DEV BLOG Update 1.7 Feature Survey: Results!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Jan 11, 2022.

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  1. VISION305

    VISION305 Rear Admiral

    Dec 17, 2016
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    As one of the more experienced players of Empyrion, to me the game mechanics that need the most looking at are the late game mechanics:
    Ground combat, base raiding, ship boarding, exploration, more variety in what you come across in the galaxy and more rewards for exploring.

    The mission system in the game is not that great to be honest. The main problem I see is that it is pretty strict in the order and way you have to do things. It can also be buggy. Those missions should allow much more freedom in how you complete them otherwise they dont seem to fit well in the game since it is an open world sandbox type game. Those missions tend to intrude and interfere with the game experience and so I tend to avoid them. I tried to like them but they arent quite where they need to be and I feel they went in the wrong direction with the mechanics of it all.

    The mechanic of base raiding is also very clonky. Best way to do it is to dig a tunnel to the enemy base and try to get inside and avoid those extremely annoying and ridiculous base defenses. This is one of the most important late game activities and it needs some serious tweaking and possibly rework/overhaul or better tools and ways to do it. In my opinion, the main issue are the turrets. I think ground patrols are close to being on point though I still think combat should be a bit more towards the sim style and less towards the arcade style. Longer distance and more stealth mechanics would be better than what we currently have but I do think it is way better than where it used to be.

    Being able to board ships, being able to move around a ship as it is still moving. Those would be fantastic late game mechanics to see.
    Ephoie, Andreykl and akimzav like this.
  2. Iffy Obelus

    Iffy Obelus Ensign

    Jul 2, 2021
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    Yes, please, please! Polish and bug fixes. Especially things that affect new players.

    I recently persuaded a friend to try the game with me. She got so frustrated with the bugs and the "fiddly things" that I couldn't get her to play a second time. Interestingly, she pointed out things that had confused and bothered me a lot when I started and now I'm so used to that it doesn't matter as much (but would still be a relief, like when a pain stops that you had gotten so used to you didn't notice anymore.)

    Make it feel smooth and solid, especially in the early game. Then people will be able to appreciate what a wonderful game it is.
    shadowfoxx6, akimzav and Wellingtoon like this.
  3. TerriWild

    TerriWild Ensign

    Jan 23, 2021
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    What bugs me most about EGS:
    Well, i want more Story. Who was the traitor? What happened.
    Regarding so called "Endgame" content, there is nothing really to do which would matter.

    Multiplayer is even worse. In the sense of Ark. Either no chance to gather ressources or theire is no "galaxy" at all.

    For me the Game needs far more dynamic content.
    bluemax151 likes this.
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    The Story as such is written by ONE Man. So...stay calm and wait until he releases more:NewGrinning::NewWink:
    Ephoie, Foofaspoon and Escarli like this.
  5. recaltotal

    recaltotal Ensign

    Jan 18, 2022
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    I know I'm a little late to the upcoming and a new player I came here from Space Engineers (before the hate lemmi finish).

    I have not played the earlier version(before 1.7 so cannot give feedback) but..

    Since coming over to EGS I can say I have Enjoyed the transition the game runs great we have 2 servers running on it
    There are a few things I find nice and others I would like modified or changed.

    I love the graphics as a voxel style game you cannot get pristine +++ graphics its just not viable however you guys have done a great job
    But I dislike the Graphics Transition from flight in and out of planets.

    I love the massive universe you can travel in
    But it is so hard to Navigate across it.

    I love the many Weapons and Tools choices this gives a nice choice of Options
    but some guns are slightly unbalanced IE the heavy Sniper is OP(even though I use it).

    Factions could use some Work you get on there bad side and its almost impossible to regain there rep constant attacks gets tedious.

    I love the Flight steering and overall ship controls
    but I Dislike that you have very limited options for putting things into you toolbar on ship(might be me missing something) IE i would like to be able to turn my thrusters/turrets off from the toolbar so I don't need to go into ship menu constantly.
    I also Dislike that when you "dock" to your ship it often bugs out flipping your ship around and once you get into a Perpetual Spin when you undock it struggles to fly out before it redocks and start flipping again.
    I also would love to see more Options in the turret controls for things like Range/what to target (yes this is there but its so basic its hardly worth acknowledging).

    Might also give a little nudge Of respect for how well and Optimized the game runs for servers.

    Overall the game is great and I'm so happy for the Updates and Changes (I have spoken to a few players from my server who are Pre 1.7)

    Keep up the good work

    bluemax151, SacredGlade and akimzav like this.
  6. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    100% Agree, a lot of irritants.

    Buggy mission system; Turrets that ignore range limit; AI that does nothing when hit; Player flying away when something lands on top of player; Player flying away when leaving cabin upside down; Constructor's window not opening correct container after being switched; Constructor not displaying progress correctly even in SP; Not being able to use wireless inventory when accessing things like repair station and armor locker; No way to get your ship down if you fell; long waiting for blueprints in SP to be built.

