CV and POI CV, difference ?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dognosh, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. dognosh

    dognosh Ensign

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Noob here who is loving the game :)
    In the workshop I come across normal ships and POI ships.
    What is the difference ?
    ty :)
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You can't spawn a POI into a Single Player Game.
    POI's are for Scenarios.
  3. The things in the "POI" categories on the workshop may contain blocks and devices that prevent you from using them in a survival game without cheats.
    For example, they may have an alien core so they function correctly as a POI. They may have alien turrets. Etc. Etc.

    They may contain "illegal blocks" for a survival game. If so the only way you can bring them into game, without the game spawning it as a POI, is to use the spawnanyblueprint command.
    Using that command allows you to spawn any blueprint even if it has illegal blocks, but it also makes it free, so is quite a bit of a cheat.

    If you want to use them as POI's as intended then you also need to be knowledgeable on creating your own scenario. That entails knowing how to make custom playfield files and a bunch of other stuff.
    There is no built in way to bring them into a game as a POI. You have to do all the custom work yourself.
  4. dognosh

    dognosh Ensign

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Ty both, very helpful :)

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