Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Playfeildleveloveride in the yaml is an average and not a range.
  2. Jacoviz

    Jacoviz Captain

    May 13, 2017
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    - The feedback of shooting and reload animations
    - Ground combat, there is no headbob to indicate that player is running or walking, it seems you are skating on ground
    - Items are every time the same, it would be really fun to have weapons and armors with different rarity and stats
    - Ships physics when hitting objects and other ships
    - Animations are really really poor
    - Models in general, they are improving weapons and other things but i think that models should be more detailed, weapons and player hands first
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2021
    Don't Panic likes this.
  3. AlterDraconis

    AlterDraconis Lieutenant

    Sep 2, 2019
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    1. There is no sense of progress in the game. Destroyed Zirax bases are being restored again. The futility of war is felt.

    2.Not much to do. Robbery of POIs is boring and there is nowhere to put resources. Now, if it were possible to build factories and production chains like the X-3 ...

    3. Sluggish reaction of hostile factions. The attacks on the base are laughable. I would like a real landing with Zirax tanks and small vessels.

    P.S. Make sort by name in the teleport
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
    Lhetre and derniedersachse like this.
  4. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    @AlterDraconis , check your game configs. Item #1 should not hold for single-player, only for multi-player (which makes sense). You probably now have POI regeneration accidentally turned on...
  5. AlterDraconis

    AlterDraconis Lieutenant

    Sep 2, 2019
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    As I understand it, POI regeneration should be turned off on the server? Please tell me where can I see it?
  6. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    If it's your own server for you and a few friends then yes, you should be able to turn the regeneration of POI's off.
    If its a public server then it will most probably be set to regenerate POI's. How else would people who join the server be able to gain all the good loot if the POI's have already been looted?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  7. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    If it's a server then you need to edit the server's gameoptions.yaml. The setting is "RegeneratePOIs" which should be set to "false" if you don't want it to happen.

    In a single-player game this option should be "false" by default but there have been cases where some scenarios or other mods have changed it. For the single-player game the option is the same but it's, of course, now in your own computer as there's no external server.

    Sorry for posting against the "no discussion" rule but seemed appropriate to answer...
  8. BiffRoders

    BiffRoders Lieutenant

    Feb 6, 2020
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    More focus is being spent on adding new fun stuff over fixing stuff.
    Needs to be the other way round or Brocken stuff tends to add up when more new fun stuff is added.
    etmoonshade and stanley bourdon like this.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    ...fixing 'broken' things that have a high chance to brake again as long as a feature - i.e. 'fun stuff' - is not completely implemented is a waste of time and resources...
  10. ImpalorVlad

    ImpalorVlad Ensign

    May 31, 2020
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    Not enough or optimized textures. Humbly I'd suggest.
    Interface textures with buttons and displays. Actually just one or two of these would be perfect.
    Textures optimized for cylinders and spheres.
    Textures optimized for half and thin blocks.
    End and Middle textures with the same look to prevent the checkerboard look.
    Poster textures.

    Textures can be turned with the paint gun. Add optimizations so these can be added to the the turn options.
  11. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    Just to make it clear, I love the game. The positives by far outweigh the negatives. That said, there are a few things that detract from the experience.

    I am going to start off with the one thing that I find the most irritating above all which is the save system. I am not exaggerating/being hyperbolic when I say this: it is the worst save system I have ever encountered in my 30+ years of gaming. The worst. Having to regularly delete multiple gigs of saves and not even being able to organize those saves just really sucks.

    I will think of others later. I am not going to make an issue out of minor details so I will think some more about what are the really glaring problems that need to be addressed.
    Stampy likes this.
  12. SoDak

    SoDak Ensign

    Jan 5, 2020
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    1. Pilot Mode - Keeps turning itself on 7 out of 10 times when I use the key bind for Auto Brake. Make it a player configurable key bind.
    2. Jet Pack - Keeps turning itself on whenever I teleport, enter/exit pilot seat and etc. Having to constantly turn it off inside my base/ships is BS.
    3. Sort register and teleport by alphabet and/or distance from user. Having to constantly scroll through it looking for a specific system is a PITA.
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  13. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    The shitty, overly loud, ear-raping sound effects.
    The crappy UI.
    The CPU system.
    The lack of balance around weight, mass, power use.
  14. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    To repeat what I said in another thread:

    The singular most ruinous element of the game for me is some of the audio effects that are excessive: water generators; fuel generators; gravity generators; thrusters. Essentially, any and all powerful low-frequency continuous droning audio effects. I can tolerate considerable amplitude from momentary FX like weapons, but those droning sounds are burdensome, even at moderate volume levels with good headphones. At the very least their amplitudes need to be substantially reduced. Attenuation is an issue, too, rather lack of it: the water generators can be heard up to 150 meters away; that's crazy.

