Feedback Required Wishlist: BUILDING blocks and structural devices

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 18, 2019.

  1. Draconian

    Draconian Ensign

    Mar 24, 2015
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    And auto deconstructor where you can setup on a destroyed ship. Leave and come back later and pickup material.
    KRanKO5 and Sup like this.
  2. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    We've been waiting for this (these) block for about a year. (need two of them since they're asymmetrical) I wish they'd hurry up!! I've wasted hours trying to work my designs around this block not being there. It's such a bloody obvious an necessary block, it's hard to believe it hasn't been included already!

  3. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    It's pretty obvious that one is missing since it's asymmetrical and would only be in one tab, in one section of the selections.

  4. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    These have to be the single most requested blocks. Why is it taking so long?!?!?

  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Because there is lack of ID's to produce new blocks as the ID's are getting used up by all kind of new additions.
    So it may take even longer than everyone expects :rolleyes:
  6. MindDrive

    MindDrive Ensign

    Dec 15, 2018
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    Good evening, I have a request for the modification of the grow plot (growingpot). I have tried to modify the attributes so the sprouts can be planted vertically (on wall) or inverted (on ceiling) but it seems that even though the grow plot can be rotated, the actual plantable surface does not follow the dirt texture, and no matter the rotation, only the "top most" surface can be planted (in relation to the core placement). I dunno how to program or use unity, but I have found out quite a bit with poking things with a stick till I get results... usually broken sticks or slivers... but this has me dumbfounded.

    I started a thread so if anyone could nudge me in the right direction or assist in making the mod-- much appreciation ^_^
  7. cgw 2

    cgw 2 Commander

    Oct 19, 2016
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    There really is a lack of the ability to load my 3d models into the game.
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    RedSamurai, KRanKO5 and Germanicus like this.
  9. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    Block Shapes:

    Inside and outside corners. Specifically, the blocks needed to complete the interior trim, whichever block-shape group is chosen.

    "Edge Round Medium Double" is a good inside corner for large trim. The outside corner- "A Corner Outside Medium" is available. That block set only needs a "3-Way Inside Corner" to continue the trim upwards from the inside corner.

    I like those block shapes, but they are large.

    The group that includes "Edge Round Low Quarter" would be an excellent choice for expansion. That would give a small and large option for trim work.

    Needed shapes would be:

    "2-way Inside Corner" - same as the "Edge Round Medium Double", and "3-Way Inside corner"- same as for the larger quarter-round.

    For more industrial applications, adding the "3-Way Inside Corner" to the family of "Beam" shapes would be awesome, as there are two outside corner options, and the 2-Way Inside Corner is already there.

    Block Families:

    "Centered Blocks"

    The "Cylider" clan and "CorridorPillarD" are the only centered blocks. I use those shapes alot, but even the "Cylinder Thin" is rather large. The lonely "CorridorPillarD" is the only small centered block. I really love all the texture zones on that piece.

    A centered "Beam" and a centered round beam would be awesome.

    Quarter-Size Centered Blocks

    Very useful as lighting alternatives, when using Emissive Textures on blocks. (EGS is becoming a very nice looking game with a hefty GPU requirement.)

    I am currently using "Corner Round A Low Quarter" for this purpose, But this requires placing this corner block as a pair- there's no way to center it in an odd or even number span.

    Texturable blocks that mimic the shape of the light fixtures would be awesome. The 3 versions of "Light 3", and "Light 6" are my favorites.

    A small, centered half-sphere would be double awesome.

    Stairs for all Material Types.

    This would allow exterior-grade Staircases made of Combat Steel or Reinforced Concrete.

    As an old carpenter, I am a super nit-picker when it comes to finish work. Thanks for reading. EGS is the GOAT for building, Keep it up!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
  10. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    The 2 block Captain seat that seat is positioned in the middle just like that 2 block door.

    Attached Files:

  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Isn't that a 1-block door and 1-block captain console ? You want a centered seat on 1 block or on 2 blocks ?
  12. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Those are 2 block Captain console and door. I wish the seat is centered.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Sorry, you're right. Didn't click the image and saw bad perspective from the thumbnail... hem... :rolleyes:

    Long time I didn't check the CV cockpits, I don't even remember that one. Looks like the panel on the left side must be blocking the view when in 1st person...
  14. AmicusJose

    AmicusJose Lieutenant

    Aug 10, 2021
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    Such a captain console (seat centered) is for a ship design that has its width in even number. The majority of ships are 3, 5, 7, or 9 blocks wide.
    But for even number width ships there's no centered seat for them.
    I guess that's probably why no players design them.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2022
    Runeshadow, cmguardia and Kassonnade like this.
  15. Brollox Bittergal

    Brollox Bittergal Ensign

    Dec 22, 2021
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    Hi there, Not sure if this request fits here or not :)..

    How much of an effort will it be to add an extra feature to the texturing tool so that we can change the color of the glowing bits without changing the color of the whole texture? Everything is already there, just add a little more customization options?

    Below is my attempt at paint to better explain:

    Blue textured glowing bits
    Painted over a white base texture
    Gives you something looking more or less like this:
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2021
    jesterjunk likes this.
  16. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    This is a good point. There are several families of blocks that have a missing shape to complete a design. I started a few projects with an even-number span, but got frustrated and went back to odd-number designs.

    In addition to the two-block Cockpit with a centered seat, I would add:

    Ramp-toppers. Try to build a traditional looking house with a peaked roof, and you will see the needed shape at the top.

    It is actually a huge project, when you start to realize all the additional shapes required to fill out a new family of blocks!

