Feedback Required Your most wanted QUALITY OF LIFE feature?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Allow triangles for decals that we define by their 3 vertices' coordinates. That's a fancy one, but... why not. This will allow exporting all kinds of shapes from 3d software to get in the game as lightweigth geometry.

    Allow materials for decals (to have hit effects and step sounds) and "IsAirtight" as property, so they can close a volume hermetically (they already collide with regular blocks).

    Allow texture tiling on decals.
    Tyrax Lightning and SightedNZ like this.
  2. ldog

    ldog Commander

    Oct 13, 2015
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    Fix all the shitty, overly loud, ear-raping sound effects.
    That would greatly improve my QOL.
    dichebach, VulcanTourist and me777 like this.
  3. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Please elaborate further in a constructive manner and not this 'I hate stuff' mentality you seem to have.
    Ephoie and Kassonnade like this.
  4. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Examples from my own experience: water generators; fuel generators; gravity generators; thrusters. Essentially, any and all powerful low-frequency continuous droning audio effects. I can tolerate considerable amplitude from momentary FX like weapons, but those droning sounds are burdensome, even at moderate volume levels with good headphones. At the very least their amplitudes need to be substantially reduced. Attenuation is an issue, too, rather lack of it: the water generators can be heard up to 150 meters away; that's crazy.

    It's soul-crushing to spend much time piloting any craft with all the but smallest thrusters not located so far away from the cockpit that it attenuates the sound, and then pile additional incessant droning of all those various "generators" on top of that. These effects are additive, too, even from multiples of the same object so that, for instance, in my high performance high-G shielded warp-capable SV that has eight generators I don't hear the droning of one generator, I hear the droning of all eight combined (at maximum signals-controlled usage).

    I like to maintain a good volume level so that I can have a chance to hear any subtle audio survival queues before something bites or shoots at me but, with all these over-the-top continuous audio effects in the game, it makes me want to rip off the headphones as soon as I've put them on. That is not a behavior that a developer should be trying to instigate. It should be desired that I want to leave the headphones on. For me, these excessive audio effects are the singular most ruinous element of the game.

    It's worth noting that I would attempt to modify these effects myself, and share the result with others who share my reaction to them, but they are encrypted and off limits to modding.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2021
    dichebach and me777 like this.
  5. Sanguis

    Sanguis Ensign

    Dec 3, 2021
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    Hotkeys, Yes I realize I'm the 30th person to suggest this.

    Hotkeys for each default switch in the main control and additional keys (can start unset of course) for the custom ones.
    Would be amazing to swap on auto-braking and turrets at will without having to enter a menu the way we can with shields. Basically just flesh it out so all of them can be hotkeyed the way lights/power/shields can.
    Ephoie, dichebach and me777 like this.
  6. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I would even ask for a 1-up on this:
    Hotkeys for changing the whole ship settings, like turret settings, active switches and everything else.
    So I would save 1 setting for target drones and 1 setting for targeting CV guns, for CV generators, for BA...
    could be easily saved by Ctrl+numer and reloaded by Alt+number.
    Sanguis, Ephoie and dichebach like this.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    We need the ability to categorize blueprints, local or from WS in folders and sub-folders. The 4 major categories according to type and the rest according to location WS local or internal are not enough anymore. Example suppose the player has CVs for figthting PVE or PVP those two categories could be two different folders. drag and drop would also be much useful. Blueprints management ingame is very basic.
    Ephoie and dichebach like this.
  8. Wolfoot

    Wolfoot Ensign

    Sep 4, 2019
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    - Add shortcuts for the differents switchs in vehicle/base panel (for custom & signal, and some general don't have shortcut too)
    The best is the ability to change that, vehicle by vehicle.
    dichebach likes this.
  9. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Most wanted:
    Walking on a moving ship and re-design cyro chamber to allow the players to log back and be kept inside the ship.
    Edit: For this to happen, I guess either another game studio makes a new game or the Eleon is taken over.