    It's soul-crushing to spend much time piloting any craft with all the but smallest thrusters not located so far away from the cockpit that it attenuates the sound, and then pile additional incessant droning of all those various "generators" on top of that. These effects are additive, too, even from multiples of the same object so that, for instance, in my high performance high-G shielded warp-capable SV that has eight generators I don't hear the droning of one generator, I hear the droning of all eight combined (at maximum signals-controlled usage).

    I like to maintain a good volume level so that I can have a chance to hear any subtle audio survival queues before something bites or shoots at me but, with all these over-the-top continuous audio effects in the game, it makes me want to rip off the headphones as soon as I've put them on. That is not a behavior that a developer should be trying to instigate. It should be desired that I want to leave the headphones on.

    It's worth noting that I would attempt to modify these effects myself, and share the result with others who share my reaction to them, but they are encrypted and off limits to modding. Making them moddable would be a good start.

    Prior to this, my most enduring complaint, at least beginning in late Alpha, was the change made to the targeting reticle's behavior, forcing it to become red at the moment when it matters most that players be able to see it, including colorblind players. The decision to make that change was pretty "tone-deaf" [pun intended], but then insult was heaped upon the injury and nothing was done to revert it to its prior behavior while a better solution was found.

    To this day the default reticle behavior remains a disadvantage to anyone who is unlucky enough to have certain colorblindness. The only bone we've been tossed is that it was made moddable, so that affected players themselves could try to craft a tolerable solution. It's still not ideal, not least of which because no player can alter that color-shifting behavior.
    me777 likes this.
  15. Wolfoot

    Wolfoot Ensign

    Sep 4, 2019
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    The worst part is the Ground Combat. Animation, AI and ennemy aiming are not interesting or too low quality in comparison of the graphic/construction gameplay.
    The second is the difficulty to build and repair vehicle without using factory and repair bay. We should have a way to display what is damaged and some help for building items by hand.
  16. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    This could be quite easily done by simply reusing the existing mechanisms in the [N] | Debug menu for showing structural integrity and airtightness; a new function for highlighting damaged blocks in progressive shades of (green to) red would solve the problem elegantly, and much of the code to implement it already exists in those other functions.[​IMG]
    I first suggested this perhaps four years ago. Still waiting.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
  17. -=Ice=-

    -=Ice=- Lieutenant

    Jul 5, 2017
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    This change was absolutely AWFUL today with
  18. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    1. I hate the UI. It is inconsistent, unintuitive, and hard to discover stuff. Please fire your UX team and hire another team and give them permission to redo the entire UI.
    2. The crosshair being too hard to see against a fast moving and busy background, eg underground in abandoned POIs with all the alien blocks.
    3. I hate that the Galaxy map search, the Registry,and the Map info panels are three separate things. Please turn these three things into one thing.

    3.1 I'm supposed to only have 3, but this ties in closely with Nr 3. There is no Captains Log that tells me where I've been and what I've discovered. Often I jsut want to try and find which planet I visited yesterday with all the Coper deposits..... Or where did I see that bunch of Alien POIs, etc.... The reson why this ties in with Nr 3 is that it should just hot-link. Click the item in the Captains Log to jump to the item on the map and see it's registry and info panel right there.

    3.2 As these things are all mean to to bea in a single interface, a search and sort and filter among them all.

    3.3 Search and sort on the Teleporter list.

    3.4 If I'm naming too many things, then they are actually all just one thing: A re-work of the UI.
  19. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    This is why you hate the UI, apparently... this feature does exist but you didn't find it. I've seen and used it myself but can't now in this moment tell you precisely how to navigate to it.
  20. Lhetre

    Lhetre Commander

    Jan 15, 2017
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    1) The motorbyke.
    2) Dinosaurs. Nothing Sci-fi about these cheap placeholders.
    3) Unbalanced combat / enemy AI.

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