large tropical planet. No Zirax presence it seems, though I do see Talon wandering around, yet there's no Talon POI's or territory. After hours of regular early-game play, exploring, progressing from HV to small base, building my first SV to aid in mining and shipping ores back to base, turning the SV into a mining SV (never done that before, believe it or not lol), doing some space mining (Cobalt, Promethium and Pentaxid) while dodging space drones, before finally building a warp-capable SV.

    I jumped to a nearby rather hostile world that has both Erestrum and Zascosium as well as a large Promethium deposit which I plan to auto-mine one day. However, every Erestrum and Zascosum deposit is guarded by a missile POI, so I've not been able to get close yet. I did get too close once - anything under about 800 metres is too close I found out - and had to drop to the deck and fly through a canyon to dodge the stream of missiles that followed me, making them impact the terrain rather than me. That was fun. I've kept my distance since lol.

    This has proven an interesting challenge thus far. Sure, a total lack of Zirax on my chosen starting world (not intentional) meant I wasn't under any pressure after setting up a base, however, neither can I benefit from Drone loot (pretty darn useful early-game) or the rewards available from raiding a POI. So, I've not really got the tools and weapons I'd really have by this stage to tackle harder POI's. I cannot even build or buy what I need to just survive the atmosphere (not breathable, high rads) of this hostile planet lol. Fun times.

    I've noticed there are a few wreck POI's in orbit, so I'm going to explore more of those. I did explore one, but it only had low-level component loot, stuff I can readily craft myself. I'm also mindful of Space Drone, that'll one-shot my mining / cargo SV.

    Anyway, just thought I'd share :)

  17. Metallica_Hoop

    Metallica_Hoop Lieutenant

    May 22, 2020
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    I spawned in a CV with nearly 10m CPU by accident.

    Getting it down has proven challenging (and fun) currently on 1.5m but needs more thrusters, can I have more than one Advanced CPU extender? I cannot remember and don't want to waste my last bridges I have 1 basic, 2 of the next up and 1 of the top ones. (I think advanced is the top one anyway the one you need shitloads of bridges etc to make)

    Kind regards.

    Absolutely loving the new stuff.
  18. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    When I ventured into space on the random starting planet I chose (see my post above) I found a very badly wrecked CV. Thought I'd hit the jackpot and planned to make it flyable and take it down to the planet - I used to do this in vanilla, with the CV wrecks around some starting planets. I was quite disappointed when I found that this CV was actually just a BA. I do have what it takes to build my own CV now, but there's something quite fun about restoring someone else's design that's mostly wrecked.

    Are any of the "CV" wrecks in orbit in RE actual CV's or are they all BA's? I get that many should be BA's for numerous reasons, but it'd be pretty cool to find such a random wreck that's actually a CV and can be restored. What are your thoughts on this?

    Note: I get that a "free" CV - even a totally wrecked one - might not be desirable on an easier starter planet, though Space Drones would make it far from easy salvage. However, finding such a wreck that can be salvage - as in some vanilla starts once upon a time - can be dead exciting.

  20. Banditman

    Banditman Ensign

    Jun 9, 2021
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    The only place I am SURE that I've found an actual CV to refit is in the minefield near the starting planets.

    It's possible I've seen them elsewhere, but I am not certain of it. I know that in my current playthrough, I am flying a refit ship. I've seen this same wreck elsewhere, I just didn't look to see if it was BA or CV. I suspect that the one in the screenshot below was a CV, as this is the same one that I refit (you can barely see the nose of it at the right of the screen).


    Edit: Follow up. Around some rogue planets, you'll find the remains of a Zirax convoy and a bunch of wreckages. Many of those are definitely CV"s and not BA's. If it "looks" like it should be re-fittable, it probably is. If it looks too shot up to be of use, it probably is. That felt "right" to me. Hopefully there are more places where this is true, because this had exactly the right feel to me.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2021
    Arthmoor and Thor'sHammer like this.

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