    1) Multiple turret configurations and a way to switch them quickly. (From toolbar 1 to 9, or weapon station panel)
    2) A button or shortcut (or from a "weapon station panel") to manually reload all weapons/turrets' ammo.
    3) A "weapon station seat", sitting on it would open the weapon station panel that allows the player to manage all turrets' targets.
    4) Anti-gravity Generator device for vessels. So they can float in the air without down thrusters.

    Nice to have:
    1) Drone spawnpad device for CV. (Drone roaming range: within 3km)
    2) Torpedo launcher device for CV. (Torpedo lock-on range: within 3km)
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
    dichebach likes this.
  10. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I came up with these things that I think are great and very necessary.-

    1 -Circular doors.-
    2 -Zoom for the personal drone.-
    3 -Custom size hangar doors.-
    4 -Elevator for ships.-
    5 -Personal shield for the character.-
    6 -Position body to ground for the character.-
    7 -Anti-radiation radio field to create in the personal constructor or add that function to the temperature regulator.-
    8 -Floor elevator for personal use.-
    9 -Add sound adjustment for vehicles.-
    10-Size of customizable ramps either for warehouses or bases.-
    11-Magnetic boots to walk in ships without gravity.-
    12-Life detector. Tricorder StarTreck style.-
    13-Hacking enemy turrets and robots.-
    14-Sentinel robot companion.-
    15-Anti-gravity detonator.-
    16-Laser barriers.-
    17-Invocation of a small ship to the chosen place.-
    Ephoie and dichebach like this.
  11. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Yes. Another day I was thinking about such a device when I got tired of ramps.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
  12. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    We do have elevator blocks already, and they're not dissimilar to the image on the left - that is to say, they consist of a cubic "wire-frame", and you can easily attach flat surfaces (thin walls) or even full-block walls to the outside, and apply whichever texture you like, along with doors or even windows.

    No, they don't have a movable platform, they just make anti-grav shafts, but they dress up nicely.

    This does, however, bring me to something I would love to see - a variation of the current elevator block, though one suited to raising and lowering larger things, like HV's and SV's.

    While we have a pretty good selection of things like Hanger Doors and Ramps, these are not always conducive to aesthetic building, or are too difficult to use well, so a large lift, which could be a "frameless" elevator block would be great. In fact, frameless elevator blocks would also be particularly nice as well, as these make for a great means of egress, but can be quite unsightly sticking out of a ship.
  13. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    If you actually play the game, there is ZERO need for him to elaborate, but I'll do it anyway:

    1. Chainsaw: too loud
    2. Harvester: WAY too loud
    3. Gravity generator: bit too loud
    4. Shield generator: bit too loud
    5. Motorcycle: too loud
    6. Thrusters: bit too loud
    etc., etc.

    ALL of these things should be either:
    (a) tied to their own individual audio channels in the app, and config file entries created to allow end-users/server owners to adjust them or at minimum
    (b) tied to a common "Machinery" channel and controlled by config file params

    Virtually every new person I bring to this game comments on these shitty, overly loud, ear-raping sound effects, and almost every experienced player I've ever asked comments on them as well. Eleon has been asleep at the wheel on this (and a dozen other minor adjustment issues) for literally years, and people chastising new forum members who comment on them doesn't help.
  14. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    I agree.

    However, there are about a dozen to a score ++ of more pressing "small" issues. If they get onto a re-texture path, it may be another 10 years before some of the pressing small issues get fixed.
  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Well yes there is need to elaborate, as the elements you mention are not the same for everyone. Devices and weapons/ tools may make noise (some require wearing ear protection in RL) and normally players should just have to lower the "sound effects" slider. It's ok to have tools and weapons sounds covering the background sounds.

    What I think is the problem is spatialization and balance. For many things it's eithr full on or silent, which makes all things appear on the same layer, and hard to imagin their positions in 3d space.

    As for "chastizing players" I am never going to encourage anyone to just come to the forum to degrade the ambiance by throwing sh*t to others or the developers. Let one or two pass, then the whole tribe comes shrieking afterwards. If players don't want to give more substance to their comments than a simple " fix your damn game" then they can just take a few more days to think of specifics before posting instead of imposing their tantrums on everyone.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
    Tarc Novar likes this.
  16. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I did not read all 17 pages but I read a few at the start and a couple at the end. Many suggestions are ones I would echo. Here is a few more.