    This game has a lot of small, but very irritating things.

    My personal wish list:
    - Blueprints should stop being an unlimited inventory. They should have a physical representation in world. Like: place portable projector, select, blueprint, add materials, print...
    - Ability to add signals into toolbar
    - 'GIN' to have a proper UI, that 'welcome' message becomes old fast and 'text mode' of interaction is awful.
    - Replace all flying drones with block based vessels, it's a lot more fun to fight something that behaves like it's hit and not just shakes and moves on.
    - A bit more 'life' and variety for space. ex: freighters shouldn't be static, they should leave planet and get back periodically, they should attempt to escape when too damaged or against strong opponent, call reinforcements, e t c.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
    shadowfoxx6, akimzav and SacredGlade like this.
  7. shadowfoxx6

    shadowfoxx6 Ensign

    Apr 22, 2018
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    i love the idea of going through and just having a like big patch that would just go through and tweak and polish all the new stuff that has been added over time also them fixing the rendering distance would be great. something like that has been long overdue and could benefit everyone. freshening up the UI wouldn't hurt either

    also hope they fixed the turrets so they keep firing the whole time through longer battles.

    i have to log out and back in to fix this or sometimes restart my server.
  8. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Bugs that bug me aren't even glitches, they added them for fear effect: Spiders :/ by comparison I miss Omnicron without Spiders but just with a scorpion over the hill that you had to kite to get to your promethium *reminisces about Pre-Alpha*
  9. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    That can be done by the player. I have experimented with quadruple values in gameoptions.yaml for DSLDistancePlanet and DSLDistanceSpace for a few hundred play hours in SP, also in Reforged Eden. You do have to uncomment the values, and you do have to start a new game for the change to take effect. Mods like RE may have their own version of gameoptions.yaml.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You shouldn't have to start a new game if you edit the gameoptions file under the save game folder.
    J'ee likes this.
  11. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    The savegame folder version... didn't think of that, thanks Ravien.
  12. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    What do those parameters supposed to do?
  13. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I'll let Ravien or Vermillion, or a dev reply in depth. Let me first though point out that I didn't initially read that Ravien was talking about the savegame version of the file, at first. The game copies that from the scenario's folder and then uses the copy in the saves folder for in general, game setup and mechanics. Some of the options appear in the options screen for a new game like the CPU toggle, and others are useful for server admins such as setting whether a thruster may be blocked or not. Some are mysterious to me and I don't know what they do.
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The DSL (Dynamic Structure Loading) distance is the range the game will render POIs and patrol vessels. By default it's 1200m on planets and 3000m in space but you can increase this to pretty much anything you want. Obviously it has a performance impact so it's recommended to keep it at default.
  15. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I see. So I suppose lower values should improve performance one needs to be careful not to use lower enough that might result in funny situations i.e lower rendering number and the PV pops up on view so close to the player.

    Thank you.
  16. Thivik

    Thivik Commander

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Here is what I would like to see...

    You know how you can add aliens to your base/cv... I'd like to see those blocks contribute to the base/cv functionality. Like having troops on your side that patrol the base perimeter and shoot at mobs. or a doctor that will create med packs and the like if the cargo containers have the right goods, or an engineer that can pump out my power to engines / shields, or works on repairs, or a science officer that improves scanner ranges (and possibly can locate missions). If done well, it could add a lot of immersion to the game.
    Kassonnade and recaltotal like this.
  17. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Co-op mode would be fun - but single-player is breakable enough.
    Besides, the vast majority of what I've seen that is considered multiplayer consists exclusively of:

    Spawn Ship
    Fly around in circles shooting at ship
    Blow up ship

    Not saying this is all that does happen, it's just all I ever see.

    Some co-op story would probably be great, but that means creating a lot more PDA entries and a good bit of time invested in making these work in that kind of environment.
  18. Israel

    Israel Commander

    May 8, 2017
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    Why is there only a choice for single player content but not multiplayer content?

    Anyways, i think one of the biggest things this game needs is simplicity of controls, a standard structural & balanced building foundation, & performance improvements; because while visuals are nice its pointless if you can't play it fluently.

    A possible solution that may help the performance issue, is giving the player more options of changing the graphics quality of the game; so that each player can set the quality of their game according to their Computers ability.
    Last edited: May 10, 2022
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's not too hard to design missions for coop or MP compared to SP. If anything, adding the necessary checks will make it less likely for missions to break even in SP anyway. They simply don't use most of the mission config options available to them in the PDA and dialog systems and so missions break even when solo.
  20. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    game mechanics across the board. quality of life stuff too! Hey add fires to stuff when you take damage :p
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