    I hate to plug another game here, but a great reference for block shapes is 7 Days to Die. Not that we need to build subdivisions full of traditional single-family homes, but they have a few awesome POI designers who have assembled a very impressive set of building tools and shapes. Don't worry, EGS is still the GOAT for building. You will be back here soon- 7DTD has some crippling difficulties in their actual building mechanics, and creative mode is SO weird :)

    AmicusJose likes this.
  17. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Most of these are about differently-sized versions of existing parts, but two of the entries are about weirdness with said parts.
    • 1x1x2, 1x1x3, and 2x2x2 CV thrusters
      • Sometimes you don't have the right symmetry to use a 2x2x4, and sometimes you just don't need the power of a 2x2x4. I have a few designs that I'd have made a lot more compactly/differently if I'd had a 1x1x3 thruster.
      • Along with the above, 1x1x1 CV thrusters could really use a sloped variant.
    • Sloped and/or enclosed variants for all SV thrusters/jets
      • Again, a 1x1x1 slope would be nice.
      • In a sufficiently compact SV, thruster jets leave all kinds of internals exposed. Eww. Sloped or enclosed (at least around the exhaust) variants would let me hide all the guts.
    • Deco blocks for SVs/HVs. I have this nice, roomy, shielded, armored SV - I want to sleep in it! I also want to decorate it - a nice potted plant in the corner would really bring the cockpit together. :V
    • Mirrored half-size LCDs: upload_2021-12-22_12-11-46.png
      Currently, I can't put two half-size LCDs next to each other unless I do some really weird stuff with negative font sizes.
    • These window shapes:
      Let me see out of the windows without a bunch of bars in the way! :D
    • Larger/differently-shaped generator/fuel tank/O2 tank options for SVs/HVs. 1x1x3, 1x2x2, 2x2x2 would be nice. In this case, it's both about symmetry and reducing part count.
      • Really, upsizing any of the currently 1x1x1 blocks would be nice for part count purposes.
      • I could add on to this, similar variants for CV fuel tanks - except for 1x2x2, which already exists.
    • Larger cargo containers (and cargo pallets) for SVs/HVs - 2x2x4, 3x3x6, 4x4x8 come immediately to mind for the standard containers, and it'd be nice to have a "real" cargo pallet in there. Again, this is also about part count - 2 containers vs. 12 or 16 of them.

    A couple of other things that may not be entirely valid for the thread, but they came up while I was writing:
    • v1 and v2 thruster jets are literally the same thing, with a slightly different market price? Shouldn't a v2 version be better in some way?
    • Non-jet v2 thrusters (1x1x2 and 1x1x3 have their thrust:weight ratio set in such a way that, depending on vessel size, they're sometimes a downgrade. See below for the T2 example (mass and thrust highlighted in green):
      The T2 thruster (in this case) should either have its thrust set to ~314kN, or its mass set to ~383kg to match the power of the v1 thruster. And then probably even more thrust or less mass, since it's supposed to be an improvement.

      Currently, you need a fairly absurdly-sized vessel to make the v2 thrusters worth the extra mass they add, and at that point you have a REALLY big ship and should be thinking about using jets instead. Except most of the jets are 2x2, which means that you have symmetry problems. :D
    • Someone early in this thread suggested modular thrusters. That'd be neat, and solve a lot of the issues with needing extra thruster sizes by allowing you to build arbitrary sizes. Have it similar to container controllers, where you have exhausts (1x1x1, 1x2x2, 1x3x3, maybe even 1x4x4 and 1x5x5, with some sloped variants that took up a cubic space and provided some "built-in" thrust modules) and then the "thrust modules" that just stack behind the thrusters. Below is a sort of mock-up of what I had in mind:
      The plain steel blocks represent the exhausts, while the colored blocks would be the "thrust modules."

      The concept is pretty simple: Each exhaust needs at least one block behind it, and it can have an arbitrary number of connected blocks - as long as they're behind an exhaust.

      Blocks in red are invalid - the ones on the 5x5 because there's no thrust module behind it (making the entire exhaust invalid,) and the stray thrust modules at the bottom because they're not behind a connected exhaust (note the single cyan block - that's valid because it's connected to a valid thrust module AND behind an exhaust connected to those thrust modules.) Ignore the weird reflection onto the blue of the 3x3.

      A challenge would be deciding which thrust modules corresponded to which thruster - this could probably be solved by making the thrust modules only connect on the top and bottom, and using that axis to decide which group a module is part of. Like container controllers, it wouldn't let you place an exhaust where it would connect to another exhaust. Note that unlike container controllers, you can put thrust modules next to each other - there'd need to be other connection logic in place to handle that.

      Power would probably be easy - each module would provide an additional <x>% thrust at a cost of <y> power.

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  18. Runeshadow

    Runeshadow Captain

    Dec 25, 2015
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    +1 ^^ "Let me see out of the windows without a bunch of bars in the way! :D"

    I have thought of this as well. I know it is possible to program the blocks so that when they are placed side-by-side, the borders of the touching blocks will disappear. That would create 1 large window in the shape that you defined. 7DTD did that with window trim: Each piece morphs into the next one and they all blend.

    You can kinda do that with the heavy windows, but you are limited to 45 degree angles- there are no 22.5 shapes in that block family

    After that, the problem was "Flickering" where the two morphed items would be flickering when the game could not decide which part to render...
  19. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Also Minecraft, on the Big Reactors mod - the various pieces will join into a single unit with borders around the edges. On one hand, I wouldn't mind seeing that happen with a lot of blocks - on the other hand, that'd probably cause issues with texturing.

    I think that's called Z-fighting? I know exactly what you mean, though. :p
  20. etmoonshade

    etmoonshade Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    And once again, 2x3 (and 3x3) windows would make this look SO much better. And I don't even know what I'm going to do with the inside:

    Edited to add:
    Look at this lovely, unobstructed view out the cockpit! :V
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021

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