    - Shift-F on any opned container to take all and close it.
    - Do not reset the shape/orientation of a block on the hotbar when adding more to the stack
    - Ability to search/sort planets / systems on the registry.
    - Even better, merge the registry into the map views.
    - Allow longer names for containers, or do not count color-code characters towards the name length limit
    - Option to Auto-sort only devices that are currently un-assigned, leave the ones already in a group where they are.
    - Smoother transition between space and planet
    - Truly round planets. Circumnavigating near the pole should be a much shorter trip than doing it near the equator.
    - Allow linking docked vessel to the main vessel enabling it's Guns, etc, at the cost of having docked vessels add to the CPU/power usage of the main vessel.
    - Signals from items, eg Shield or Ventilators, similar to the signal output from Landing Gear, to trigger things when the shield is on/off
    - Replace "Group switches" with more signals. Allow groups to be controlled by signals.
    - Hold ALT to move camera view point, let fo of ALT to steer ship. Allows steering / parking without resetting the camera view.
    - A device (eg land claim) that prevents a POI from respawning. (Which may be attacked and destroyed)
    - Input "field names" for LCDs from status / values of things, esp signals, fuel levels, O2 levels, speed, damage report,etc
    - New vessel class "Underwater vessel" capable of surviving pressure and diving down.
    - All containers to have the "take all" button in the same place. Currently some have the button top-right corner and others between the containers.
    - Standing under cover / under roof to provide protection from fire rain, etc.
    - While building: Mouse-wheel to rotate, Alt-Mouse-wheel to change axis. This is actually in a game tip somewhere but I can't seem to get it to work.
    - Copy shape, copy orientation.
    - Push buttons (Normal Open, push to close signal)
    - Faction shared bank account.

    I have many others but I think these are the one that are more likely to be "small enhancements", rather than my ideas for combining the best of Valheim, Space Engineers, EGS and 7dtd all into one monster game, right before adding full-on walk on ship, dock to moving vessel, Auto-pilot to match speed/etc, and constant accelleration to incredulous speed when traveling long distances through space.
  17. Tarc Novar

    Tarc Novar Commander

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Oh, so you resort to be a condescending jerk instead? In what reality did you figure that would help? Also, when did you become the spokesman for anyone other than yourself? You are just as bad as the person I mentioned before. If you want better discussions, stop being hostile to everyone who simply asks for better clarification.
    Germanicus likes this.
  18. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Are you telling me that you have never noticed how mind-numbingly loud the harvesters are when you are sitting in an HV cutting trees?

    I have talked to dozens of users about this issue, and the general issue of "ear rape" sound effects for various devices and items in the game, and I have never found a single person who expressed that they thought it was perfectly fine, no problem at all. Yet this seems to be exactly what you are doing by asking for "clarification:" suggesting that the issue is an obscure or special one that only a small fraction of users ever experience.

    Over the years, in any given thread on this board, the clarity of user feedback to Eleon has been muddied countless times by this type of frankly unnecessary nit-picking. THAT is why I took the time to comment.

    If you disagree and think that the sound effects are perfect how they stand, then say so. If you agree that there is a need for them to make changes, then say so. If you are not sure, then say so. If you would like the other guy to clarify that is fine too. But don't, by omission, imply that a problem another users is having is a "fringe" issue by asking for clarification about an issue that a seemingly overwhelming majority of people who play the game agree on: many of the sound effects are ear-rape.

    I can pose the same question to you: are you NOT familiar with the ear-rape sound effects? Does it not bother you? If it does, then why are you cluttering up this board and demeaning the input of another user at all?
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021
  19. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Guys, guys... it's CHRISTMAS. I'm not even spiritual, but I have a distinct desire for some peace on Earth.
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I already answered that in my post and even expanded on it. Sorry if someone jumped on you, but I tried to be constructive and polite. I will not speak for others here.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2021
    Ephoie likes this.

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